Alain Papazian

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«H Ch ow an De ge sig Th ne e W rs or Can ld ?»

But by employing images, the trap of using "cliche" is quick made. The add system is archaic and by the popular images of our need (happyness, success, richness, beauty) install a proximity among us. Racism, elitism, insults are present in add and sometimes the values communicated are opposed to those who are interpretated, staring at the problem of the representation of the people .WW


The "mass media" influence is directly linked to our way of life, and precisely in our habits. Advertising is now everywhere and has a position of force on us. Streets, subways, transports, shops are imposing messages everytime and the fact of seeing something not lucrativ is seen as strange. The curiosity of the audience fell down, advertising give us what we want and nothing else, creating a situation of stagnation and passivity face to all this advertising messages. Influencing messages are near from us by the physical and spiritual proximity. The advertising companies go direclty in our life to extract social and economical behaviour in order to etablish contacts and pass informations to the target . By phones or internet they spam us and expand their networks. Our time are largely defined by our over-connection, the digital field appears everywhere around the people. Smartphones, laptop, add-screens have crossed the intim sphere. But in the same time the prints keep a big role in the add communication. The quality of the message still poor in term of content and the benefits leads the quality of the design. People gets bored of advertising messages, but in the same time without they express an additiv behaviour to it, allowing add to enter deeply in our life. The communication system has to be update because of the values and the problems it implies. Designing the way of communicate is also a task and not an option, France show her late by the wasting of paper and the inefficacity of her add. Let the target choose is neccessary to re-implant quality in the image of our life .

The eye is the largest bendwidth pipe into the human brain, and graphic designers spend their days designin what goes in" "


How messages intented to influence the behaviour of a large audience are selected, crafted, delivered ?

How raw materials or objects are consumed ?


We consume as we destruct, sustainable economy met some troubles to install itself in our way of production and consumtion. As we know, the prints stay the most used medium for adds where inks and paper are not always used for their sustainable properties. There are too much wasting concerning packagings, adds catalog…. Food buisiness and precisely hypermarkets must be die, because of the habits it gives to the population and also in the way that we see raw materials and food products. Seasons have disappear and it's now possible to have tomatoes in december and beetroots the summer. This model of hyper-production polluate and waste our primary ressources. It's the time to re-evaluate our need and understand it's the best way to respond to them .

Triple bottom line: People, Planet, Profit" "

How people are portraged and repesented visually ?



Each persons of this world send and receive messages, consciously or not. All the content we share is in our way of life, our social or economical values, even in our shoes, our haircut… It's by those same messages that the "mass media" tent to influence us. Nothing more easy to propose candys to a child, like propose a pair of nikes to a young hip hop boy. It's how that it works, analyse our need, and respond simply to them. The machine works, and step by step, the need is controlled. If we check the the messages given by the adds trhough radios, tvs or prints we notice that we still "primary animals" : women are the most populary object that could sell 10 000 parfums a second, the hapinness is only real when you have a hamburger in your hands, and you are friend with the whole planet thanks to your smartphone. Social values are behind all objects of consumnation. Each representation is used to create contact with the target, the client, and this is where design takes part. We represent ourselves by images, so the most effective way to touch an audience is to translate our values by images.

David Berman introduce a kind of theorical solution, wich etablish a link between profit and planet. Objects cannot be consumed and destructed, each objects must be seen in it's entirely potential and not just the consomable side. European countries seems to have understood the potential of sustainables objects, and ecologic side in the process of consomation. Print a book not include just bad polluating ink and papers, this also include the transports and the distribution wich represent a huge cost in term of ecological aspects. Our century is defined by our digital richness, why don't we use it for give an other chance to raw materials to be seen more preciously and introduce an other way to see and use them. See the real values of raw materials and design how we consume them is the goal of our generation .

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