DO GOOD I never know what to think about this questions... For a long time we know that the design it’s t divide into twice : there are people take pledge, and people who think profit. Lot of writed manifesto, to defend their idea but reality show that money manage power, and we are manipulated by industry. For exemple all brand like H&M, Zara, Ikea, sale hype products with small prices. And give good image of the brand : Ikea shows us a made facet in Sweden, h&m sells collection in association with fashion stylists and all its products are made in poor countries by people sometimes by children. Moreover the chimic product whom they use for the dye for exemple cause lot of diseases. it’s scandalous that this industrie takes advantages of this poor country but everyone buy product always less expensive, and it’s what people search... people know that and nothing change. I think that design be more reflexive, and it’s in this way we must to go. We should take a pledge, to defend causes, I think that it is also that our job of designer, to decide on what we have to show.
DESIGN. In advertising for Iphone for exemple, they show every kind of people, young people, parents, business man... They show to us that everybody need iphone. They target very large audience, in advertising but in series too, they show apple products. So, everywhere in the world everybody has the same phone, eat the same food, a bigmac MacDonald, and wear the same clothes with multinational like H&M. I think that this multinational should be more interest by qualited of their products and their manufacturing. Because even if little brand be conscious of this problem and make differents in the manufacturing, «made in france», the price is expensive and majority of customers search low price. So it’s the role of customers too, choose which products. Discount kills industries.
I think that we does’nt focus on the ecologic problem. Because we are used has to waste for a long time, and today I don’t find that the design thinks about this problem, because there are more and more individual packaging, everything is divided by portion, so product more trash. We waste lot of paper everyday, at home, at work, in the street with flyers, there is too print to trash. I think it’s important to think about it. On a plan ecologic and economic I prefer advertising by the web, it’s a good idea that big supermarket send ad by email and stop to distribute garbage for exemple. But everything become exessive and we are full of visual ad on the web, always before video, on Canal+ website for exemple, you are obliged to look at it, you can’t stop the ad to look your video, or open another tab in waiting the ad over. I think it’s importante to choose materials, use recycled, and think before print. But we doesn’t find a real solution because we know today that some recycled product are so much toxic than normal product because of ink of packaging stay on paper and we does’nt know how to recycle it. It’s difficult to take pledge in our choice but a think it’s the only manner to change this problem. Because when you buy product only by price we encourage human exploitation. So it’s important to support industries who make effort, and little producer.
«Who controls the reserves of foods controls the people. who controls the energy can controls continents. Who controls the money controls the world.» Henry Kissinger, 1973.
I don’t like advertising because it sale dreams and often people who are represented does’nt reflect a kind of normality. So luxury brand choose topmodel it is normal I can understand but anywhere we look advertising always choose beautyfull people to sale anything, luxury bag, or washing powder, so it does’nt reflect the real world, it’s more like visual utopia. I should that people in advertising become more normal today than it was in the past, but our society is full of complex, ever enought rich, ever enought beautyfull... I was shocked by the approach of the brand Abercombie and Fitch to remove large size, I think that it’s really discrimination. You doesn’t wear this brand if you not fit... Their communication was yet access on beautyfull guys at the entrance of shop, finally we could think there is no limit. We have problem in this case because, in fashion world this discrimination is worse, lot of topmodel have fifteen or seventeen, and all fashions magazines show beautyfull occidental woman even for the oriental distribution and we can see people of china do esthetic chirurgy with no limit to look like woman in our magazines. I think that designer are an important role because they give to us lot of desir and create frustration. The «commercial» advertissing pollute our envirronement, visually and concretly, because is too focus on profit, and sale more and more, and product bad design. We must choose communication which bring a real concept, with a real reflexion about the product.