Entity Partnership Booklet AIESEC in Mainland of China

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Incoming Global Volunteer En3ty Partnership Booklet AIESEC in Mainland of China

Dear Entity Partner: AIESEC in Mainland of China is going to its biggest summer peak of our history, however we do not only consider this an achievement and result of our work but also a result of a great collabora?on looking for achievement and moreover leadership development in our customers. We are planning to grow rela?vely 50% compared to 2016 and we would like to make it happen with you and our customers.


Our capaci?es have been increased to ensure supply, customer flow implementa?on, co-­‐delivery, quality control, leadership development and Standards implementa?on to come to a great sa?sfac?on, some of our turning points are: 1-­‐. 3 MC Members working for Incoming Global Volunteer func?on. 2-­‐. Value Delivery ini?a?ves to ensure quality and sa?sfac?on. 3-­‐. SDG aligned opportuni?es. 4-­‐. Standardised Na?onal Projects. 5-­‐. Digital plaUorms for beVer showcasing

What can you find here? You can find in this booklet: 1-­‐.Introduc?on about Mainland of China and AIESEC in MoC. 2-­‐. AVrac?on Channels in MoC 3-­‐. Considera?on process of MoC and help points requested to en?ty partners. 4-­‐. Value Delivery Processes and ini?a?ve for MoC.

About the Country

About Mainland of China

China is a cradle of civilisa?on, with its known history beginning with an ancient civilisa?on – one of the world's earliest – that flourished in the fer?le basin of the Yellow River in the North China Plain. For millennia, China's poli?cal system was based on hereditary monarchies known as dynas?es. Since 221 BCE, when the Qin Dynasty first conquered several states to form a Chinese empire, the state has expanded, fractured and reformed numerous ?mes. The Communist Party established the People's Republic of China in Beijing on 1 October 1949. Since then, China has experienced a rapid growth and development, currently it represents the largest market in the world with a huge poten?al.

Facts • World’s 2nd largest exporter and importer. • It is the 2nd largest economy in the world. • During the last 3 years over 80 million people have been taken out of poverty. • More than 5000 years of ancient history and cultural heritage to the world. • There are more than 40, 000 Chinese Characters, only 3000 are required to read the newspaper. • 3 megaci?es of more than 21 million inhabitants each (Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou) • Almost 40% of Chinese popula?on rank between 18 and 30 years old. • Inven?ons of prin?ng, paper and compass are due to China. • It is the most populated country on earth.

3100+ Members


Outgoing EPs


Incoming EPs

One Term

AIESEC in Mainland of China

We enable our exis?ng LCs in nearly 80 top universi?es in China to develop beVer and cul?vate a genera?on of globally compe??ve leaders who can really posi?vely impact tomorrow’s China. We are always on the frontline of great innova?ons, and we’ve always been trying new things and challenging ourselves. All those innova?ons are also based on Chinese economic, social, and poli?cal trends. Such as Booming startup scene and One Silk One Road Project. Posi?oning ourselves as entrepreneur, we believe constant innova?on and external relevance are the best ways to cul?vate leaders needed in China and for us to grow together with our country in this era.

Incoming Global Volunteer Exchange Pipeline 1400

1,346 1050









+80 local entities +27 cities around China +2000 opportunities available during 2017




Customer Flow

Attraction with MoC We want to facilitate attraction process to you by providing you with the best resources for you to make the right promotions for our potential exchange participants.

About the Brand


Nihao China is initiated by the need of attracting youth all around the world to experience Mainland of China through an integral Global Volunteer Experience by showcasing our impact, culture, stakeholders, projects and life changing experiences.

Our Logo Our logo is based on ancient traditional Chinese language and its literal meaning is “Hello China” pronounced in Chinese as: “Nihao Zhongguo” due to the desire to symbolise our welcoming spirit to youth around the world to come to Mainland of China and receive them with arms wide open.

Our Channels We have created different channels to keep in touch with the world and showcase our impact, please follow all of our digital platforms to keep you updated of the projects, initiatives and news from AIESEC in Mainland of China and our Global Volunteer projects.

Nihao China @aiesecinchina Nihao China nihaochina.aiesec.cn AIESEC in Mainland of China




Customer Flow

Our Consideration process with Entity Partners We aim to provide a fast, smooth and easy consideraLon process for our potenLal exchange parLcipants and our enLty partnerships. This is why we have developed a project with a goal of 10 Days approval in at least 70% of our available opportuniLes.

Consideration Phase

Our 10 Days approval processes include: 1-­‐. Internal CRM to track every applicaLon 2-­‐. Timeline Policies 3-­‐. Constant and effigy communicaLon from our members towards potenLal exchange parLcipants. 4-­‐. Consultancy digital plaZorms about the country, culture, accommodaLon, project, content and any quesLons regarding Global Volunteer experiences in Mainland of China.

Fastest Approval Process: 7 Days

Process Timeline Goal: 10 Days

OPEN EP has applied a project. From open to accepted or reject, OP manager will send the first mail, interview and send the second mail. 
 Help points: Remind EP to check email and reply the interview letter.

Consideration Phase

Duration: 2-­‐6 days
 First mail:1 day
 Fix interview schedule:1-­‐2 days
 Interview and Acceptance announcement:1-­‐3 days

ACCEPTED OP manager accepts the EP to come to the project but the EP hasn’t made the choice to come to our project. MoC sends all requested informaLon to EPs to be accepted for our opportuniLes such as: Booklets, informaLon, project informaLon and city highlights. Help points: 1.Ensure CommunicaLon Channel to inform Acceptance efficiently 2.Invite EP to make decision. 3.If the EP rejects a project, remind him or her to tell the OP manager. 

IN#PROCESS A`er EP signs AN it will be in progress. Only when EP Mgr. approves and OP Mgr, both approve then it will appear on system. Very Important!

Consideration Phase

This is the process which spend the longest Lme and also when EP is most likely to break match. Help points: 1.Approve EP. 2.Invite EP to pay and fill the LDA *MoC will provide the EP with any requested informaLon by about project, living condiLons and extra acLviLes. DuraLon:1-­‐2days

APPROVED A`er approved, the consideraLon process is almost finished. MoC will ensure constant update and communicaLon with EP *MoC will provide consultancy, informaLon and any material needed for successful approval

Doing Consideration Phase with MoC!

Consideration Phase

Nihao Social Media Sharing:

Promo@on Material:

If you have specific content for your audiences and you would like us to post or make us one of your official promoLon channels, we can align and offer you quality content through our different digital plaZorms.

Find all details, OP Search Tool, Project booklets and editable/ official promoLonal materials for you to use and promote in: hgp://bit.ly/MoCbooklet

Recruitment with you: Recruitment with you:

Online Consultancy:

Let us know your recruitment needs and we : Virtual informaLon s e s s i o n s t o y o u r a u d i e n c e , Facebook or other plaZorms live sharing,

Our digital plaZorms and members will be engaged to answer any quesLon or inquiry in less than 24 hours for beger informaLon delivery.



alue Delivery Customer Flow

Doing Co-Delivery with MoC!

Value Delivery Phase

We are aware that the most important item of an enLty collaboraLon is Co-­‐ Delivery, and in terms of Value Delivery, AIESEC in MoC has provided a high standard of SnS implementaLon, cultural immersion and producLveness towards solving any case. One of our strongest programs are: 1-­‐. GCDS: IPS with LEAD Spaces for EPs. 2-­‐. ExpectaLon Sehngs and Personal Development through exchange in China. 3-­‐. Personal Development Plan review and comparison to LDA. During 2017 we plan to do even more and be commiged to Value Delivery since we believe is the most powerful phase of our customer flow.

LEAD Spaces

16 SnS ImplementaIon

NPS + 60%

Value Delivery Phase

Standards & SaLsfacLon ImplementaLon


Through our NST and ECB we ensure the achievement of 16 SnS by having SnS audiLng and tracking system, our most valuable SnS implementaLon are: IPS, ExpectaLon Sehngs, Pick Up and Departure Support, JD alignment with OP Portal. ECB MoC website also works for any crisis management to be solved in 48 hours.

Our piloLng LCs for the project will run specific AIESEC knowledge acLviLes for AIESEC members from all around the world who decide to take their GV experience with AIESEC in MoC so we can provide a m o re i n t e g r a l a n d a g r a c L v e experience to EPs.

We will create a specific VISA Centre so EPs can visualise and receive official guidance about VISA.

Embrace China: We would like more EPs to discover and deeply be immersed in Chinese culture, this is why we designed an iniLaLve with local enLLes from all region of China to provide our e x c h a n g e p a r L c i p a n t s m o r e perspecLves and informaLon about Chinese reality and different topics.

LEAD Spaces:

The most important co-­‐delivery iniLaLve t us is to ensure leadership development experiences we develop. Through th creaLon of Personal Development Pla based on IniLal LDA and Bye-­‐Bye event.



hank You

We’re wai3ng for you!

That is a sleeping dragon. Let him sleep ! If he wakes, he will shake the world. —Napoleon

E"mail:(aiesecinchina@gmail.com nihaochina.aiesec.cn

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