AIESEC in Mainland of China Incoming Global Volunteer National Projects

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+ 60 local entities +1500 Global Volunteers came to MoC during 2016 CONTACT Nihao China

SDG # 4

DARE TO DREAM We aim to build up a new channel and help rural children voice out the real needs by living cultural diversity and broaden their horizons Nihao China

About the Project Founded in 2008, Dare to Dream was initiated to improve the educational resources balance between rural areas and urban areas, aiming at providing opportunities for teenagers in rural middle schools to know the outer world better and be bold to chase their dreams, by hosting summer and winter camps with young people from all over the world.

Job Description 1-­‐.Training: Getting to know the agenda and skills for delivery.

2-­‐. Class Preparation: Research, Design and Preparation. 3-­‐. Cultural Sharing: Story Telling, Global Village. 4-­‐.Lesson Facilitation: Delivery and Review from lessons. 5-­‐.Extra Activities Participation: Games, external events and exploration tours in the host city.

DARE TO DREAM Mainland of China +20 Cities

in China

lunch pick up homestay buddy Nihao China

SDG #4 In collaboration with the Global Goals we aim to work for goal number 4: “Quality Education” to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Content for Exchange Participant 1-­‐.Incoming Preparation Seminar: Cultural Induction, expectation settings and welcome events 2-­‐. Personal development plan based on Leadership Development Assessment. 3-­‐. Project Training: Soft and Hard Skills development 4-­‐. Local Volunteer’s involvement


NPS: + 80% 6 weeks duration Summer; June-­‐August Winter: December-­‐February Minimum 5 participants per project Nihao China

SDG # 11

EXPLORE CHINA An initiative to make the world understand China better through bridging the west and the east by gaining comprehensive experiences of Chinese culture. Nihao China

About the Project In China, the raise the awareness of Chinese history protection is generally low. Although in recent years, many local government offices have found that some of the ancient towns have a great economic value of protection. The long term vision for the project is to establish a new platform between university students across the world to promote Chinese intangible culture heritage and raise the awareness of Chinese traditional inheritance.

Job Description 1-­‐. Learning Activities: Chinese culture sharing, country immersion and cultural sharing events 2-­‐. Perform traditional Chinese Culture activities such as language, Chinese calligraphy workshops between others. 3-­‐. Cultural Sharing: Show and introduce exchange participant’s countries to Chinese audiences. 4-­‐. Research: Elaborate conclusions, reports, videos and articles about exchange experience, Chinese culture and the connection between China and the world.

EXPLORE CHINA Mainland of China +20 Cities

in China

lunch pick up homestay buddy Nihao China

SDG # 11 In collaboration with the Global Goals we aim to work for goal number 11: “Sustainable Cities and communities “ by strengthening efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.

Content for Exchange Participant 1-­‐.Incoming Preparation Seminar: Cultural Induction, expectation settings and welcome events 2-­‐. Personal development plan based on Leadership Development Assessment. 3-­‐. Project Training: Soft and Hard Skills development 4-­‐. Local Volunteer’s involvement 5-­‐. Cultural Activities and Immersion to different Chinese topics.


NPS: + 80% 6 weeks duration All Year long Minimum 4 participants per project

*Exchange Participants are expected to be interested in Chinese Culture. Nihao China

SDG # 3

SPECIAL CARE We are mainly focusing on helping autism children, hearing impaired children and other physically and mentally disadvantaged children. Nihao China

About the Project The public welfare industry in China is developing faster than never before. By participating in daily works in such institutions, trainees gain more knowledge about these special groups, and they are supposed to host public events, such as fund raising or experience sharing activities in order to raise public awareness towards the special groups.

Job Description 1-­‐. Learning Activities: Chinese culture sharing, country immersion and cultural sharing events. 2-­‐. Class Preparation: Research, Design and Preparation adapted to Children of different ages. 3-­‐.Lesson Facilitation: Delivery and Review 4-­‐. Hold events for exposure, fundraising and showcasing. 5-­‐. Raise public awareness towards special groups

SPECIAL CARE Mainland of China +20 Cities

in China

lunch pick up homestay buddy Nihao China

SDG # 3 In collaboration with the Global Goals we aim to work for goal number 3: “Good health and well-­‐being” which ensures healthy lives and promote well-­‐being for all at all ages. SDG # 3 also seeks to ensure health and well-­‐being for all, at every stage of life. The Goal addresses all major health priorities, including reproductive, maternal and child health; communicable, non-­‐ communicable and environmental diseases.

Content for Exchange Participant 1-­‐.Incoming Preparation Seminar: Cultural Induction, expectation settings and welcome events. 2-­‐. Personal development plan based on Leadership Development Assessment. 3-­‐. Project Training: Soft and Hard Skills development 4-­‐. Local Volunteer’s involvement 5-­‐. Cultural Activities and Immersion to different Chinese topics.

Facts: NPS: + 80% 6 weeks duration All Year long

Minimum 4 participants per project

*Exchange Participants are expected to be interested in Children attention and care Nihao China

SDG # 6, 11 and 13

GREEN POWER NOW Along with NGOs, we co-­‐ create environmental protection courses to spread out issue based knowledge on sustainability. Nihao China

About the Project Green Power Now was founded in the year 2008, aimed at providing global view for youth and raising their awareness about energy issues in China through AIESEC international exchange platform, by cooperating with schools, corporates, NGOs and bringing in international volunteers to offer courses related to green power and help the student become future leaders in Green field with strong social responsibility.

Job Description

GREEN POWER NOW Mainland of China +20 Cities

in China

1-­‐. Learning Activities: Chinese culture sharing, country immersion and cultural sharing events. 2-­‐. Class Preparation: Research, Design and Preparation about environmental protection and sustainability. 3-­‐.Lesson Facilitation: Delivery and Review. 4-­‐. Training on environmental issues and protection. 5-­‐. Showcasing activities and public events. 6-­‐. Exploration activities of city.

lunch pick up homestay buddy Nihao China

About SDGs In collaboration with the Global Goals we aim to work for goal number 6: “Clean Water and Sanitation by ensuring access to water and sanitation for all & number 13: “Climate Action” Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, as well as goal number 11 : “Sustainable Cities and Communities” to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology


Content for Exchange Participant 1-­‐.Incoming Preparation Seminar: Cultural Induction, expectation settings and welcome events. 2-­‐. Personal development plan based on Leadership Development Assessment. 3-­‐. Project Training: Soft and Hard Skills development 4-­‐. Local Volunteer’s involvement 5-­‐. Cultural Activities and Immersion to different Chinese topics.


NPS: + 80% 6 weeks duration April-­‐June & October-­‐December Minimum 6 participants per project

*Exchange Participants are expected to be interested in environmental protection and sustainable development. Nihao China

Besides our national projects, we offer diverse opportunities to youth from all around the world to experience a Global Volunteer experience in China in different issues related to the achieve of SDGs number: 2,3,5,8,9,10,11,16 and 17, some of them are: • • • • •

LGBTIQ Community Issues in Mainland of China. Work with Children with Autism. Women and teenagers empowerment. Sexual Education NGO Cooperation

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A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step —Lao Tzu


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