What we heard Based on our limited /me together, we understand the following to be things you’re challenged with, and things you’d like us to help you be be;er at. You want to increase the number of middle school kids in the program (feeding the future) You want to connect more closely with conference par/cipants You want to extend the value you deliver to sponsors You don’t have a marke/ng team, and need help with innova/ve ways to connect
Our approach to problem solving There is no canned solu/on to your challenges. However, we’ve done this long enough to know that every client shares one thing in common – a desire to be more effec/ve at engaging with their exis/ng cons/tuents, and a;rac/ng new ones. We bring a proven approach to problem solving that allows us to quickly get to the right answer. It’s a methodology focused on craJing closer connec/ons between you and your audience, and it is rooted in the art of experience design
Defining Experience Design Good Experience Design is about crea/ng persuasive branded customer experiences. In today’s mul/-‐channel world, Experience Design has evolved into the art of persuasion, designing for emo/on and trust to create new levels of customer engagement and commitment across a wide variety of digital and physical experiences.
We are “Architects of Persuasion” We design and deliver game changing customer experiences across a wide variety of plaQorms, turning complex into compelling.
CraEing Great Experiences Grounded in a clear understanding of consumer needs Business
Balanced against business goals and brand aspira/ons Powered by technology, considerate of it’s environment
Consumer Experience
Tethered to a rigorous methodology
The experience design process 1
Conduct User Research
Identify Business Needs
Create Engagement Strategy
Create Hi-res Comps & Style Guide
3-‐4 weeks
Explore Execution Concepts
3-‐4 weeks
Integrate Back-end
Conduct User Testing
Assemble Content
Assess Competitive Landscape
Build Screens
Create Wireframes & Functional Specs
Create Connection Strategy
Explore the Brand
Create Personas & Scenarios
Identify Voice & Tone Guidelines
6-‐12 weeks
Continuously Collect User Feedback
Measure & Track Results
Variable 6
Discover phase overview 1
• Business Analyst • Experience Lead • Information Architect Identify Business Needs
• Experience Researcher • Experience Lead Explore the Brand
• Information Architect Assess Competitive Landscape
Purpose Ar/culate the vision, goals and objec/ves for the ini/a/ve Create a common understanding across the team on the high-‐level objec/ves Define scope and requirements Iden/fy best prac/ces in the space Understand specific audience needs & behaviors Understand needs of each target audience Explore brand messaging
• Experience Researcher • Experience Lead Create Personas & Scenarios
But without something specific to focus on, or a specific goal to address, the phased approach solves nothing.
So let’s start with the basics Prior to being able to focus on a set of problems to solve, we need to get a be;er understanding of the marke/ng savvy of your organiza/on, to help us understand your appe/te for innova/on, and to help us be clear on your goal(s). We propose an ini/al “Immersion Workshop” to help us all align on some fundamental pieces of your business. This Immersion Workshop will be an intensive 5 day engagement which consists of both individual and group mee/ngs, and culminates in a clearly defined vision for our engagement, based on the things your team has defined as cri/cal to their success. 9
Things to explore together We’d be interested in geang a be;er understanding of your posi/on or strategies around some of the following Marke/ng pillars:
Brand Iden/ty & Posi/oning Audience Segmenta/on Engagement Strategy Connec/ons Planning Communica/on Strategy
Campaign Strategy Media Strategy CRM Strategy Iden/ty Management Product Strategy
Focus on the foundaTon We’d like to spend some /me with the mission cri/cal people within your organiza/on to get a be;er grasp of some of the following things: Which aspects of “marke/ng services” are you struggling with? Who are the core audiences you want to connect with? Who else is part of the chain of influence, and what do they want out of this rela/onship? What have you done well in terms of connec/ng with your audiences over the past few years? What have you not done so well? Are you achieving or exceeding all of the goals you’ve set? 11
Outputs from the workshop Our goal from this workshop will be to come away with a clear understanding of the goals, capabili/es and makeup of the S.T.E.M. organiza/on, and to build alignment with stakeholders on the highest priority objec/ves for the coming 1-‐2 years. We will achieve alignment on the following items:
A vision for the way we connect with others moving forward Goals and factors for success Capability areas to focus efforts against Priori/zed list of objec/ves
Proposed cost for services Immersion Workshop:
The immersion workshop will serve as the foundaTon of the overall partnership, and will act as the primer for the Discover Phase engagement.