Hugo Renoux

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+ MESSAGES INFLUENCE THE BEHAVOUR. HOW IS IT SELECTED? - Brands are trying to hit as many people as they can, and for that they choose a target audience. Then they study when, where, they are the more receptive to this kind of ad’s, to finally hit them at the perfect time, perfect place. - They want to make people dreaming about their products. If someone pretty influent for example wear a product a lot of people will probably buy the product just to be like theie idol.

+ HOW PEOPLE ARE REPRESENTED VISUALY? - In ad’s people are always beautiful, they are all good, they all smell good, they all have muscls, they all have perfect life… - Brands want us to think that if we buy one of their product, we’ll be like in adverts.

+ HOW RAW MATERIALS ARE CONSUMED FOR DESIGN OBJECTIVE? - Advertiser are really concerned about prices, because of the budget clients give them. - Most of the time for a client everything is about rentabilities, and so they don’t use to care about environement, so they will probably prefer for example a pretty white paper that is washed with bleach, and that is pretty toxic for animals and stuff.. .

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