2 minute read
Initial Interface
Initial Interface
Initial Interface
The building began with a single screen oriented towards the Dan Ryan Highway exit and metra line, with the other side of the screen acting as a stage.
The building began with a single screen oriented towards the Dan Ryan Highway exit and metra line, with the other side of the screen acting as a stage.
A single screen is oriented towards the Dan Ryan Highway exit and metra line, with the opposite end acting as a stage. ore magna aliqua . Lorem
Wrap And Split
Wrap And Split
Wrap And Split
The screen became a surface that wrapped around the entire building, making it visible from a variety of new viewpoints.
The screen became a surface that wrapped around the entire building, making it visible from a variety of new viewpoints.
The screen becomes a surface wrapped around the entire building, increasing visibility from an array of new viewpoints.
The wrapped screen began to alter in the vertical direction, only touching the ground where it related to an on ground viewpoint.
The wrapped screen began to alter in the vertical direction, only touching the ground where it related to an on ground viewpoint.
Vertical Variation
The wrapped screen alternates in the vertical direction, touching the ground where it relates to an on ground viewpoint.
Weaving Digital
Weaving Digital Screens
The continuous screen became an element that was woven through the building, providing inhabitable spaces for building users.
The continuous screen became an element that was woven through the building, providing inhabitable spaces for building users.
The continuous screen becomes an element woven through the building, providing inhabitable digitized spaces for building users.
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The continuous screen is fragmented and oriented towards three adjacent primary avenues of transit.
The continuous screen is fragmented to orient towards the three primary avenues of transit adjacent to the site. unt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor
The continuous screen is fragmented to orient towards the three primary avenues of transit adjacent to the site. unt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor
I Nhabitable Space
Inhabitable Space
Additional screens are added to each of the stairwells to expand the inhabitable space of the digital element.
Additional screens are added to each of the stairwells to expand the inhabitable space of the digital element. unt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem
Additional screens are added to each of the stairwells to expand the inhabitable space of the digital element. unt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem
Warp And Orient
Warp And Orient
Each screen was further fragmented to orient towards a variety of individual areas of pause around the site.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
Each screen further fragmented and orients towards select surrounding “areas of pause”.
Each screen was further fragmented to orient towards a variety of individual areas of pause around the site.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
Simplify And Terrance
Simplify And Terrance
The form was simplified to warp with the screens only at specific points. Terracing was added to maximize use of southern light.
The form was simplified to warp with the screens only at specific points. Terracing was added to maximize use of southern light.
The form was simplified to warp with the screens only at specific points. Terracing was added to maximize use of southern light.