Questionnaire AIESEC in MoC 17.18

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M17/18 C AIESEC in MoC


GENERAL QUESTION MOTIVATION & VALUE a. Who are you? What motivates you in life?


b. What is your motivation to stand up for AIESEC in Mainland of China MC 17-18? What do you want to take out of this experience? c. What value do you hold on for your life? How does it connect to AIESEC value ?

Candidate must answer all the questions. Candidate will answer 15 questions in this part.

SELF-AWARENESS a. What are your top 3 strengths? How do you think your key strengths can add value to the role you're applying for? What are your top 3 weaknesses? How will they affect the role you're applying for?

b. Rank 3 fields (e.g. areas, functions, expertise) in which you have the most experience and describe your experience in each.


a. Please share an experience that you achieve with a team in the past year with measurable goal. Clarify how the team works with you to achieve success. What is your key role in this experience? What could you have done better in this experience?


b. How would your teammates (EB, NST, MC) describe you on your team role & your key contribution? 
 c. What are the key expectations towards MC team 17-18 (less than 3 points) 
 d. Based on current MoC reality, what do you think should be MC's role? (compared with AI, NST, LC) 
 e. What will be the possible challenges you foresee in MC team 17-18? What would be your unique contribution?

UNDERSTANDING OF AIESEC a. Why AIESEC exists? What role should AIESEC play in today's world?


b. What make AIESEC unique in Mainland of China? c. Why AIESEC in Mainland of China needs a 10year vision? What is the external & internal relevance of this vision? From you perspective, What kind of AIESEC MoC we can be when achieving AIESEC 2020?

INSIGHT OF ORGANIZATION TREND a. Evaluate the development path of AIESEC
 globally & in Mainland of China in past 3 years. What are the key reasons for success and failures? b. Please give a SWOT analysis to AIESEC in MoC. How can we capitalize on opportunities and deal with challenges based on the analysis? (consider external environment—Key trends in China and the world & AIESEC global network )


PRODUCT UNDERSTANDING QUESTION Candidate can only chose one product group to answer from. Candidate must answer 4 questions within the same product group. Candidate will answer 4 questions in this part.

oGT: 2C Product Group



1.Based on your understanding towards MoC market, plz do the ST( Segmentation & Target market) analysis, and what's the value proposition of oGV to make sure we win our target market 2.How do u describe oGV in 2020(in the format of CF 4 stages-ATTR/CONS/VD/BA) to reach that ideal stage,plz list 3 focus areas. 3.How can we make conscious leadership development enabled into process in terms of VD & BA stages

1. In your view, what is the key bottleneck of oGT product development since we have put so many effects in oGT product from MC 1314 in oGT 2. Please tell us the 3 key competences of oGT product in senior student market (Y3, Y4) and explain in details 3. Currently, our EPs and TNs are matched in terms of number but their expectations towards each other don’t match. How will you balance the S&D of oGT product? oGE: 1.In your view, what is the IR focus of oGE product next year and please explain the reasons in detail. 2.Please tell us the potential market segments of oGE product that you think are best choice to drive performance next year. 3.Unlike oGT, noticeable quality issues arise in oGE product, what are your solutions toward that issues.

2B Product Group




1.What is the unique value of iGT product to contribute to AIESEC 2020?

1. How do you see iGV in 2020 in AIESEC in MoC? What’s the connection towards AIESEC 2020?

2.How can we differentiate our iGT product from our competitor product in the market?

2. Comment on AIESEC in MoC’s current performance in iGV. What are the 3 growth point if we want to achieve 50% growth next year? 3. What are the loop holes in process management in iGV which need to be improved to achieve more number of quality exchange experience?

3.In nowadays China, how do you see the potential opportunities and bottleneck of iGT product?

iGE: 1.What’s iGE product value proposition in start up company market? Please describe general value proposition & specific value proposition towards different type of start up company 2.What kind of solution we should provide to start up company in 2020? Please describe iGE product 2020.

MC SPECIFIC QUESTIOn There are 4 blocks of MC Specific question, in which the candidate will choose 1 question per block to answer. Candidate must also choose 1 block in which he must answer 3 questions. Candidate will answer 3+1+1+1=6 questions in total in this part.


\ 1.Organization network management & LC development 1. Please compare the current organization network management system with a similar scale organization (company or NGO), present at least 3 key leanings and our improving points based on the comparison. (suggestion: you can use McKinsey’s 7S model for reference) 2. How do you perceive the current talent situation of AIESEC in MoC? Please evaluate both the advantages and problems, and propose at least 3 TM Process related actions to improve the talent situation 3. How do you think our organization should transform in the coming 5 years? What will our organization be like in 2020, in terms of structure / scale / talents / culture etc.? (you can refer to AIESEC2020 statement, but don’t limit to it

2.Organization brand positioning & strategic partnership development

1. How AIESEC MoC as an organization can transform to centralized marketing in 1718 term. What would be your strategy and milestone to achieve this


2.The essence of our organization is leadership development. How could AIESEC be recognized as leadership development organization by externals 3.Do you think AIESEC in MoC need to develop strategic PR partners and have PR strategy ? If yes what ’s your idea; if no , why? What do you think of current AIESEC in MoC PR situation? 4. Please choose one principle of management to evaluate all the current national partners. 5. What's the most potential industry or area that you figure out to be our first choice partners? And why? 6. What's your CRM plan to enhance our partnerships with current partners?

3.Organization process management & system development 1.Please analyze current WebApp usage base on two OGX product And what is your plan about the platform Please propose your product strategy base on integrating platform with marketing and product management


2.Please analyze current business intelligence management from product and organization perspective And what’s your opinion about how to take advantage of BI to support growth in AIESEC network (You can refer to other business intelligence case in real business world) 3. Present a quality management plan for product for the term 2017-18 4. Briefly comment on AIESEC in MoC's international relations strategy. Present ideas on how AIESEC in MoC can build stronger international relations 5. How do u perceive the importance of internal communication towards the organizational development? Present your idea to improve national strategy implementation efficiency. 6.As one of the top entities in the global network, what's our key strength and weakness in terms of the internal process management? Plz list at least 2 entities for the comparision from different perspectives.

4.Organization finance legality & internal governance

1. What do you think about the top three pros and cons about the New Financial Model


2. Currently, 50% Financial resource is distributed into LC and EI, how can you monitoring their operations and also control the outcome of this. 3. Recently, Chinese government has issued the policy about foreign NGO and NPO registered legally in China. What is your opinion on this policy. 4. Based on the policy mentioned in 3, could you please make the decision whether you think AIESEC in MoC should register as NGO, and reasons.

Thank you for applying MC 1718 AIESEC in MoC

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