Geocaching Brasil 02 - 2020 (English version)

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*20 years of geocaching


Geocaching Brasil

editorial Newsletter designed to be distributed where there is the greatest concentration of active geocachers in Brazil, in our large and lively annual national events ... Which are not the biggest, but are the best! Unfortunately this year the two best events in the world were canceled, ours and the Olympics ... Even so, we will keep updating the activity in general and also some articles with curiosities that may be interesting to the practitioner. And lastly I say that nothing is more stimulating for the geocacher than knowing that we are not isolated ... Send a message, an idea, hello! Interact in the different groups we have, participate and help us by replicating this newsletter in your networks.

Previous edition 01

20 years of Geocaching Do you remember what you did on the distant day of May 2, 2000? The history of geocaching tells that on this date, at approximately midnight, "a big blue switch" was activated, it controlled the selective availability of the use of GPS. From then on, everyone could have access to the satellite signal, previously restricted to government use. What to do with this revolutionary new feature? The next day, a man ... Or rather, a hero named Dave Ulmer hid a "Tupperware in the forest", wrote down the coordinates and shared it with a group on the network. After three days, the first geocache (that name did not yet exist) had been found ... A worldwide phenomenon started to take over the world. In 2020 two decades of adventures of the most varied levels are celebrated, only possible to be perceived by those who have the geocaching virus running through their veins. Like everything in this period of intense innovation, it has grown and evolved. As the greatest achievements I can say that the features of the smartphone apps are highlighted, which made most practitioners abandon traditional GPS ... And the greater interactivity between practitioners on social media and communication facilitators. So geocaching has multiplied exponentially, today in the world more than 3 million, Brazil almost 5000 ... Let us therefore be aware that we are experiencing the best time for geocaching since its emergence.



Curiosity: Of the first 100 published geocaches ... 22 were called simply "Geocache"

The much more detailed history of Geocaching can be seen at this link. Worth reading!



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Year 2 - Nº 02 - October/2020 Periodic newsletter Editor: Danger_Danger - Collaborated: Rafael Metri 1st circulation: 70 copies - free distribution. Curitiba-PR-BR-World


Geocaching Brasil

Pretexts geocachers How many times have you, who like me suffer from geocacher syndrome, not had to find a way to disguise your movements in order to catch a geocache? Who has never arrived in a geozone surrounded by muggles and had to improvise a subterfuge to discreetly remove and / or replace a container? Self-respecting geocacher has some stories of these famous excuses to justify what you're doing standing there on this corner or, in an extreme case, prove to the police that you're no maniac chasing someone. I can really understand the fear of muggles. In fact, a guy covertly looking for something hidden in a tree hole or on a pay phone, looking sideways while rolling a piece of paper is very suspicious. I know that each one must have their own technique for disguise, even so I describe below some of the most efficient and shameless. Children are one of the best alibis No one can morally distrust a father playing with his son, even if he is ridiculously crouched trying to reach something under a bench in a square.



at Oh th e sham

Untied shoe There is no point in lying, I know that you must have spent about 5 minutes pretending this trick, while repeatedly feeling the roots of a tree in search of a micro.


Stretching This technical dynamics serves both for geocaches at ground level and for those who are higher up. Look at nothing, stretch and go! I'll call it geo-pilates.

! Hello m o r f 's It ery? butch

Talking on the phone To justify his presence in the geozone with this effective method, the geocacher must show all his eloquence in an imaginary monologue.

My earring fell Pretending you lost something personal like a coin or a key chain works very well ... At least until a good Samaritan comes to help you look.

Geocaching Brasil


iconics Geocaches As part of the celebration of these 20 years of geocaching, I did a review of 20 special caches. A tribute to the veterans, the exaggerated and the absurd! Feel the drama!

Pionners -The Original Stash We'll start the list where the game started, with the culprit of it all! The First geocache has been archived, but is available for viewing. With the 3 original logs that were in history. -Original Stash Tribute Plaque In the same coordinates there is a new publication and a plaque that pays homage to the original hiding place, the legend says, that if you put your GPS on the plaque for a moment, you will obtain an extended battery life and reception of super accurate satellite! -Europe's First This Irishman hidden in 6/3/2000, as the name suggests is the first of the old continent, a traditional asset until today. "Every geocacher, at least knows a geocacher who has already found this geocache". -First Phoenix Geocachers "Happy Hour" I believe it was the first event and on 03/22/2001 there were 12 participants, much more than my current events. -Earth Day Cleanup at Raccoon Creek Park On 04/26/2003, celebrating Earth Day, this was the first CITO. -GeoWoodstock 4 It was the first mega and had 319 participants on the remote date of 27/05/2006. This mega is already in its 17th edition of peace, love and geocaching. -NC Geology # 1: Paleo Pavement Earthcache This was the first "earth" type cache. It was originally born as a virtual on 07/06/2002 and was converted to Earthcache on 02/23/2005. -Tour of Stone Mountain is the oldest multicache, still active and awaiting visitors. one more that deserves to be in our history. -Mingo It is the name of a Kansas cache that is located almost in the geographic center of the USA. And? Well ... Placed on 11/05/2000 it is the oldest active cache! Grandma!

Should be on the Ice Guinness Book -Prague bridges 1 - Karluv most With almost 40,000 finds it is currently the most found on the planet. It is in Prague in the Czech Republic, where some believe it is the world capital of geocaching. -Geocaching Headquarters is the only one of the type "Groundspeak HQ", it is in Seattle in the administrative base of the game and with more than 17000 finds it is the most logged in of the USA. -Lego - einer ist zuviel in Berlin, has the most favorite points (+ 11k). It is a beautiful geozone, but in fact I must be honest in saying that many other caches are cooler ... The FP must have evolved into a snowball effect. -Cache my Czech (Prague) It is a virtual and the geocache with more photos published on the page, there are almost 30 thousand. A real Paparazzo! -Gigantesque - The Big One is possibly the largest container that existed. This traditional French was a big box truck. It is worth seeing the photos. It had a giant TB, a giant Logbook, a TB hotel safe ... it was even possible to have an event inside! -World Largest Travel Bug Hotel I would give a geocacher to sleep inside this TB Hotel! In fact, as it is a room on the side of a highway, I do not doubt that some crazy person has done this. -Flea (The Smallest Geocache of the World) inversely proportional, tries to enter this list due to its insignificant measures.

Achei - Found it - Trouvé - Gefunden - L'ho trovato - Znalazłem - Buldum Našel jsem - Yo encontré - Aurkitu nuen - Я знайшов - Ngitholile - Jag hittade


Geocaching Brasil

More extremes -Earth's Roof - Mount Everest Peak is the highest on the planet, at 8,815 meters. Only 4 people have already logged in to this Earthcache and I will buy an ice cream for whoever is next. -Aconcagua - The White Sentinel at 7602 meters above sea level is the highest active (physical) traditional geocache. He currently has 3 finds and 2 DNFs. Imagine the disgrace! Go up all this and not find the slander! -International Space Station And it's not that it has higher geocache yet! It was hidden by millionaire and space tourist Richard Garriott at the International Space Station, which is at an average altitude of 340.5 km. Interestingly, it is one of the 62 geocaches listed on the map of Kazakhstan, the starting waypoint is the Russian Baikonur Cosmodrome, the first and largest base for launching long-range rockets. The geocache is blocked for notes and records, but it is active. -Rainbow Hydrothermal Vents The same eccentric owner of the previous cache hid what is the geocache below, in the abyssal depths of the planet, 2300 meters under sea level. When you go to send someone to the fifth of hell ... Pass the coordinates of this geocache. For those who are curious to see the pages, logs and photos. Follow the link for the list of caches (Some are already archived).

Caches Iconics

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Iconics of Brazil Regionalizing, it is Brazil's turn to show its iconic geocaches, obviously with much more modest numbers, but no less important. -The first was the GC5DF, called "Brazilian Virtual Cache" of the ____geocache_br profile, perhaps the first Tupiniquin account. -Monkeys bite me! Our dear Ape, Mission 4: Southern Bowl is TRI! Oldest active, with more photos and more favorites. Monkeytastic! -Frederico Engel GC3FMPF is the most logged. -Neblinosaurus GC73KR7 is the tallest in Brazil with 2785 meters. -The northernmost of the American continent is Ponta do Seixas and Falésia de Cabo Branco GC83J2J -The most out of the box is the Antipodal point break GC44CV5, an invading Japanese mystery cache, listed in an absurd antipodal coordinate here on the map of Brazil! (According to the rules the physical cache of a mystery cannot be more than 2 miles from the published coordinates)




Geocaching Brasil


The fabulous geocaching trails Some more conservative geocachers don't like this theme, mainly due to the cache's lack of individuality, which could make it less interesting. But, we cannot deny that geocaching and trail is all about. Whether in the middle of nature or on an attractive urban path. It is an individual criterion to define if you prefer to do just one or two good caches in a day, a more elaborate multi or mystery ... Or dozens (or even hundreds) of finds on a power trail. The varied possibilities are what make geocaching such an interesting activity.

Power Trail It is a sequence of similar caches, which are arranged along a route, allowing players to find a large number of caches in a small amount of time and distance. Generally, in addition to the purpose of making the most of an attractive route, it has a quantitative character, in order to obtain a rapid increase in its number of finds. This year they even got their own attribute.

Fetching Power Trail caches Some are mysteries (or even Geoarts *), usually of simple resolution, in this case it is customary that the coordinates must be resolved in advance. Depending on the route, the ideal means of transport can be varied. On foot, bicycle or motorized ... Strategic preparation is crucial! Water, snacks, sunscreen ... Provision, good walking shoes and of course, the geocacher's weapon ... Pen! One thing I guarantee, doing a power trail with a group of friends is something unique, cool and rewarding.

Create a PT If you liked the idea and want to create a Power Trail for us to get this bunch of caches, write down some crucial tips to make the adventure even more fun! There are no explicit criteria or definitions, but some details can characterize this type of caches. -There are several caches, all PTs are series, not all series are PT. -Generally they have a theme. -The common name can be followed by a number that indicates the best order to be followed by the caches -A PT does not have isolated caches, they are always connected, grouped and / or sequential. -The distance between the caches is in short spaces (+ 161m clearly) and similar intervals. -May have one or more owners. -Similar level of difficulty. -Containers can be identical or varied. -Capriche and be very creative -Publish among your groups and social media, giving some basic tips to those interested.


Geocaching Brasil

Mega-trail! There is no maximum or minimum number, but there are people who go beyond! A guy in a forum said he wanted to set up the smallest Power Trail in the world with just 2 caches ... But some of the biggest PT’s in the world are far from 1000 containers, I know that the ones mentioned below will make any geocaches aficionado excited. -The Confederation Trail Cache Project A set of PTs with about 1700 geocaches along a disused railway on Prince Edward Island, Canada. + 240KM that can be done on foot or by bike. -ET Highway One of the largest and perhaps the most complete Powertrail is in Nevada. It has 1021 geocaches. However, together with the adjacent PTs and alien geoarts *, there are more than 2000 caches. -Highway To H.E.L.L. Simply 3064 geocaches in the Mojarve / California desert to be made in a 4X4 vehicle. In this region there are several other PTs, what is not DNF! The owner openly suggests that if not found, replace and log in. -BMT Bogn Mega Trail in Norway, 1001 diversified geocaches in a PT linked to a beautiful geoart. -Iron Horse +1400 caches also in Canada. -Power Trail Héraultais and Le pays du Der both in France and each with +1300 geocaches. These thousands of caches, each with a few hundred logs, intrigued me about the owner's email inbox! Anyway, after you program a lot and make any of these Pts ... You may qualify to log in to the Challenge GC57P33 "The Power Trail Challenge: 1000 Caches in a Day" which, as the name suggests, must have found uninterrupted and practically 1 geocache every 1:20 minutes. It seems absurd, but it already has 25 logs.

Geotrail Unlike the power trail, it has a qualitative character, it would be a trail or series of caches designed to explore a region, natural, historical, scenic phenomena or another area of unusual interest very well, which probably could not be discovered otherwise. It values the best experience in each cache. They are big projects, well organized (similar to a geotour) and sometimes the creators have partnerships, they can also have something beyond simple caches, such as an exclusive disseminator website, an award for the geocachers who complete it, etc… Eventually they have a "passport" to complete and prove that the participant has completed the journey.

*Geo-art It is a collection of geocaches that have their published coordinates arranged to create an image when viewed on the cache listing map. (see GCBR01)


Geocaching Brasil

geocaching x wildlife Most searches for geocaches take place in natural environments, such as trails in woods, parks and squares with some nature! The prizes are often hidden in holes, rock cracks, hollow trees, etc. These are also the favorite places for animals to use as hiding places, so it is not uncommon to encounter potentially dangerous animals when looking for geocaches. At any time of the year there is a risk of finding spiders, scorpions, caterpillars and snakes on the trails or occupying hiding places, but in spring and summer encounters are more frequent, especially in cold regions, as it is the time of greatest activity for animals. It is always important to remember that most of these animals are not poisonous or venomous (with structures for injecting the poison), and do not pose a greater risk, but many species can be quite dangerous. Even non-aggressive species, when they feel threatened, can attack and cause injury or poisoning. So, when visiting natural areas, parks or squares, take some precautions to avoid accidents. Do not walk barefoot, look carefully where you step and do not leave the trails; avoid touching the vegetation or debris, branches and rocks with your hands, use a stick. In the case of geochaches in holes or crevices, always use a branch or stick to check the hiding place and remove the container. And, of course, if you encounter an animal, avoid touching it and keep a safe distance. Snakes and spiders tend to flee and seek shelter, or they can stand as if they want to be "invisible". If the animal is on a trail, try to swerve. If you can't, hitting the ground with a stick at a distance is usually enough to chase the bug away. But don't hit the bug, which can get stressed and aggressive.

Aid stick, can be a crucial item to the geocacher. In case of an accident with a poisonous animal, keep calm and try to identify the animal. This can help with treatment. Do not drink any liquids, especially alcohol. Alcohol can increase blood circulation and intensify the effect of the poison. Also, do not make tourniquets or tourniquets, as some types of poison can cause gangrene. Do not puncture the site of the bite, which can cause secondary infections or take the venom to deeper areas of the skin, in addition, some poisons have hemorrhagic action. The ideal is to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Keep in your agenda the number of a Toxicological Information Center (Dial Intoxication - 0800-722-6001), with units in most States (in PR - 0800-410-148; in SP 0800-771-37-33; Call this number immediately in case of an accident for other guidelines, such as indicating the best health facility or hospital to handle the case. By: Rafael Metri - Professor of Biological Sciences at UNESPAR and muggle who accompanies us in various cachings

Spiders on geozone - Morro do Canal / PR

Frogs are frequent in Brazilian forests


Geocaching Brasil

Trackable traveling items

GCBR Travel bugs * and Geocoins… What's the difference? Both are made for travel and have a traceable personal number. TBs are usually simpler, a military-style metallic tag, which is attached to some item, key chain or small toy that will travel along. Geocoins are more elaborate and refined currencies. With a much wider range of shapes, colors, sizes and styles. It can be collectible. Rules of good conduct with trackables -Be aware and respect objectives or missions. -It is not exchange items, that is, it is not correct to leave a TB and take a SWAG. -When you discover a TB, be careful not to "grab" it by mistake. -Don't share the code online, the fun of the game is to discover the animal physically. -Do not keep a TB in hand for too long. -Find a suitable container to leave a TB, avoid hermit or vulnerable caches. -Report to the owner when you see that, unfortunately, a TB has disappeared. TB1 - The first Travel Bug It was launched by pioneer Jeremy Irish (CEO and cofounder of Groundspeak) on 09/30/2001. A rubber duck called “Deadly Duck: Envy”. Today we have so many TB on this theme ... TB1D - The first Geocoin Activated on 09/20/2001, it is a personal geocoin of the legendary geocacher Moun10Bike.

TB runs Buggy races are a fun way of competition, where a group of geocachers will release TBs on the same day with some previously established goal… Travel a greater distance in a certain time, reach a certain predefined location, score points reaching specific goals, etc. ... What is your strategy for doing well in a TB race? I believe that the secret is to communicate, to always send messages to the TB patient asking for basic things, like touching all the caches that he finds, avoiding dropping into a cache that is difficult to access ... Always with ethics, preferably. If the travelbug has been parked for more than four weeks in a cache, we can use ProjectGC's TB Rescue tool to rescue it! TravelBug Hotel TB Hotel would be a geocache considered as a safe place to leave a trackable item. As for the physical environment (container), some are very creative, a true “geo-resort”, but basically they must follow some facilitating conventions (not mandatory). They may or may not contain indicative TB hotel or similar in the cache name, traditional type cache, medium or large size, strategic location, busy and accessible geo ... To make it difficult for people with malicious intent to lose, they may contain a secret or lock that protects you ... Or, in some cases, they are exclusive caches for premium members. In addition to traditional TBs ... The great geocacher imagination makes many things a traceable item, traveling from cache to cache or accompanying the owner after adventures… A personal log stamp, a tattooed person **, a backpack… The Brazilian national event of 2019, for example, it had its personalized t-shirts with traceable codes (TB-Shirt). This Newsletter, my dear geo-reader, is the trackable item TB9BT3X! Look for the code there.

* Travel Bug® registered trademark of Geocaching. ** If you get a Tattoo TB, you may require to change your code icon to Human TB!


Geocaching Brasil

Is it worth it?

premium The geocaching activity is free, the physical part of the game is done by the practitioners themselves (owners) and many other things are done by around 400 volunteers (proofreaders, moderators, translators and Geoawares). However, everything has a cost ... Developers, servers, creators, marketing and all the complex administrative part are not free. And subscribers are the main source of revenue for this company. Followed by Trackables, partnerships, advertisers and Geotous… The basic user cannot complain, as he has quite complete access to the game. There is also no restriction or discrimination with non-payers. As an attraction to “formally join the club”, we have some differentials that facilitate the gameplay. Basic Member -Access to all caches (via website or alternative applications) -Simple searches -Access to maps and locations -Sharing experiences Premium Benefits -Full use of the official APP -Create and share custom lists -Access to statistics - Score favorites - Customized searches - Instant notification of new caches -Caches along a route -Access to exclusive geocaches for premium members -Premium member access to all Groundspeak sites

Curiosity: Reviewers can offer to members who never have been premium as a courtesy an experimental month.

My naive and consistent conclusion is that if you are an active practitioner, it will always be worth paying $ 30 a year. (or via Play Store) Cheap! Comparing that to watch a single game of national sport (football), practically that is spent. Personally, on one occasion I won a one year voucher and I never wanted to stop being premium. Charter Member Geocachers that acquired premium memberships as soon as they appeared (2001/2002) and that maintain them until today, later received the special status of "Charter", a recognition for their support in the initial expansion of the game. "Please thank any Charter Members you encounter along the way as the site would not exist today without them." P



Geocaching Brasil

webcam caches What are? A rare and very interesting type of cache that (for now) can no longer be published. Without a physical container, remotely and virtually the geocacher uses monitoring cameras publicly available on the Web. The idea is almost always to stay in one spot in front of the camera (listed coordinates) to record your visit ... An authentic and well elaborated "GeoSelfie", which includes from shy photos to daring poses shared in the community at each find. In the past it was really complicated, I needed to sync for a friend to access the camera on a computer, save your photo so that you could put it in your log and confirm your visit… Today, with smartphones and mobile connection, it became simpler to visit the site and give your “printscreen”.

found it! Published caches are still available to be found, as they are active they have acquired rights, but for some time they are no longer available for creation. New webcam caches are now in the Webcam category on

Curiosities -A total of 1007 were published -Today there are only 244 active -Until March 2005 you logged a normal “Found It”, from there you changed it to “Webcan Photo Taken” -The oldest active is from 2001 GC24CD -The newest active is 2007 GCMQDN -The most isolated is a T5 in Antarctica GCDECD -The one with the most favorite points is on the famous Beatles Abbey Road GC6F12 -The last one was on 03/05/2010 GCQ4NB -And amazing, my geocaching friends! Our manly Brazil has had its Webcam cache GC8033

´ Parque Estadual Turistico do Alto Ribeira

petar It's time to star in another unforgettable geo-adventure in your life! Petar was created in 1958 and at 62 years old it is one of the oldest parks in the state of São Paulo. It has an area of 35 thousand hectares used exclusively for research and tourism, either in its caves or in waterfalls and forests. It is also an important place for university studies and a natural laboratory for ecological research on the Atlantic Forest. Because it is located very close to the Intervales APE, it sometimes ends up going unnoticed by geocachers, however, it is one of the best prepared places in this incredible region to receive people who, like us, seek alternative places for ecotourism and adventure tourism. Here it is possible to practice sports such as geocaching, abseiling, climbing, cycling, cross buoy, cascading and especially caving (cave exploration), the most popular activity here. This is due to the fact that Petar has more than 300 caves. Of these hundreds, 12 are open for visitation. To give you an idea, the Casa de Pedra Cave has an entrance porch that measures 216 meters in height. It is the largest cave mouth in the world! In addition, there are not a few places around here where you can observe the rich fauna and flora of one of the most preserved areas of Atlantic forest in our country, composed of numerous waterfalls, trails, traditional and quilombola communities, archaeological, paleontological and cultural sites. . PETAR has four “Nuclei” for tourist visitation: Santana, Ouro Grosso, Casa de Pedra, and Caboclos. The most frequented are Núcleo Santana and Núcleo Ouro Grosso. The Alto Ribeira Tourist State Park is considered one of the most important Conservation Units in the world. Today it is considered a world heritage site, recognized by UNESCO. This second edition of the Geocaching Brasil newsletter had the important support of Glamping Mangarito no Petar, whose owner is also a geocacher and will be able to give you all the tips and support you need to know this paradise hidden between valleys and mountains. Source of information:

GLAMPING Est SP 165 km 13, Bairro da Serra - Petar, Iporanga - SP 15 99745-8656 /. 15 99745-5040 -

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