How to drive completed for AIESEC in MoC

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MoS CHANGE UPDATE 2.o: how to drive completed?

Introduction A"er MoS Change and the refreshment of Standards we need to consider how our process opera8on and 8meline must change in order to achieve # of completed. New MoS does not imply more work, it only implies delivering our promise with a boBom line of opera8on which is the refreshed standards If you and your en8ty know about Standards and have a smooth opera8on towards it, you will not have any issue. However if you have not read refreshed standards, XPPs and if your en8ty does not have a clear way to deliver exchanges you might be losing performance. We expect you can proac8vely read, implement and u8lize the resources provided in the na8onal guidances and e-­‐mailing.

Enjoy Reading!

MC Dragon Team 16/17

Let’s Remember! MoS Change: Now we drive # of completed as our main MoS and it means:


New KPIs to Track! What , when and where do they come from?

New KPIs in our Operations. A"er the change of MoS we have new KPI’s to track and CR’s to pay aBen8on to in the 4 exchange func8ons: 1) Response Rate of Standards Survey: Indicator to ensure that all incoming and outgoing EPs who have been realized answer properly the Standards Survey in no more than two weeks a"er exchange finishes. *This is a necessary tracking point for us to ensure Completed number. 2) Conversion Rate from Finished to Completed: Indicator that shows the tracking that we make so all Realized EPs answer Standards Survey.

New KPIs in our Operations. 3) # of Completed: Main MoS and indicator which tell us that we have succesfully: a) Delivered the proper Standards as Host/Home En8ty. b) Tracked EPs to answer Standards Survey. c) Managed CR from Finished to Completed. *In case of ICX: Succesfully tracked other en88es EPs to ensure # of Completed.


Standards Survey

How to Ensure Response Rate of Standards Survey?

Response Rate of Standards Survey as Sending Entity


Ensure your en8ty delivers RIS in a big group or persons or one on one virtually.


Have a tracking tool of your EPs to know their return date and push them to answer the Standards Survey in no more than 2 weeks a"er return


Train EP Managers to ensure they track EP’s return and

Tracking Tool


Local Entities Roles to Drive Completed

Ensure ResponsabiliFes, JDs and OperaFons

LCP Roles


Ensure HR Capacity to facilitate debriefing and Response Rate of Standards Survey.


Representa8on: Talk and communicate with other LCPs to ensure conversion rates between Finished and Completed.


Customer Experience: Be aBen8ve and propose solu8ons to customers if needed.



Track Completed numbers as new process in opera8on flow


Ensure all EPs experience reintragra8on process, Standards Survey, NPS and last Home En8ty Standards.


Train EP Managers for debriefing and facilita8on



Ensure proper departure support, final feedback and customer support


Make sure EP knows clearly concepts and touching points with them.


Permanent communica8on with oGV to ensure Completed performance.

Response Rate of Standards Survey as Sending Entity


Ensure your en8ty delivers RIS in a big group or persons or one on one virtually.


Have a tracking tool of your EPs to know their return date and push them to answer the Standards Survey in no more than 2 weeks a"er return


Train EP Managers to ensure they track EP’s return and


Timeline Change

Be aware of new opéraFon during Fmeline in your second semester

2nd Half Year Timeline 1-­‐. Check the changes and specify the responsibles in your en8ty. 2-­‐. Make sure to review who is responsible for 8meline and have proper HR to run all opera8ons, spécial for August. 3-­‐. Do not unders8mate the opera8on flow and do have HR prepared.

general conclusion A"er all of this informa8on, we would highly recommend you to: 1.Track and improve your conversion rates, process Fmeline and process operaFon. 2.Create educaFon cycle based on Skills needed to simplement standards. 3.Consider in your re-­‐planning specific HR to ensure fully standards delivery ( Change structure if needed). 4.Verify your visa extension and situaFon in your city. 5.Do talk to LCVPs oGV/LCPs in other enFFes, send to them messages and have proacFve communicaFon. 6.Set a clear JD, clear acFviFes and expectaFon seZngs with members and EPs.

thank you! #standards #moschange #leadershipcentric

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