Tech Focus - Design Studio Integrated Technology A

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Technology Focus Design Studio Integrated Technology Part C




03 06 14

Leeds Film Institute


Details - Floor Module - Glazing Module - Partition Wall Module


Structural Loads - Bracing - Post Tensioning

24 26

Construction Process


System Development Structural System - Properties - Detail

Sub - Division - Logic - Solar Shading Conclusion


Technology Focus The following work looks at the development of a modular structural system as a specialist study. The work will focus on the development of the modular system at a micro level as well as the challenges and uses of the system during construction and adaptation.


Leeds Film Institute




Oversee the establishment and development of a film studio within the Leeds area, to provide an alternative to Pinewood Studios.


Research and develop the latest technology and filming methods, in collaboration with the leading film director and producers.



Work with the Northern Film School and individuals to ensure the Leeds Film Studios have the best talent pool available.

Leeds Film Institute Development As the Leeds Film Institute oversees the development of the film studios, its needs and the scale of institute will grow. This will mean that the requirements of the Institutes building will change over time. This means that the building and structural system should be adaptable.

2023 Opening of the Leeds Film Institute

2027 First phase studios open

2030 Education facility established

2035 Second phase studios open

Structural / Building Needs

Adaptability The building should be adaptable to meet the future needs of the institute as the industry grows within Leeds. This will allow the headquarters to adapt and grow as required or equally be demountable and be relocated to a different location.

Simple Construction

Due to low start up funds and investment the Leeds Film Institute desire a building that can utilise the skill set of film set manufacturers to both construct and adapt the building throughout its life span.


Film Sets : Construction Methods

Scaffolding : Systems in Use

Traditional Scaffolding Traditional scaffolding focuses on a modular system that utilises two basic components to create a temporary structure: 1 - 2-



Modular Structure

Steel Pole

Steel Pole Clamp

These repeating elements allow flexibility within the structure to create the various structural forms. The claps provide the fixings, allowing the horizontal poles to transfer their load in the compression structure.


Scaffolding developments

Constructed in studios, film sets are temporary in nature and designed so that only the part on show are constructed.

Lightweight methods of portraying materials is widely used in film sets to create a temporary sets.

Scaffolding is widely used in film set to create the basic structures of the sets, due to the easy to assemble temporary modular structure.

One of the main problems created by a traditional scaffolding system is the offset created when an intersection is created. This prevents the system from sticking to a grid.


New approaches to scaffolding systems have looked at the uses of nodes within the vertical poles. This allows horizontal poles to connect to the nodes without the use of clamps. These systems can also work to strict grids unlike traditional methods.


System Development : Iteration 1

The first iteration of the structure focuses on creating a modular node that can be repeated in order to create a cube grid structure. This structure (model in wood) would be created from lightweight aluminium hollow sections. The compressive nature of the system would ensure that the pieces are held together under vertical loading, whilst post tensioning cables inside the structure would hold the nodes together laterally. The repetitive nature of the node placed together and post tensioned would create a system that the film set manufactures could erect and modify themselves.

The model photo below and the diagrams opposite highlight how the single joints between the nodes create a hinge point, making the structure in-stable. This problem is exaggerated due to the length / size of the nodes.



System Development : Iteration 2

The second iteration of the system focuses on reducing the size of the node and introducing a connecting in both horizontal and vertical directions. This reduces the pressure on the single connection point creating a more stable structure. The system would consist of two modular elements that allow the three dimensional grid to be constructed; the node and the connecting tube.

When analysing this iteration of the system it became clear that the joining technique would cause problems during the construction process. The push fit nature of the joining system held together with post-tensioned cables would mean that the grid would have to be constructed in layers, as showing in the diagrams below. When scaling the process up to a whole building, it would become an impossible task to construct a full building in layers. In order to develop the system a joining technique is required that does not include a push fit system.



System Development : Iteration 3

Following on from the last iteration, the third looked at using a joining technique that allowed the system to be assembled as individual units and not in layers. This lead to the use of a lap joint, allowing the modules to be dropped into place and then held using a bolt. This solved the problems associated with the previous iterations, although was not necessarily perfect. The lap joint used meant that any force trying to pull apart the horizontal joints would put pressure on the bolt in the wrong direction. This would cause the bolt to shear and snap if exposed to high levels of pressure.



System Development : Iteration 4

The final iteration focuses on slightly altering the lap joint to remove the potential lateral pressure placed on the bolt in the previous design. This method uses the same lap joint method, but adds an angle to the joint. This means that in order to move laterally the joint is pushed apart vertically, allowing the bolt to work in tension as designed. Through working through the iterations, a modular system has been developed that will allow for a simple to construct, adaptable and demountable structure as required.



Structural System : Properties

Structural System : Detail Section







Through utilising a 600mm grid, the grid can be efficiently sub divided into workable measurement of 300mm and 150mm for stairs and other building components.

Within the system, the main structural forces relies on the compressional strength of the form. Other methods of coping with the loads such as post tensioning will be utilised to create a strong and efficient structure.

The primary material in the structure will consist of machined aluminium hollow section. This will need to be fire protected before being anodised as a finish. 200mm

Scale 1:5



3D Detail : Floor Modules

2D Detail : Floor Modules

Two dimensional detail showing build up and positioning of the internal floor modules

Anodised Aluminium Nodes Anodised Aluminium Connectors Anodised Aluminium Soffit Panel 120mm Rigid Insulation 12mm Plywood Panel 15mm Polished Concrete Tiles

Scale 1:10



3D Detail : Glazing Panels

2D Detail : Glazing Panels

Two dimensional detail showing build up and positioning of the glazing panels.

Anodised Aluminium Nodes Anodised Aluminium Connectors Anodised Aluminium Glazing Frame Double Glazed Unit Silicon Sealant Bead

Scale 1:10



3D Detail : Partition Wall Modules

2D Detail : Partition Wall Modules

Two dimensional detail showing build up and positioning of the internal floor modules

Anodised Aluminium Nodes Anodised Aluminium Connectors Anodised Aluminium Wall Panel 65mm Rigid Insulation 25mm Plywood Board Plastic Connecting Clips

Scale 1:10



Structural System : Bracing

Structural System : Post Tensioning

The three dimensional grid created by the system has, in itself, little structural bracing. The use of wall, glazing and floor modules within the grid provides the system with the bracing required. The tight fit nature of the modules allows them to prevent the twisting and distortion of the grid.

Whilst, the mass addition of the structural system provide the main basis of the load bearing strategy, additional measures can be taken to allow for increased efficiency. By post tensioning the modules that create the ceiling and floor structure, a stronger structural system can be created to distribute the load through the compression structure. The tensioning cables will be placed within the hollow section of the modules creating a fully concealed tension system.

In addition to the bracing provided by inserted panels, the in-situ concrete cores will provide additional bracing by allowing the structure to attach to a solid structure.

Through placing tension cables within the floor, a slight camber can be created which under the live load will revert to a flat floor. This will help the structure transfer the load horizontally to the walls.

The floor panels in the drawing to the left provide horizontal bracing within the structural system whilst the wall panels to the right provide vertical bracing.

Structural Bracing Elements Horizontal floor plates within structural grid In-situ concrete core walls

Tension cable positions Load paths

Vertical Wall panels within structural grid



Construction Process : Sequence

The structure is assembled one floor at a time through the addition of components. Full walls will be finished before creating overhanging elements to allow for structural support an the use of post tensioning. It is essential that floor and wall panels are added as the structure is erected to provide the structural bracing that is necessary

1 - Modules are fabricated of site from hollow section aluminium and anodized for finish.

3 - System is erected on site by mass addition of components to create structural form.


2 - Modules transported to site on lorry as individual components, ready for assembly.

4 - Wall panels, flooring and glazing is added to provide bracing and a water tight structure.

Ground floor

First floor

Second floor

Completed Building


Sub-Division : Logic Within the grid and structure, there is the option to increase the density through sub division. This will allow for the control of privacy as well as providing a means for solar shading. The diagrams below follow the logic behind the sub division process.


1 - Standard grid size is taken

2 - Cube sub divided by a factor of 2 creating 8 separate cubes in the same volume

3 - Sub division frame created from smaller aluminum sections ready to drop into existing frame

4 - Sub divided frame placed within the existing cube creates a cube with increased density.


Sub - Division : Solar Shading


Using rhino and grasshopper, the use of a sub divided grid is explored to provide equal solar shading throughout the year. This process analyses the solar positions in relation

to the room and optimises the positioning of the subdivided grid. The diagrams below describe the process behind the optimisation.

1 - Volume of space is subtracted from mass volume of cubes

2 - Floor surface is divided into grid for solar sampling

5 - The optimisation process used evolutionary methods to analyse and progress the arrangement towards the optimal levels

6 - The optimal layout of sub divisions is reached providing equal solar shading throughout the room.

3 - Vectors of the sun at the summer solstice and equinox are projected from the sampling points on the floor. These lines are intersected with the cubes to analyse which cubes effect each point.

4 - Optimisation process is run to calculate the optimal layout of sub divisions.

7 - The selected cubes are identified for the inclusion of a sub division unit.

8 - The selected cells are subdivided to provide optimal lighting conditions throughout the space.



Looking back at the development of the structural system, it meets the goals set out at the start to be simple to construct and adaptable. The joining mechanism and modular construction process suits the skills set of film set manufacturers allowing them to play an active part in both the construction and adaptation of the building. It is clear that the use of the sub divided grid works effectively as a means of providing solar shading, although it has potential to be used and implemented at a much greater level within the building structurally. Through experimentation with density, points of high structural importance/loading could be further supported and enhanced.


Daniel Pound Leeds

33321749 School Of Architecture

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