The Balanced Scorecard - Official guide

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 The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. BSC


Management Learning

Vision in Tangible measurements


Constant Org. feedback

Strategy in Operations





Traditionally, profit organizations perspectives are arranged as





Finance Customer Process Employee



Process Innovation


Finance Society


Process Innovation







 Perspectives  Critical Succes Factors  Key Performance Indicators

What´s going on?

Reference Prioritization

Planning Framework Planning

Complete Planning, Tracking & Reporting

 BSC used just to define what are the key areas you should be paying attention and designing some action.  Helps also to identify what are the are impacting the most the organizational goals, facilitating prioritization Reference Prioritization

 You plan based on CSFs rather than subsystems or areas.  You use the KPIs and their goals to define the approaches and initiatives

Planning Framework Planning

 You plan based on CSFs rather than subsystems or areas.  You use the KPIs and their goals to define the approaches and initiatives

 You track based on your KPIs and CSFs, including the coloring the map Complete Planning, Tracking & Reporting

 You report based on your strategy map

Through a practical induction, our membership is clear on the business model of AIESEC since the very beginning. Our profile based recruitment enables efficiency in our areas and our sellers become a priority. Our members strive for a full AIESEC experience through IXP.

Talent Capacity

1 2 3 4 5 6

Members Recruited for Team Member Programme Members Recruited for Team Leader Programme Integrated Experiences oGCDP Integrated Experiences oGIP Members on Practical Induction Members Performing on Sales

Our members are aware of their competencies development through their experiences. Our GLEs are clear and specialized per programme Project. LEAD is delivered by externals and the SDP becomes a clear Project.

Talent Development

7 8 9 10 11

Global Learning Environmen​ts - LEAD Global Learning Environmen​ts - Compe​tencies Global Learning Environments - SDP Global Learning Environmen​ts - Opera​tions Members wi​th CAT 360° Resul​ts

Our infrastructure facilitates our operations and enables greater results.


12 Total Entity Fixed Assets

Productivity as our main priority. A matter of having the correct talent in the correct place and understanding the role of every single member in the entity with a clear track of their contribution in hours.

Membership Productivity

13 IXP Membership +30% 14 LC Productivity [X/M] 15 Members on Front Office Vs Back Office +60%

We review our planning processes in order to generate new strategies or adjust the current ones. Our membership is clearly striving for excellence.

Planning and Review

16 17 18 19

High Performance Team Leaders +90% High Performance Team Members +90% Monthly Closure Meetings Executive Board Meetings

We report and ask for feedback to our different bodies. We have an organized quality structure supporting auditing processes and we achieve every single mĂ­nimum. Our LC Assembly consists of responsible Ful Members.

Governance and Accountability

20 21 22 23 24 25

Board of Advisors Meetings OGX Forms Fulfilling Auditing Minimums iGCDP Forms Fulfilling Auditing Minimums iGIP Forms Fulfilling Auditing Minimums Legislative Assemblies Full Members

Our internal stakeholdes are aware of the operations state, LC Goals, opportunities and LC direction.

Managing Information

26 27 28 29

Members on PODIO EP Newsletters Sent LC Newsletters Sent Members Aware of LC Opportunities & Performance

Our Entity membership is aware of the Market Trends and clearly understands the opportunities in front of us and moreover, how to capitalize them.

Market Analysis & Research

30 Opportunities identified for ELD 31 Pressence in #Universities

We are reaching our market in a disciplined and organized way. We target the clear markets and raise interest across the sectors.

Market Approach

32 33 34 35 36 37

Applications Received for oGCDP Applications Received for oGIP Applications Received for TMP Sales Meetings - iGCDP Sales Meetings - iGIP Sales Meetings - Strategic Alliances

We go faster and faster. Our chances of fulfilling our promises increases when we aim for a more efficient entity.

Internal Efficiency

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Matching Rate iGCDP Realization Rate iGCDP Matching Rate oGCDP Realization Rate oGCDP Matching Rate iGIP Realization Rate iGIP Matching Rate oGIP Realization Rate oGIP

Our Stakeholdes upscale their partnerships due to our high quality experiences delivered and promote our organization within their own sectors.

Customer Loyalty

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

Promoters iGCDP Promoters oGCDP Promoters iGIP Promoters oGIP Upscaling iGCDP Partners Upscaling oGCDP Partners Upscaling iGIP Partners Upscaling oGIP Partners

We are present in social media and physicall events. We spread the voice about AIESEC while positioning our impact in the external environment.

Brand Positioning

54 55 56 57 58 59

Folllowers on Twitter Followers on FB Fanpage Showcased experiences Subscriptions on Youtube Participation on Events Media Appearances

We generate new partnerships while keeping our previous ones. We are clear on how many enablers and supporters we have.

Generating Relationships with Stakeholders

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

iGCDP - Raised Forms iGCDP - Re Raised Forms iGIP - Raised Forms iGIP - Re Raised Forms oGCDP Raised Forms oGIP Raised Forms TN Takers GCDP TN Takers GIP oGCDP Partners oGIP Partners

We deliver our promise by matching our participants to suitable TNs. Attend permanently our lack of quality cases and receive the feedback on processes and experiences of our EPs.

Product Service

70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

iGCDP Matched Forms oGCDP Matched Forms iGIP Matched Forms oGIP Matched Forms Response Rate iGCDP Response Rate oGCDP Response Rate iGIP Response Rate oGIP Cases Closed iGCDP Cases Closed oGCDP Cases Closed iGIP Cases Closed oGIP

We are financially sustainable.

Financial Sustainability

82 83 84 85 86

Total Incomes Total Outcomes Surplus Fundraising Months of Reserves

We are clear on our financial goals and monthly track them.

Smart Investments

87 88 89 90

Financial Goal iGCDP - ROI Financial Goal oGCDP - ROI Financial Goal iGIP - ROI Financial Goal oGIP - ROI

We deliver high quality AIESEC experiences.


91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Increasing iGCDP Experiences Increasing oGCDP Experiences Increasing iGIP Experiences Increasing oGIP Experiences Increasing TMP Experiences Increasing TLP Experiences Net Promoter Score - iGCDP Net Promoter Score - oGCDP Net Promoter Score - iGIP Net Promoter Score - oGIP

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