Deeds not Words
1516 AIESEC CCU Local Committee President Application FORM
Words from current LCP
There is always a story behind every AIESECer. Some of us join this organizaBon because we want to change ourselves, and some have awesome ambiBon to change the society and even this WORLD. To be honest I joined this youth organizaBon for that I want to know how different could I become; furthermore, I would like to do self-‐discover. It is undoubted that we can get much experience from this place if we were willing to try. I’ve stayed here for more than two years, and my story just started up. EB posiBon is another journey for AIESECers, and I recommend this experience to you because of unique team work and entrepreneurship you will face. Every stage you will have different opinions and feeling forward this enBty, so never ever say “LAST” in AIESEC. You only live once, seize every chance to make your life more amazing.
1415 LCP
Damian Chen
Job descripBon Representa)ves of En)ty
-‐LCP is the final decision maker of LC -‐LCP need to join naBonal event -‐LCP need to negoBate the pros and cons with Members CommiXe or External Stakeholders -‐Keep and achieve higher membership in AIESEC Taiwan
-‐LC Reality sensing and aspiraBon building up -‐Long term and short term strategy choosing -‐Realize the relaBonship between finance,performance,and human resources. -‐CommunicaBon with EB team to choose the best strategy
Team Management
-‐Host EB meeBng and realize the funcBon reality -‐Build up the EB team and LC atmosphere -‐Make sure heathy LC -‐ LC relaBonship and MC -‐ LC relaBonship
Financial and legal sustainability
-‐Work with VP Finance to ensure the finance sustainability -‐Check all LC acBon will be held according to Legality
Performance and Talent cul)va)on
-‐Work with exchange program VP to drive performance -‐Work with VP talent management to offer best learning environment
ElecBon Process Step 1 Show interest
-‐Post one arBcle to 1415 AIESEC CCU group,and it include your picture and moBvaBon. -‐Post one video (in 2 mins) to 1415 AIESEC TW Facebook group (Believe as one, Make it real)
Step2 Task on next page
Send your candidate package to 1415 LCP Damian Chen 1415 VP TM Ruby Chang Before 3/18 23:59
The Package include followings: 1.Curriculum vitae -‐Picture -‐AIESEC experience -‐Non-‐AIESEC experience -‐Self-‐descripBon 2.LCP quesBons answer -‐answer in one document -‐no more than 300 words in each quesBon 3.Manifesto -‐one document -‐reality analysis -‐EB structure -‐MOS and KPI -‐no more than 15 pages 4.Endorsement leXer -‐one from who lead you now or before (AIESECer required) -‐one from who was led by you (non-‐AIESECer is available) 5.Interest Video -‐same as the one you post on the FB group -‐upload the video to YOUTUBE and aXach the link in the email -‐make sure the video on YOUTBE is available to who has the link Convert all document into PDF and all documents are required done in English except Endorsement leXers. NO Framework so you can design the content you want.
Step 3 SubcommiXee Interview
-‐The interview will be held at 3/23 night, and we will give candidate interview informaBon later -‐Candidate need to dress formally -‐Prepare 3 paper manifesto at that Bme -‐AIESECer from CCU can sBll apply LCP ajer there is someone pass the interview if there is next round applicaBon.
Step 4 Final ElecBon 4/8
-‐The elecBon day will be held during AIESEC DAY -‐The processes include : Opening Speech/Manifesto PresentaBon/QuesBoning/Confidence VoBng/Final Speech/Final VoBng/Talent Show/Announcement -‐The more detail informaBon will be announced later
LCP QuesBons 1.MoBvaBon and Future planning (1)What’s your moBvaBon to choose president role? (2)If AIESEC CCU do not choose you as LCP, what’s your next step? 2.Reality Sensing (1)As your observaBon, what the biggest problem in AIESEC CCU; furthermore, what will you solve it? (2)Explain the posiBon of AIESEC CCU in the campus. 3.FuncBon Knowledge (1)Describe the reality of each 1415 funcBon in your way. (2)What’s your ideal EB structure, why? 4.AspiraBon and vision (1)What’s your idea about “Entrepreneurship” and “InternaBonal plamorm” ? How will you make it real in LC and Chung-‐Cheng University? (2)In the end of your LCP term, what is your LC picture?
“Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” 「不要溫順地走入那良夜,白晝將盡,就算年老也要 燃燒咆嘯;怒吼,怒吼抗拒天光沒滅。」