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DANIELE VERGA e: danieleverga1994@gmail.com phone: (+39) 346 1219271 phone: 031 744917 issuu: issuu.com/danieleverga Via Antonio Fogazzaro, 28 Mariano Comense, 22066 Italy

I graduated from the Polytechnic University of Milan in 2020 with a Master of Science in Urban Planning and Policy Design, at the end of an education process started in the 2013 at the University of Milan (Geography), that brought me to know and discover research interests that belong to geographical and urban issues such as scenarios, territorial vision, strategic proposal: scenarios related to the peripheral urban context of the Adriano neighborhood of MIlan; territorial visions for the Lambro river Valley; sustainability, energy and climate change related to the proposal of Natural Based Solutions and the involvement of local population in the Municipio 4 of Milan, in the area of Corvetto. The attention and the researches on those thematics grew throughout other experiences, such as the Terraviva Workshop (2019) in the rural context of Copparo (Ferrara), the internships at Openfabric and the master thesis. The project proposed during the workshop is structured on the relaunch of a cycle-tourism economy through a series of micro-interventions in three strategical areas, while during the internship I had the opportunity to take part to international projects such as the competition “Il Parco Ponte Genova”. The thesis, the last university project defines a territorial strategy to valorize the landscape and reactivate local economies in the Valley of Livo, on the Western shore of Como Lake, into the context of peripheral and inner areas. Lastly, during the spring-summer of 2020 the project of Tracciaminima (https://www.tracciaminima.it/) for the development of a hiking route around the Lake Maggiore. I’m currently working as Junior EU Project Manager for ALOT Srl in Brescia (IT), where my fields of competence are: - TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE to public and private subjects in the definition and management of projects and strategies financed by EU, national and regional programmes; - COORDINATION of the different project phases: information, creation, technical feasibility, management, technical support in the administrative process, monitoring process, partnerships networking and coordination. The main projects in which I have been involved deal with: - ENVIRONMENT: requalification and valorization of Green, Blue Infrastructures and Ecosystem Services; natural hazards; management of territorial resources; territorial development and environmental sustainability in alpine spaces; - INFRASTRUCTURES AND MOBILITY: spatial planning and territorial development; public transport services; logistic; sustainable mobility; digital and infrastructural innovation.

I. EXPERIENCES Alot Srl Brescia, IT 2021 (February) Junior EU Project Manager Technical and operative management in (European) projects: LUIGI - Interreg Alpine Space: elaboration of technical and administrative documents, meeting and events management, partner support for the valorization of green and blue corridors that link mountain urban areas to the metropolitan ones in the Alpine Space, valorizing the ecosystem services linked to economy and culture towards the improvement of the life quality in the urban and metropolitan areas. SMART ALTITUDE - Interreg Alpine Space: elaboration of technical and administrative documents, meeting and events management, partner support for the development of an integrated network towards the valorization of a low-impact and sustainable winter alpine tourism. GERIKO MERA - Interreg Italy - Switzerland: elaboration of technical and administrative documents, meeting and events management, partner support for the management of the water resources in the territorial framework of the river Mera (Lombardy). DEEP SEA - Interreg Italy - Croatia: elaboration of technical and administrative documents, meeting and events management, partner support for the development of sustainable and energy efficient mobility services in the Adriatic Sea. AI-SMART METRO MARE – Interreg Greece – Italy: elaboration of technical and administrative documents, meeting and events management, partner support for the development of a technical and functional study of feasibility of a marine transport service between Bari and Otranto. RETWINK WASTE - Life: elaboration of technical and administrative documents for the economic and financial project management. INTERVENTI EMBLEMATICI MAGGIORI Fondazione Cariplo 2021: support to the administrative management of a proposal for the strengthen of the network between medical and social services in the territory of Oltrepò Pavese through the diffusion of innovative and digital infrastructures. STRATEGIA NAZIONALE AREE INTERNE APPENNINO LOMBARDO OLTREPO PAVESE - Piano di Sviluppo e di promozione del territorio dell’Appennino Lombardo: management of the graphic and communication documents. PULS Piano Urbano Logistica Sostenibile Città Metropolitana di Firenze: elaboration of technical and administrative documents, meeting and events management, partner support for the development of the Sustainable Logistic Plan. PULS Piano Urbano Logistica Sostenibile Città Metropolitana di Venezia: elaboration of technical and administrative documents, meeting and events management, partner support for the development of the Sustainable Logistic Plan. Piano di Sviluppo Strategico per la costituzione di una Zona Logistica Semplificata ZLS - Provincia di Cremona e Mantova - elaboration of technical and administrative documents, meeting and events management, partner support for the development of the potential Areas of Simplified Logistic. CENTRAL EUROPE programme 2021-2027: priority 2 “Cooperating for a greener central Europe “, Specific objective SO2.4 “Safeguarding the environment in central Europe”. May 2022 - in compliance with the European regulation n.679/2016, I hereby authorize you to use and process my personal data

Tracciaminima Lake Maggiore, IT 2020 Co-founder Creation of a ommunity project that proposes the development of a route around the Lake Maggiore, based on the territorial valorization and the proposal of the slow tourism as tool to revitalize the landscape Openfabric Milan, IT June 2019 - July 2019 Internship: involvement in international projects and competitions: “il Parco Ponte” Genova, “skate-recycle park Demets” Bruxelles, “Valira’s Hanging Gardens” Andorra. Development of territorial research related to the landscape valorization and tree management (process of phytodepuration). Terraviva Workshop n°5: the Agritecture Paradigm Copparo, IT March 2019 Workshop proposed by the Polytechnic University of Milan, School of Architecture, Urban Planning, Construction Engineering. It’s based on the investigation of the social and environmental potential of Copparo and on the proposal, through models, projects, and performance, to better utilize the city’s resources to stimulate a newly productive urban/rural city.

II. EDUCATION Polytechnic University of Milan Milan, IT 2018-2020 MsC with honors in Urban Planning and Policy Design (LM-48 Pianificazione Territoriale Urbanistica) Thesis: “Regenerating peripheral territories. A proposal of diffused hospitality to valorize the landscape and reactivate local economies” Supervisor Prof. Andrea Arcidiacono Co-advisor: Silvia Restelli Speak Up London London 2017 Advanced English Course (grade:excellent) University of MIlan Milan, IT 2013-2016 Bachelor Human Science of Environment Territory, Landscape (108/110) Thesis title: “Il turismo montano. Le trasformazioni della città alpina” Supervisor: Prof. Dino Gavinelli IIS Enrico Fermi Cantù, IT Scientific High School (81/100)


English: fluent Operating system: Mac OS X Software: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Office 365 package, QGIS Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Language






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mother tongue

mother tongue

mother tongue








2017 Speak Up London: excellent 2013 PET: 70/100

May 2022 - in compliance with the European regulation n.679/2016, I hereby authorize you to use and process my personal data

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