Vets in Tech is a startup that provides career assistance to US veterans. Our mission is to offer re-‐integra:on services and connect returning veterans to a na:onal technology ecosystem. ViT brings together tech-‐specific networks, resources & programs for veterans interested in Educa:on, Employment, Entrepreneurship & Entertainment.
A liFle more informa:on about Vets in Tech
around the United States Chapters Washington DC Dallas San Francisco
Forbes ar:cle
PitchFest Future employers in aFendance Volunteer opportuni:es
◦ Christmas and Thanksgiving For more informa:on and job lis:ngs, please visit
our Facebook page at
Work with vets that show an interest and ap:tude in the technology industry Not just programming jobs, but design, law, business, marke:ng & finance Augment vets’ exis:ng skill sets such as leadership, discipline and teamwork as well as match vets with new skills
48% of returning vets would like to start their own business We organize entrepreneur programs such as hackathons, pitch events, visionary and leadership speaker series, local meetups, networking events and business plan compe::ons
Provide vets with industry specific and technical training In addi:on to technical training, help vets with resume wri:ng and interview skills, connect them with mentors and provide job matching services and job fairs with local tech companies
Specific to Los Angeles chapter Connect veterans with technical jobs in the entertainment industry OTHER POINTS?