Dakar mission

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Audiences we can uniquely reach •  We know Genera+on X, Y and Z •  We know the Na+on needs STEM talent in “all” of its industry (STEAM) and from “all” Her people. •  Why… because we have taken over 11 years of proprietary diversity programs and combined them with a newly created capability that is fused, flexible and tailored in an internet tool that thinks and acts like the genera+ons who are: being influenced, trained and deciding their future…we created Homage.

Fallen 66, Buffalo Soldiers Red tails STEAM boot camp, Visiting Speakers and Internship programs

Fallen 66, Buffalo Soldiers Red tails

Army Corps of Engineer

Fallen 66, Buffalo Soldiers Red tails,iPatriots

Means, Ways and Ends

Generation X Born: 1966-1976 Coming of Age: 1988-94 Age in 2004: 28 to 38 Current Population: 41 million Sometimes referred to as the “lost” generation, this was the first generation of “latchkey” kids, exposed to lots of daycare and divorce. Known as the generation with the lowest voting participation rate of any generation, Gen Xers were quoted by Newsweek as “the generation that dropped out without ever turning on the news or tuning in to the social issues around them.

”Gen X is often characterized by high levels of skepticism, “what’s in it for me” attitudes and a reputation for some of the worst music to ever gain popularity. Now, moving into adulthood William Morrow (Generations) cited the childhood divorce of many Gen Xers as “one of the most decisive experiences influencing how Gen Xers will shape their own families”.

Gen Xers are arguably the best educated generation with 29% obtaining a bachelor’s degree or higher (6% higher than the previous cohort). And, with that education and a growing maturity they are starting to form families with a higher level of caution and pragmatism than their parents demonstrated. Concerns run high over avoiding broken homes, kids growing up without a parent around and financial planning.

Generation Y Millenniums  Born: 1977-94 Coming of Age: 1998-06 Age in 2004: 10 to 22 Current Pop: 71 million The largest cohort since the Baby Boomers, their high numbers reflect their births as that of their parent generation. Gen Y kids are known as incredibly sophisticated, technology wise, immune to most traditional marketing and sales pitches...as they not only grew up with it all, they’ve seen it all and been exposed to it all since early childhood.

Gen Y members are much more racially and ethnically diverse and they are much more segmented as an audience aided by the rapid expansion in Cable TV channels, satellite radio, the Internet, e-zines, etc.

Gen Y are less brand loyal and the speed of the Internet has led the cohort to be similarly flexible and changing in its fashion, style consciousness and where and how it is communicated with. Gen Y kids often raised in dual income or single parent families have been more involved in family purchases...everything from groceries to new cars. One in nine Gen Yers has a credit card co-signed by a parent.

Generation Z Â Born: 1995-2012 Coming of Age: 2013-2020 Age in 2004: 0-9 Current Population: 23 million+

While we don’t know much about Gen Z yet...we know a lot about the environment they are growing up in. This highly diverse environment will make the grade schools of the next generation the most diverse ever.

Higher levels of technology will make significant inroads in academics allowing for customized instruction, data mining of student histories to enable pinpoint diagnostics and remediation or accelerated achievement opportunities.

Gen Z kids will grow up with a highly sophisticated media and computer environment and will be more Internet savvy and expert than their Gen Y forerunners. More to come on Gen Z...stay tuned.

Next time we will start to take a more in-depth look at the most significant and impactful of the generational cohorts and what implications there might be for libraries and librarians. Â

Homage: Vision and commitment HOMAGE provide an online community experience providing relevant newswire content and sta+s+cs, exclusive footage, as well as the opportunity for some of the content to be presented at social media events worldwide. (Next scheduled event hPp://socialmediaweek.org/.) HOMAGE Give tailored audiences an interac+ve experience by crea+ng a community that can screen the content together and par+cipate in a live-­‐moderated panel discussion. As an important part of the HOMAGE programming mix we will spotlight Genera2on Z centric cinema+c stories that can inspire and entertain, as well as provide opportuni+es for the audience to interact with each event. HOMAGE'S commitment to self-­‐discovery will provide the ideal plaSorm to highlight diverse stories about Genera2on Z, families, and S.T.E.M. HOMAGE will deliver the very best content to our audience and give them ways to connect through stories that move them. There is a wide-­‐ranging audience hungry for access to profound content of substance and originality, which HOMAGE will bring to a broader audience via real-­‐+me blogging.

Proven Methodology…users tell the story, or tell “their” unique story

PROVEN: The first installment of HOMAGE will deliver a fully immersive database,

layered with lifestyle news programming spotligh+ng individuals and group achievement by underserved, underepresented communi+es. Extensions will include parents and teachers. Programming will feature focused efforts to target the Na+on’s largest minority popula+ons.

WHAT’S NEW: Finding the talent within the polua+ons hPp://stemconnector.com/ ,

and case studies hPp://issuu.com/dakarinterac+ve/docs/exc2012fyw_stem_final . To provide a catalyst to viewer experience via an Homage channel of selected cinema+c, cable and online content designed to elicit uploaded user generate content to increase size portals Klout ra+ng. HOMAGE will license unique, quality and award winning content such as www.forloveofliberty.com that will provide historical and restora+ve content that can inform, entertain, educate, in spire and engage audiences with history about who “they” are.

Discussion points Product: Primacy in a web site that op+mizes the following: -­‐-­‐Access to 571 million social media users via Universal Browser Compa+bility -­‐-­‐ Fused social network features and capabili+es for real +me pos+ng, blog, community membership -­‐-­‐Ac+ve Mobile Network registra+on and community no+fica+on Design team tasked with the following: -­‐-­‐ Development of artwork for all brands, artwork, icons, caricatures, images and general content -­‐-­‐ Implementa+on of aesthe+c layout for site looks and feels, component features and capabili+es Test team tasked with the following: -­‐-­‐ Review of specifica+on as it pertains to site func+onality, features and capabili+es -­‐-­‐ Review of all components to ensure customer experience is forgiving and intui+ve-­‐-­‐ Ensure the overall delivery of site is feature rich and compa+ble with current standards COST AND BUDGET The overall cost for the proposed SOW is based on two parts, DEVELOPMENT and SITE MANAGEMENT. Breakdown of fees and services is as follows: Development of rela+onal database, web site portal, populated within Social Network Capable site is set at a Upfront FIXED COST OF $25.000.00 Site management to moderate, update, maintain and populate with current content on a weekly basis is set at a FIXED COST OF $750 per month.

Other Extended Features to Implement NEW COMPONENTS is as follows: -­‐-­‐ Mobile Smart Phone and iPad/Reader Viewing Op+miza+on FIXED COST of $1200 -­‐-­‐ Search Engine Op+miza+on for Increased Traffic FIXED MONTHLY COST of $150 -­‐-­‐ Customized Video and Streaming Media Player FIXED COST of $250 -­‐-­‐ Membership No+fica+on and NewslePer Management $25 per hr. for 2 hour weekly development and delivery PAYMENT SCHEDULE Fees for development of database and web site framework are due at signing: the site COST of $25.000.00 All other fees are set based on maintenance and on going schedule once launched. Extended Features are con+ngent on approval and whether or not the client would want the capabili+es and features for those specific EXTENDED FEATURES ready for launch or implemented in phase 2.

Milestones to Success TIME LINES Six weeks from design to product The six-week schedule: Week 1 -­‐ 3: Develop database and framework for social media site-­‐ Week 4: Integrate known records and test search, mapping and pos+ng features (Beta)-­‐ Week 5: Test alpha portal, refine features to ensure 100% func+onality and capabili+es-­‐ Week 6: Go live with fully func+onal des+na+on launch, Feb. 2013 FEB. 18th Social Media Week 2013 -­‐ Upon launch we will support and manage the portal and site community.

Summary •  DAKAR interac+ve has created a capability that is fused, flexible and tailored in an internet tool that thinks and acts like the genera+ons who are: being influenced, trained and deciding their future. •  There is nothing like us now and the ROI for access to 571 million internet users…in their language is unprecented

Media Week…detailed

Aggregates leaders, mangers of social media and digital delivery for outreach and messaging to Generations X (PARENTS) Y (YOUNG ADULTS) Z ( TARGET MARKETS) inside of Social Media Week. Our Townhall will feature a speaker bureau of social media mavens and pundits. believes that a good story well told can make a difference in how youth sees the world of Diversity and Military Service and Sacrifice. Examples For Love Of Liberty. was designed to distribute compelling, entertaining stories that create awareness of the history of minority par2cipa2on in defending the na2on for future genera2ons on every pla]orm. seeks to entertain audiences first, then to invite them to par2cipate in making a difference. facilitates specific social ac2on campaigns for each film and documentary designed to give a voice to issues that resonate in bought, earned, owned and influen2al media. teams with social sector organiza2ons non-­‐profits Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Founda2on and corpora2ons who are commi`ed to crea2ng an open forum for discussion, educa2on and who can offer specific ways for audience members to get involved. includes ac2on kits, screening programs, educa2onal curriculums and classes,, seminars, panels and other ac2vi2es and are ongoing "legacy" programs that are updated and revised to con2nue beyond the stories normal consumer shelf life

The Team


Social | Impact Consul2ng, LLC, a startup based in Los Angeles, offers a full suite of professional consul+ng services in four core areas: fundraising, social media strategy, community outreach, and research. As a consul+ng firm with a na+onal footprint, Social | Impact Consul+ng has successfully developed solu+ons for clients in mul+ple industries that include nonprofits, charter schools, associa+ons & causes, ins+tu+ons of higher educa+on, local government, and small business. Social | Impact Consul+ng is in the human capital business. Our team of consultants is leveraging its exper+se in mul+ple disciplines to bring to bear the greatest value to clients in each of our four core areas. We apply a high-­‐touch philosophy to all that we do, which means that each of our clients gets around-­‐the-­‐clock access and an abundance of care to ensure we exceed their expecta+ons.


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