Architecture Portfolio 2018-2022

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Gia Tu Tran Saigon ese Architect

Po rfolio from 2018 - 2021 Betwe en a rchite cture, thoug ht , graphic & ph otog rap hy



201 8 - 2021

2018 - 2021

by categor y office

6 (28,5 %)

F &B

5 (23,8 %)


7 (33,2 %)


3 (14,5 %) 21 (100 %)

by wo rk in ch arge

7 (36,8 %)

de sign

5 (26,3 %)

de ployment

5 (26,3 %)


2 (10,6 %)

SAUVAGE 2019.03 - 2020.06

INS ID E OUT 2020.09 - 2020.12

CO URTYARD HOUSE 2021.0 7 - 2 021 .10

MAIS ON OFFICE 2020.03 - 2020.04

RENDERS 2018 - 2021

PHOTOS 2012 - 2 021

19 (100 %) by scale > 10 00 0 m ²



1000-10000 m²



300 -1000 m ²

6 (31,5 %)

< 30 0 m ²

6 (31,5 %) 19 (100 %)

WO RK FLOW 201 8 - 2021 Display the projects I was involved in terms of stages of the design process and the field of thinking design

OBR off ice & house

THA house

COURTYAR D priva te villa

INSID E OUT canteen & lounge

CTV apartm ent QBO office

CAT urban pl annin g

S AUVAGE restaurant & bar

QBR re sort

KCS office DHO office

M A NSIO N office

SUSHI RE I resta urant

ACC staff- house

KHN house

TDO offi ce CEL ADO N apartm ent

GROW FARM factor y

ANYONE TE A food & be verage

Ideas brains torm

Concept & Sc hematic

Detail desig n


Product s

Sauvage page 01


S AUVAG E Sai Go n, 03.2019 - 06.2 020

wo rk status pro gram flo or

In -charged co mpl ete d restaurant & ba r 320m²

* 1 st Prize Brand to watch 2022 of Flavors Vietnam by Vietcetera Sauvage is a project to inset a small sushi restaurant into a building located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. At the deepest spot of a long and dark hallway, a tiny piece of flower implies the entrance of the restaurant . A large wall of greener y welcomes you, and your attention is attracted to the other side of the long entrance curtain. There is a composed and restrained space behind the curtain, holding a 12seat counter in the middle. The counter and the surrounding space are made of black basalt stone; the countertop is polished to wipe out its original materiality while the rest leaves softly scabrous surface to diffuse space illumination. A circular opening embracing greener y is on the wall, dropping its reflection on the counter.

Roka Fella restaurant Photo Hiroyuki Oki in 2020

Sauvage pa ge 02

Roka Fella is a music bar/listening space/lounge in Ho Chi Minh city that aims to create a distinct lounging experience than other establishments of its kind. Integrating the design of classic hotel lobbies with modern design elements and accentuating detail like vintage speakers, the space will feel warm and vibrant at the same time. Not to forget the curated music program that will unite and invite a great crowd that brings the best vibe the city can offer. The blend of good musisc and design elements will bring balance to the ears, eyes and other senses for the people coming to lounge. The goal of Roka Fella is to be a listening space and bar that has a distinct and unique character that will be the new "it" destination in Southeast Asia.

Sauvage pa ge 03 AP PROACH



intersection "HIP SUSHI"

exchange of potential customers





(dining hall)

(front bar)

(dancing hall)



1 s t flo or pla n

2 ⁿᵈ floor plan

Sauvage page 06

Sauvage page 07

Sauvage page 09

Inside Out page 10


IN S ID E O U T Sai Go n, 09.2020 - 12.2 020

wo rk status pro gram flo or

In -charged un de r constr uction ca nte en & lo unge 350m²

Offi ces today are crea ted to increase pro duct ivity as much as p ossibl e. Gla ss buildings wit h the thinnest g l azing to maximi ze floor space. The in terior space i s operated by a system of equipment such as an air cond itioner. Therefore, the office spa ce b e co mes isolated from natu re . Street s today are covere d w it h a de nse net wo rk o f vehicles. Th e roads widen the area as muc h as possibl e for vehicular traffic, leav in g no spa ce for pedestr ians and tre es. Iro nically, the saddl es of motorc ycl es an d cars have be come pl aces where one can sit to re la x dur ing a hectic day. Ro oftop of the buil ding is one of the pla ces to breathe fresh air, to escape the confines of the office e nvironment and th e hustle of the stre et . The roof top should b ecome a space to heal and re store the co nnection w i th nature i nstead o f today's trendy ba rs.

View from 10 floor Render & model by G.T

Inside Out pa ge 11 INSIDE OUT The project is towards a "INSIDE OUT" concept. To create the space becomes a place where urban dwellers can feel a sense of nature. The inside area brings a sense of freedom, liberating instead of constriction. The outside area brings a sense of intimacy, privacy instead of stuffiness from the street. “inside” simil ar to “out si d e” “outside” simil ar to “in s id e” office enviroment





street enviroment



















Inside Out pa ge 12




10 f



Use a closed line to divide the 9th and 10th into two areas. Area 1 on the "inside" has a staircase connecting two floors. Define Area 1 as the service space, and area 2 as the activity space.

The symbolic line dividing creates 2 spaces: "Inside" (green) and "outside" (white). In fact, both spaces belong inside the building, but the ideas of the "Contrast Space" will give erroneous identity. On the 10th floor, the "inside" and "outside" spaces will be reversed compared with the 9th floor.




10 f



The "inside" spaces interleaving with "outside". These new spaces are almost closed off by the walls and roof, creating a very private and intimate "inside" feeling. In other words, in the process of using, users can feel the boundary change between "inside and outside".

The 9th large lobby is arranged into an area for employees and leaders, maximizing the view to the southern street. Condense the 10th floor into a continuous space inside to service activities. Green blocks and woven walls cut into the area to create intermittently closed spaces and intimate for users.

Inside Out pa ge 13


10 f

Design 9F as a canteen with 100 seats, combined with a new staircase to access the 10F floor. The main space is a large lobby that can have flexibly arranged, allowing maximum seating capacity and clear views to the outside.

Design 10F as a rest space for various activities, especially for indoor entertainment, lunch break, and outdoor relaxation. The inside is a continuous space covered by glass, therefore the user can easily access the intimate outside garden.

Inside Out pa ge 14

01 - long section 02 - cross section





Inside Out pa ge 15

10f facade

Courtyard House pa ge 16


CO URTYA R D HO USE Qu ang Bin h, 07.2021 - 1 0.20 2 1

wo rk status pro gram flo or

In -charged detail d esign private villa 240m²

The project site is located along Tran Hu ng D ao street that conn ects the cit y center of Dong Hoi and B ao Nin h beach area. The recent res ort de velopme nt alon g the coast has imp osed a ra pid u rbanization on the fisherman’s vill age in Bao Ni nh area. There will be higher bu ildings al on g main streets whose tra ff ic will be heavier than today. As the urba n condition aroun d the site h as bee n transform ed dra stically, our d esign aims at not only sol ving the current ly visi ble issue s o f the house but also envisioning a ne w way of lifestyle bot h amid and after t he urban de ve lo pme nt . In the ch anging circumstances, the character of house needs to change in order to maintain its comfo rtabl e l iving.

View from outside to living room Render & model by G.T



Courtyard House pa ge 17

The original bu ilding was b ui lt as a v il la t ype th at consists of a ma in bu il ding and a surrou nd ing garden. T hi s ba re garde n ca n prov ide resi dents wit h com fort when i ts neig h borho od rem ai ns sparse . As the neig hbo rhoo d become s denser foll owing th e ur ban d e velopme nt , the gard en area has to be t ransformed i nto a cou rt yard ty pe house , whi ch gu ards t he resi dents’ pri vac y a nd enh ances co nnec ti on betwee n i nside and ou t . In trop ical cou nt ri es, w it h the h ig h alt itud e of t h e su n, small court yards can b ring natu ral li ght into houses. Lim ited o pening area of the cou rtyards are supp osed to prote ct i nterio r space s against hea vy ra infa ll and storms. In add it ion, po rous pla ns wi th ple nti ful g ree ne r y enha nce cross venti lati on th roug hou t h ouses.

Geoffrey Bawa, House Number 11



Courtyard House pa ge 18 VILLA TO COURTYARD H OUSE




living facilities are spread evenly on the floors activities are disturbed during construction


many garden are not used big trees in existing garden

structural load acting on the existing building


vil la typ e

before renovation

pla ce by pla ce renovat ion

3F create more facilities on the 1st floor activities are comfortable during construction maximize capacity of the ground floor


keep existing trees

structural load acting on the ground land


courtyard t yp e

after renovatio n

ground only renovation

Courtyard House pa ge 19

1 s t floor plan

2 nd floor plan

Courtyard House pa ge 20

Fa cade view

Kitc hen view

Courtyard House pa ge 21

Living ro om view

New bedroom & garden view

Mansion Office pa ge 22


M AN S IO N O F FIC E Ha No i, 03.2020 - 04.202 0

wo rk status pro gram flo or

de sign team un buil t office 2,200m²

Ma ison Office is a design proposal fo r a ne w office w it h a total floor area o f 2,200m2. Th e proje ct name brie fs the desig n inte nti on to create " home -like of fice " or in othe r wo rds "hom e away from home ", reflecting today's situation that tec hn ology connects various living scene s sea mlessly. Th e idea is to create an inclusive office spa ce fo r various wor ki ng (or not working ) modes, such as be in g social an d private, creative an d ef ficient . It is ba sically the same concept as "activity- base d working", yet there is a dif feren ce: we do not think "ta lkative" design is real ly necessar y. H om e, in our poin t of vie w, is a pl ace to accept di versity o f act ivities not by ch ara cterizing each space, but by structur ing lo ose and multip le re la tion ships between spa ces.

Mansion Office pa ge 23

ma n ife s t MAISON




1 + 2



Home away from Home creativity


two con fl icts

co.B co.A





There are two ways to expand an "ordinary house" into a "big house", for example.


efficiency efficiency sociability


maison office

1. Enlarged house for each room



A sense of distance

Closing the distance

A big house is a vessel of diversity. However, there is a weakness in physical size, which creates a "sense of distance" in things.

The changing the distance traveled from "troublesome" to "rich and fun" is the "how to shorten the distance" that is possible for architectural design.

2. A house with only the outline of the house enlarged

Ma ke be hin d the scenes

Mansion Office pa ge 24

If you pull the walls of a room apart to create a gap, it's a place that has no name or fixed purpose, like behind the scenes.




Nipa palm corridor



1. Pull the walls of the room apart

2. A different air is born

If the wall is made of plank, the wall usually has a double structure with small gaps inside. By pulling the double walls apart, the small gaps become "spaces".

If you call the original room an "ON" space, the newly created space in the gaps between the walls should probably be a cluttered but cozy "OFF" space for some reason.

Normal panel

Nipa palm pattern panel

The wall surface of the gap space has a distinctive expression by inserting fine diagonal lumber instead of the horizontal lumber that enters the studs that support the plate material.


Double laye r effect

Phản is a large wooden stand traditionally used in Vietnam, where he can be a table or a sleeper. Installed 4 different Phản.

Double layer of environment

Double layer of action

Phản step

Phản Tatami

Phản under the stairs

Phản Brown

Mansion Office pa ge 25

20 F


Mansion Office pa ge 26

Th e 20t h centur y was a h uge labo rator y for of fi ce planning. From t h e Tayl orist o pen pl an to ali enatin g office cubicles, space uniformity is regarded as the common problem of those offices. Today 's offices, on the o ther hand, are too eager to visua li ze different working styl es in on e place, resulting in eclectic and noisy design. What we aim to introduce is not such vis ual con fusion but diversified potential for office activitie s, which is built on the basis of multiple relationships o f spaces. We put required program s into proper scales of boxe s, a nd placed them loosely o n the floors. The space between th e boxes has various scales and ch aracters where peo ple find ways to spend then and t here, freely, but with some ca re to read between the lines.

20 F


Mansion Office pa ge 27

20 F - Entrance

Mansion Office pa ge 28

21 F - W orking space

Mansion Office page 29

Gra phic & Model page 30


GRA PH I C & M O DEL 201 8 - 2021

pro ject location yea r

ACB Ca nte en & Lounge Saigo n, Dist rict 3 2020

Gra phic & Model page 31 The vo lume and surface studyin g process regul ar ly begins w ith a geomet ric form l ike a cube, c ylinder, pyramid, cone, etc. Given the arguments to the forms th en its create optional; th e means of options are not simila r in shape or d iffe rent ab o ut ideas. Using th e architecture method on surface and volume l ike fol din g, weaving, wrapping, e ven more like compress, fracture, shift , tw ist , etc. Continues th i s practice a fe w times more and pre vie ws after that . We have a module diagram of a system with dozens of physical models. In this ca se , e ven when the process turns back to the first ideas, we got a foundation o f the arguments about the reasonable concept . The modeling making is the concretized step of th e conceptual design.

pro ject location yea r

DH O Quang Binh 2020

Gra phic & Model page 32 Unlike p hysical m od el research , image rend er ing an d graphi cs are a process a t a later sta ge , b efore th e process of delivering prod ucts to customers. There fore , t he ir h andling must be completed rigid ly a nd rigorously. But the m ost i mpor tant thing is still coherence, brie f and succinct . The reby, w e ind irectly share a creator's perspective a nd see k the sympa thy of our custo me rs.

pro ject location yea r

Gro w Far m Factor y Buo n Ma Thuo t 2018-2021


PHOTO S & CO NTENTS 201 5 - 2021

For me, the re is an inseparab le connecti on between the ima ge a nd t he context . Co nte xt is t he e xp lanati on for the image , it de scribes how beauti ful the image is, and conversely, th e i mage is a true dem onstration of th e pe rson alize d perspective at t hat moment .

The Rock, Sydney - in 2017

Photos & Contents pa ge 33

Photos & Contents page 34 building location time

Wal sh Bay H arbour Syd ne y 2018

original building

Walsh Bay is no t the only one. It is a v er y cl ear example of transforming a function bet ween an iconic but deprecated building into a useful buil ding, in order to sur vive. "Useful" here is both economic and historical for th e cit y itself. Thereby, we can compa re it with the Ba Son p ort of Saigon. Ba Son can achie ve the symbolic eleme nt but no t the economic on e, perhaps it no longer exists be cau se of tha t .

original building


redevelopment building

Photos & Contents page 35 building desi gner time

KCS In re stud io 2019

Ph otography som etimes doesn't j ust stop at finished photos postproce ssed to p o st in magazi nes. W hen we visit the site to sur ve y the quality of the wo rk and check th e design copyright , we tr y to de scrib e what h appe ns the re throug h ph otos as honestly as possible. In this role, pictu res are proof. What we do i s make t his e v iden ce a s transparent , clea r, detailed, and in tuitive as possible with the con te nt it needs to con ve y.

Photos & Contents page 36 building location time

Anda nte Lam do ng 2020

After exp eriencing the Andante, Lam Dong, sometimes I think the meaning of a n nature architectural building is not as important a s I thought . I n the forest , people and works are just unnecessity p oints. It seems point le ss when creati ng an i conical with a self-persona l ego, e v en ostentat io us and unnatural. Therefore, if we place an artificia l obje ct in the wild , its function should be an intermed ia te transition between humans and nature . Let t he forest become ali ve and let pe op le fee l the soul of natu re.

SPECIAL THANKS Kosuke Nishijima Qu yn h H an Ng uye n Ph ilip pe Mizutan i Son Tung Dinh Cao Vien Nguyen Nha N ga n Tha n Trong Xa R um Nguyen Harsh P rata p Sin gh Takashi Taba ta Hanh Nh an Vo Alex Hu ong Bui and Inrestu dio team I bel ie ve the achie vement of a n in dividual is the surplus val ue of the de ve lop ment of a team, and I am always grateful for that .

Photo series "Still in love" by photographer Linh Luu Taken at Roka Fella (Sauvage)

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