Geocaching Brasil 2019 01 English version

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Geocaching Brasil

editorial: The Brazilian community of geocachers is small compared to countries in Europe and North America However, despite the smaller number, we are equally enthusiastic geocachers and strive hard to maintain good gameplay, qualitatively and quantitatively Our national event has the nickname "Mini-Mega", because it is organized in the form of a Mega, with several parallel activities that will last several days, but with a smaller audience. Who knows at a later time we can gather a few hundred geocachers in a genuine mega Brazilian event! We will work daily for this. Goals -Gather as many geocachers as possible, Brazilian or not (sympathetic muggles welcome) -Promote interactivity and friendship in the group, always respecting the individualities -Taking experiences on everything that involves the activity -Letting many geocaches of countless types, sizes and difficulties. Previous Events Ape Brasil - First National Event


Geocaching Brasil 2018

Ano 1 - Nº 01 - Outubro/2019 Informativo Aperiódico Editor: Danger_Danger Colaboraram: R&BSerras e Rogercns 1ª Tiragem: 60 exemplares - distribuição gratuita. Curitiba-PR-BR-World


Geocaching Brasil

Script gcbr19 Schedule of activities in these 4 days of Geocaching Brazil 11/14/2019 Thursday -16h Reception Meet & Greet CGBR19 (HQ Gate) -19h Cachístico-Gastronômico Geomeeting



Points of Interests

11/15/2019 Friday -09h Concentration (HQ Gate) -09h30min Exit of the 1st Collective GeoChaching -12h BBQCITO (Parque Passaúna) -15h to 19h Free afternoon for geocaching or rest -19h GIFF 2019 (Cine Guarani)



11/16/2019 Saturday -8h Concentration (HQ Gate) -8h30min FTF GeoScavengerHunt -12h PicniCaching in the Forest (Barigui Park) -7h Geocaching Brazil 2019 Official Event (HQ Gate) -21h Extra-official Fellowship


11/17/2019 Sunday Day to go, But is free to search individually or in groups the various geocaches from Curitiba

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For more details access or the individual page of each geocache event in the geocaching site or app


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Geocaching Brasil

for muggles Did you get this information and do not know what it is? It was edited for the 3rd National Meeting of Geocaching that this year occurs in the city of Curitiba between 14 and 17 November. During these four days, besides the official event, there will be a series of actions related by the city, we expect visitors from all over Brazil and the world. Geocaching is a free outdoor world activity, a game species of "hightec treasure hunt" that can mix adventure, sport and tourism, where the practitioner carrying a gps or smartphome with related application searches for "geocaches" hidden around the world. A traditional geocache is a small pot or enclosed box and waterproof, inside it contains a log book and can have other things like pen, gifts and objects for exchange. Normally it is camouflaged so that it is hidden between its environment and not be discovered by muggles (as we call that is not part of the game). It can be of various sizes, from a fake micro screw to a 20 liter container ... It is also classified by difficulty and terrain.

Geocaching The game is basically navigate to the coordinates, locate the geocache, sign the logbook to physically prove that you found it and sign the online registration to share your experience and mark an additional point in your user profile ... But goes much further , there are many different types of geocaches, some where you need to solve a mystery, others where you need to visit several points of orientation and so on. Although Brazil has few participants compared to the countries of the northern hemisphere, Curitiba is a good reference in this game, currently has more than 200 geocaches of 9 different types spread throughout the city and many active practitioners.

If you are interested, know more and participate in or download the app (official or alternative as C: Geo) and come with us to be part of this adventure


Geocaching Brasil


As it was verified in the previous ones, already it is traditional to have like symbol of the event an animal The famous first, due to the singular APEcache, could only have been a little monkey In the second, a squirrel, common animal in the beautiful city headquarters Campos do Jordão. We kept the same idea and adopted as our mascot the beautiful and native Blue Crow (Cyanocorax caeruleus), a bird symbol of Paraná, a bird of the raven family, about 40 cm in color and blue and black. In local folklore the formation of the araucaria forests is attributed to this bird, because it stores pine nuts and buries them in the ground to find later ... Analogous to a crafty geocacher hiding and looking for containers. The Blue Crow is intelligent and has up to 14 vocal terms to communicate. With the same eloquence we will see in this 3rd micro mega national event.


Geocaching On Smile |City The first geocache of Paraná was hidden in 2001 GC787, just 21 days after the first national GC5DF, but our capital only appeared on the beautiful geocaching map in September 2005 when an American came by and left us the GCQFYF, GCQFYR and GCQFZN . From there to here a lot of GPS found the signal of the city and the geocaches were only increasing ...

The first event only occurred in 2010 GC2DJYJ, about the time the oldest active geocachers emerged from here. For many years we have hosted the only Virtual do Brasil GCC90B, fortunately today we have several more activated Brazil apart. In 2017 we published the Brazilian geocache nº 5000 GC73C30 and also the smallest container of the world GC7DH9W. In 2018 we launched the first geocache AR_ of South America GC7V1Y9, since it is here, be sure to seek this rarity. Today we have in the city a few hundred active geocaches waiting for you, but do not want to find them all at once! We will be very pleased to receive you as many times as necessary, always with many new features on the map, after all one of the nicknames of Curitiba is Smile City (Cidade Sorriso.)


Geocaching Brasil


and tourism IN THE COAST OF PARANA We have a small coastal extension, but full of tourist and cultural alternatives ... Villages, beaches, bays, hills, islands and rivers ... Which can be accessed by several routes, including the historical road of Graciosa, the Railroad or, for the more radical, the beautiful and historic Itupava Road.

Ilha da Tartaruga - Caiobá Foto: Danger

Montains In the portion of the most preserved Atlantic Forest biome in Brazil, we have dozens of hills and mountains distributed in 5 hills: Ibitiraquire, Araçatuba, Marumbi, Prata and Baitaca. For those who have adventure racing in the veins and a lot of physical disposition, the main peaks host some challenging geocaches, some for years waiting for the FTF.

earthcaching 10 Earthcaches on a Walk? Matinhos has! Earthcache is a different type of geocache where one should visit a peculiar site, are educational and provide lessons on land development. With a light hiking and less than 4 km geohunter you can know the beautiful views from here, strolling through this quiet and remarkable, geologically distinct zone, you will learn about its morphology and genesis ... In addition, several other types of geocaches await you on this beautiful promenade by the sea.

Earthcaching - Matinhos Foto: Danger

As always, geocaching guides you to interesting places and explains you curious facts about them, to better understand our planet.


Geocaching Brasil

geotourism on Ilha do Mel

Gruta Encantadas - Ilha do Mel Foto: Internet

Ilha do Mel is a very famous paranaense coastal destination. In this tour, all the places are incredible and unique, deserving therefore, without any doubt, to be visited Today we have 13 geocaches, some quite old Enjoy the Island! And if you have chance, leave other geocaches there!

To get there from Curitiba can be by car or through the bus line that leaves the Bus Station every day to Pontal do Sul, from there a short ferry crossing. In the Island there is the possibility of descending in the enchanted mill and go on foot to pose in Brasilia. Taking all the geocaches that are between these two points This has about 10km of walking, from 2 to 4 hours depending on the pace and the stops, it is better than going and having to go back. From Brasilia, to go to the Fortaleza, about 5km away, this walk can be done by trail or by the border, being able to go by one path and to return by another to appreciate the dierences of the path, the ideal is to choose according to its peculiarities. For example, the trail is made predominantly in the shade. The path along the shoreline is quieter to be done at times when the tide is low. This stretch is possible to do by bicycle.

Earthcaches are all simple to answer, be sure to log in. A tip when locating the spots, read the description and learn about the geology of that place, take some photos and enjoy a lot, then at home respond calmly.

The Vilas de Encantadas and Nova Brasília, have a discreet but good structure for eating, sleeping and sightseeing. Wide choice of inns, bars, markets and restaurants. In relation to the mainland, there is everything a bit more expensive, a restaurant with fair price is the one located in Nova Brasilia. Some facilities here also have a bicycle rental service. Guaraqueçaba Foto: Danger

Geocaching Brasil


Morro Cabaraquara visto da baia Foto: Danger

08 I'm sure geohunter will enjoy all these places! Share your adventure with us

The visit to the Paraty Community is a tour that can take almost a whole day. The place is very beautiful, a village with an authentic caiçara climate, which seems to have kept its culture preserved and isolated from the surrounding world. With locals who are very communicative and very receptive It is located in a beautiful APA and the access, although quiet, is not very simple.

On the "Pé na Lama" trail, in fact called Caminho Novo do Cambará or Trilha do Barreiro, you only get to walk or bike, off-road vehicles were prohibited. There are some good 7 km of walking on a flat terrain with little physical requirement and obstacles, however on the date I was there it had rained and had really a lot of mud, maybe in a rainy season it would be ideal. To do this, it is necessary that someone by car leaves you at the entrance of the trail on PR 508, or that you park in a safe place near there and then return to pick up the car. Another means of arrival is by boat leaving the beautiful community of Cabaraquara, by the bay of Guaratuba. The tour is indescribable! You will meander through the river, passing the imposing hills, sighting many birds and animals. The river is closing until arriving in the community. The cool thing is to try to plan to go on the trail and return to the river, but for this you need driver support, facilitated if organized in a group.

What else we have there: A preserved sambaqui Handmade oyster farming A little trick on the trail Suspension bridge A small and simple restaurant that also serves as an inn with two accommodations (41) 99933-0935 Antônio. The Salto Parati is on a private property, its access is by a trail of about 20 minutes. Give preference to local boaters: Nelsinho: (41) 99129-8435 or (41) 99705-1981; Zeca: (41) 99177-3900; Gedivaldo: (41) 99192-2083


Geocaching Brasil

geoart pt-br January 5, 2017, a question from our friend Toninho on Facebook aroused the desire to do something else. The question was: "Well folks, the beginning of the year, a lot of people on vacation and we have a whole year ahead of us. I propose to put here our goals in Geocaching for 2017. Who knows, we do not inspire anyone to overcome new challenges? " We had our personal goal to reach 200 finds that year, but we wanted something more, we wanted to share our goal with the entire Geocaching community and at the same time do something different or that did not yet exist in Brazil. And now? What to do? It was there that I remembered the story that had come out in GeoMag on December 24, 2016, that spoke of the super geoarte VLR - Trips on My Earth with 300 geocaches. Why not? After brief research I found that the largest geoart in South America had only 40 geocaches, the Geo @ rtista in Sao Paulo, to do higher should not be difficult. Then the doubts began: Where to do it? What to do? How to make? The place was soon defined, the Morro Azul Natural Park in the municipalities of Timbó and Pomerode.

View from the top of the Blue Hill The part of how to do was also easy, skills with several softwares were fundamental and made it much easier to work from home. It was difficult even to come to the conclusion of what to do. Several were the alternatives and I wanted something special, it was when there in March I remembered one of the symbols of Portugal, the Gallo de Barcelos. Location defined, drawing defined, time to start for execution. It was 2 full days, separated by more than a month, to hide the 80 geocaches from what would become GeoArt's largest Geoart in South America.

GeoArt PT-BR

This title did not last long, about a year later, a message from my friend Giuliano, from the GDFernandes team changed the ranking of geoartes in Brazil. This story stands for another opportunity !! Bruno Serras


Geocaching Brasil

A.P.E. Brasil GeoTour


«Come to A.P.E. Brazil GeoTour for an authentic jungle experience! Geocaching between caves, waterfalls, lakes and trails as you discover ruins of stone castles, a wooden church and a breathtaking lookout. Beautiful birds and animals keep company along the trail to the only A.P.E. cache in a GeoTour in the world! Project A.P.E. Mission 4: Southern Bowl, still with the original container and memorabilia of the movie inside ... » Thus describes the page of this unpublished Brazilian GeoTour, an initiative of the group Geo Artistas, a proactive team formed by 5 geocachers, already famous for the creation and maintenance of geoartes and power trails. A GeoTour is a collection of geocaches in a certain area, created to encourage tourism in a region through Geocaching. Between 5 and 150 geocaches can be grouped into a GeoTour that, when they are all found, give the geocacher an exclusive souvenir. The A.P.E. Brazil was created together with Geocaching HQ as a tool for publicizing and attracting people to Intervales. In addition to A.P.E. GeoTour has a Virtual, Wherigo, Letterbox, Multi, Challenge, Night cache, Electronic Cache Gadget, EarthCache's most beautiful park and even a cache inside the lake. For GeoTour to get much nicer, 6 new caches were created (no pot in the tree, anything different) and 8 containers were also exchanged much more fun to find. For the GeoTour launch party on August 24, 2019, the brand new twentieth cache was published, with an unprecedented surprise feature in Brazil that will make GeoTour even more attractive. The HQ people said they had never seen a container like this one that was created and it took more than 1 month to be manufactured. Roger reports, one of the idealizers.

A.P.E. Data Brazil Geotour -20 Geocaches -Unique Geotour in the Southern Hemisphere -8 different types of caches -851 Favorite Points (starting balance) -Souvenir exclusive, designed by the team


Geocaching Brasil

Intervales Due to the unique original ApeCache, until only a single active time, the isolated Interval Park is the true Mecca of global geocaching, receiving cachers from all over the world right here close to you, an unforgettable experience for those who enjoy tourism and adventure. There are a few hundred "Boxes" (like the park staff calls the geocaches) among 8 different types that can turn 10 if you have an Event and a Quote. Travel Tips First of all book your stay in the park, accommodations are limited and disputed. The Curitiba / Intervales road has hundreds of curves. The trip although close (230km) is time consuming (6 hours) and a bit tiring. The park is native Atlantic forest, full of insects and animals, some venomous, so the ideal dress is long trousers and boots. If you know how to walk in the bush, you do not need a guide to the Ape trail, but you need to hire one if you want to visit the caves and waterfalls, all of them are friendly locals that live on it. 3 days is a good time to get to know the park well, because it is huge. Save the list of all Geocaches in your device for offline use, in the park there is no cell phone signal, only WIFI at the concierge and in the restaurant. Only in the restaurant do you accept cards, other places only money. The 3 lodges are simple and warm, the one with the best location is the Pica Pau, it is next to the pool and the restaurant. Bring soap and other items of hygiene. Idea When visiting the APE already hides new geocaches along the way, always generating more attractions. How to get - Follow BR-476 and BR-373 until Guapiara 220km -After passing through Guapiara, continue for 4 km and turn right onto a paved road heading park (there are signs) - Continue for another 7 km, when you will have to enter right on an unpaved road that leads to the park -Back for another 9 km on this road to the entrance of the park Contact: 15 3542-1511 / 3542-1245 - Email:

250 Km

400 Km

Gmaps Via Ribeira

Gmaps Via Registro

APE Brasil Geotour

Scan For More Info Scan For More Info Scan For More Info Geocache Project A.P.E. In 2001, 14 geocaches were put together with 20th Century Fox as promotional material for the movie "Planet of the Apes." Each geocache represented a fictional story in which scientists revealed an alternative primate evolution (A.P.E.). These geocaches were made using boxes of ammunition decorated in a unique way and each of them had an original item of the film props.


brasil Mystery caches It's those blue question marks that appear on your geo-map, generally ignored by the less curious geocachers who think they're almost impossible to solve ... And sometimes they really are. In this type of cache, we must solve a puzzle on the cache page to find out the coordinates of the final container. Your difficulty is graded from 1 to 5. The published coordinates are usually false coordinates, which can be randomly placed, which also facilitates the creation of Geoarts that embellish our map. Mystery / Puzzle Caches often become the stage for new types of geocache that do not fit into other categories. (In these, it should always contain this description in the cache name) Bonus cache - When to find the cache we should search for hidden clues in one or more geocaches Challenge cache - Challenges where geocachers have to meet varied and fun goals to be able to log in. In this Mystery the container must be placed in the listed coordinates. Ar_Caches - Geocaches with Augmented Reality were allowed to be published from June 2018 until March 2019. An experiment to see how the geocaching community would react to AR technology. We have only 2 of this type in Brazil, but, maybe soon a new shipment will appear.

Mysterys CWB

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Can you solve this puzzle and know what they say??

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