NHotel / 旅館 : Via S. Giovanni Battista, 41-47 - VERNAZZA (SP)
Restaurant-Bar / 餐廳-酒吧 :
Piazza Marconi, 1 - VERNAZZA (SP)
+39 0187.812228
+39 393.9008155
CITR: 011030-ALB-0002
ello spettacolare "salotto delle Cinque Terre" la famosa piazza Marconi a Vernazza, la Trattoria Gianni Franzi è un must per chi vuole assaporare i sapori originali delle antiche ricette locali liguri, pesce azzurro, pasta tradizionale o il noto " tegame di Vernazza ", il tutto accompagnato da un'ampia selezione di vini. Gianni Franzi offre la possibilità di soggiornare in una posizione unica, proprio accanto al Castello Doria di Vernazza, le camere sono nelle antiche dimore e hanno terrazze a picco sul mare, con una vista inimitabile sul Golfo delle Cinque Terre.
In the spectacular "living room of the Cinque Terre" the famous Marconi square in Vernazza, Trattoria Gianni Franzi is a must for those who want to taste the original flavours of the ancient local Ligurian recipies, blue fish, traditional pasta or the well known "tegame di Vernazza", all accompanied by a wide selection of wines. Gianni Franzi offers the possibility of staying in a unique location, right next to Castello Doria in Vernazza, the rooms are in the past ancient dwellings and have terraces overlooking the sea, with an inimitable view of the Gulf of the Cinque Terre.
Gianni Franzi
扎(Vernazza)著名的“五漁村的客 廳”Marconi廣場裡,是那些想要品嚐古 代利古里亞(Liguria)當地食譜,如藍魚, 傳統意大利麵或著名的“tegame di Vernazza”的原味是人們必去之地,所有吃 的都伴隨著葡萄酒。
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L a Bottega di Vernazza, situata nella via principale, a due passi dalla stazione ferroviaria, propone un vasto assortimento di vini e liquori tipici delle Cinque Terre; vini italiani bianchi, rossi e bollicine; prodotti tipici come olio, aceto, aceto balsamico, pesto fresco, acciughe salate e sotto olio, salse, biscotti e miele e souvenirs.
LaBottegadiVernazzaissituatedonthemain road, at a stone's throw from the train station, it offers a wide assortment of wines and typical liqueurs of the Cinque terre, white Italian wines, red wines and sparkly wines, typical products such as olive oil, vinegar, balsamic vinegar, fresh pesto sauce, salted anchovies in olive oil, biscuits, honey and souvenirs.
Anno IX ∙ Nr. 48 ∙ Luglio/Agosto 2020 www.italiapervoi.eu
EDITORE: ITALIA PER VOI S.r.l. italiapervoi@legpec.it
Aut. Trib. SP nr. 1740/19
Iscrizione ROC: N° 22857
Dr.ssa Gabriella Mignani
Italia Per Voi S.r.l.
Samira e Gino Giorgetti
Italia Per Voi S.r.l., Gianni Franzi, La Maggiorana Persa di F. Vassallo, Le Cinque Erbe di Daniela Vettori, Agostino Luxardi.
REDAZIONE E PUBBLICITÀ: Via Vittorio Veneto 255 - 19124 - La Spezia Mob. +39 333.8485291 ∙ italiapervoi@gmail.com
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ari ettori
Il paese di Vernazza si trova collocato nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre al centro della costa dell’omonima Area Marina Protetta. Per le sue caratteristiche paesaggistiche è stato inserito nei Borghi più belli d’Italia già dall’anno 2001 ed è stato dichiarato, dall’Unesco, Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità. La qualità della vita è il requisito principale perché un borgo possa fregiarsi di tali riconoscimenti e Vernazza, oltre a questi, può vantarne altri quali la conservazione del tessuto architettonico urbano, l’attenzione ai problemi ambientali, alla tradizione e alla cultura storica. Stretto tra il mare e la roccia delle Cinque Terre, il paese si presenta ai milioni di visitatori con i suoi vicoli stretti, l’imponente Castello Doria, con le famose e colorate case che si protendono verso l’alto a corollario della sua caratteristica piazzetta affacciata sul porticciolo, unico punto di approdo già dai tempi degli antichi Romani. Da qui è possibile addentrarsi nell’entroterra, tramite alcuni sentieri considerati tra i più belli delle Cinque Terre, in particolare quello che conduce al Santuario della Madonna di Reggio, quello che porta al Santuario di San Bernardino. Sentieri che uniscono perpendicolarmente il famoso sentiero n° 2, detto sentiero azzurro (che congiunge Vernazza con Corniglia a Levante e con Monterosso a Ponente) con tratti a strapiombo sul mare, ed il sentiero n° 1 (Portovenere Levanto) che attraversa tutto il territorio delle Cinque Terre sul crinale raggiungendo, sulle alture di Vernazza la quota di 611 metri s.l.m. (monte Cigoletta). Per coloro che amano le bellezze “a portata di mano” Vernazza offre un menu molto variegato, che partendo dalla chiesa (edificio in stile romanico, realizzato nell' XI secolo) adagiata sulle acque del porticciolo, ci conduce tra le viuzze interne (carruggi) sino alla sede del municipio (ex convento dell'ordine religioso dei frati Minori Osservanti, edificato nella metà del XVII secolo) attraversando luoghi suggestivi e unici costituiti da facciate in pietra arenaria che celano cantine e appartamenti dai quali, prorompono i profumi caratteristici del borgo.
ear eaders
The village of Vernazza is situated in the National Park of the Cinque Terre, at the centre of the coast of its Marine Protected Area. It has been included for the features of its landscape among the most beautiful Hamlets in Italy since 2011, and has been declared by Unesco a World Heritage Site. The quality of life is an essential requirement to be recognised and awarded with such titles, besides Vernazza boasts for the preservation of its urban architectural fabric, the attention to environmental matters, traditions and historic culture.
Tight between the sea and the rocks of the Cinque Terre, the village presents itself to million of visitors with its narrow alleys, the imposing Doria Castle, and its famous and colourful houses that stretch upward, besides its pictoresque little square overlooking the marina, the only dock since ancient Roman times.
From this location it is possible to reach the hinterland thanks to some foot paths, considered as the most beautiful in the Cinque Terre, in particular the one that leads to the Shrine Madonna di Reggio, and also the one that takes you to the Shrine San Bernardino.
The foot paths that connect perpendiculary the famous path N. 2, called also the Light Blue path (that connects Vernazza to Corniglia to the east and Monterosso al Mare to the west), some parts of the paths are very steep and overlook the sea, path N. 1 (Portovenere – Levanto) crosses the whole territory of the Cinque Terre on the ridge, reaching the hills of Vernazza at 611 metres above the sea level (Mount Cigoletta).For those who love beauties at their finger tips, Vernazza offers a particulary varied menu, starting from the church (built in Romanic style in the eleventh century) that lies on the waters of the Marina, and leads us among the small alleys (carruggi), to the premises of the Town Hall ( a former convent that belonged to the order of Friars Minor known as the Oberservant branch, it was built in the mid seventeenth century, crossing evocative and unique places with slate facades that hide cellars and flats, from which the typical scents of the village burst out.
The Mayor Francesco Villa
con il Patrocinio del Comune di Vernazza
Il Sindaco Francesco Villa
VILLAGE OF THE cinque terre
Vernazza is a wonderful village situated on the west coast of Liguria,between Monterosso al Mare and Corniglia, that is part of its municipality, it is the second hamlet starting from the west. It boasts an ancient maritime tradition, and is characterized by peculiar terraces used as vineyards, a comfortable, natural, safe port- It is one of the hamlets of the
Cinque Terre and is part of the Province of La Spezia. The Cinque Terre are five little villages, clung to the rocks, their names can be remembered like a nursery rhyme: Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore, the villages have been isolated for centuries, due to the difficulty to reach this area, which has helped to preserve the beauty of a unique landscape. Vernazza, for its part, stretches along the stre
• Vernazza vista dal mare
• Torre di Belforte
si trova nella piazza di Vernazza, vicino alla chiesa di S. Margherita, ed è un angolo da cartolina da provare per assaporare il lifestyle del paese. Già dalle prime ore del mattino Edoardo e Stefano, che lo gestiscono insieme ad un gruppo di amici locali, offrono colazioni con prodotti freschi di pasticceria, aperitivi, birre artigianali, vini rigorosamente “Made in Cinque Terre”, cocktails internazionali e di loro creazione fino al calar del sole davanti a tramonti mozzafiato. La “cucina Ananasso”, aperta tutto il giorno, propone bruschette, insalate, piatti freddi, pizze e pinse rivisitate alla “ligure” che sono la sua specialità.
ANANASSO BAR is situated in the square near the church of Saint Margherita in Vernazza, a place as charming as a postcard where to try and taste the lifestyle of the village.
Since the early morning Edoardo and Stefano, that run this bar together with a group of local friends, offer breakfast with fresh pastries, aperitifs, craft beers, wines strictly "Made in Cinque Terre", international and their own creative cocktails till sunset, enjoying breathtaking views.
"Cucina Ananasso" is open all day and offers bruschette, salads, cold meals, pizze, pinse and their speciality: Ligurian style.
am Vernazzola, now covered, rising on the slopes of a rocky spur. The village is characterized by the typical Genoese tower-houses, gathered around the main square, and by a dense network of hiking trails, one of which connects the area to Val di Vara. Two beautiful beaches complete the scenery, while at 325 metres above the sea level there is the sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Reggio, a popular place of prayer for the locals. The municipality consists of the village
of Drignana, Muro, Prevo San Bernardino and, indeed, Corniglia. Vernazza is bordered to the north by the municipalities of Pignone, Beverino and Riccò del Golfo, to the west by Pignone and Monterosso al Mare and to the east by Riomaggiore, and by the sea to the south. The territory is part of the Cinque Terre National Park.
Via Visconti, 24 Vernazza Cinque Terre (SP) +39 333.9541420
Sonia e Francesco conducono la gelateria mantenendo inalterata la buona qualità. Ne sono un esempio la Torta Stalìn a base di cioccolato e crema pasticcera, e il gelato Pacciügu. Oggi la Gelateria Stalìn, con i suoi oltre quarant’anni di attività, è la più antica gelateriapasticceria di Vernazza.
Sonia and Francesco run the ice-cream parlour keeping the same good quality as in the past. An example is Torta Stalin, a layer of chocolate and pastry cream, and the ice-cream Pacciügu. Today Gelateria Stalin, in business for over forty years, is the oldest ice-cream
By road: starting from the north, Milan West on the A7 Milan-Genoa, direction Genoa, continue on the A12 Genoa-Rosignano, or Autosole A1 to Parma, then take the Cisa A15 motorway to S. Stefano di Magra, and then the A12 Genoa-Livorno.
The ideal exit, if you do not want to go through La Spezia, is that of Brugnato-Borghetto Vara.
From the exit, continue on the SP1 (Via Aurelia) for about 7 kms or so, until you reach Pian di Barca, then continue along the SP38, cross the village of Pignone, till the junction SP51, turn in the direction of the Cinque Terre, following the signs for Vernazza. From the South of Italy Autosole A1 motorway, direction Florence, then take the A11 Florence-Pi-
• Vista di Vernazza dal mare • Strada provinciale 51 • Porticciolo di Vernazza
nelle Cinque Terre, un magnifico tour privato!
nelle Cinque Terre, un magnifico tour privato!
Partendo da Vernazza e navigando nell'area del Parco nazionale delle Cinque Terre, avrai modo di scoprire tutti i cinque borghi, oppure potrai dirigerti verso il Golfo dei Poeti, scegliendo insieme ai tuoi compagni di viaggio i tempi e le modalità di svolgimento della crociera. Raggiungerai luoghi straordinari che possono essere ammirati solo dal mare. E' possibile organizzare un aperitivo in barca gustando i prodotti tipici locali. Per info e per un preventivo gratuito, contattaci!
You set off from Vernazza and sail in the National Park of the Cinque Terre, you will be able to discover the five hamlets, or you may head towards the Gulf of Poets, choosing together with your travel companions times and features of your cruise.
You will reach extraordinary places that can only be admired from the sea. It is possible to organize an aperitif on board, tasting the typical local products, For information and a free estimate, contact us!
Enjoy a fantastic experience in the Cinque Terre, with a magnificent private tour!
Enjoy a fantastic experience in the Cinque Terre, with a magnificent private tour!
• Stazione di Vernazza
• Tipico carugio del centro
• Molo di attracco traghetti
sa, towards Pisa.
Continue on the Lucca-Viareggio, direction Viareggio and then take the junction A12 /Lucca, continue towards Genova-Livorno-Cecina motorway.
From here take the A12 Genoa-Rosignano, direction Genoa, the exit is again Brugnato-Borghetto di Vara. If you decide to come by train, the village of Vernazza is served by regional trains that in 15 minutes will connect you to La Spezia Centrale train sta-
tion or, if you wish, to Levanto train station. The train station is right in the centre of the village of Vernazza. By plane: The nearest airports are Galileo Galilei in Pisa, at about ninety kilometres, and Cristoforo Colombo airport in Genoa, a little bit closer. The major international airports Milan Linate and Miano Malpensa are excellently served by shuttle buses that connect the airports to Milan Central Station, the village of Vernazza is at 240 km distance, however
it can be easily reached using a fast Intercity train. You might need to change train.
By sea: In the summer people usually travel by ferry, they connect Vernazza to La Spezia, Lerici, Portovenere, Genoa and other seaside places. Regular departures are also to the villages of Monterosso, Vernazza and Riomaggiore. Navigazione Golfo dei Poeti and Consorzio Marittimo Golfo del Tigullio are in charge of the ferry services.
How to move about
Travelling by car along the Cinque
Terre can be very difficult. There is no easy road that connects all the villages to one another, and, once you arrive at your destination, it is difficult to find a parking. Vernazza follows the same fate: only the cars of the residents can circulate in the village, and tourists must leave their car at almost a kilometre distance, in a parking lot with daily rates. We therefore recommend to use the train, which is undoubtedly the best way to enjoy the views of Vernazza once you get there.
• Scalinate a Vernazza
Vernazza is crossed by steep and very narrow lanes that descend towards the
• Via Roma a Vernazza
Un suggestivo negozio da visitare famoso per il vasto assortimento di gioielli in argento 925, pietre dure preziose e semipreziose, accessori e borse in pelle Made in Italy create dai migliori artigiani. Nel negozio potrete trovare un'esclusiva selezione di abiti, pantaloni casacche e parei dai pregiati materiali e dalle innumerevoli stampe colorate. Vi aspettiamo!
Piazza S. Agostino 52
A suggestive shop to visit, famous for its ample array of 925 silver jewels, precious and semi precious hard stones, accessories and leather bags Made in Italy, created by the best craftsmen. In the shop you may find an exclusive selection of clothes, trousers, tunics and sarongs made of fine fabrics and endless coloured printing. We are waiting for you! LA SPEZIA
main road which ends in a small square situated in front of the port, the village is surrounded by several defensive constructions, among which we can see, in the eastern part of the village, the Doria Castle, symbol of the economic importance of the village during the centuries, and Torre del Belforte. We must say that the whole village of Vernazza, hosts valuable architectural elements, such as loggias, porches and slate portals. There are also typical restaurants in the square by the sea, bars and other characteristic places, designed for all tastes.
Along the entire perimeter of Vernazza we can appreciate the terraces, evidence of the hard work of the peasants who modeled its steep slopes in the past
• Dettaglio del Borgo
• Terrazza di Gianni Franzi
and even now, sowing olive trees, vineyards, scented vegetable gardens and colourful gardens.
The premises of the Municipality of Vernazza, which from an administrative point of view includes also the village of Corniglia, are inside the ancient Convent of the Friars, this building will impress
you for the beauty of its seventeenth-century cloister.
Considering the difficulty of traveling along the coast, visiting the Cinque Terre means above all, walking, however the Cinque Cinque Terre Trekking Card and the Cinque Terre Card Multizervizi Train will help you a lot, allowing the access to the Park area, guided tours, the participation to workshops organised by the Park Environmental Education Centre and reduced-rate tickets to the Civic Museums of La Spezia, the multi-service card allows you to use the train on the Levanto-La Spezia Centrale route and vice versa (on Regional Direct trains and Interregional trains in 2nd class) for an unlimited number of journeys during the period chosen by the user.
• Vista del Borgo • Inizio sentiero per Monterosso • Via Roma a Vernazza
The cuisine in vernazza
Aswell as in the rest of the Eastern Riviera, the cuisine in Vernazza is simple, with few farmed meats used, due to the morphology of the territory. The typical dishes, however are not few, and range from the cu-
linary tradition based on fish and shellfish, to meat and products such as mushrooms, preserves, vegetables from the kitchen garden, and above all the aromatic herbs, that can be found easily in the surrounding nature. Rosemary, sage, thyme, borage and marjoram are just some of the aromatic herbs of the area, the basil is exceptional, has large and scented leaves, and it is the main ingredient to make a delicious sauce that has become famous all over the world: pesto. The lemons and the d.o. p. extra virgin olive oil represent the perfect crowning of the local cuisine. Let's start with the main courses seasoned with pesto sauce: trofie, are a type of corkscrew handmade pasta, and pansotti se -
La cucina è a base di pesce preparato in diversi modi: marinato, al forno, alla griglia, stufato e fritto. Alcuni esempi sono il Tian Vernazza, antica ricetta del posto o i muscoli ripieni, le acciughe salate e quelle al limone. Tra le pietanze proposte non mancano le verdure che vengono fatte ripiene al forno. Tra i primi i condimenti vanno dal tipico pesto alla genovese al sugo di muscoli o di crostacei. I dolci sono fatti in casa e tra i vini si può trovare un'ampia scelta di produttori locali.
I ts cuisine is based on fish prepared in different ways: marinated, baked, grilled, stewed and fried. A few examples are Tian Vernazza, an ancient local recipe, or the stuffed mussels, salted anchovies or anchovies with lemon. Among the dishes offered there are stuffed vegetables, baked in the oven. As regards sauces we have the typical Genoese pesto sauce, mussels sauce or shell fish sauce. The cakes are all home made, and talking about wines we can find an ample choice of local producers.
Ristorante Bar con Camere dal 1966
asoned by the sweet pine nuts and parmesan cheese. Then lasagna with pesto sauce, served with a light béchamel and a bit of butter. Handmade tagliatelle seasoned with walnut sauce or with extra virgin olive oil and mushrooms. Legume soups, with chickpeas or borlotti beans, are filling and simple dishes to prepare, enriched with scented rosemary and a spoonful of sauce, to be served hot. The most significant typical dishes are however those based on fish, that have maintained, over time, their original characteristics.
Ciuppin, a soup made with the left overs of red scorpion fish, tub gurnard, breams, and the symbol par excellence of Vernazza, which best represents its tradition, the "tian" is a dish made of thin sliced potatoes, enriched with anchovies, seasoned with local oil, white wine, garlic, lemon zest, tomato and oregano. People who love blue fish and fried seafood can choose anchovy cutlets or the rich "fried seafood" as main courses. Another typical dish of this area, as far as fish is concerned, are the mussels, here called cozze. Fish can be eaten raw with a light sprin -
This place is a take away that uses biodegradable containers, you can taste main courses, typical local second courses cuisine and traditional focaccias, wherever you want, at the beach, on the train, at home, in your car or boat! HIGH QUALITY ingredients, fresh fish, Genoese pesto, typical trofie,Cinque terre wines and much more...
"Tradizione & Streetfood"
Locale improntato sul Take-Away in contenitori Biodegradabili per permettere ad ognuno di poter gustare primi, secondi della cucina tipica locale e focacce della tradizione, ovunque si voglia: al mare, in treno, a casa, in auto o in barca! QUALITÀ assoluta dei prodotti che si utilizzano, dal pesce fresco al pesto genovese, concludendo con i vini delle Cinque Terre e non solo...
2020 NEWS! Dehor esterno
kle of lemon juice and a little pepper, or stuffed with seasonal vegetables, eggs and cheese. Stock fish is also very important for the local cuisine, it is prepared with chard (stucafissu a zemin), or "Alla Ligure", with tomato sauce, pine nuts, potatoes and some salted olives. Ample space is given to the various qualities of focaccia, talking about other local food, we can mention the famous farinata made with chickpea flour, both dishes are prepared every morning at dawn, and should be eaten hot. A variation of focaccia is sgabeo, as the ingredients used are the same, bread dough cut into strips after proofing, then fried in plently extra virgin olive oil. Don't forget to try zucchini flower fritters (fris de burbugiun), with a liquid batter made of flour, water and salt. Among
the classic desserts there is a cake called “Stalin”, which has no Russian origins, it just takes its name from the baker who invented it about 25 years ago, Stalin created a tart covered with pastry and filled with dark chocolate.
The wine of the Cinque Terre has obtained, since 1973, the denomination of controlled origin, it must be cultivated in the territories of the municipality of Riomaggiore, Vernazza, Monterosso and on the hills of La Spezia or Portovenere bordering Riomaggiore. In Vernazza we
can find Cinque Terre Bianco wine, Cinque Terre Costa de Sera, Cinque Terre Costa de Posa, Cinque Terre Costa de Campu, plus the very famous and most rare wine Cinque Terre Schiacchetrà, a rare liquer, made only in this area, using raisins and suitable to be served with desserts.
To finish your meal, you could try a pleasant "limoncino", a liqueur obtained from the plenty lemons of the area, strictly with thick zest, left to rest in alcohol immediately after harvesting.
Thewhole territory is crossed by many paths, with different degrees of difficulty, which allow walkers to spend a day pleasantly, discovering the Cinque Terre and their most hidden hamlets. The most important event in Vernazza is the Patronal Feast to celebrate Saint Mary of Antioch, which is celebrated on 20
July. During the day you can go shopping between stalls that sell all sorts of goods, or eat with friends and family, along the main street waiting for the fireworks that take place in the evening.
The first Sunday in August the village celebrates Our Lady of Reggio, with a holy mass and a procession. Since
1853, every 25 years the effigy of the Madonna is carried through the streets of the village, where it stays for a week, then it is taken back to the Sanctuary with a second imposing parade.
On the evening of December 24th you will be able to see the so called Diving Christmas, there will be a ceremony lit by lanterns while divers bring a small statue of the Child Jesus from the sea bottom to the surface, to celebrate the holiest of the masses.
In summer take a trip to the village to visit Vernazzarte atelier, which hosts an exhibition of modern and contemporary art.
Another event worth to mention is The Pirate Festival, celebrated every year on a different date, the protagonists wear nineteenth-century pirate clothes. A landing is simulated and then the pirates and the spectators go towards the centre of the village, accompanied by a local group of samba the "Batebalengo".
• Piazza Marconi
• Via Roma
CITRA: 011030-LT-0064
Mada Charm apartment JACUZZI, is provided with jacuzzi, and is a proper lovers nest, with a terrace overlooking the wonderful hamlet and the sea. It is situated on the road that leads to the castle.
MaDa Charm Apartment JACUZZI, dotato di vasca idromassaggio, è un vero e proprio “nido d’amore” con la sua terrazza affacciata sulla splendida vista del borgo e del mare. Situato sulla strada che porta al castello.
MaDa Charm Apartment JACUZZI公寓配備按摩浴 缸,是一個真正的“愛 巢”,其露台可俯瞰村莊 和大海的壯麗景色。位 於通往城堡的路上。
APARTMENTS TERRACE&CARUGIO Via Mazzini, 32 - Vernazza (SP)
Mada Charm apartments TERRACE&CARUGIO, are provided with waterfall showers and chromotherapy, CARUGIO faces the typical Ligurian alley carugiio, TERRACE faces the square and the sea, and is provided with an equipped balcony. They are both situated in main square in Vernazza.
Appartamenti di lusso nel cuore delle Cinque Terre con piccola cucina, bagno privato, aria condizionata, riscaldamento e Wi-Fi. www.madacharm.it info@madacharm.it + 39 349 2452290
Mada Charm Apartments TERRACE&CARUGIO, dotati di doccia con cascata e cromoterapia, hanno doppio affaccio: il CARUGIO sul tipico carruggio ligure, il TERRACE sulla piazza e sul mare con un ampio balcone attrezzato. Situati nella piazza centrale di Vernazza.
Luxury apartments are situated in the heart of the Cinque Terre, and are provided with kitchenette, private bathroom, air conditioning, heating and WiFi.
With the aim of protecting and safeguarding the nature that surrounds this idyllic stretch of coast, in 1999 the Cinque Terre National Park was established, which follows the work
of the institution of the Marine Protected Area. The sea is the natural resource that, undoubtedly, best represents the territory: the protected area covers the whole area that goes from Punta Mesco, to Monterosso, up to Capo Montenero, above Riomaggiore
The marine area is populated by numerous endemic or rare species, the gorgonian colonies are noteworthy, in addition to the immense Posidonia Oceanica meadows, particularly extensive in the area in front of Monterosso.
Unsurprisingly the waters of the Cinque Terre are considered among the richest and most varied in Liguria, as well as being particularly appreciated by divers, for their wonderful spots ("Franata di Corniglia" is splendid).
On the coasl outside the Marine Protected Area, it is possible to explore
• Castello Doria e vista del Borgo
• Vigneti a Vernazza
the area looking for the many wrecks on its sea bottom.
The landscape is mostly wooded, populated by holm oaks, sorb apple trees, myrtle bushes and thorny brooms, the lively colours of the Mediterranean scrub embellishes the cliffs. The coast of the park is indented, with coves and small promontories stretching towards the sea. The beaches are almost non-existent: remember that nature n Vernazza and its surroundings, is always wild.
The territory of Vernazza is characterized by numerous prickly pear plants, in the woods the fauna stands out as an excellent indicator of the healthiness of the place, among the many animals that populate the Mediterranean scrub we find the peregrine falcon, the dormouse, the weasel and the badger, with some sightings of wolves coming from the Apennines.
• Vista della costa di Vernazza
• Macchia Mediterranea di Vernazza
Thename of the village comes from the Latin adjective verna, meaning "of the place", or "native". This term was then used to indicate the wine Vernaccia, which was produced in the ancient village and was therefore famous for being the "lo -
cal" wine, and the current name of Vernazza. The true history of this incredible natural harbour dates back to 1080, the year in which for the first time the name of the village Castrum Vernatio was mentioned in an official document. It is quite clear the use of the defensive fortifications present in the village, and its activity as a maritime base of the Marquis Oberten -
• Vista dal Castello
ghi was well known, as a starting point for the ships used to defend the village against the Saracens. In the following centuries, Vernazza collaborated with the Republic of Genoa, helping to enrich its naval fleet, and in 1209 was ruled by Genoa, through an act of loyalty carried out by the main and richest families of the village. Vernazza also became one of the main areas on the
• Dettaglio del Castello
• Torre di Vernazza
coast for the commercial, political and above all territorial conquests of the Eastern Liguria. In the same century, the new feudal lords of the village settled in Vernazza, the Da Passano family and from 1211 the Fieschi family. There are some remains of the military defensive constructions made by the Genoese, the city walls, a bastion and the lookout towers overlooking the sea. Together with Riomaggiore, Vernazza was part of the homonymous Podesteria until
• Vista Borgo e Torre di Vernazza
• Skyline del Borgo dal mare
the fall of the Genoese republic. From 1500 to 1600 there was a period of decline, which struck all the villages of the Cinque Terre, with strong consequences on the production of its typical wine, and on fishing; due to the continuous pirate raids, which had already put a strain on the local economy for at least a century, and the harshness of the territory, which made possible to reach the village only by mule-tracks. However this isolation, as we will see later, will become an advantage for Vernazza. Under the domination of Napoleon Bonaparte the town became part of the Department of the Gulf of Venus from 2 December 1797, with La Spezia as main administrative centre, within the Ligurian Republic, it was
La Perla 5 delle Terre
Sei camere indipendenti e accoglienti, ristrutturate con cura e arredate in maniera sobria e pulita, fornite di tutto ciò che occorre per trascorrere una confortevole vacanza o un breve soggiorno in questo incantevole borgo della costa ligure.
Six independent and comfortable rooms refurbished and decorated in a sober and clean style, equipped with everything you need to enjoy a comfortable holiday or a short stay in this charming village of the Ligurian coast.
Via Gavino, 34 - Vernazza (SP)
then annexed to the First French Empire from 13 June 1805 to 1814, and later it was included in the Department of the Apennines. In 1815, as established by the Congress of Vienna, it was incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia, then to the Kingdom of Italy from 1861.
In 1871 there were the last adjustments to the municipal territory, with the aggregation of the hamlet of Corniglia after its separation from the territory of Riomaggiore. During the nineteenth century there was a roaring revival of Vernazza, thanks also to the construction of the railway
• Torre di Belforte
network, towards the end of the nineteenth century. This event will help the village to abandon the afore mentioned isolation, aiding the growth of its population, and increasing the terraces dedicated to the cultivation of the vineyards, therefore significantly increasing the production of wine. The commercial and working relationships with the city of La Spezia was also intensified. In a short time, the entire coast of the Cinque Terre was blessed by luck, and its glory increased quickly. Furthermore in 1997,
together with Portovenere and the islands of the Golfo dei Poeti (Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto), the Cinque Terre were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Since 1999, Vernazza was included in the jurisdiction of the Cinque Terre National Park. Nowadays, the main activities of the village are related to tourism, with the extraordinary flow of visitors, to catering, thanks to the sea full of fish, and to the cultivation of olive trees and vineyards, which testify the strength of a centuries-old tradition.
P laces of Interest
Both inside and outside the village, there are plenty of attractive places and charming buildings. A must is a visit to the square located close to the small harbour, stop in the clearing known as "u cantu de musse", " chatting corner", a traditional gathering place for the inhabitants of Vernazza. Restaurants, souvenir shops and anything else necessary for the most fashionable people can be found in Via Roma, plus the
typical charming Ligurian landscape, full of colourful houses, clothes hung in the sun to dry, and slate portals of the early twentieth century.
The Church of Santa Margherita di Antiochia was built in the early decades of the thirteenth century, Romanesque style, with some Gothic elements that have survived the reconstruction, it was built up in the seventeenth century, it has three naves, the entrance is through an open door in the area of the apse. It bears the name of the matron of the village. It is situated on
• Chiesa di Santa Margherita di Antiochia
a rock overlooking the sea in the western part of Vernazza, however protected by a group of rocks. You can take some really amazing pictures from the windows inside the church. Vernazza is protected by the Doria Castle, situated on top of the promontory in front of the small marina, for the purpose of domi-
nating and controlling the whole bay.It was built on a quadrangular base, with an irregular shape, which follows that of the rock spur on which it was built, the structure has also a cylindrical sighting tower.
The castle was built to protect the village from piracy attacks, nowadays if you want to take wonderful pictures of the surrounding landscapes, you just have to go up a few steps. Below the Doria Castle at the entrance to the small port, we find Belforte bastion, a quadrangular building that dates back to the time of the stabilization of the Genoese dominion. Another tower, very similar to Doria Castle, stands right behind the village, along the first
stretch of the path that leads to Corniglia, it was used as a support tower to the main one. If you want to see something really charming, at only 30 km from Vernazza, you can go and visit the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Reggio, also called the Black Madonna or the African, the name derives from the painting kept inside the sanctuary, which represents Jesus' mother holding the infant child, who has in his hands the dead sea scroll of the Bible. According to a popular belief, the painting was painted by Saint Luca and brought to the Sanctuary by the Crusaders. The building from the fourteenth century is a Latin cross plan, and has three naves, it can be reached through
a path that ends in the square just in front, that is embellished by a fountain. There is a stretch of coast that connects the villages of Vernazza and Corniglia, which is part of the famous Sentiero Azzurro, the most visited of the Cinque Terre, a must, not to be missed. It takes about
an hour and a half to complete the path, starting from the small harbour and then continuing towards San Bernardino, among vineyards and Mediterranean scrub, where euphorbia and the characteristic yellow lion's mouth stand out among the many plants.
Your efforts while going up and down this path, a bit difficult if you are not well trained, will be paid back by the wonderful landascape. Don't forget to pay a visit to the beautiful surroundings of Vernazza, explore its beautiful hinterland among pine woods and unique landscapes, stop at Pignone, whose territory, is crossed by a network of paths which divide the Cinque Terre from the famous Val di Vara, better known as the "valley of the round villages". The village has very ancient origins: there are archaeological finds dating back to the Bronze Age. Near Pignone there is the medieval hamlet of Casale.
• Comune e Convento di S. Francesco
• Grotta Maimuna
Bays, caves, cliffs overlooking the sea, that end up in the waves and vegetable gardens that abound with early fruits of the season. The Cinque Terre are all this, and Vernazza is one of its most emblematic realities. Riomaggiore is the first village you meet coming from La Spezia, it has become famous for its lovely promenade called Via dell'Amore", it connets the village of Riomaggiore to Manarola, enoy the viewa of the Ligurian Sea, just in front of you. Manarola, with its colourful marina, tells us how these villages manage to survive very well, even if, at first sight, they are clung to unlivable rocks.
• Monterosso al Mare
• Levanto
Immediately after Manarola we find the village of Corniglia, the only one of the Cinque Terre built on a high promontory, overlooking the magnificent sea. After Corniglia we find Vernazza, and then Monterosso, the biggest and westermost of the Cinque Terre, the old village and the new one are separeted by a long promenade and a tunnel, when you reach the old village you will be able to appreciate its alleys, called "carruggi".
The surroundings of Vernazza not only boast the proximity to other hamlets rich in history, sanctuaries, piedmont valleys and chestnut woods, but also to Levanto, Carrodano, Carro and
all the villages of the Val di Vara, that are the pioneers to other hiking wonders such as the Regional Natural Park of Montemarcello-Magra, the Apennine mountains in Brugnato and Rocchetta di Vara and the wonderful buttresses of the Gulf of Poets, of which Portovenere is part.
• Riomaggiore
INCADASE' Trattoria
da Piva
Dal 1982, la storica Trattoria da Piva, Cantautore di Vernazza, è l'emblema del locale culturale e tipico ligure. Solo da noi potete gustare il "vero" Tegame di Vernazza (torta di acciughe e patate), gli Spaghetti di Gino (spaghetti con acciughe), e il famoso Risotto di Piva, con muscoli e frutti di mare.
Piva的小吃店,他是韋爾 納扎 (Vernazza)的創作歌手,是 文化和典型的利古里亞(Liguria) 餐廳的象徵。只有在這裡,您 才能品嚐到“真正的”Tegame di Vernazza (鳳尾魚蛋糕和 馬鈴薯),Spaghetti di Gino(意 大利面配鳳尾魚)和著名的 Risotto di Piva,用意大利米飯、 地中海貽貝和海鮮烹調。
Since 1982 the historical Trattoria da Piva, a song writer from Vernazza is the symbol of the typical cultural Ligurian place. Only here you can taste the real "Tegame di Vernazza" (an anchovie and potato pie) Spaghetti di Gino (spaghetti with anchovies) and the famous Risotto di Piva, made with mussels and sea food.
• Open from 12:00 to 03:00 p.m. and from 07:00 to 11:00 p.m. •