Verified + Plans Book

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CONTENTS Executive Summary - 3 Creative Brief - 4 Brand History - 5 Competitors - 6 Research - 7 Target Audience - 10 SWOT Analysis - 11 Public Relations / Events - 12 Media Mix - 14 Media Schedule - 23 Budget - 24 Evaluation - 25 Appendix - 26 Team Members - 27


Campaign Period

This campaign is designed to run from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

Research Summary

Primary and Secondary research guided the decisions when devising the media proposal.

Target Audience

Target customers are all age, races, and genders, to include curious people who strive for fulfillment but also like to be challenged.


The primary objective of this campaign is to aid in the restoration of news literacy.

Summary of Primary Findings

New York Times owns 11% of the total advertising segment market share, however; it is struggling to gauge consumers through digital media. There is a greater national desire for great, truthful, journalism that captures attention through non-traditional advertising.

Media Summary

Non-traditional media advertising are used to achieve the objective.


The budget of this campaign is $10,000,000 spanning the duration of the campaign period.


Social media advertising will promote the launch of an app and widget, which will be implemented to increase global news literacy and heighten interest in a large preexisting market.


This campaign will be evaluated by assessing pre and post revenue subscriptions and social media conversion rates upon conclusion of media efforts.

BRAND HISTORY Prior advertising targets traditional media and focuses on print ads.

Founded in 1851, by journalist and politician Henry Jarvis Raymond and former banker George Jones.

The newspaper of record in the Offers print, digital, and United States. application media. Possess a large global presence. Focuses on culture, business, science, style, travel, health & wellness. Is known for its challenging crossword puzzles.

Public perception feels as though it lacks the digital landscape needed in today's society. Reduced print sales present a challenge in declining market share. Recognized for its modern, fast-paced, and inclusiveness.

PRIMARY COMPETITORS Founded in 1982 International presence Available in print and online Free of charge RSS feeds, email subscriptions, live webcasts

Founded in 1889 International presence Available in print and online Features: Art, stocks, visuals, reader's letters

SECONDARY COMPETITORS Founded in 2004 Large international presence, 40+ global offices Strictly online presence Features: apps, messaging, social networking, product updates, gaming

Founded in 1917 Global presence Print and online Features: finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics

Founded in 2006 Global presence Strictly online presence Features: Up-to-date news feeds, constant live stream information



of consumers subscribe to print news media

31 million weekly newspapers sold in the US, annually.

of consumers subscribe to digital news media.

34 million Sunday newspapers sold in the US, annually.

44% of consumers prefer to receive email or notification news updates.

PRIMARY RESEARCH ANALYSIS The New York Times owns 11% of the total advertising segment market share, however; it is struggling to gauge consumers through digital media. There is a pressing, national desire for great, truthful journalism that captures attention through non-traditional advertising.




An electronic survey and indepth personal surveys were conducted. The purpose of the research surveys were to better understand consumers usage, news influences, and their overall perceptions of news literacy. These surveys aided in the development of both a plug-in and app to provide consumers with transparent news sources.

Megan Ellis Female, Married, 32 Income: $65,000 Human Resources Officer, mother of two. Enjoys brunch dates, wine and paint girls nights, and playing


board games with her family.

Jonathan West Male, Single, 29 Income: $77,000 Business Analyst, no children Workaholic, perfectionist, enjoys cycling, going to the movies, and being well-dressed. ELEVATED EXPOSURE | 201 9


National presence/ extraordinary distribution Large web-based presence with specialty site locations Prominent brand image name Competitive market share Fair news reporting Innovative and adventurous


Exceeding structural costs Low revenue from online sources Decline in paper press sales, due to technological advances. Low diversification products Print newspapers lack global presence

OPPORTUNITIES Growing online market available for stance of expansion Increasing global marketallows international staging Smartphone app creates reliability and increased revenue. Plug-in expansion develops a more accessible online presence


Large competitive market Low price points of competitors Journalism plagiarism Increasing digital focus threatens print sales Decline in news literacy influences validity of reportings

PR - EXPERIENTIAL EVENTS The NYT will host a series of fact or fiction experiential events. Pop-up events will take place in greatly populated public places. Los Angeles, New York City, and Las Vegas will be the primary locations.

Games Include: 1. A twist on Red light, green light. A trivia game that promotes the functionality and ease of use to consumers. 2. Did That Really Happen? A trivia game using commonly misconceived historical events and their truths.

Social media will be used to promote the events, as well as taking unsolicited passerby's and encouraging them to participate in various games and events that promote the necessity of Verified+. All winners receive a one-year subscription to NYT and a swag bag.

3. Who Do You Trust? Participants choose the article or headline they believe is true. Demonstrates the reality of biased, filtered news and why Verified+ offers a value that is priceless. ELEVATED EXPOSURE MARKETING | 201 9

PR - COMPETITION The New York Times will sponsor a student scholarship contest to aid in the promotion of Verified+. By organizing a national student competition, Verified+ will gain brand awareness and become a trending topic among students seeking to gain financial tuition assistance. Students will have the opportunity to showcase their writing and sourcing skills while speaking about social and political issues that are important to them. Participants must use and reference the Verified+ platform, including Verified+ ratings for each source used. Additional guidelines and requirements will be provided on the Verified+ mobile app. The winning student author will have the opportunity to be published in the New York Times Sunday Edition as well as earning a monetary prize. Four winners will be selected. 1st place - $15,000 2nd, 3rd, 4th place - $5,000 each


WHAT MEDIA IS VERIFIED+ MIX Verified+ is an App and Browser Plugin geared toward improving news literacy. While they have the same end goal, each act independently of each other.

THE PLUGIN After installing the plugin on any web browser, a small icon will appear near the URL bar as well as the bottom right hand of the screen, when on news related sites. By scrolling over the icon at the bottom of the screen, it will expand into three bubbles that will provide a percentage, based on the number of fact-based statements in each article.

THE APP The app will be a one-stop shop for news. The app consolidates news stories based on selected filters, ensuring consumers receive

App logo

NYT Web Banner

the tailored ability of getting all the information they desire.



Green: Fact based statement Yellow: Borderline fact/opinion Red: Opinion based/ not backed by facts




TEASER FOR VIDEO MARKETING Video marketing will be used across various digital billboards. This ad will be used in New York City, New York. Using digital technology, this short ad will play on the Times Square billboard. Video advertisements will aid in brand awareness, create traffic, and lead to product downloads.



Video marketing will be used across social media platforms. Short videos will aid in grabbing the consumers attention, increased conversion rates, and product downloads.


MEDIA MIX SOCIAL Social media platforms will be used to promote the ad campaign. Entitled Verified+, Verified+ will be a primarily digital campaign. Due to the highly graphic nature of the campaign, it will be inter-related across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube social media platforms. The hashtag #VerifiedPlus will be used to create activity and cause trending topics through a new social media movement. Aligning with the New York Times' goal of increasing news literacy, this ad sequence will engage the consumer, promote the brand, present call to action ads, all while providing measurable data and increased revenue.






MEDIA SCHEDULE When constructing an effective media schedule, peak usage times, months, and days of the week are all important factors. Ever-changing, social media provides no specific months that are best for engagement, however; the weekday and timing are important components. For this campaign, time restrictions are placed to allow one social campaign to thrive before beginning another. The launch of the Verified+ App will begin in July and run for the duration of the media campaign. To best measure yearly metrics and develop a solid analysis, a year long report is beneficial but will be analyzed quarterly.

The student contest feature of Verified+ will span the entire ad campaign. This contest will be promoted through social media, via the New York Times website, and the Verified+ app. Keeping the target audience in mind, advertising a Verified+ sponsored, student, scholarship using the app will help to increase app downloads and create user brand awareness.


Total Budget: $3,000,000

The New York Times is a global brand that uses traditional and non-traditional advertising to reach the target audience. Considering that the target audience spends majority of their time on digital and mobile devices, Verified+ will focus its media strategies on methods that enables the most gross impressions and increases national reach. Eliminating the high costs of traditional media advertisements, Verified+ appropriates financing towards social media advertising, management funding, app development and publishing, and professional media marketing using The Content Factory to increase brand awareness.



To evaluate and measure the effectiveness of the proposed media campaign, prior conversion rates measuring social media advertising to online subscriptions will be evaluated. In addition, a survey capturing consumer brand awareness will be performed. Further analytics such as pre and post revenue amounts will be assessed to determine if the newly-launched mobile app and and nontraditional advertisements contribute to a greater brand awareness and increased sales. Statistically, if the ROI analysis of the campaign produces increased measures, when compared to prior fiscal years, the media campaign will be deemed effective.


MOD PIZZA | 2019

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The Team Danielle Rhew

Heather Carney

Creative Director/ AM

Account Manager/Planner

Jasmine Burns

Alice Thomas

Media Planner

Account Planner

Rich Gosda

Will Snipes



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