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h y o g e n BRAND LAUNCH & PROMOTION DANIEl DUROSe N0448465 2 8 51 W O R D S




INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION “The fragrance without borders” Consumer behaviours are getting harder to anticipate with consumers “seeking the novelty with new scent products”1. Hyogen solves this problem. With 6 signature fragrances, Hyogen allows the consumer to create a fragrance through whichever preferences they choose. Letting the consumer hold the pencil. These fragrances are identified by colours, which can be mixed and matched to create a fragrance personal to the consumer. Inspiration for this concept spurred from Tokyo, with focus in particular towards the colours of the city. The brand allows you to express yourself through the use of colour and also scent. Creating a truly personal and individual experience. Hyogen is a unisex fragrance. The target market of which is aged 18-30, who are avid art enthusiasts, gallery visitors, social networkers and bloggers.




The event will create an experience that aims to engage the consumer through the use of colour and scent mixed. This event will over take the senses through the involvement of all the senses. Smell, sight, hearing, touch and taste. The event will be truly atmospheric, and with each different colour there will be alternate experience. With the aid of Carolos Cruz-Diez, the event will be flooded with colour through the use of lights and technique he calls “Chromosaturation”. According to Carlos Cruz-Diez, Chromosaturation creates

become further engaging to the viewer with the use of new technologies. Augmented Reality and object recognition is fairly new tool used in interactive advertisinfg.This will allow the viewer to scale the event environment with a smart phone, engaging the viewer with the space, telling them details about whichever fragrance they point the camera towards. “16% use AR at events and conferences to draw attention”4, which is a very few amount which shows the innovation of this event concept. “Using Augmented reality at events has yielded staggering results, often quadrupling sand dwell time”5 showing that creating an “a space where colour acts with all its force on the intriguing and immersive experience will connect the spectator’s skin, objects and surrounding wall surfac- consumer more with the brand much more. Through es”2. [See fig.1 & fig.2] the use of this technology, the viewers will be able to access Internet pages, music, videos and pictures This will create a surrounding which will impose onto whilst moving around the environment. the viewer and create a fascinating light show that will engage the viewer’s senses. “Light has the power to affect our state of mind as well as alter how we perceive the world around us” 3 This alteration of perception is something which wewant to create with the event, creating more of an experience which makes the viewer feel like there are actually capturing the mood of the colour in which they are smelling. The experience will





Chromosaturation Chromosaturation Chromosaturation



LOCATIONS The event will take place through a series of pop up shops/ galleries globally. The locations will be in major cities, which are; Tokyo, London, and New York. The locations are in not so known areas and art spaces, as the brand is going to be promoted on a ‘need to know’ basis. The reason for the locations being in a gallery format is due to the fact that Hyogen as a brand, we believe is analogous to art itself. “Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known”6 – Oscar Wilde. With the feeling of art being a tool in which people express themselves. This feeling is something in which we want to communicate through ourbrand.

fig.5 The inside of Auto Italia South East

fig.3 Takeshita Street fashions and people

TOKYO As the fragrance is based primarily around Tokyo the location of the fragrance launch in Tokyo is crucial. Takeshita Street based in Harijuku has shops attracting teenagers and young adults, which is the age range the brand is aimed towards. Known for its wild fashions and being home ground to the Harijuku girls, this is an ideal location for our fragrance launch. “Takeshita Street is a popular testing ground for the Japanese marketing and fashion industries. The young, hip shoppers that frequent Takeshita street represent an important demographic for many brands.”7 [see fig.3 & fig.4]

fig.4 The busy Takeshita Street




The Auto Italia South East, Unit 2, 3 York Way, King’s Cross-, N1C 4AE [see fig.5 & fig.6] This space provides a perfect space for the event. It gives an opportunity to create contrast from the industrial feel of the surroundings to the neon like lights, which the event will have. “King’s Cross has always been an inspiration to creative people. King’s Cross is now home to the top creative talent of tomorrow. The energy and vitality that comes with such a creative community benefits the whole area.”8

fig.6 Recent exhibition at the Auto Italia

LOCATIONS NEW YORK Storefront for Art and Architecture, 97 Kenmare Street, New York, NY 10012 [see fig.7] This space provides a perfect area for the launch in New York. The innovative architectural design and the idea around the area is something that we want to be reflected in our brand. This space also holds a lot of potential for the launch concept. The sense of bringing the outside in, is something that activates another sense of the viewer and gives a much different viewing experience to the other locations.



HOLITION AUGMENTED RETAIL “Formed as a venture start-up to explore and expand the role that technological innovation can play in communicating with today’s new digital consumer, Holition is a synthesis of luxury marketers, retail specialists and cutting edge leaders in 3D technology.”9 Advice and expertise around the augmented and interactive surroundings will come from Holition augmented retail. Holition have worked with Hugo Boss and developed the ‘Just Different’ campaign featuring Jered Leto. [see fig.8] Due to having experience with a fragrance brand in the past, we would like to develop our augmented reality with them to create an interactive experience between the consumer and the brand. The Hugo Boss experience was based around the user holding up a card and a movie playing that related to the perfume and the essence it had. This will differ to the experience that we want to create. The viewer will be able to walk through the launch and be guided by the camera on there smart phone/tablet. Different medias such as videos, music and images will come up at certain areas of the launch, which will allow a much more engaging and exciting experience for the viewer.

EXPERTISE & ORGANISATIONS Augmented Reality Augmented Reality Augmented Reality



fig.9 The art of scent

DILLER SCOFIDIO & RENFRO “The advent of new technology has led to the unprecedented materials and processes and, as a result, fragrance design has evolved from a parochial craft to global discipline”10 Diller Scofidio and Renfro will be creating the way in with the viewer actually smell the fragrances at the launch. They are an Internationally acclaimed architectural firm, who were the genious of an instillation at Museum of Art and Design in New York. The art of scent saw a whole new scent experience and a new way of smelling fragrance [see fig.9 & fig.10] The scent was pumped up through a series of wall depressions, on a plain white wall. Taking the fragrances away from the stereotypical views of the industry based around packaging and advertising. Thus leaving the experience just down to the viewer’s senses. This is something that we want to create with the launch, in terms of the aesthetics. Minimal but interactive. Leaving experience down to the viewer and the interaction of the augmented reality.

fig.10 The Art of Scent




No matter what location or what product. The viewers experience is what it important to us. Therefore efforts will be solely placed on ‘the experience’ the viewer has. We want to create a memorable experience for the viewer - something to get excited about. We want to be able to give the consumer full access to our product and everything it has to offer. “Research shows that when people touch things they’re more likely to buy them.”11 - Paco Underhill [Environmental psychologist]. This also addresses another sense in which we would like our viewers to have; to be able to touch the bottle and spray the fragrances themselves. Further more, the option of being able to take a sample of there own personal fragrance will be available. This will allow the consumer to create their own scent and to be able to take something away with them, that they will be able to smell at any time. This will create much more of a memory of the product and will make them much more likely to buy the product in the future. Also giving them something to share with others and to enable a ‘buzz’ around the brand. The fragrance in which they make will be available to buy a discount price. This in turn will make the consumer much more likely to buy the product at the launch.



“77 is a leading consumer lifestyle PR agency and an award winning social media agency which helps brands connect with consumers via the media which influences them.�12 From previous work that this agency has produced, it is clear that their methods with in combining social media and integrating mobile interfaces are very successful. Further more the agency has created viral videos for some of the other companies that they have worked for. This is something we want to create as a brand. This will create a buzz amongst all the social platforms, providing that the video is shared and successful. The video will be show how people can be expressive through art, music and dance, which is reflective to the brand as consumers are able to express them selves through scent and their own individual scent preferences.



Hyogen is based around new and emerging technologies. Therefore our brand will rely heavily on the digital side of advertising and new technologies at the launch. The way in which we will do this will be to integrate the location with ways in which the viewer can interact with the surroundings digitally. Whether this is through using social media platforms or to cooperate with the augmented reality. This will give an innovative and exciting viewing experience, which they won’t not be able to talk about. Touch screen technology will also be a key part of the launch, with tablets being strategically placed so the consumer is able to tweet live from the event or to interact with the surroundings if they do not have a smartphone or tablet of there own.

gif gif gif


ADVERTISING D I G I TA L LY Display advertising will be used on the locations websites in the form of banner ads. These banners will allow the viewer direct access to the event information on the Hyogen website. This tool will create a bigger awareness of the brand through using other websites audiences. Search engine marketing will also be used, which will trigger when someone searches a buzz work that is linked to the brand. This increases the events visualization through paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion on the search engines. Through the use of email marketing we will create a e-letter that will showcase the product and explain the event, giving links to how and where to attend the launch event. This will be sent out again using the contacts that are subscribed to the locations newsletter. This will attract our target market of avid art enthusiasts and gallery visitors, using the contacts of people that already visit the locations. Consumers and visitors of the hyogen website will also get the option to sign up to a newsletter, which will let them know news about the products and will also include reviews from celebrities and what fragrance they made. The use of celebrity in the advertising will be a useful method, as it will bring more attention to the brand. Although not using them solely in the advertising through showing that the fragrance is being used by celebrities, which are creating there own signature fragrances through the brand will make consumers more interested in the brand itself.

As well as using video marketing to create a more playful side to the brand, a GIF will be used all over the world. This short and lighthearted set of three images will be shown around the world on video billboards, which will give the consumers a brief view into the brand Hyogen. People on the go don’t have the time to stand and watch a video on what the brand has to offer, therefore this short and effective method of advertising will give the viewer a glimpse of what the brand message is. Awareness of the launch event will also be achieved through magazines and posters. The audience of high end and low end magazines will be invited to the event using a plain but simple ad, which includes a QR code which allows them to get more information if they wanted to.






# TWITTER Twitter will be a tool in which we will use a lot of to gain attendees and to also advertise the brand. Live tweeting from the event will allow people to access information about the event worldwide. We will use the hash tag ‘#hyogen’ to promote the event and the brand. “Setting up a short and sweet hash tag and making it iconic will guarantee an instant presence on all social networks.” Hash tags have proved successful within launch events, creating a presence online. What’s more twitter will be used on the website and events online page, in the form of a live tweet box, which will gathered all tweets about the event and all the tweets that are using the hash tag. Allowing people to see what is being said already about the brand. This will encourage more and more people to go the more people are talking about it.A ‘tweet for attendees’ option will also be available to all people that confirm that they will be coming. This allows the user to tweet to all their followers that they will be attending the event, and in turn influence more people to come.



FACEBOOK A Facebook event page will be created for each of the individual events in the different locations. This allows people who are attending to invite their friends and people they would like to go with. This in turn creates a much better awareness of the launch and will encourage more and more people to go. Ads will also be used on Facebook to promote the brand and the event as it has been found that Facebook top the advertising online market with “17.7% of the market”14. Therefore it is clear that this is the best online tool to use to advertise the brand/event further.

SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM Instagram will be used as a method in which viewers at the event can upload images, with a hash tag. This again makes the viewing experience travel further than the actual launch location. The surroundings in which the launch is held will be something that the viewer wont not be able to post about. “Instagram offers a brilliant platform, particularly for brands and marketers. There’s no question that Instagram is the “underdog” social network that proves there is still room for smaller social networks to be successful”15We think that the use of instagram will be much more influential to consumers as they can do more than just hear and read about the product that they can actually be at the launch even if they are not with the use of imagery.



The QR code has been around for a while now, but this figure just shows its effectiveness when it is paired with advertising.“About 72% of smart phone users say they would be likely to recall an advertisement that contained a QR code�16 The QR code will be used to direct consumers and viewers to the Hyogen website in which they will find the extensive range of products on offer and just where and how they can create there own scent. This will be used at the launch event on the walls, on the brochures and the posters. In addition to this outside of the events it will be featured in magazine ads and on other displays. We have found that this is a simple way in which consumers can easily access information at anytime with the use of a smartphone/tablet. This is also in keeping with our target consumers, who are up-to-date with technology. All of the social media platforms will also be optimized for mobile usage whilst at the event and outside the event.



CONCLUSION Hyogens launch event will be one that interacts the viewer’s senses. Smell, Sight, Hearing, touch and taste. Through combining all these, the event is able to create an experience that reflects the brand and its messages. The augmented reality brings a sense of innovation and a modern twist to launch events. Whilst the work of architectures and artists create a surrounding that is truly captivating. Through the experience of being able to create your own fragrance, this event gives a much more personal involvement with the brand itself. The social media is also an important factor to the event, with our target market being “social networkers and bloggers�. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram will be used heavily throughout the event, making the event worldwide over the social networks.


REFERENCES 1. SPECIALCHEM4COSEMETICS, [online], Fragrance Trends and Innovations. Available at: http://www.specialchem4cosmetics.com/markets/ fragrances/trends-innovations.aspx [Acessed 15/05/2013] 2. SOUTHBANK CENTRE [online PDF] Light Exhibition Guide. Available at: http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk//sites/default/files/light-exhibition-guide-130306.pdf [Accessed 17/05/2013] 3. SOUTHBANK CENTRE, [online], Information about the Light show. Available at: http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/whatson/lightshow-69759 [Accessed 17/05/2013] 4. HIDDEN, [online presentation], Augmented Reality Statistics: What Marketers Really Think. Available at: http://hiddenltd.com/blog/augmented-reality-statistics-what-marketers-really-think/ [Accessed 22/05/2013] 5. HIDDEN [online] Augmented Reality Marketing Strategies: The How To Guide for Marketers. Available at: http://hiddenltd.com/blog/augmented-reality-marketing-strategies-how-guide-marketers/ [Accessed 22/05/2013] 6. BRAINY QUOTE [online] Oscar Wilde. Available at: http://www. brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/o/oscarwilde122358.html [Accessed 24/05/2013] 7. JAPAN TALK, [online] Taeshita Street Shopping destination. Available at: http://www.japan-talk.com/jt/new/takeshita-street-tokyos-wildest-shopping-destination [Accessed 24/05/2013] 8. KINGS CROSS, [online] Art & Culture. Available at: http://www. kingscross.co.uk/arts-and-culture [Accessed 24/05/2013] 9. HOLITION AUGMENTED RETAIL, [online], About. Available at: http://www.holition.com/about/ [Accessed 27/05/2013] 10. DSRNY, [online] The Art of Scent Instillation. Available at: http:// www.dsrny.com [Accessed 27/05/2013] 11. LIFE HACKER, [online] How stores manipulate your senses. Available at: http://lifehacker.com/how-stores-manipulate-your-senses-so-youspend-more-mon-475987594 [Accesed 30/05/2013] 12. 77PR, [online] Available at: http://www.77pr.co.uk/# [Accesed 30/05/2013] 13. EVENTMANAGERBLOG, [online], The Hashtag Revolution, published March 20, 2013, AUTHOR: Julius Solaris Available at: http://www. eventmanagerblog.com/hashtag-revolution [Accesed 2/06/2013] 14. Crownd Science, [online], Statistics of the online Advertising Market. Available at: http://www.crowdscience.com/2011/07/show-me-the-statsonline-display-advertising-market-size/ [Accessed 2/06/2013] 15. SOCIALMEDIATODAY, [online] Effective Instagram Marketting. Available at: http://socialmediatoday.com/constance-aguilar/1200766/Effective-Instagram-Marketing [Accessed 2/06/2013] 16. READWRITE, [online], How Effective Are QR Codes Anyway?, Author: John Paul Titlow, Published: March 25th, 2011 http://readwrite. com/2011/03/25/are-qr-codes-effective [Accessed 2/06/2013]

IMAGES 1. The Light Show, Haywood Gallery (2013) Carolos Cruzdiez [online] http://www.someslashthings.com/storage/blog/2013/ SOMESLASHTHINGS%20AGENCY%20hayward%20gallery%20 light%20show%20CARLOS%20CRUZ [Acceseed 15/05/2013] 2. The Light Show, Haywood Gallery (2013) Carolos CruzDiez [online] http://www.someslashthings.com/storage/blog/2013/ SOMESLASHTHINGS%20AGENCY%20hayward%20gallery%20 light%20show%20CARLOS%20CRUZ[Accessed 15/05/2013] 3. Takeshita Dora, (NOVEMBER 28, 2007) [online] http://maridari. com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/harajuku_teenagers.jpg [Accessed 24/05/2013] 4. Takeshita Street, (2012), [online] https://encrypted-tbn2. gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSmJunDW7nGgKx_pTIYEA6ZMBntPTQucsaXrxJ0lOAR3c6cNq_fHQ [Accessed 24/05/2013] 5. The Auto Italia South East, (2011), [online] https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRdXFvTSTEZAayK5M4x54xPj0heTt_2RcfABe_LJ71CY_zPfozg [Accessed 24/05/2013]

6. The Auto Italia South East Instillation, (2008), [online] http:// www.re-title.com/public/exhibitors/6267/AutoItaliaSouthEast-1.jpg?nc=28/09/2009%2011:11:25 [Accessed 24/05/2013] 7. The architectural design for Storefront, (2010), [online] http:// www.storefrontnews.org/newsletter/StorefrontDrawings.pdf [Accessed 24/05/2013] 8. Hugo Boss Augmented Reality, [online] http://www.jasonharding.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/hugo_boss_augmented_reality_02_11.jpg [Accessed 27/05/2013] 9. The Art of Scent, (2011) [online] https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic. com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS55olZ8BNKaBZjwk0hyMm5csY_vfKnut0dEOYSbke4YMFFoDZ2 [Accessed 27/05/2013] 10. The Art of Scent, (2011) [online] http://www.wallpaper.com/galleryimages/17053609/gallery/04_Art-of-Scent.jpg [Accessed 27/05/2013] 11. 77PR examples of work [screen shot from website]

BIBLIOGRAPHY Light Show Cliff Lauson (Author), Philip Ball (Author), Anne Wagner (Author), Published: 28 Jan 2013 Brand/Story by Joseph Hancock Published 10 Jan 2009 Share This: The Social Media Handbook for PR Professionals by CIPR, Published: 11 Jul 2012 Augmented Reality: An Emerging Technologies Guide to AR by Kipper, Greg and Rampolla, Joseph Published: 31 Dec 2012 Brand Sense: Build Powerful Brands Through Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Sound by Philip Kotler and Martin Lindstrom, Published: 1 Feb 2005

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