BRIEF As future designers you have a disproportionately large influence in these three areas: -How messages intended to influence the behavior of large audiences are selected, crafted, and delivered ? - How people are portrayed and represented visually ? - How raw materials for designed objects (such as the paper for this lesson) are consumed ? I would like you to investigate each of these three topics and explain how you can have a positive impact in each of them.
How messages intended to influence the behavior of large audiences are selected, crafted, and delivered ? In his book David Barman ask to the other graphic designer to spend 10% of their work time to helping repair the world. That means that the graphic design has a real influence on the people’s perception. So I think it’s important to realize that the pictures we produce have a positive impact on those watching. After this observation, we find that the graphic design can really make people think, which is essential in today’s society. Since the adds managed through graphics to bought everything and anything to everyone. Why not, then, think differently and instead of getting advertising messages, communicate the humanitarian society, ecology and other fields, just as the current consomation mass. If messages have as much influence on people is that they identify themselves directly to the transmitted message. Whether it be the iPhone1 or the last campaign on battered women2 people identify visually. The adolescant will be affected by the design and functionality of the phone as it already imagine what he will do with it. While the woman behind the TV, watching these faces battered women will probably be upset and shocked more than a man. There are dozens examples like this and that’s why the images manage to convince. This message is designed to convince, there is therefore a preliminary study to determine how the message will be more convincing. A target is set up, who will be touched by this message (woman, child, man, occupation, etc ...) ? Once the target is described, the visual and the message itself, will be modeled to achieve this target.
How people are portrayed and represented visually ? Today, most advertising represent the people with stereotypes ans cliches. If the target is an active 30 year old woman, all the cliches about thirty are shown. Skirt and suit, hair pulled into a bun, small heels. In our Western society, a white woman will be chosen. Everything works like that. In fact we will most want to buy this t-shirt because the girl in the advertisement the same basket as us. Even if the stereotypes works well, we must to try to reflect differently and try to create messages, adds and pictures more clever. I think there are two ways to portrayed a person visually. Either people are represented as a copy of some people (cliches). Either they represent a particular ideal. For both cases the viewer identifies himself directly to the copy or so he imagines become represented as the ideal. Both systems work well, since in both cases the person does not remain indifferent to advertising as it looks. 1 : iPhone 5 add : good looking, attractive, it has everything to convince.
2 : FNSF campaign, for the fight against domestic violence.
How raw materials for designed objects (such as the paper for this lesson) are consumed ? The paper is always used even though the web replaced a lot of edition’s works. I think that the use of the paper is crucial in the world of the graphic design. But I totally agree with the fact, that is not ecological at all. And it’s complicated, because the paper can not be completely replaced by virtual screens. Books and printed can not disappear and this is because the paper is valuable as printed have value. A solution possible, is to use recycled paper and recycle the paper. But it’s a gesture that everyone doesn’t do. In the field of graphic design the issue of excessive use of paper is regularly asked for ecological reasons. I think that there are no real alternatives. Unless the use of paper is definitely prohibited. But this is not possible. We could do a campaign of sensibilisation3 for the students in graphic design’s schools, to teach them that the paper is precious and do not waste it. An other the solutions all the public displays coulds be recycled, to spare the waste and the deforestation.
3 : sensibilisation campaign about paper recycled.
1,2 et 3 refer to appendix
Julie Pirovani L3A