David Nieper
the new image new image new image
A New C on su m e r The term Flat Agers refers to the baby boomer generation. Baby boomers are people born during the demographic Post– World War II baby boom between the years 1946 and 1964. Baby boomers are associated with a rejection or redefinition of traditional values; how ever, many commentators have disputed the extent of that rejection, noting te widespread continuity of values with older and younger generations.
I pronounce a change in the way David Nieper approaches there consumers with the age range that they are attracting there clothing ranges towards. These flat agers are breaking the traditions and stereo types for there age range.
the polarity paradox
They can no longer be marketted to in the way that are and the way in which David Nieper is approaching them as a company and clothing brand.
Jessica Lange for Marc Jacobs
Authenticity, truth, locality. They want the same as 26 year olds.
flat-agers flat-agers flat-agers
Flat Age consumers like retail that welcomes them with authenticity, sophistication and fun. Allowing them to live the lives they’ve always led.
Vivienne Westwood on the Cover of Gentle woman
“O nl y 24% of Bri t i sh ad ults would cons ider going into a c are home i f t hey were to become frail in old age” Bernhard Willhelm A/W14 lookbook
Flat Age consumers want to spend on the pleasures in life. However that doesn’t mean ostentation, however. Instead they honour their environment and social values. Don’t believe the myths. Flat Agers are keener on technology that ever - and they know how to use it. Female 49-67yr olds use Facebook at the same
rate (90%) as Millennials. They are defyinf the expectations of age. Being a new set of affluent, tech savvy, “ammortal” people in the 50+ age range. An example of a brand doing it well is with Marc Jacobs using Jessica Lange as the face of h is new beauty range. Although this is a completely different brand to David Nieper this could be considered when it comes to the advertising and prom tion of the brand. Using models of an older age that they are actually aiming there clothes towards rather than using younger wom en making the older generation more hesisi tant to buy from the brand.
With a new consumer in mind who is more contemparary its only natural that the branding of David Nieper also takes this shift. My inital thoughts about a new logo was to create a very minimal and basic type logo. I also intially thought about just using the initials around the whole new branding but I found that it lessened the effect the logo had and initally consum ers might not know what these intials actually mean. Also with that it takes away the aspect of the company being more personal, with the design ers name as the logo it tells the consumer that the brand is confident and more cre ative. After going through the process with vasic type fonts i came across the David Nieper
Re - B ra ndin g David Nieper
David Nieper
Basic Title font
signature on the webpage. This led me to the decission of using this as the basis of the logo as it will show the customers that they are more personal and immersive with their consumers. It also makes the brand look more intrest ing when comparing it to the old logo that they had before. The examples below are also where I took inspiration for the logo- even though they are more for creative busi nesses it could still work for David Nieper. The theme of travel reflects onto the logo almost like signing a letter or a postcard. I have also given the company a new fresh pal ette to work with keeping the peach colour they have ori gnally used on the website.
Bebas neue
David Nieper
new colour palette Tomaro Script
David Nieper
Re - B ra ndin g
C r u i s e w e a r
elegant + british
The new colour paletter will be reflected in all parts of the branding of David Nieper in heriting a much more minum alis tic design to the stores. Flat agers have a lot in common iwth Millenials and the aim with the retail experience is to make there experience fun and not to draw attention to age. David Nieper should aim to make the shopping experi ence for this generation to be unique touching on the mes sage that they want to show within there shops. With the new cruisewear I looked at the designs by a Textile and knit wear student that had cre ate a collection for the cruise wear. The main touch points in which they had covered was opulence, elegance and the
fact of keeping the brand and collection traditionally british. I also saw some more inspi ration in another collection who’s inspiration came from Scandanvian design and this is something that i decided to touch upon whilst thinking about the way the retail design could look and the branding ina whole. This has inspired me in a way to make the retail very minimal but look stylish and shoppable at the same time.
minimalistic minimalistic minimalistic
P h otosho ot
The main inspiration for the photoshoot will be to aim to the new consumer and the new age of the generation that David nieper is aiming towards. The flat ages personality means that they want to have fun and not be treated differently to the younger generation just because of thier age. With this in mind the main inspirations behind the photoshoot will be ‘FUN’ and looking at the way people take pictures of them selves when they are on holi day. To make the campaign im ages almost look like they are almost holiday photos. Taking the dull image of the stereotypically stock image photo shoots that were done to pro mote the clothing at present.
confidence excursions events elegance style The touch points that the photoshoot will play on are confidence, excursions, events, elegance and styling of the older woman. Almost putting these flat agers on situlations where you wouldn’t really associate them to be. However I am not proposing a completely different style to the brand, as some element of class and style should be a theme over the photoshoot as this would mean that the brand would be completely changed to what it was done before. The main things to take on board when doing the photoshoot is to make it bright, colourful and fun. Atferall people go on hiliday and cruises to have fun and to enjoy themselves.
Promoti on a l I de a what to wear? what to wear? what to wear? The big idea around promot ing the new cruise wear col lection was based around the struggle actually know ing what to wear when they go on holiday. No matter who it is everyone over packs or forgets something essential that they might want to wear or need once they have gone away. With the main theme of travel at David Nieper con sumers will be able to park of a comminity of travellers. They will be able to share experiences that they have had on cruises and abroad so that all aspects of the consumers travel wardrobe are covered. This sence of a
community of travellers will be reflected on there online presence with the imergence of a new blog. This will be a platform where outfits can be suggested by the con sumers and reviews can be left about what they have actually done and what they found intresting when on particular cruises. Further to this a great opportunity for David Nieper to promote the company and the collection would be on cruis es themselves. Through hold ing events on cruise ships the brand and the clothes will gain alot of attention to cus tomers they maybe couldnt have reached before through just using the store and the website alone. Also this is a perfect opportunity as when people are on holiday they are more likely to buy on impulse and if they have a good ex perience with the brand they are more likely to promte the company more through word of mouth. The consumer that the brand is actually aiming for will also be more likely to be on a cruise as its mainly the older retired couples that go on these excursions but alos families and the ‘Flat Agers.
Catch in g co n sume rs wh e n th ey a re in a h ot state of purch asin g wil l me a n th ey are mo re l ike l y to b u y o n impul s e.
Pro m oti o n a l I de a
- cruisewear lookbook
It is common for Pinterest users to pin collections of products that represent looks. Effectively, consum ers are creating wish lists like lookbooks and sharing them with friends a s a form of online, group shopping. Social media users that put together popular looks are respected, followed, and even praised in the context of the site. This peer ap proval may actually act as an incentive for some shop pers, to seek out looks. Da vid Nieper can use this to there advantage as already aiming to get consumers from the flat ager group to interact with the comapny some more. David Nieper could use lookbooks online and also as a promotional tool instore.This will aso act as a way for cutomers to find what they are looking for and to help choose what to wear and when to wear it.
Lookbooks are collections of photographs complied to promote a particular cloth ing or product line. In the past, fashion designers, photographers, and other artisans have used look books to promote their work, get jobs, or just plain sell. But more recently look books have evolved a bit to become a popular form of social media content and a popular way for mer chants to engage shoppers. Lookbooks make a visu al appeal to a shopper ’s senses and imagination. A well-photographed and well-marketed lookbook can inspire shoppers to buy.
The lookbook concept has become popular on some social media sites, perhaps most notably Pinterest.
“A l a r g e p a r t o f s h o p p i n g i n v o l v e s t h e t h r i l l o f t h e c h a s e , ”
Brands to take note of in terms of look books: - Abercrombie and Fitch -Roxy
cruise ‘14 cruise ‘14 cruise ‘14