It’s important to communicate with people you know and restrict them the access of your own information.
Don’t accept invitations on the Internet of unknown people or block them.
Pay attention with your private information which is published and who is it shared with, because it could be used against you.
If you start receiving insulting messages , break up all the communication with this person.
Save the insulting messages to show them to the authority.
If you are proof of someone who is suffering bullying, don’t participate on it2and don’t close your eyes, advise your parents o professors to break the aggressor.
CYBERBULLYING It isn’t excessive to affirm that in XXI century all revolve around the Internet. It’s as true as young people are called the digital generation because of the time they spend on electronic
INTERNET USERS: RISK PREVENTION AND THE MISUSE OF INTERNET communication technologies. The advantages are multiples and who benefices better are the teenagers, but this tool also has a lot of risks and threats that we need to know to act. When a student is abused psychologically and repeatedly by one or more students with using technological tools (Internet, mobile phones and online games mainly) we are talking about cyberbullying. For being a cyberbullying attack it has to be minors on the two sides of the attack; if there are any adults, we are in front of another type of cyberbullying. The línia d’Atenció sobre Ciberbullying , an European net for the reports of bullying cases between minors, attended 343 cases in Spain in 2012. This case has increased since this service started on 2008, when they attended 227 cases. “An increment of the 151% in only 5 years”, emphazises Guillermo Cánovas, a Protégeles responsible, entity that works for the internet well use of teenagers. To revert this tendency, the European commission and Protégeles released a campaign called European Superkids Online in Spain, Denmark, Italy and Poland. Now, there are some examples of cyberbullying victims. In this case, a man of 40 years old posed as a young girl and he used facebook to make minor friends. He ask for photos without clothes and he threaten them to post them on the internet. This is a case of grooming, a type of cyberbullying. A college report 5 students for doing cyberbullying in Llençà. They had created two pages on the Internet, where they posted anonymous comments of other teenagers who were studying in the college or ex-students. For identify who had created those pages, the headmistress passes to the 300 students a video of the Canadian teenager who had committed suicide. The five students confessed being the creators of the pages. In this documental of 30 minutes, tv3 show us the experience of 4 victims of bullying. How they live it? Why do the aggressors do it? Questions that are asked to a group of young people in this documentary.
INTERNET USERS: RISK PREVENTION AND THE MISUSE OF INTERNET This piece of news informs us about a cyberbullying to a girl of 20 years old. The aggressors were 4 students of the same college in Mรกlaga. The victim report the bullying and the aggressors where arrested. ml
In this example, a teenage who was 19 years old threw himself under a train after bullying by trolls.
Amanda Todd was a teenage who killed herself because of cyberbullying and posted a viedo telling her story on youtube.
GROOMING Cyberbullying for children (grooming) is an online adult practice to earn confidence with a minor with fraudulent and illegal purpose. It is also related to obtaining images and videos of children and pornography. In one case a girl of 11 years, saw as an adult took her friend information in Messenger to obtain photos in swimsuit. 4
INTERNET USERS: RISK PREVENTION AND THE MISUSE OF INTERNET In another similar case, a child suffered blackmail of a man of 51 to impersonate for women and pretended to obtain images without clothes on the pretext that she would present them in a casting. - In some cases you can consciously injure the image of minor publishing photos or offensive videos, photo montages or spread false rumors.
RECOMMENDATIONS we show a few recommendations that you can use to prevent cases of cyberbullying: -
Do not spread or reveal personal information through social networks.
Be always very careful with your personal photos and videos, as you never know who can use them.
Desactivate the webcam when you don’t use it. For more security you can attach something opaque on the webcam, such as a sticker or adhesive tape.
Protect your computer from viruses and other malicious programmes that can reveal your passwords to authors of cyberbullying minors. ↓ You can use a firewall to protect your computer. This type of programme alerts of possible programmes that may damage the computer and also protects you against scammers who want to enter.
Bear in mind that the video through webcam can be recorded and subsequently published on the web.
DATA ON THE WEB Each time we register into a social network, looking for something on Google or even entering into the website of the institute, someone is accessing directly or indirectly to our data. There are many theories surrounding this. Some speak of super-computers of 5
INTERNET USERS: RISK PREVENTION AND THE MISUSE OF INTERNET the US NSA or groups of hackers known as throwing small cyber attacks on our devices. That is why we must watch what data are hung on the Internet. EXAMPLES OF MISUSE In the following piece of news you will have a perfect idea of what we are talking about. Barclays blasted over 'catastrophic' theft of thousands of customer files. We have to protect our data, because it is there, on the net, and someone would look for it. This is the link of the new: RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The email account mustn’t have personal information: name, date of birth. To avoid this it is recommended to combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, dashes, dots ... 2. Passwords should also avoid, obvious data such as the birthday or words that are easy to guess given the relationship with us. 3. Give the email address to anyone. You never know he/she might get to do. 4. Sending messages to several people: to send messages to several people, it is always better to include BCC. In this way you will avoid that others know the other directions. 5. To open unknown attachments. If you send an email with an unknown file do not open and above all do not download because it can carry a virus that can infect the device or steal data. 6. Do not remove the data from the previous recipient to forward an email. If you send an email to someone and then not forward, remember to remove the main target in order to don’t see it. 7. Forward chain messages. Do not forward chain letters since they can see your email address. 8. Believe everything you say chain letters. Do not believe the hype chain mail because what interests them is to store only email addresses. 9. If you use a computer that isn’t yours, check that the option “remember password” is unchecked. Never let checked the box “remember password” as your data can be saved on the computer and do not know who will go after and you can enter your email address. 10. Your email is protected by law, so if anyone ever misuses your mail is breaking the law, therefore, is a crime and you have to report it.
CHATS USERS AND PASSWORDS User: Set of alphanumeric characters that identify a user to connect to a computer system or an online service. Password: personal secret code to access a system as a user or website. 6
INTERNET USERS: RISK PREVENTION AND THE MISUSE OF INTERNET Example; (user) 859895lol ********* (password) EXAMPLES OF A WRONG USE "Amanda Todd is shown doing topless by the webcam when she was 12 years old "Romina Perrone is a student of 10 in Buenos Aires College, she suffered abuse and bullying by a college that posted reasons to hate her on facebook.
RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Having an easy password can be a problem because somebody can guess it and take your identity. 2. It is important don’t click the box “remember username” when we enter to our email address in another computer that isn’t the ours. 3. If somebody guesses the password change it immediately because he/she could obtain personal information from your mails. 4. We must be very careful when we send personal information and images because they could be sent to other people and they can become public. 5. Use a nickname instead of your name or surname. Don’t indicate your age in the username 6. Invent difficult passwords (combination of numbers and letters) 7. You have to close the session when you finish.
WEBS, BROWSERS AND E-MAIL A web page is similar to an electronic document which contains textual information, visual information and sound information.
A browser is a free programme which lets us to see web pages through internet and also it also lets us keep information in a disk. Examle of browser are: Google Chrome, Explorer, Fiefox... E-mail is an english word. . Evreyone can send and receive messages in the wed. First of all you must install a message programme. Factors that increase the risks of internet are: •
the easy acces to information
the easy interpersonal communication
the permanent access
the anonymity
The use of internet for the teenagers, sometimes, is dangerous because it can be used in a wrong way. A teenager, can be problematic when he/she spends too many hours on the Internet, and that affects the normal life and become an addiction. You can't control the time on the red.Some examples of the wrong use are:You can use false identities victims to seek sexual acts, violence, compulsive gaming, compulsive shopping...
The last piece of news is about a boy who hit a girl, she fell on the floor, he recorded and uploaded to internet. Another piece of news is about a boy who stole in shops and then, he sold in Internet.
RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Choose a nickname and not your authentic name. 2. Be careful when you have an appointment with a person who you met on Internet. 3. Report any abuse suffered during the interaction on the red. 8
INTERNET USERS: RISK PREVENTION AND THE MISUSE OF INTERNET 4. Get advice from some experts. 5. On the internet, not all are friends: be careful with strange people. 6. Enter in safety webs. 7. You mustn't buy internet without an adult. 8. You mustn't open your e-mail on other computers or in public Wi-Fi.
Social Networks In social networks we can enjoy new tecnology but, Are we sure that know the different risks we carry out in every movement we do? Here, there are some risks: •
It's easy to cheat with a false perfil.
The information we post not always has the aim we want.
INTERNET USERS: RISK PREVENTION AND THE MISUSE OF INTERNET • Some teenagers don't use the social networks in a safe way. Every time they have Access to technology sooner •
Publish private information.
• Sometimes the teenagers don't have permanent connection on their mobile phone and they connect to public and free Wi-Fis. This connections are less safe because the other people can steal personal information, pass different virus, etc. • Because of the new tecnologies the teenagers spend a lot of time connected and this can cause social networks dependence. It Also can create depression, derangement dreams and ansiety. • Some teenagers as they have permanent acces to the social networks, they share awkward photos with their friends. EXAMPLES OF MISUSE Black Twitter: new big bird of civil rights – The times e
Revenge porn: law moving in right direction but still some way to go
The new trend clicking with DIY investors
Some free advice about social networking: #youdon’tneedit Recommendations 1. Only people we want have to enter to our personal information. 1. Before posting some information, we have to know that the information has the aim to inform . And that the information can't be used to bad aims. 2. Some teenagers aren’t aware of the dangers of the social networks and we can find embarrassing situations for example: an unknown person can enter to your profile. 3. We have that take something into account the information who they share in a social network, because it fetch problems; for example: steal in your house, 10
INTERNET USERS: RISK PREVENTION AND THE MISUSE OF INTERNET harassment, blackmail... 4. We have to take into account the problems the social networks bring to the teenagers. 5. We have to be cautious whit the social networks we connect, because they can take personal information, transfer virus, etc. 6. Teenagers spend more time with technology than being with Friends and doing sports. 7. A person can become aggressive because of technology. 8. The use of images can bring us problems because somebody can take your photos and post them on the net. 9. if your computer has built-in webcam, unknown persons might activate it and invade your privacy without you realizing it. Internet has some bad things as we have seen above, but used in a safe form we can obtain many good things from it.
TO BECOME ADDICTED There is no doubt that the Internet is a breakthrough that can be helpful for academic and social. The problem arises when its use is uncontrolled. Today, many children and teenagers are hooked on new technologies. The World Health Organization which says that one in four people suffer from behavioral disorders related to new addictions. You can talk about addiction in all cases where the fans interfere with daily life or when they practice this hobby to don’t pass it wrong instead of for having fun. When a person is mentally ill is more likely to become addicted to something. 11
Among the warning signs that may indicate an addiction include: ● Loss of study time, with or without bad academic results. ● Impairment or lesser dedication to interpersonal relationships and other activities. ● increase of aggressive behavior. ● Suffering anxiety, irritability, and even physical discomfort when you are not able to use the object that you are addicted to.
Examples of misuse: -Addicted to Mobile Two children 12 and 13 years of Lleida are receiving treatment for their addiction to mobile phone and instant messaging programs through Internet -'Messenger'-, as confirmed by the director of the Center for Child and Youth Mental Health Lleida, Maite Utgés.
-Detection of Addiction of adults to mobile and internet.
-Addicted to Whatsapp
-Addicted to the Candy Crush Celia Villalobos is not the only person who is addicted to the popular game which sweets funs every day 54 million people worldwide. The company King invoice 470,000 per day for micro purchases lives, moves and special sweets.
INTERNET USERS: RISK PREVENTION AND THE MISUSE OF INTERNET 1. Recognize you have an addiction. 2. Realize account that more people around the world become addicted to the internet. 3. Get a hobby or interest that is not related to the internet, video games, television, mobile phones, smart phones, portable media players or computers. 4. Finish your studies. 5. Help cooking. 6. Meet friends. 7. Plan family nights. 8. Spend less time on your computer. 9. Phone people rather than send them instant messages. 10. Use an alarm clock or timer. 11. Don’t eat in front of your computer.
FRAUD: SHOPPING AND PHISHING WHAT DO THEY USE? The personal information, all it says something about you: your name, your address, your ID, the number of credit card, phone, date of birth, your photos, your appointment book, your passwords ..
HOW DOES YOUR IDENTITY ARRIVE ON INTERNET? To use Internet services you have been requested to register which involves filling out endless forms where you will not only write personal data. They also ask questions about the hobbies you have, tastes, ideology, religion, ethnicity or sex life. Without realizing you are giving a lot of information.
Not always all the information you give freely in these questionnaires or forms are used in a proper purpose. In some cases, they want your data to be used for commercial purposes. Sometimes they may also ask you information for stealing your data, and then performs the phishing.
WHAT IS PHISHING? It is the identity theft, normally used on the internet but there are also cases with mobile phone, which consists in having personal information from the users. In the network there is a mass emails sending that pretend to come from prestigious organizations and forces the user to update personal details (username and password bank accounts, credit card numbers, etc.). When entering data into the fake page, these are "fishing" by cybercriminals to use them fraudulently. The URL or browser address should start with https, where s means 'safe'. Example: https //:
HOW DO THEY TAKE OUR INFORMATION? First of all, they send an email pretending to be reliable webpages. Then they tell us to go to the link in the message, and that will take us to a pirate site similar to the original. Once there, they ask us our data with any excuse. As we think the web is reliable, we write there all they want and the scammer will use your data to make purchases or any other action such as opening mail accounts.
EXAMPLES OF MISUSE: • Jason Michael Carpenter, a convicted robber enters a prison for conspiracy to commit wire fraud and fraud in connection with access devices, says that steal identities was fun and "incredibly easy." He spoke robbery tactics "CNN Presents" Federal Detention Center in Houston as part of a documentary, "How to rob a bank."
RECOMMENDATIONS 1. If they demand your data in exchange for a service, do not give 2. Don’t sing in insecure pages. 3. Do not answer emails that demands you personal information. The prestigious companies never ask for passwords or personal information via email. When you get some mail from this style, call the company and verify its truth. 4. When you get a message with a link, do not open it. It may take you to a fake website and trick you give your data. 5. Introduce the address into the address bar to make sure you enter the original website. 14
INTERNET USERS: RISK PREVENTION AND THE MISUSE OF INTERNET 6. To see if the web site that you are safe, check you see an icon with a yellow padlock closed. This means that the website protects all personal information you provide. Make a double click on the padlock; If the name does not match goes anywhere where you are, means that this website is false.
REMEMBER: With these type of problems you have to explain to your parents what is your problem. Then they will be able to help you.
FILE SHARING It is the most common operation for file sharing in social networks. The default is the user's public folder. Our computer never forgets anything, remember the pages you've visited, files you've downloaded you, yours passwords ... There may be people who use their computer skills to access that information. Everything is classified as follows: • History • Cookies • Files Due to share or download files are integrated virus to your computer and go every pest. These viruses removed our personal data, photos ... Really can "eat" your computer turning into a zombie. Some viruses are: • Stealth. • Parasite. • Worm. • Trojan Horse. • Cabir, in the mobile phone. When you share a picture to someone, either from wherever the can pick up and use it for whatever and so does the videos. To move a picture of anyone you have to have a 15
INTERNET USERS: RISK PREVENTION AND THE MISUSE OF INTERNET minimum of trust you and you must also know that not happen to anyone or share in any social network. Another common problem is that when you hang a document people can take it without permission and change the context and the way you write. We must pay very careful where we introduce our data (email, telephone number ...). EXAMPLES OF MISUSE ď€ Case number 1. codigo=EUR&pagina= ď€ Case Number. 2 codigo=EUR&pagina=
RECOMMENDATIONS 1. To defend against these viruses have in our hands the virus is a program that is important to be installed on your computer. They are always alert to the possible harmful software. 2. Do not provide anyone your password. 3. No need to open or save files that you send strangers. 4. Do not share files of any kind to strangers. 5. Review the privacy practices of my computer and my profiles.