Helping grow a Generation of Gardeners
Welcome to the 2023 Sunflowers in Kindergartens project
Since its inception in 2013, thousands of Kindergarten children nationwide have taken part in the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project. At the heart of this much-loved project lies Daltons’ goal to spark children’s interest and grow a passion for gardening.
It will be stem again stem, flower against flower, as Kindergartens compete regionally to grow the tallest, or widest, sunflower – whilst learning gardening skills for life.
Children will learn a basic understanding of plants by sowing seeds, learning about germination, caring for seedlings, planting them out and daily care of their plant, and much more!
Important dates
Regional Prizes
Project starts Monday 21 August 2023
Submit Final photos and measurements by project end date
Monday 11 December 2023
There are eleven regions taking part and each region will have the following prize categories:
The Tallest Sunflower Award per region
$100 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack
$100 Warehouse voucher
GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer
The Sunflower with the Widest Head per region
$100 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack
$100 Warehouse voucher
GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer
Daltons Best Little Gardener for each kindy
Whether it’s the child who exhibits an unwavering love for gardening, diligently tending to plants, nurturing their sunflowers with care, or lending a hand to fellow growers, the choice is yours. The starter pack comes complete with a prize and certificate, celebrating their passion and dedication.
Participation Certificates
These are available in the Sunflowers Learning Centre for you to download at the end of the project so every child receives their own special certificate.
National Prizes
National Prize Draw
Each registered kindergarten goes into the draw to win a $50 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, $100 Warehouse voucher, and a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer.
National Homegrown Tallest Sunflower Award
This is open nationally to participating kindergarten children who may also choose to grow sunflowers at home with their families. The winner receives a $50 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, $100 Warehouse voucher, and a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer.
National Best Photo Award
Send us your photos throughout the project and you could win the Best Photo Award which includes a framed copy of the winning photo, a $50 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, a $100 Warehouse voucher and a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer.
Help grow a generation of gardeners in your kindergarten and be in to win.
Kindergarten resources and support
We have loads of support and resources available to assist you every step of the way. Our growing guides on pages 11-14, provide all the necessary information and step-by-step instructions for sowing and nurturing your sunflower plants. Growth tracking sheets on pages 15 and 17 help children keep tabs on their plants’ progress. Don’t forget to visit our website which has more information at your fingertips –
NEW Sunflower Project Facebook page
This year we have created a Facebook page specifically for the project so that kindergartens, parents and families can follow the project and see photos of their children. Please note: only children that have had parental approval given to the kindergarten will be shown on the page. Please FOLLOW @daltonssunflowers and share with your kindergarten parents.
Online Sunflower Learning Centre
Visit our website and explore our Sunflower Learning Centre, a hub of inspiration and resources. Discover a wealth of learning sheets and activities that you can easily download and share with your kindergarten children, enriching their educational journey.
Teachers can weave aspects of the Sunflower Project into the Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa Early childhood curriculum through activities and tasks in our Sunflower Learning Centre under the following topics:
Science/Inquiry: Understanding plant life cycles, seed germination, plant photosynthesis, growth, and root development and the importance of plants in our daily lives.
Math: Regular measuring and recording of plant growth to foster number recognition, counting, and becoming familiar with units of measurement.
Physical Skills: Fine motor skills development through tasks like sowing seeds and weeding, as well as daily plant maintenance such as watering and weekly measuring etc.
Literacy: Recording measurements, reading books/poems, writing, and talking about sunflowers and plants. Listening and talking within structured group time etc.
Art: Creating and drawing sunflowers and completing fun craft activities.
Music: Delightful songs about sunflowers and their growth.
Kindergarten resources
Our online Kindergarten Resource Centre is where you will find essential tools for the project such as our How-To Videos, Growing Guides, Participation Certificates and much more. Some hard copies of these are included in this brochure, but you can easily download versions in the resource centre if you need them.
Teacher support –regular newsletters
Teachers will receive support throughout the Project with our regular newsletters packed with sunflower gardening tips, learning sheets and fun, engaging activities to share with kindy kids. Please let us know if you are not receiving the emails.
Sending photos throughout the competition
When you registered, you agreed to the Terms and Conditions which specify that each kindergarten must submit photos at least once a month. Regular photo uploads play a crucial role in helping us monitor the progress of your kindergarten and the growth of your plants. Upload photos daily, weekly, or monthly of your kindergarten children with their sunflowers, their completed activities, artwork, and even science experiments through the Photo Upload area on our website. Please only send us photos that have parental approval. Refer to our Photo Tips Guide on page 21 which outlines what we require in terms of photo file sizes. We appreciate your collaboration in documenting this wonderful journey!
Final Submissions – submitting your final measurements and photos
We’ve put together guidelines to help you measure and photograph your tallest plant and widest flower correctly. Your photos must show the Daltons measuring tape verifying the measurement you are submitting.
All final sunflower measurements and photos need to be submitted via our website BEFORE 6PM MONDAY 11 DECEMBER. Use the check list below to ensure you have everything on hand before submitting your entry.
Measuring your tallest sunflower (each region)
Measurements are to be taken from the bottom of the plant (ground) to the base of the sunflower head or green bud using the Daltons measuring tape. Do not include the sunflower head/bloom. (See example on the right).
Entrants must provide a photo showing the plant in its entirety: from the ground to the top of the plant in one photo and a close-up photo of the measurement taken underneath the flower head/ bud. (Follow the image examples.)
Measuring your sunflower with the widest head (each region)
Measurements should be the width (taken from left to right) across the sunflower bloom “face” only and must not include the petals. Entrants must provide a photo of this using the Daltons measuring tape. (Follow this image example.)
Measurement verification
For sunflower plant measurement verification your photos MUST show the Daltons sunflower measuring tape alongside the plant to verify the height/width of your measurements. Read our Measurement and Photo Guidelines above for more information. Our photo guide on page 21 will help with any technical questions you may have.
Best Photo Submission
Please ensure you submit some photos for the Best Photo Award. Ideally, they will be of children with sunflower blooms or in their sunflower gardens. Ensure any photos of children you submit have parental approval and provide their name and age please.
Here are examples of previous year’s winning shots:
What you will need for your final online submission:
✔ Your tallest sunflower measurement AND verification photos.
✔ Widest sunflower measurements (if applicable) AND verification photos.
✔ Your Homegrown Award measurement and photo (if applicable).
✔ Your photo entries for Best Photo Award.
✔ Photos of children with the tallest/widest sunflowers for local media. Please ensure you put in their name and age.
✔ Daltons Best Little Gardener photos (if you awarded a child). Please ensure you put in their name and age. @daltonssunflowers
Health Warning
Attention: Teachers/Caregivers
Ordinary garden soils and products like compost and potting mix may contain living microorganisms, some of which on rare occasions can cause illnesses (including Legionnaire’s Disease) in humans. Serious infection is rare. However, in older people or those with reduced immunity, infection can be life threatening.
Participating in and teaching good gardening safety means you are helping protect the next generation of gardeners so they stay safe and have fun in the garden.
We recommend the following precautions:
• Avoid opening bags in enclosed areas
• Avoid inhaling the mix, dust and mists or vapour
• Wear a particulate respirator (face mask) – AS/NZS 1715 or AS/NZS 1716
• Keep mix damp during use to reduce dust
• Always wear gloves and wash hands thoroughly when gardening or using this product
See your doctor if you develop high fever, chill, breathlessness or cough.
More information on Safer Gardening is available on our website:
Sunflowers in Kindergartens FAQ’s
What is the Project about?
The Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project is designed to grow little gardeners through nurturing and caring for their own sunflowers. At the heart of the project lies Daltons goal to spark children’s interest and love of gardening and empower them to develop gardening skills for life. This year there are 11 kindergarten associations taking part around the country, all aiming to grow the tallest sunflower or widest sunflower face within their region.
How long has the project been running?
The project started in 2013 and was run annually for 2014 and 2015. It changed to a biennial frequency in 2017. This year will be the seventh time the project has run.
How long does the project run for?
The project officially starts MONDAY 21 AUGUST 2023 and runs until MONDAY 11 DECEMBER 2023
How does the project work?
Kindergartens register online before FRIDAY 30 JUNE and are sent a free Daltons Starter Pack with everything they need to grow their own sunflower. They compete with other kindergartens within their own Association’s region. This is because each has its own unique growing conditions.
Starter packs are delivered to each kindergarten and contain Daltons Premium Seed Mix, Daltons Premium Potting Mix, Kings Seeds Skyscraper Sunflower Seeds, peat pots, growing instructions, Daltons measuring tape, growth tracking charts, and more. Regional winners will receive prize packs. All participating kindergartens will go also into a draw to win a gardening prize pack for their kindergarten.
Why is the Project only open to 11 kindergarten associations and not every kindergarten in New Zealand?
As you can imagine the project has to be capped at some point. With 11 kindergarten associations taking part, 509 Kindergartens and over 25,253 children have the opportunity to participate throughout the country.
Where are the participating kindergarten associations?
The participating kindergarten associations are Auckland Kindergarten Association, Central Kids Kindergartens Association (Central North Island), Dunedin Kindergartens Incorporated, Kidsfirst Kindergartens Christchurch, Kindergarten Taranaki, Inspired Kindergartens (Tauranga), Marlborough Kindergarten Association, Nelson Tasman Kindergartens Association, Northland Kindergartens Association, Waikato Kindergarten Association, and Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens (Wellington).
Is my kindergarten competing against all the kindergartens around the country?
No. Kindergartens within your own kindergarten association compete against EACH OTHER to grow the widest/tallest sunflower – not against any other region or association. We did it this way because each region has its own unique growing conditions.
Why does the Project finish in December?
We finish the main project in December because not all kindergartens choose to look after their gardens/plants over the
summer school holidays. We selected the best dates to ensure the main project is completed before these holidays begin. We do run Late Bloomers for late-blooming flowers – read more about that below.
I have registered so when do I get my starter pack?
Starter packs contain everything you need to begin growing when the competition starts. They will be delivered from MONDAY 07 AUGUST onwards. If you have not received your pack by THURSDAY 17 AUGUST, please get in touch.
What are the winning prizes?
PRIZES REGIONAL PRIZES for each Regional Kindergarten Association*
$100 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, $100 Warehouse voucher, a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer gun.
$100 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, $100 Warehouse voucher, a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer gun.
DALTONS BEST LITTLE GARDENER for each kindy. It could be the child who showed an incredible passion for gardening, or paid special attention to their sunflower, it’s up to you. Prize and certificate are included in the starter pack.
These are available in the Sunflowers Learning Centre for you to download at the end of the project so every child receives their own special certificate.
All participating kindergartens will go into the draw to win a prize pack containing; $50 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, a $100 Warehouse voucher, a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer gun.
This is open nationally to participating kindergarten children who may also choose to grow sunflowers at home with their families. The winner receives a $50 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, $100 Warehouse voucher, and a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer.
Send us your photos throughout the project and you could win a framed copy of the winning photo, a $50 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, a $100 warehouse voucher, a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer gun.
Why do we need to track the sunflowers’ growth?
Children need to track their sunflower plants growth each week throughout the project on their Growth Tracking Sheets. It’s exciting for them to see the plants progress and they learn about numbers and measurement along the way. When it comes to the submitting of final measurements at the end of the project, growth tracking sheets may be requested for verification.
Who can I contact for any growing advice? / Where can I find growing tips?
There is plenty of information in the growing guides which are in this brochure and also available on our website. We also have our How-to Videos in our Sunflower Learning Centre. If there is something specific you need help with or you are having trouble with your seed sowing or growing, please get in touch.
Are there any sunflower facts or activities I can do with my kindergarten children?
Our Sunflower Learning Centre is a resource of sunflower information and activities you can download and share with your kindergarten children to support their learning and engage them in fun activities. These activities can assimilate into aspects of the early childhood education curriculum and are in various topics for easy access.
Why do I need to submit photos throughout the project?
This is particularly important because it helps us keep track of how your kindergarten is going throughout the project and how your plants are doing. When you register, you agree to the Terms and Conditions which outline that each kindergarten must submit photos at least once a month. Please ensure that any images of your kindergarten children that you send us have parental approval. Download our approval form on our website.
I want to submit photos but I am not sure how.
Go to our photo upload page and load and send your photos to us there. Our handy photo Tips have lots of information to help.
What is the Late Bloomers Competition?
The Late Bloomers Competition is for those regions that struggle with lower temperatures and may not have flowers by the end of the main project (MONDAY 11 DECEMBER 2023) and wish to enter their blooms after that. The competition begins Tuesday 12 December 2023 till Friday 12 February 2024. More information to come.
What are the Late Bloomers prizes?
There is one prize pack for each of the awards: one Late Bloomers Tallest Sunflower and one Late Bloomers Widest Sunflower Head.
Thank you to our Partners
A huge thank you to our sponsors, Kings Seeds, The Warehouse and GARDENA who join us again this year and help make this project possible.
Kings Seeds provide the wonderful Skyscraper Sunflower seeds your children will grow and share tips and advice on sowing and growing the best sunflower.
They have been a partner of the project since its inception and without them, we have no project!
The Warehouse is committed to supporting local communities and is passionate about sustainability. They have been a valued project partner since 2015 and generously donate vouchers for our winner’s prize packs.
GARDENA are a leading brand of high-quality garden tools and joined us in 2021. They are kindly donating one of their fantastic watering nozzles into each of our winner prize packs.
Growing Guide SEED SOWING
Plants start as seeds, and for them to grow, the seed needs to germinate. Germination is when a dormant (asleep) seed awakens and sprouts with the right amount of warmth and water. Follow our guide on how to sow your sunflower seed and begin its journey to become a magnificent sunflower.
What you will need
Daltons Premium Seed Mix
Kings Seeds Skyscraper sunflower seeds
Biodegradable pots
Small trowel or shovel
Water bottle (see our make your own water bottle in our Learning Centre)
Plastic dish or ice-cream container
Step 1
Take your biodegradable pot and fill it (almost to the top) with your Daltons Premium Seed Mix (Daltons recommend you read the health warning on the back of our bag before you start).
Step 2
Sow your sunflower seed into the soil about 1-1.5cm deep (no more than twice the diameter of the seed). Seeds sown too deeply will not germinate.
Top tips
Keep the temperature constant, so ensure your pots are in a very warm location.
Some kindergartens place their biodegradable pots into plastic greenhouses to help germination and keep them warm.
You can create your own mini green-house by taking a 1.5 litre plastic bottle, cut the bottom out and remove the lid. Place it over the biodegradable pot.
Step 3
Add a little more soil on top and water lightly. Be sure to water regularly for even germination and growth, but avoid over-watering as it can rot the seeds.
Step 4
Make a label with you or your group’s name and staple it to your biodegradable pot so you can keep track of which sunflower is yours. You can cut up and use an old ice-cream lid or milk bottle as a waterproof label.
Step 5
To germinate your seeds you will need to grow them indoors for the first month or so as it is too cold outside! Place the biodegradable pots into a plastic container like an ice-cream or yoghurt container so they do not leak water. Keep them indoors on a nice warm windowsill and look after them well.
When will your seedling be ready to plant outside?
When seedlings sprout, there are a set of leaves that form first that look almost like a four-leaf clover. A few days later a third single leaf will emerge that does not look like the first ones. This is called the first true leaf. Your seedlings will be big enough to plant outdoors around the end of September (weather dependent) and once they have sprouted their second set of true leaves – they should be about 10-15cm.
Sunflower Sowing and Growing - Challenges & Solutions
Because we want healthy, tall sunflowers before the sunflower project finishes in December, we sow our sunflower seeds a little earlier than normal to make sure they are strong enough to be planted into the garden in September. This means we have to give seedlings extra TLC to help them grow well.
There are some things that can go wrong when sowing from seed or caring for seedlings, and we have some top tips to help.
Issue: Seeds not germinating (sprouting)
Seeds can struggle to germinate – these key factors play a big part:
Soil Moisture, Temperature, and Humidity: Excessively wet soil, often caused by overwatering, can lead to rot and mould. Seeds require air to “breathe,” but overly wet soil fills all the air spaces, reducing germination success. Underwatering dries out the soil, depriving seeds of the moisture they need to sprout.
Soil Temperature: Remember, sunflower seeds prefer warm soil for successful germination.
Sowing seeds too deep or too shallow: When buried too deep in the soil, seeds struggle to access sunlight, oxygen, and moisture for germination. This means the energy reserves within the seed may deplete before the seedling can reach the surface.
If seeds are not adequately covered with soil, they may not be able to establish proper root systems. It also exposes the seeds to drying out quickly, temperature fluctuations, or being easily dislodged.
Both of these issues result in weak or failed germination and hinders seedling development.
What to do:
Keep the Soil Moist (but not too dry): Strive for a balanced soil moisture level. Avoid excessively wet soil and don’t let it dry out either.
Choose a Warm Location: Place pots in a warm location with even temperatures. When the sun goes down temperatures drop, so move pots away from windows at night.
Sunflower Seeds at the Right Depth: Avoid sowing too deeply, as it hampers germination. Sow your sunflower seeds approximately 1-1.5cm deep, not more than twice the diameter of the seed.
Keep the Soil Loose: Resist the temptation to compact the soil before or after planting. By maintaining loose soil, you create plenty of space between soil particles for water and air circulation. This fosters the sprouting and thriving of your seeds.
Use a Cloche: Create a mini greenhouse effect using a cloche or cover. You can purchase one or craft your own from a plastic water bottle. This traps in heat and moisture and accelerates seed germination. Check our sowing guide for instructions.
Issue: Seedlings rotting or too leggy (long and spindly)
Seedlings stem rotting: If your seedlings have been overwatered, sitting in water, or left in a cold location they could develop root rot. This is called damping off and you will notice the bottom of the stem where it comes out of the soil looks brown or the seedling collapses. Root rots can cause seedling death.
Spindly or ‘leggy seedlings’: Seedlings that have very long stems with large spaces between leaves means that the plant is not getting enough sunshine.
What to do:
Maintain Even Moisture: Keep the seedlings consistently moist during the day but avoid overwatering. Ensure the soil is damp but not saturated.
Water in the Morning: Watering in the morning allows the soil to dry out slightly overnight, preventing mildew settling and minimise the risk of root rots.
Provide Plenty of Sunlight: To prevent legginess, place your pots in a warm location that receives the longest hours of sunlight. This helps the seedlings develop sturdy stems and healthy growth.
Acclimatising seedlings (before planting out)
After seedlings have been growing in warm temperatures indoors, they need to be prepared for the outdoors. This is called ‘hardening off’ and involves exposing them to outdoor temperatures over a period of time.
It’s an important step and can result in wilting or death from the sudden change of temperature.
Do not put delicate seedlings into full sun immediately. To acclimatise them, it is better to initially place the young plants in a dappled light position outside for few hours each day and slowly increase their time in the light over the next week. Always bring them inside each day, especially at night.
Well done on growing your own sunflower seedling! When your seedling is about 10-15cm tall, transplant the whole biodegradable pot (with the seedling inside) directly into the garden or a bigger pot (weather dependent).The biodegradable pot will break down over time as the roots grow.
What you will need
Your seedling in its biodegradable pot
Daltons Premium Potting Mix (if planting into pots)
Step 1
Soft ties (to secure the plant stem to the stake)
Sun hat
Sunflowers need lots of sun to grow well. It is very important you choose a spot in the garden that gets plenty of sun throughout the day and is sheltered from the wind so your sunflower does not get blown over as it grows.
Step 2
OPTION A: Planting into a LARGER POT
• Pour some Daltons Premium Potting Mix into the bottom of the larger pot (make sure there are drainage holes in the bottom) then sit the biodegradable pot inside. (Daltons recommend you read the health warning on the back of our bag before you start.)
• The base of the stem should be about 3cm lower than the rim of the bigger pot.
• Fill up the larger pot with Daltons Potting Mix then water well. Make sure the biodegradable pot is completely covered with potting mix.*
OPTION B: Planting directly into a GARDEN (adult
help needed for digging)
To give your young seedling the best chance you need to prepare your garden’s soil before planting. Soil plays a very important part in providing all the nutrients (food) your plant needs. Soil rich in organic matter like compost means that it drains well and helps grow healthy plants.
• Get an adult to help break up the existing soil with a spade to a depth of 25-30cm and add in compost. This is especially important if your kindy garden soil is too heavy or clay based.
• Dig a hole deep enough so the seedling stem is just below the level of the soil in your garden.
• Insert your biodegradable pot into the hole, replacing and firming the soil around it as gently as possible but making sure the seedling is well secured in the ground. Note: the biodegradable pot must be covered.
• Plant your seedlings 30cm apart.*
*Water plants well and regularly (approximately 2-3 times a week, increasing as the weather gets hotter). This is especially important for plants growing in pots as they dry out easily in hot or dry weather.
Step 3
Your Kings Seeds Skyscraper sunflower plant can grow over 3 metres tall so it will need staking to provide support. The plant will become heavy on top when the flower grows, and you don’t want your sunflower snapping in the wind. We put the stake in now, so you don’t disturb the plant’s roots later on. Choose a strong and sturdy stake that is tall enough to support your sunflower as it grows.
Step 4
Using your Daltons measuring tape, measure your sunflower plant’s height each week and write it into your Growth Tracking Sheet.
Step 5
You will need to protect your seedlings, especially when they are young and while it’s still a bit cold. Ask parents for jars or plastic bottles to put over seedlings and protect them at night. You could even make your own cloche to cover the seedlings at night using old hula-hoops and a cover with a frost cloth, even an old net curtain or bubble wrap! Remember to remove covers in the morning.
Top tips
Keep watering your seedlings and remove any weeds that are competing for nutrients around your sunflower plant.
Feed your plants regularly with ‘worm tea’ or compost to help them grow big and strong.
munch on juicy tender seedlings so keep them protected.
• Children can help make slug/snail beer traps by digging a small hole in the soil just big enough for a saucer or jar to fit snugly with the lip of the jar level with the ground. An adult can fill the jar with ½ cup of beer; the slugs and snails are attracted to the sweet liquid and will fall into the trap and drown.
• If aphids arrive, simply wash them off the plant with water every time you see them.
• For the slug/snail Barrier Method, let children place a protective barrier of crushed bark or shell around the plants. Snails don’t like sliding over them.
Measurements are to be taken from the bottom of the plant (ground) to the base of the sunflower head or green bud using the Daltons measuring tape.
Height growth chart
How tall is your sunflower this week? (cm)
Don’t forget to upload your photos and learning experiences throughout the sunflower project to our website or email them to
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Width growth chart
How wide is your sunflower head this week? (cm)
Measurements should be the width (taken from left to right) across the sunflower bloom “face” only (must not include the petals) using the Daltons measuring tape.
Don’t forget to upload your photos and learning experiences throughout the sunflower project to our website or email them to
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Parent Permission
• I give my permission for my child to be photographed or filmed at Kindergarten while participating in the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project.
Y / N (please blank one out)
• I give my permission for my child’s photographs to be used by Kindergarten via their submission of photos to Daltons which may be used on the Daltons website or Daltons Facebook page as part of the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project.
Y / N (please blank one out)
• I give my permission for my child’s photographs to be used on the Daltons website, Daltons Facebook page and any media publicity that may ensue from this promotion.
Y / N (please blank one out)
Signed by parent/guardian
Printed name of parent/guardian
DISCLAIMER It is the responsibility of the participating kindergarten/organisation to advise parents and obtain parental permission for each participating child before taking and using any photographs for the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project. It is not the responsibility of Daltons if any photographs of children participating in the promotion are used without parental permission. This promotion is no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. Information is being provided to Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project and not to Facebook. Facebook is in no way liable for anything in relation to this promotion.
Parent Permission
• I give my permission for my child to be photographed or filmed at Kindergarten while participating in the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project.
Y / N (please blank one out)
• I give my permission for my child’s photographs to be used by Kindergarten via their submission of photos to Daltons which may be used on the Daltons website or Daltons Facebook page as part of the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project.
Y / N (please blank one out)
• I give my permission for my child’s photographs to be used on the Daltons website, Daltons Facebook page and any media publicity that may ensue from this promotion.
Y / N (please blank one out)
Signed by parent/guardian
Printed name of parent/guardian
DISCLAIMER It is the responsibility of the participating kindergarten/organisation to advise parents and obtain parental permission for each participating child before taking and using any photographs for the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project. It is not the responsibility of Daltons if any photographs of children participating in the promotion are used without parental permission. This promotion is no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. Information is being provided to Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project and not to Facebook. Facebook is in no way liable for anything in relation to this promotion.
Parent Permission
• I give my permission for my child to be photographed or filmed at Kindergarten while participating in the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project.
Y / N (please blank one out)
• I give my permission for my child’s photographs to be used by Kindergarten via their submission of photos to Daltons which may be used on the Daltons website or Daltons Facebook page as part of the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project.
Y / N (please blank one out)
• I give my permission for my child’s photographs to be used on the Daltons website, Daltons Facebook page and any media publicity that may ensue from this promotion.
Y / N (please blank one out)
Signed by parent/guardian
Printed name of parent/guardian
DISCLAIMER It is the responsibility of the participating kindergarten/organisation to advise parents and obtain parental permission for each participating child before taking and using any photographs for the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project. It is not the responsibility of Daltons if any photographs of children participating in the promotion are used without parental permission. This promotion is no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. Information is being provided to Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project and not to Facebook. Facebook is in no way liable for anything in relation to this promotion.
Parent Permission
• I give my permission for my child to be photographed or filmed at Kindergarten while participating in the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project.
Y / N (please blank one out)
• I give my permission for my child’s photographs to be used by Kindergarten via their submission of photos to Daltons which may be used on the Daltons website or Daltons Facebook page as part of the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project.
Y / N (please blank one out)
• I give my permission for my child’s photographs to be used on the Daltons website, Daltons Facebook page and any media publicity that may ensue from this promotion.
Y / N (please blank one out)
Signed by parent/guardian
Printed name of parent/guardian
DISCLAIMER It is the responsibility of the participating kindergarten/organisation to advise parents and obtain parental permission for each participating child before taking and using any photographs for the Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project. It is not the responsibility of Daltons if any photographs of children participating in the promotion are used without parental permission. This promotion is no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. Information is being provided to Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens Project and not to Facebook. Facebook is in no way liable for anything in relation to this promotion.
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Top Photo Tips
We’ve put together some tip photo tips and what we require in terms of photo file sizes.
Photo size
Most cameras have settings to control photo size. Select a size or quality setting that makes the image 640 x 480 or larger for best results. A higher resolution produces a better quality image, but it creates a large file. Larger image files can take a long time to upload so we recommend files no larger than 5MB.
Be careful if you downsize your photos as too small a file size will produce a pixelated image when it is viewed at a larger size.
iPad or mobile phone photos
Photos taken on an iPad or mobile phone can be directly emailed from the device. Be aware that often emails default to send images as ‘medium’ sized images which is actually quite a small file size. Look out for the ‘Images’ button in your email message and click on this to choose what size to send your images –‘actual size’, ‘large’, ‘medium’ or ‘small’. Actual size is the best but if the files are over 5MB at actual size you can choose ‘large’.
File formats
We recommend .JPG, .JPEG files.
Camera to computer transfer
With a USB Cable
You can use a USB cable to connect your digital camera to your computer. Most digital cameras come with a USB cable – plug one end into the camera and the other into the computer.
Your computer reads your camera like it’s another drive on your computer, and software already installed on your computer can help you get the photos off your camera.
With a Memory Card
Some computers come with a slot for memory cards or a cable with a reader. Simply insert your digital camera’s memory card into the computer or reader and your computer will recognise the card and ask where you’d like to save your photos. To find them easily later, save them in the My Pictures folder.
Sending photos
Upload your photos via our website or email them to
Don’t forget to let us know the names of the children in the photographs you send through to us.
Project Terms and Conditions
Daltons Sunflower in Kindergartens Project Terms and Conditions
• The Daltons Sunflower Project will run from MONDAY 21 AUGUST until MONDAY 11 DECEMBER 2023.
• Only eligible kindergartens may enter. The Daltons Sunflower Project is only open to Kindergartens who are under the following eleven regional Kindergarten associations: Auckland Kindergarten Association, Central Kids Kindergartens Association (Central North Island), Dunedin Kindergartens Incorporated, Kidsfirst Kindergartens Christchurch, Kindergarten Taranaki, Inspired Kindergartens (Tauranga), Marlborough Kindergarten Association, Nelson Tasman Kindergartens Association, Northland Kindergartens Association, Waikato Kindergarten Association, and Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens (Wellington).
• To enter, eligible kindergartens must register their organisation via the Daltons website before FRIDAY 30 JUNE 2023.
• Starter packs will be shipped to kindergartens from MONDAY 07 AUGUST to FRIDAY 18 AUGUST 2023. Please alert us before WEDNESDAY 16 AUGUST if you have not received your starter pack.
• Kindergartens will only be competing with other kindergartens in their own Regional Associations. This is because each region has its own unique growing conditions.
• Participating kindergartens must regularly send photos or learning experiences to Daltons throughout the project (at least once a month), via email or uploaded to the Daltons website. This material may be used on the Daltons website or posted to the Daltons Facebook page.
• All participating kindergartens must gain parental approval for any images of their children sent to Daltons which may be used for media coverage, Facebook posts or use on the Daltons website. There are parental permission slips in your starter pack, and they are also available on the Daltons website for you to print off.
• Entrants must use the materials provided in their starter pack. This includes Kings Seeds Sky Scraper sunflower seeds, Daltons Premium Seed Mix and Daltons Premium Potting Mix.
• Seeds can be sown indoors anytime from the week beginning MONDAY 21 AUGUST (or later if desired), once the kindergarten is registered and the starter pack is received. Use the recommended growing guide and tips sheet provided in your starter pack and online.
• Seedlings can be planted outdoors from mid/late September (depending on your location) when they are around 15 cm tall.
• Plants must be grown on the kindergarten’s property, apart from children competing for the Homegrown Award.
• Kindergartens can either plant sunflowers per child or as teams and enter as many of those plants as they wish to at the end of the promotion. Participation certificates are available online to distribute to your winning child/team.
• All entrants must submit final measurements verification photos and final measurements using the Daltons measuring tape provided in the starter pack by 6 pm MONDAY 11 DECEMBER 2023 as per below. (Note: Growth tracking sheets may be requested for verification).
• The Tallest Sunflower (per region) – Measurements are to be taken from the bottom of the plant (ground) to the base of the sunflower head or green bud using the Dalton measuring tape. Entrants must provide a photo showing the plant in its entirety: from the ground to the top of the plant/flower and a close-up photo of the measurement taken alongside the plant head.
• The Sunflower with the widest head (per region) – Entrants must provide a photo along with measurements across the head width (not including petals).
• The Tallest Homegrown Sunflower (national) – Must be measured the same as The Tallest Sunflower above.
• All measurements must be taken using the Daltons measuring tape provided. The Daltons measuring tape provides approximate measurements to the nearest cm and is not an official calibrated measuring device.
• Judges will collate results on TUESDAY 12 DECEMBER 2023 and notify and announce winners on (or before) WEDNESDAY 13 DECEMBER 2023. Judges’ decisions are final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
• Prizes will be delivered on a date agreed upon by all parties in FEBRUARY 2022 (if not before). Once the delivery date is agreed this date cannot be changed.
REGIONAL PRIZES – each kindergarten (as named above) will have the following prize categories:
• THE TALLEST SUNFLOWER – $100 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, $100 Warehouse voucher, and a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer.
• THE WIDEST SUNFLOWER HEAD – $100 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, $100 Warehouse voucher, a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer.
• DALTONS BEST LITTLE GARDENER for each kindy – It could be the child who showed an incredible passion for gardening or paid special attention to their sunflower, it’s up to you. Prize and certificate are included in the starter pack.
• PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES – These are available in the Sunflowers Learning Centre for you to download at the end of the project so every child receives their own special certificate.
• PRIZE DRAW – All participating kindergartens will go into the draw to win a prize pack containing; $50 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, a $100 Warehouse voucher, and a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer.
• NATIONAL HOMEGROWN SUNFLOWER AWARD – All participating kindergarten children have the opportunity to also grow a sunflower at home with their family and could win a $50 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, a $100 Warehouse voucher, and a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer.
• BEST PHOTO – Send us your photos throughout the project and you could win a framed copy of the winning photo, a $50 Daltons Gardening Product Prize Pack, a $100 warehouse voucher, a GARDENA Classic Water Sprayer.
This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with Facebook. Information being provided is confidential to Daltons Ltd Kindergarten Sunflower Project and not to Facebook. Facebook is in no way liable for anything in relation to this promotion.