Geocaching Brazil 2019 national event schedule - English Version

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​Third National Geocaching Event - ​GC85MMM

We consider that our event was a real success, despite the limitations that still exist in Brazilian Geocaching, we are in our best phase. Compared to previous events, it is becoming more inclusive and organized, and it can be said that in a life cycle analysis (PLC), we have already gone through the development and introduction phases and are currently in the growth and consolidation phase. Always emphasizing that this success depends mainly on the adhesion of the geocacher community, we contemplate about 50 participants, 10% autochthonous and the rest originated from several cities of 4 Brazilian states (Paraná, Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul) and 4 countries. (Czech Republic, France, Germany and Portugal). With great potential for increased demand because the city chosen to host the 2020 event is Foz do Iguaçu, bordering Argentina and Paraguay, the second most visited Brazilian tourist destination. With a very varied schedule, the events included different regions of the city, with the script always valuing natural and cultural attractions. The 4 days were a true immersion in the world of geocaching, with exchange of experiences and closer ties of friendship. During the event our first printed newsletter was distributed, the digital version of which can be viewed at these ​Links: ​Informative Portuguese​ - ​Informative English

Pre event We had the support of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba and were included in the official programming of the city. ​Event Link​ - ​GIFF Link​. During the preceding months, among other advertising actions, we made a series of ​teasers that were gradually released on social networks. as well as constant informational announcements on the event page. Creation of official website ​ The suggestion of accommodation was strategic, close to the events and in a region with good structural conditions such as transport, safety, health and commerce. About 50% of participants rented apartments at this location.

Schedule Summary Day 1 - 11/14/19 Thursday 4 pm Meeting Beginning of the event, visit only to know the headquarters HQ. 7 pm ​Geomeeting Cachístico-Gastronômico - GC876QM This was a tribute to the series of events that occur traditionally and monthly in São Paulo; and is currently in the uninterrupted 62nd version. It was the warm-up event, delivery of the newsletter and programming, in front of the official accommodation, to welcome those who came from outside and get to know each other. We booked virtually the entire bar, which made a draft beer promotion for the attendees. During the conversations we were able, as a group, to unravel the mystery of a 5/5 geocache that would be sought the next day.

After the event, at 11 pm, some more willing organized a fun night geocaching.

Pub - GeoChopp - Night Geocaching

Day 2 - 11/15/19 Friday 9 am Coletiv Geocaching

We gathered at HQ and after handing out the flags to signal the cars and the ​explanatory ​booklet with the list of ​48 caches of 9 different types that would be made in group, we started a Power Trail and ended in a virtual surprise that was published especially on the date, providing some collective FTFs and a lot of adventure.

Concentration - Caravan Flags - Collective Virtual FTF

12 am ​BBQCITO - GC85MM4 During a sunny afternoon, we held the Cito souvenir event by a beautiful lake, followed by a courtesy barbecue for all participants and a lot of geocaching.


BBQCITO -​ ​Geop ​ epper, exclusive souvenir for the participants

Geocaches 5/5 - Earthcaching - Wherigo...

5 pm ​GIFF Brasil 2019 - GC85MME An unprecedented screening in Brazil in a real movie theater. Free Before Giff we had an exciting surprise movie where geocachers from around the world sent a message to the attendees of this event. ​Opening Giff Brasil It was a very special moment for us all, a Brazilian movie was included in the list and the actor geocacher was watching everything together with us! After the movie another surprise video with a message made by the volunteer reviewers of Portugal, responsible for the Brazilian caches. ​Reviewers Message

GeoPopcorn - Giff Brasil 2019 After the Giff, a night tour was also improvised to pick up some elaborate LabCaches from the historic city center and complete the 10 different types in a single day.

Day 3 - 11/16/19 Saturday 9 am GeoScavenger hunt of FTF's Just before the start of this race behind FTF's, ​80 geocaches spread out in strategic locations around the city were published at one go. This was a competition where participants formed teams that needed to redeem FTF "seals" from within the geocaches, the top 3 finishers won kits with various awards such as: Medals, Premium One Year Vouchers, Official Containers, Custom Bags, Stickers, pens, pathtags, etc


12 am ​PicniCaching in the Woods - GC85MM8 In one of the largest and most beautiful parks in the city, with extensive fauna, flora and geocaches! We had a hearty and outgoing collaborative picnic, under a woods and by the lake.

Picnic on woods During the picnic was published the special letterbox surprise ​MobCache - The Blue Rook Rescue​, where it would need at least 15 people to be connected at the same time in a coordinate that led to a deck over the lake, so that we could find the final coordinates. Once unveiled, we followed in a group trail to the cache, to open it was another challenge, it was about 20 minutes to unravel the complex secret.

MobCache: Point 1 - Trail - Puzzle on container

5 pm ​Geocaching Brasil 2019 - GC85MMM The main event was in a large auditorium in our HQ and featured a number of activities. At the reception each visitor received a participation kit with gifts. There was the traditional sample and exchange of TB's. Display of the logbooks of the 2 previous events. In the container contest the participants showed a lot of manual skill and creativity, with brilliant and challenging puzzles. The voting was electronic and there were awards to the top 5. The unprecedented Geo costume party had thematic related to geocaching and had great adherence, with dressing rooms, parade and awards for the 3 most voted.

Thematic panel for photos (mini mega) that turned into the logbook

Container Contest - Puzzle Room Supporter Stand (Scape Game Room)

Costume Parade

Awards: Fantasia / GeoScavenger hunt / Containers

Event T-Shirts. With trackable individual code and traveler tag - Geocoin with limited numbering

Participation Kit

9 pm Official Extra Party After the event we had a get-together at a local bar, between a few chopps and a lot of conversation, we defined where will be next year's event.

Day 4 - 11/17/19 Sunday 8 am​ ​Geowalk - Plogging Day - GC8FK8Y Last day of the event, we started with a CITO event that started from the bus station and followed by a "plogging" walk on a bike path to the Botanical Garden, passing a very cool Letterbox series on the way, we could also attend a stretch of Curitiba's international marathon. that passed beside us, as well as the famous tourist train to “Serra do Mar”.

9h ​FlashMob - Signal The Frog - GC8DC53 Frog meeting in front of Curitiba's main postcard. There was our farewell, some people went to ApeCache in Intervales and others went to look for the various caches that the site had. Unfortunately the unique experience of Geocaching Brazil, South America's largest and liveliest mini event, has come to an end.

General numbers 4 days About 50 participants More than 1400 logs in Curitiban geocaches 10 different types of geocaches 2 souvenirs Post event To continue evolving, an electronic Feedback form was provided, where participants could give their opinions anonymously. Having a positive rating above expectations. Shared photo ​album​. Creating a video with images of the events (in production) As legacy was for the city of Curitiba 376 varied geocaches, the positive exposure, the cultural background and the open doors for new events of this size.

Upcoming event Date: 04 to 09/07/2020 or 10 to 10/12/2020 Location: Foz do Iguaçu - Paraná - Brazil

Thanks Geocaching HQ, ​​, ​​, reviewers and all participants If you would like to be a contributor or simply participate, please contact us. Spread the word in your network.

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