fallen 66 overview

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LAUNCH OF HOMAGE SITE TO FRAME SERVICE AND SACRIFICE PAST AND PRESENT HOMAGE TO THE FALLEN 66 (F66) is a web based social media action campaign to create awareness and a call to action for all who are drawn to the site. FE66 will present a social registry database, and narrative of the men and women who have given all for their country. The first chapter will focus on a dwindling speaker bureau of Documented Tuskegee Airmen (DOTA’s) to offer living history case studies for diversity training workshops and forums to the site. F66 will use the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) http://www.abmc.gov/home.php to establish a statement of purpose in providing vetted detailed data and narrative for the Fallen Eagles 66 that is missing in the current ABMC database. The sacrifice of more than 218,000 U.S. servicemen and women is memorialized at locations in Europe. Nearly 125,000 American war dead are buried at ABMC cemeteries, with an additional 94,000 individuals commemorated on Tablets of the Missing. F66 will partner with government agencies in distributing desired messages in the areas of diversity-­‐inclusion, engagement, and outreach via their respective diversity programs. FE66 will also engage private and public organizations/companies who are trying to connect and celebrate the theme of “Service and Sacrifice” by people of color and gender. F66 will feature a social media forum that will provide a multi-­‐platform experience featuring documentary films, licensed excerpts of theatrical releases, original cable programming, a news blog, and website for service members, families and civilians associated who have been personally impacted by “ Service and Sacrifice” past and present. F66 will give the audience an interactive experience by creating a community that can screen the content together and participate in a live-­‐moderated panel discussion (town-­‐hall) that result in producing user-­‐generated content for the site. As an important part of the FE66 programming mix we will spotlight obscure heroes of color and gender to inspire and entertain, as well as provide research material that previously has not been catalogued. The first installment of F66 will deliver a fully immersive database of the Tuskegee Airmen Experience that will accession the men and women’s service, while creating a detailed registry of


the Tuskegee Airmen war dead. The F66 is the first chapter in our quest to create a larger database project that will lead to a “Faces Of The Fallen portal to provide some same level of detail to the 6,000 plus that have made the ultimate sacrifice during the longest war in U.S. military history. F66 will spotlight service-­‐members killed in action since the Global-­‐War-­‐On-­‐ Terror, with features to allow visitors to customize their search and queries by ethnicity and gender. The launch of F66 will coincide with the 10th anniversary of the post 9/11 Memorial Day Observances, May 28, 2012. This feature provides a layer of diversity not previously offered in similar databases combined with a screening program to drive traffic to the website of the groundbreaking documentaries like “For Love Of Liberty” www.forloveofliberty.com, and the George Lucas film “Red Tails” http://teamredtails.com/ will provide rich content that will provide a more compelling experience to entertain, educate, and engage the audience, celebrating diversity, one story at a time. TIME LINES Implementation / Execution We propose a six-­‐week time line for the design, development, implementation, test and launch of the proposed SOW. This entails the implementation for the proposed database structured within a destination web site that has features for social network interaction with real-­‐time posting capabilities as noted in the body of this document. The six-­‐week schedule is as follows: -­‐ Week 1 -­‐ 3: Develop database and framework for social media site -­‐ Week 4: Integrate known records and test search, mapping and posting features (Beta) -­‐ Week 5: Test alpha site, refine features to ensure 100% functionality and capabilities -­‐ Week 6: Go live with fully functional destination launch. -­‐ Upon launch we will support and manage the portal and site community Execution would entail: MySQL database and programming development team developing framework to deliver the web site with optimization for the following: -­‐-­‐Universal Browser Compatibility -­‐-­‐ Social network features and capabilities for real time posting, blog, community membership -­‐-­‐Active Mobile Network registration and community notification Design team tasked with the following: -­‐-­‐ Development of artwork for all brands, artwork, icons, caricatures, images and general content -­‐-­‐ Implementation of aesthetic layout for site looks and feels, component features and capabilities Test team tasked with the following: COST AND BUDGET The development of relational database, web site portal, populated within Social Network Capable site is based on two parts, DEVELOPMENT and SITE MANAGEMENT. Breakdown of fees and services by hour: Attached separate document


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