Annual Report
letteR FRoM tHe DeAn
Dear Daniels Community, I am pleased to present this annual report on the state of the Daniels College of Business. As we enter the third year of Daniels tomorrow—one of the most comprehensive strategic plans in Daniels’ 102-year history—I am eager to report our tremendous progress on our journey to better define the future of the College and elevate our reputation as a premier business institution. today, the Daniels community is embarking on the second phase of this six-year process, which we have aptly titled “unleashing our Creativity.” We’ve made great strides toward realizing our seven strategic goals. We’ve developed many new action plans that will help Daniels achieve sustainable success. And while we have much work ahead of us, I am very proud to share that we have completed approximately half of the 363 action steps that were active in the 2009–2010 school year, all while conducting our day-to-day responsibilities. An effort of this magnitude requires significant financial resources, and thankfully, we have great support. In March 2010, the university of Denver committed $13 million to Daniels over the next several years to help us achieve the goals of Daniels tomorrow. We also spent the spring planning the Daniels portion of ASCenD: the Campaign for the university of Denver. Daniels has already raised over $45 million in the silent phase of the campaign. our goal for the public phase is to raise an additional $55 million for a total of $100 million by the end of 2014. You will hear more about this campaign in the coming months. Without the generosity of our greatest ally—the university—our development as a world-class institution would not be possible. I am excited to share more about our progress these past 12 months within this annual report. As we continue working toward achieving our vision to transform lives, communities and organizations, I wish to recognize the dedicated members of our community. the steadfastness of our faculty and staff, the visionary entrepreneurship of our alumni and the collaborative passion of our partners and friends will continue to build Daniels into one of the best colleges of business in the world. With warm regards,
Christine M. Riordan, phD Dean, Daniels College of Business
DAnIelS ColleGe oF BuSIneSS
tABle oF ContentS
since we published the Daniels tomorrow strategic plan last ďŹ scal year, Daniels faculty and staff set into motion many of the
I n t ro d u c t i o n
S t ra t e gi c G o a l 1
S t ra t e gi c G o a l 2
the 2009–2010 school year was productive as
S t ra t e gi c G o a l 3
the following is an update on our progress.
S t ra t e gi c G o a l 4
S t ra t e gi c G o a l 5
S t ra t e gi c G o a l 6
S t ra t e gi c G o a l 7
H o n o r Ro l l 2010
initiatives within each goal. our vision is to be a premier private business college globally recognized as a leader whose educational experiences, outreach, and knowledge creation transform lives, organizations and communities. we continued our work toward achieving this vision.
Thank you the Daniels College of Business expresses our sincerest gratitude to the university of Denver for its recent $13 million commitment to furthering the action plans set forth by Daniels tomorrow. our deepest thanks to Chancellor Robert Coombe, provost Gregg Kvistad and the Board of trustees for their generosity and support of the College as we work to accomplish our goals.
2 010 A n n u A l R e p o R t
At the Daniels College of Business the everyday actions of our community truly exemplify our belief that there is a greater purpose to business—that enterprise should be a driving force behind change in the world. We prepare leaders for the ever-evolving global marketplace with a rigorous and relevant business curriculum and foster in our students a commitment to stewardship and ethics. the extensive Daniels tomorrow strategic planning process that began in fall 2008 involved an in-depth review of our College during which we identified many areas of strength, challenges and opportunities for the future. We developed a bold vision: To be a premier private business college globally recognized as a leader whose educational experiences, outreach, and knowledge creation transform lives, organizations and communities. Right after our Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB-International) accreditation was affirmed in spring 2010, we continued our work on the mission, which we began in fall 2009. A focus group of faculty, staff and students conducted thought-provoking discussion and helped us develop a draft mission statement. this statement was presented and revised by the Management Council (the team
2008–2014 Strategic plan
of academic chairs and directors and senior staff of the College) on two occasions and reviewed by various internal and external stakeholders.
our Mission Statement:
ethical practice. thought leadership. Global impact.
prooF points
The Daniels College of Business is dedicated to educating ethical business leaders, advancing the theory and practice of business, and making a positive global impact. » We develop students of business into
» our faculty contribute new knowledge
» We provide access to a strong network
ethical leaders who can navigate in
through discipline-based, applied,
of people who share in the endeavor
a changing global marketplace and
and pedagogical research in all areas
to build a sustainable world in which
world, using their deep experiential
of business, and bridge the worlds of
to live and work.
knowledge, skills and perspectives.
intellectual contributions, the practice
2 010 A n n u A l R e p o R t
of business and the classroom.
Daniels College of Business has been accredited since 1923 by AACSB-International, the hallmark of excellence in management education.
StR AteGIC GoAl 1:
Deliver exempl ary, marKet-relevant proGr ams
the plan: Reevaluate and refine our teaching practices and curriculum to ensure all Daniels programs are of the highest quality, value and excellence. the progress: Daniels has several signature case competitions that continue to gain regional and national prominence—and new competitions arise often, adding to the multitude of learning opportunities for students and corporate participants. We are developing new partnerships within our Global opportunity program that will give students even greater opportunities to work with organizations around the world. We launched a new one-year MBA program in the Fall 2009 quarter and an MBA concentration in school leadership in the Spring 2010 quarter. We are developing a new world executive program, and we are making improvements to our other MS, MBA and undergraduate programs through curricular and co-curricular adjustments. our progress continues to be reflected in our national rankings, such as our 2010 BusinessWeek ranking of no. 74 among the nation’s undergraduate business programs and our 2009 U.S. News & World Report ranking of no. 70 among part-time MBA programs at AACSB-accredited business schools.
Daniels is known for our experiential learning, global opportunities, ethical framework and focus on interdisciplinary teaching. We actively develop new programs and co-curricular opportunities—and enhance and improve existing ones—to best prepare our graduates to become skilled and ethical leaders. Read further about some of the hallmarks of our degree and other programs and our steps forward in each of these areas this past year. Case Competitions Daniels’ commitment to hands-on learning is evident in the many case competitions in which our students participate. We encourage students to get involved in case competitions throughout their undergraduate and graduate educations—and we strive to develop new case competition opportunities—as they allow students to apply business knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world business situations, often receiving guidance from experienced business leaders. In 2009–2010, Daniels students participated in several competitions, including:
Teams from business schools across the country competed at the 2010 Race & Case Competition February 26–27
External Competitions (against other colleges of business) Aspen Institute 2010 Business and Society International MBA Case Competition Colorado Investment Research Challenge
Winner: Daniels team
Denver Association for Corporate Growth Cup Competition
Winner: Daniels team
Race & Case Competition
Winner: Daniels team
Rocky Mountain Real Estate Challenge
Internal Competitions Cable Apprentice Competition
GO Peru class connects students with the social realities of global industry
Inclusive Excellence Case Competition P.E.A.K. (Pursuing Entrepreneurship Advancing Knowledge) Challenge Entrepreneurship Case Competition Commitment to More Global Opportunities This past year, Daniels developed a plan to expand our globalization efforts, including the Global Opportunity (GO) program. GO programs immerse graduate students in international cultures to engage in real-world projects for global organizations such as Newmont Mining and Deutsche Bank. GO attracts MBA and other graduate students, many of whom use the experience to meet the project requirement for the MBA Enterprise Solutions course. This year, Daniels committed more institutional support to GO, hiring a manager of experiential learning to oversee and coordinate GO and other international and experiential trips. In addition, the GO team is developing new corporate partnerships that will lead to additional project engagements with organizations that face real opportunities and challenges around the world. Daniels students at Peace House, a secondary school in Tanzania for AIDS orphans Photo left: Faculty member Stacy Plemmons 2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
Fu ll-ti m e m ba Ranked no. 3 in the world for small MBA programs, and no. 20 in the world overall by Beyond Grey Pinstripes, for integrating social and environmental issues in its MBA program in 2009.
In the Fall 2009 quarter, the College revised the Full-time MBA format to be a cohorted program—one in which students start in groups and progress through the program together. this lockstep approach to the traditional full-time program model allows students to develop closer relationships with their peers, resulting in stronger networks when they graduate. And the response has been tremendous—the program’s first cohort group has given high praise to the new MBA program in their student evaluations. exeCutive mba In early 2010, Daniels launched an external benchmarking process, comparing the Daniels eMBA program to that of 15 peer colleges of business across the country. this process is crucial to ensure that the Daniels curriculum is relevant, current and competitive and remains differentiated for those characteristics that make the College unique. the enhancements to the eMBA were introduced in the Fall 2010 quarter, including new courses in Business Context and economics, Business law and Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, new Hot topic seminars and an experiential retreat in the final quarter of the program. proFessional mba launched in the Fall 2009 quarter, the Daniels professional MBA is a part-time, 24-month program designed for early- to mid-career
In 2009, the eMBA program was ranked by the Financial Times no. 35 in the nation and no. 85 in the world.
professionals. An overhaul of the former part-time MBA, the pMBA follows an integrated, sequential curriculum and offers two formats: weeknight and weekend classes. o n e -y e a r m b a In August 2010, Daniels launched a brand-new, full-time one-year MBA program for high-quality, pre-professional students to enter immediately after graduating with their bachelor’s degrees from an AACSB-accredited university. the Daniels one-year MBA is an 11-month program that builds on undergraduate skills and immerses students in the study and practice of business. like the other Daniels MBA programs, the 56-credithour program integrates the principles of business ethics and values-based leadership with a rigorous business curriculum. i ntern ati o n al m ba the International MBA program continues to enhance its programming by offering students unique global travel and learning opportunities. Students once again sojourned to China for the annual spring CIAo (Cultural Investigation and observation) where they had the opportunity
In 2009, the pMBA ranked no. 53 in the nation and no. 8 in the region by BusinessWeek.
to visit the Shanghai World expo. this fall, students continued their focus on Africa with a CIAo trip to tanzania.
DAnIelS ColleGe oF BuSIneSS
DU World Executive Program This past year, the Director of the International MBA Doug Allen, Assistant Dean of Full-time MBA Programs David Cox and Associate Dean of Graduate Programs Richard Scudder began designing curriculum for a world executive program, which will integrate the core Daniels MBA curriculum with courses from the University of Denver’s Korbel School of International Studies and the Sturm College of Law. The program will be open to experienced professionals whose careers involve global issues. MBA i n Sc h o o l L e a d e r s h i p In fall 2009, Daniels, the University’s Morgridge College of Education and GetSmartSchools joined forces to design a new MBA concentration in school leadership that produces educators who are prepared for the numerous challenges facing public schools. The new MBA in school leadership concentration launched in the Spring 2010 quarter. E x e c u t i v e Ed u c a t i o n In early 2010, the University agreed to extract Executive Education noncredit revenues from the Daniels projected budget, which means it is its own profit-and-loss center. Any revenues from Executive Education now flow to Daniels—funds that can be used toward Daniels faculty and staff development and student support. In addition, the Executive Education team is developing new programs with new and existing corporate partners to add to its suite of corporate and leadership programs, seminar series and graduate business certificates. Executive Education delivered several customized programs to clients such as Newmont Mining, Kaiser Permanente, StarzEncore, ECC and Intrado. The team also ran two cohorts of the High Performance Leadership Program, an intensive experience for business leaders. U n d ergr aduate Pro gr a ms For the past year, the Office of Undergraduate Programs worked to restructure and improve curricular and co-curricular programming with the goal of continually enhancing the Daniels undergraduate experience. The Office welcomed a senior director and three undergraduate program advisors, introduced a new business minor for nonbusiness majors, expanded the Daniels Distinction Honors Program and launched Backpacks to Briefcases. As of that same quarter, all Daniels undergraduates and business minors must take two “gateway” courses: Foundations of Business Management and Foundations of Business Law. Finally, beginning in the fall 2010 quarter, undergraduates
In 2010, BusinessWeek ranked Daniels’ undergraduate business program No. 74 in the nation—the highest in Colorado. Daniels was also ranked No. 3 in ethics, No. 27 in accounting and No. 31 in marketing in BusinessWeek’s 2010 Best Undergraduate Business Programs by Specialty ranking.
who wish to major in business must apply to Daniels in the fall of their sophomore year. This secondary admissions process will allow us to continue to offer small class sizes, strong student-faculty interactions and rigorous academics to high-achieving students.
2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
StR AteGIC GoAl 2:
enGaGe in researCh-Driven KnoWleDGe Creation
the plan: Support our faculty’s scholarly pursuits and conduct impactful research that helps solve business and community issues. the progress: Daniels appointed a director of research and accreditation in fall 2009, and added support for faculty research through summer grants and course releases. We developed a strategic hiring plan to position the College for future growth. We also began a comprehensive evaluation of the Daniels Scholarship Document to support the actions of the College.
to ensure Daniels continues to be a leader in teaching cutting-edge business practices—and in shaping and educating business professionals—it is imperative that we foster a culture of scholarship, encouraging our faculty to conduct and publish impactful research. e x pa n D e D l e a D e rs h i p professor paul olk, Department of Management, was appointed Daniels first director of research and accreditation at the College in october 2009. Dr. olk has organized the Daniels Colloquium Series since 2005. Along with Dr. olk’s new role, Drs. Glyn Hanbery and Charles patti laid the groundwork for additional support for research, scholarship and faculty development. Dr. Hanbery, senior associate dean, and Dr. patti, James M. Cox professor of Customer experience Management, began a comprehensive evaluation of the Daniels Scholarship Document and processes. Collaborating with many others, our new leadership is moving the College toward meeting this strategic goal.
Daniels Develops hiring plan
i n v e s t i n G i n FaC u lt y D e v e lo pm e n t From the first day on campus through retirement, Daniels provides support and resources for our faculty. For new faculty members, there are a series of trainings conducted through the university and the College. new assistant faculty members are also mentored by a more senior faculty member through their first few years as they work to achieve tenure. ongoing professional development workshops are held throughout the year on such topics as academic honesty, risk management, fundraising, inclusive excellence, faculty evaluations and faculty hiring, among others. the dean and associate deans also meet quarterly as a group with associate and assistant faculty members to discuss academic research progress. r e a l i G n e D s C h o l a rs h i p D o C u m e n t a n D FaC u lt y s ys t e m s Daniels is in the process of revising our Scholarship Document, addressing the proper balance of teaching, scholarship and service among our faculty. We are aligning the Daniels faculty systems—including those involving performance evaluations, academic and professional qualifications, and promotion and tenure standards—with our mission, vision, strategic plan and with the expectations of the university and the AACSB.
exceptional teacher-scholars contribute to the learning environment at Daniels, and thus, we must strategically hire faculty who will support the essential actions underway. Between now and 2014, Daniels will hire at least 25 new faculty members. Several hires are planned for the following areas in 2010–2011.
proposed Faculty hiring: 2010–2011
school of accountancy
Department of business ethics and legal studies
reiman school of Finance
Fall 2010 positions
› tenured Chair › one-year Visiting/Clinical › one-year Full-time lecturer
› lecturer
› one-year lecturer
Fall 2011 positions
› tenure track (Associate) › tenure track (Assistant)—2
› tenure track (Assistant)
› tenure track (Associate) › tenure track (Assistant)
2 010 A n n u A l R e p o R t
Fritz Knoebel school of hospitality management
Department of management
Department of marketing
› one-year Clinical/lecturer › tenure track (Assistant)
› tenure track (Assistant)
Franklin l. burns school of real estate and Construction management › one-year Clinical/ lecturer/Visiting
› tenure track (Assistant)
› tenure track (Assistant)
StR AteGIC GoAl 3:
strenGthen ColleGe-WiDe areas oF interDisCiplinary Coll abor ation
the plan: Build upon Daniels’ strong reputation for three distinct areas: ethics, social responsibility and sustainability; globalization; and innovation, entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. the progress: In fall 2009, Daniels established the Institute for enterprise ethics, under which the Carl M. Williams Business ethics partnership and Center for Sustainability were created. In early 2010, Daniels appointed a director of ethics integration and joined seven other business schools to form the Daniels Fund ethics Initiative. Daniels is also exploring new programs and initiatives focused on innovation, entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship, including a new MS in entrepreneurship and more social entrepreneurship partnerships. And finally, Daniels hired a new director of globalization, who—together with Daniels leadership—began the development of a comprehensive global strategy for the College.
The Daniels Intersection—ethics, social responsibility and sustainability; entrepreneurship and innovation; and globalization —is emerging as a hallmark of the Daniels experience. This year, we refined our focus on these areas of collaboration. Read more about recent developments throughout the College to help promote these key Daniels distinctions. Eth i cs, So c ial Resp o nsi bi lit y an d Sustai n abi lit y Daniels launched the Institute for Enterprise Ethics in the Fall 2009 quarter with Dr. Stephen Martin of the Department of Business Ethics and Legal Studies as the executive director. The Institute focuses on the integration of ethical, socially responsible and sustainable leadership practices into the fabric of corporate culture. Within the Institute, The Carl M. Williams Business Ethics Partnership brings together business leaders as well as faculty and researchers from major universities to generate and share knowledge and educational resources on ethical business practices (Directors: Dr. Stephen Martin and Dr. James O’Toole). The Center for Sustainability fosters dialogue among business and society about sustainability, seeking to promote best practices and constructive ideas about sustainable development strategies (Executive Director: Dr. Bruce Hutton).
Daniels appointed Dr. Bruce Hutton as director of ethics integration in January 2010 to coordinate the integration of ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development into the curriculum of all Daniels programs.
Finally, in January 2010, Daniels joined seven other colleges of business to form the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative, a consortium to develop and enhance ethics-based programs for business students at eight universities. The Daniels Fund will donate $7.5 million over the next five years and collaborate with the colleges as they incorporate and enhance ethics education into their curriculums. “These eight colleges represent the four states that Bill Daniels cared so deeply about,” says Dr. Hutton, who serves on the initiative. “Supporting ethics in business through such a collaborative effort truly extends his legacy.” E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p a n d I n n ovat i o n
The latest publication of the Institute of Enterprise Ethics
This past year, Daniels engaged in preliminary discussions about a new MS degree in entrepreneurship. We also made modifications to the MBA concentration in entrepreneurship and innovation to better serve the needs of our students. We are exploring the potential for future programs, partnerships and events related to social entrepreneurship. Glo baliz ati o n Daniels has always emphasized a global approach and continues to assess global opportunities that will drive the College forward. This year, we conducted a College-wide globalization audit to inform a new globalization strategy. This 108-page audit document details every department’s global activities, connections and areas of interest. As a result, we identified key areas of the world in which to develop a deeper footprint. Our globalization strategy will create a framework for international engagement. This long-term plan of international stakeholder relationship-building efforts will integrate and focus our international activities, raise the College’s international visibility and reputation, deepen our international engagement, and ensure that we are fiscally responsible and maximize the return on investments. Daniels plans to appoint faculty country managers who have strong contacts in key areas to help strengthen relationships across the globe. Read about our global educational programs on page 7.
Photo left: Trustee and Executive Board Member, Bob Newman, Associate Dean Dick Scudder and Dean Chris Riordan 2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
Daniels IMBA students in Rwanda worked with a venture capitalist firm to co-invest with locals to help boost the country’s economy. 13
StR AteGIC GoAl 4:
DeveloP Into a communIty oF choIce
the plan: Develop the Daniels community into one in which everyone is valued and included, where people connect and engage, and where ideas, career opportunities and strong relationships enhance lives. the progress: the Inclusive excellence Committee—composed of 17 Daniels stakeholders—presented a business plan and conducted in-depth market research on how best to advance Daniels’ culture of inclusive excellence and communicate our efforts to our stakeholders. We also hosted the first Inclusive excellence Case Competition, pairing students with corporations and inviting them to solve real-world inclusive excellence issues. the spring also marked the official launch of the Daniels Corporate partners program with more than 50 companies and organizations as well as the revival and expansion of the Daniels executive Advisory Board. Finally, to engage more corporate partners, faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends, Daniels hosted a variety of new community events, informal gatherings, alumni programs and more.
Daniels strives to be a community of choice—one in which everyone is valued and included, where people connect and engage, and where ideas, career opportunities and strong relationships enhance lives. This year, our faculty and staff connected with new and long-standing friends, building long-lasting relationships that enable Daniels students, faculty, staff and alumni to work together to have a profound impact on the world. Read more about our progress in nurturing a collaborative and vibrant Daniels community. Inclusive Excellence Commit tee Daniels and DU are committed to multicultural excellence through inclusiveness. Dean Riordan appointed an Inclusive Excellence Committee— composed of 17 Daniels stakeholders—who arranged to train the entire Daniels community on the topic. Many of the initiatives set forth in the committee’s comprehensive business plan are already underway—all of which strive to make Daniels a welcoming and inclusive college of business that attracts talented individuals from a variety of backgrounds. In May 2010, Daniels was honored at the annual Center for Multicultural Excellence’s Profiles in Excellence Awards Ceremony, receiving the University of Denver’s 2009–2010 Award for Outstanding Achievement in Inclusive Excellence. Finally, the College hosted its first Inclusive Excellence Case Competition in April 2010, which invited four companies to write a case involving a real inclusive excellence issue in their organizations for student teams to address. Each corporation mentored two student teams. 2 0 1 0 D a n i e l s S t u d e n t Vid e o C o n t e s t This spring, students were invited to tell their stories about the Daniels inclusive environment through the annual Student Video Contest.
Daniels strives to create a welcoming and inclusive college of business that attracts talented individuals from a variety of backgrounds.
Participants chose from three themes: Community of Choice, Inclusive Excellence and We Are Daniels. Undergraduate students Ari Feldman and Jerad Larkin tied for first place and MBA student Devin Odom took third. Community Engagement Each fall, Daniels hosts a Welcome Back BBQ, Industry Week and other community-building events. The spring brings Daniels Week, seven days of activities to celebrate the founding of the College on April 24. Throughout the year, our community connects and engages in a multitude of ways—at formal events, through speaker series and at informal gatherings.
2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
D a n i e l s C o rp o r a t e P a r t n e r s In spring 2010, Daniels officially launched our Corporate Partners Program, welcoming more than 50 companies and organizations that contribute to the College through financial support, recruitment, executive development programs, research and event sponsorship, and insight into current business issues. In return, these partners receive preferred access to Daniels career and internship events, campus recruitment, event facilities and are welcome to take part in Daniels signature events and activities. The complete list of inaugural Corporate Partners as of June 30, 2010, includes: DIAMOND
$50,000 and above
$5,000 and above
$2,500 and above
Cable Center/Cox Communications
Anton Collins Mitchell LLP
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Hilton Foundation
Association for Corporate Growth (ACG)
Denver West Office Leasing Co.
Aurora Bank
Centura Health
Emergenetics International
$25,000 and above
David Arthur
Encana Oil & Gas
Ehrhardt Keefe Steiner & Hottman PC
Etkin Johnson Co.
Executive Real Estate Roundtable
Gallo Wines
Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts
Icelantic Ski
Frontier Airlines
Kaiser Permanente
Handlery Foundation
King Soopers/City Market
Xcel Energy
Human Resource Planning Society (HRPS)
Noodles & Co.
Liberty Global
Northwestern Mutual
Napa Wine Co.
Pinnacol Assurance
National Association of Industrial and Office Properties
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Denver Metro Commercial Association of Realtors Ernst & Young Qwest Communications Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. Visa, Inc.
$10,000 and above
Banfi Vintners Foundation Berenbaum Weinshienk PC Chateau Development CoBank
Republic National
Simpson Housing, LLP
Silver Oak Turnaround Management Association
Deloitte Foundation Envysion FirstBank Grant Thornton LLP JPMorgan Chase KPMG Marriott Foundation MillerCoors Newmont Mining St. Charles Capital Vail Resorts 16
E x e c u t i v e Ad v i s o r y B o a rd Dean Riordan focused on expanding and reinvigorating the Daniels Executive Advisory Board in 2009–2010, recruiting and appointing new board members and reengaging with veteran members. The board includes 25 distinguished business leaders, 14 of whom are Daniels alumni. Board Chair
Brad Busse, BSBA* President, RBC Daniels
Richard Baer Chief Administrative Officer, Qwest Communications
Board Vice Chair
David Bailey, BSBA* Retired President and CEO, Wells Fargo Bank
Michael St. John, BSBA* Managing Partner, LCS, LLC
Trygve Myhren* President, Myhren Media, Inc.
Geoff Bailey, BSBA* President, The Bailey Company, LLLP Andrew Daly, MBA* President, Gore Peaks Investments, LLC Cathey McClain Finlon* President, Denver Art Museum
Zachary Neumeyer Chairman and CEO, Sage Investment Holdings Robert Newman* President, Greenwood Gulch Ventures R. Scott Nycum, Jr. Managing Director, JPMorgan Chase & Co. Kathryn Paul President and CEO, Delta Dental Plan of Colorado
Patrick Hamill, BSBA* President, Founder and CEO, Oakwood Homes, LLC
David Phillips, BSBA Senior VP Operations, North America Operations, Hyatt Hotels Corporation
Lowell Hare, BSBA* Vice President and CFO, Journal Enterprises, Inc.
Mary Rhinehart, Executive MBA Senior Vice President and CFO, Johns Manville
Ted Kleisner, BSBA* President and CEO, Hershey Entertainment & Resorts Company
Joseph Saunders, MBA, BSBA Chairman and CEO, Visa Inc.
James Lentz, MBA, BSBA President and COO, Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.
Stewart A. Stockdale, BSBA President, The Americas—EVP, Global Cards and Global Key Accounts, Western Union Company
Sean Menke, Executive MBA Former President and CEO, Frontier Airlines
Philip Tamminga, MBA, BSBA* CEO, Welltok, Inc.
Dennis Mullen CEO, Red Robin
Pamela Turbeville, MBA Former CEO, Navistar Financial Corporation
Wayne Murdy Retired Chairman, Newmont Mining Corporation
* Legacy members who joined the Executive Advisory Board when it was formed in 1998.
2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
StR AteGIC GoAl 5:
BuIlD FInancIal anD ResouRce stRength
the plan: Strengthen our support system and identify new ways to build endowment monies, secure new gifts and become more cost efficient. the progress: Daniels spent spring 2010 preparing for ASCenD, a universitywide fundraising campaign launched in fall 2010. In May 2010, the School of Hotel, Restaurant and tourism Management was given a generous $7.5 million gift from Betty Knoebel, widow of Fritz Knoebel of nobel/ Sysco Food Services, consequently renaming it the Fritz Knoebel School of Hospitality Management. And in the summer of 2010, we made many improvements to the Daniels building that ensure our facilities continue to be state-of-the-art.
Financial resource strength is crucial to drive and implement change at Daniels. Over the past 18 months, we developed a long-term financial strategy that will support the considerable goals put forth by Daniels Tomorrow. Two specific areas of progress are highlighted below. Fac i l i t i e s u p g r a d e s When the Daniels College of Business building was constructed in 1999, it was carefully designed to foster teamwork and collaboration and boasted advanced technology and infrastructure, including more than 3,000 data and voice ports, wireless access throughout and an electronic business research center. The Knoebel School of Hospitality Management’s building, constructed in 2006, is a state-of-the art facility—considered one of the best in the country for hospitality education. This past summer, we invested in a series of important upgrades that will ensure Daniels meets the needs of our students and that faculty and staff are able to secure technological applications and interfaces as they become available. These improvements include new carpet and paint throughout the Daniels building, and several remodeled areas: » Technology and Facilities: New offices and work area for Daniels Technology Services and Facilities, a new backup data center and a new webinar conference room » Student Services: New offices, a new reception area and a new student, faculty and staff lounge » Common and general-use areas: Reupholstered leather furniture in Marcus Commons and permanent outdoor café-style furniture on the west Daniels patio and east and west Margery Reed patios E x p a n di n g o u r f u n dr a i s i n g r e a c h In fall 2010, the University launched ASCEND, a fundraising campaign that will continue through DU’s 150th anniversary in 2014. To support ASCEND and provide the funding that will help make the vision of Daniels Tomorrow a reality, we developed five key funding priorities. These are: 1. Create Innovative and Market Relevant Learning Experiences 2. Compete in a Global World 3. Attract and Support Talent 4. Be Known as a Community of Choice 5. Build a State-of-the-Art Learning Environment Daniels has already raised over $45 million in the silent phase of the campaign. Our goal for the public phase is to raise an additional $55 million for a total of $100 million by the end of 2014. Learn more at daniels.du.edu/ascend. 2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
StR AteGIC GoAl 6:
cReate a leaDIng-eDge oRganIZatIonal InFRastRuctuRe that caRRIes the college Into the FutuRe
the plan: Align the operations of the College with the Daniels tomorrow plan in order to have the most effective management structure possible. the progress: to ensure Daniels is organized in the most effective and efficient way, over the past 18 months, we carried out a reorganization process to reassign responsibilities to new areas, eliminate gaps, revisit the budget and establish a culture of accountability. each department, school and support unit developed strategic plans that they will review annually, and all will measure their progress on new Daniels Scorecards. perhaps the most notable progress in the area of academics is that of Daniels’ undergraduate programs, which began a full curriculum redesign. Also, in early 2010, the office of undergraduate programs hired a senior director and three program advisors. undergraduate programs delivered innovative programs, fun community-building events and other co-curricular programming throughout the 2009–2010 year.
At the outset of the Daniels Tomorrow process, we examined every area of the College, identified many action plans and established metrics to measure our progress. Our organizational infrastructure is the foundation of our success. In 2009–2010, we made structural improvements to ensure we are able to achieve our objectives and that our goals are aligned with those of the University. Below are just some of our accomplishments. N e w S u pp o r t i n U n d e r g r a d u a t e P r o g r a m s The Daniels undergraduate program began a comprehensive curriculum redesign in the past year, including new gateway courses, new co-curricular programs and more. To support these initiatives, Daniels expanded the Office of Undergraduate Programs and hired a new senior director—Daniel Garza—who leads the teams responsible for academic and career advising, co-curricular programming, secondary admissions and student engagement. Undergraduate Programs also welcomed three new undergraduate program advisors who will provide academic advice and degree management services to students. R e o r g a n iz a t i o n Daniels made many necessary institutional changes to foster a culture of accountability and trust—and most important, to ensure we are organized in an effective, efficient way. Nearly every function of the College was reorganized; we reviewed the roles and responsibilities of our staff, assigned new management responsibilities to the appropriate areas, eliminated gaps and overlaps in those responsibilities and realigned our budget to account for such changes. We also refined the top-level governance of the College by restructuring and reinvigorating the dean team, management and academic councils. Also, our faculty and staff support key College functions through their work on several cross-functional committees:
Scorecards Daniels developed Daniels Scorecards to capture key metrics in three areas: resources, quality and people. Each unit and
» Scholarship Enhancement Committee
» Graduate Programs Committee
» Corporate Engagement Team
department will update their
» Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee
» Assessment Audit Team
» Globalization Team
scorecards on an annual basis
» Inclusive Excellence Committee
» Advancement/Fundraising Team
and reports will be provided
» Undergraduate Programs Committee
» Technology Committee
Daniels also restructured our relationships with University Technology Services, the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Penrose Library to eliminate duplicate efforts and better align with one another. Finally, we established annual reporting and strategic planning processes for all areas of the College. All programs and departments completed their own annual reports—which aligned with the overall College plan—by July 31, 2010. Str ateg i c Pl ans fo r All U n its In the 2009–2010 school year, all departments, schools and support units (such as the Office of Communications and Marketing and the Suitts Center for Graduate Career Services) developed their own strategic plans that support the Daniels Tomorrow plan. All academic units completed their plans by December 31, 2009, and all other programs completed theirs by March 31, 2010. All programs and functions will revisit their progress in 2011.
to all faculty and staff each fall, beginning in the Fall 2010 quarter. Scorecards are organized by program or function, measure current-year performance with the 2014 goal, and measure current-year performance with the prior year to determine upward, downward or neutral movement.
Photo left: Daniels Management Council 2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
StR AteGIC GoAl 7:
aDvance ouR RePutatIonal caPItal aRounD DanIels coRe DIstInctIons
the plan: Define the Daniels College of Business as a premier business institution by strengthening our brand, public relations strategy, national rankings and community engagement, and by sharing Daniels’ key differentiators and the successes of our faculty, students and alumni with the world. the progress: In 2009–2010, the College aimed to amplify the Daniels brand through internal and external marketing and enrollment campaigns, and media visits across the country. the College executed an enhanced communications plan, created a new stakeholder e-newsletter, redesigned the semiannual magazine and revamped the Daniels website. Daniels’ rankings reflected the significant progress in this area. the College was ranked by several high-profile publications and organizations in 2010, including BusinessWeek, U.S. News & World Report, Public Accounting Report and Beyond Grey pinstripes. We were also reaccredited by the AACSB.
One of our most important assets is our reputation. The work we do on the previous six strategic goals is critical to delivering the best programs possible and building collaborative partnerships capable of changing the world. We must communicate our successes to elevate the Daniels name as a thought and action leader. This year, Daniels made great strides in spreading the word about that which makes us an extraordinary institution in the following ways: R e a c c r e di t a t i o n In spring 2010, the AACSB Maintenance of Accreditation Committee recommended that the University of Denver be reaffirmed as an accredited college of business and school of accountancy. This process involved more than 100 people from the University community, including DU Chancellor Robert Coombe, Provost Gregg Kvistad, DU trustees, Daniels board members, staff, faculty, students and alumni. DU has been continuously accredited by the AACSB since 1923, and the School of Accountancy is one of fewer than 175 AACSB-accredited accounting
Daniels programs continue to be ranked among the top business programs in the world.
Undergraduate Rankings usinessWeek: No. 3 for ethics, B 27 in accounting, 31 in marketing, 40 for sustainability and 50 in financial management (2010) BusinessWeek: No. 74 in the nation (2010) .S. News & World Report: U No. 67 of Best Accredited Business Schools (2010)
programs in the world.
Public Accounting Report: No. 13 among the Top 25 Undergraduate Programs, Mid-Size Schools (2009)
I n cre ased Com mu n i c ati o n
Graduate Rankings
In the Fall 2009 quarter, we executed an ambitious communications plan to engage Daniels stakeholders and deepen our connections.
F orbes: Daniels microfinance class listed as one of the 10 Most Innovative Business School Classes (2010)
In October, we delivered our first issue of BizNotes, a new bimonthly e-newsletter for alumni, corporate partners and friends in which we share news about Daniels programs, students, alumni, awards, faculty research and much more. After months of research and examining the best business school publications, we also produced two issues of the newly designed Daniels Business Review, our semiannual magazine. Enrollment Marketing Campaign : : In summer/fall 2009, Daniels engaged in a national graduate enrollment marketing campaign to generate awareness among early- and mid-career professionals about Daniels’ MBA programs and specialized MS programs. We took an innovative approach to reaching prospective students, conducting in-depth research on our main target audience: Generation Y. We tailored a campaign to effectively reach this audience, promoting the real faces of our College by featuring Daniels students and alumni speaking in their own voices. We advertised in places such as weather.com (to attract those who search Denver weather) and pandora.com (a popular site among this population). Overall, the campaign successfully reached new prospects across the country. New Daniels Website : : In August 2009, the Daniels website re-launched after a six-month renovation. The new website features streamlined navigation and simple design, making it easier than ever for visitors to find what they are looking for. The site includes more multimedia—videos, slide shows, virtual tours—as well as program microsites and much more. In spring 2010, we conducted three graduate student focus groups to gain students’ comments and suggestions on the overall usability of the new site. Our newly renovated site was named best in show by an independent usability study panel conducted by OneUpWeb.com. Public Relations : : Daniels proactively shared our story and successes this year with national mainstream media and higher education publications to promote the Daniels brand—in the U.S. and internationally. This year, Daniels made media visits to New York City and Washington, D.C., to meet with editors from the Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, USA Today, Diverse magazine,
.S. News & World Report: U No. 70 for best part-time MBA programs (2010) Beyond Grey Pinstripes/The Aspen Institute: No. 3 in the world for small MBA programs, and No. 20 in the world overall for integrating social and environmental issues into the MBA program (2009) BusinessWeek: No. 8 Part-time MBA in the southwest region, and No. 53 in the nation (2009) Financial Times: Executive MBA program No. 35 in the nation and No. 85 in the world (2009) Public Accounting Report: Ranked No. 11 among the Top 25 Graduate Programs, Mid-Size Schools (2009)
the Aspen Institute, Dow Jones, Wall Street Journal, Fox Business News and Forbes magazine.
2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
F I S C A l Y e A R 2 010
honoR Roll
Statem ent o f Ac tivit y an d C ash Flows
D o n ati o ns
Year Ending June 30 (unaudited)
Revenue: Tuition & Student Fees Financial Aid/Tuition Discount Executive Education
Endowments: Scholarships
2010 $2,544,577
commitments made
to Daniels between
$788,000 $2,271,000
Endowment Distribution
Current Use Gifts
Auxillary Services Other Income
Total Revenue
Expenses: Salary & Benefits
Materials & Operating Expenses
Total Expenses
Contribution to University
Net Cash from Operations
(Total Revenue less Total Expenses and Contribution to University)
July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010.
Faculty Chair
Total Gifts
Total Contributions
Endowment Market Value: $71,425,000 (as of June 30, 2010)
Annualized Return on Endowments: 9.5%
Operating Reserve: Beginning Year Balance
Cash from Prior Year Operations
Expenditures from Reserves
End of Year Balance
Change in Operating Reserve
Total Contributions to Endowment
Summary of gifts and
Special Programs
Donor Report
Endowment Breakdown n Scholarships
n Faculty Chairs
n Operational Support
n Other
Photo left: Jean Johnston, widow of JJ Johnston. Read more on page 28. 2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
G i f t s re c e i v e d be t w ee n J u l y 1 , 2 0 0 9 – J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 A
Daniels gratefully acknowledges the following alumni, friends and partners for their support of the College throughout the 2010 fiscal year.
Mr. Richard O. Abbe and Mrs. Doris E. Abbe Mr. Kevin Ray Achziger and Ms. Jessica Ashley Achziger Mr. Gerald S. Adams and Mrs. Cecile M. Adams Mr. Gregory J. Adams Mr. John R. Adams and Mrs. Barbara R. Adams Ms. Tania Lynn Adams Mrs. Ioana D. Agasa and Mr. Edward Agasa Mr. Steven C. Ai Mr. Timothy L. Albao and Mrs. Liberta L. Albao Col. (Ret.) Robert W. Alexander and Mrs. Mary Jane Alexander Mr. James P. Alfano Ms. Kay M. Alig Mr. Herbert G. Allen and Mrs. Judy J. Allen Ms. Katherine K. Allen Mr. Thomas Dyer Allen Mr. Barry Raymond Allison Mr. Jared Abraham Alster Mr. Dean V. Ambrose and Mrs. Carole G. Ambrose Mr. Stanley F. Ames and Mrs. Linda J. Ames Mr. Enrico Amo and Ms. Elisabetta Robaldo Mr. Bruce G. Amsterdam and Ms. Ilene K. Grossman Mrs. Geri L. Anderson and Mr. Robert A. Eastman Mr. Lucas Robert Anderson Ms. Marni Leah Dirindin Anderson Mrs. Mary H. Angelbeck and Mr. Wayne F. Angelbeck Mr. Stephen P. Antony and Mrs. Kathleen A. Antony Mr. Thomas D. Archambault and Mrs. Kathleen l. Archambault Mr. Donald E. Arnell and Mrs. Claire L. Arnell Mr. Douglas A. Arnell Mr. Robert S. Arnold DS Ms. Jean Arthur DS Ms. Nancy A. Artz and Mr. Thomas R. Artz Ms. Suzanne Nicole Aste Mr. Frank C. Atherton and Ms. Coe Atherton Mrs. Louise Cecilia Atkinson and Mr. William D. Atkinson DS Mr. Guy Attia and Ms. Donna L. Feld Mr. Nicholas Arthur Austin Mr. Steven R. Austin Mr. Roger S. Aymami and Mrs. Mary M. Aymami Mr. Michael B. Azeez and Mrs. Kathleen Kolbe Azeez DS B
Mr. Joseph W. Bagan and Mrs. Jennifer A. Bagan DS Mr. Charles H. Baggs and Mrs. Janice M. Baggs DS Mr. David E. Bailey DS Mr. John L. Bale and Mrs. Ivelisse Figueroa Bale Ms. Abiola Simbiat Balogun Mr. Robert L. Bamford Ms. Andrea K. Banks and Mr. Michael Banks
Ms. Carolyn Anne Barnes Mr. Alfredo Luis Barocio Martens Ms. Cherie L. Barrett Mr. Ralph R. Bartsch Mr. Charles T. Bauer and Mrs. Muriel S. Bauer Mr. Roger A. Bauman and Mrs. Pamela Bauman Mr. Christopher M. Baxter Mr. Henry Baxter Mr. Mark Robert Beach Mr. Adam John Beaupre and Ms. Sahra Beaupre Mr. Edwin L. Bell DS Mr. John M. Bena Mr. V. Stanley Benfell and Mrs. Mary K. Benfell Mr. Walter C. Bennett Mr. Stefan Berg and Ms. Jennifer G. Berg Mr. Michael J. Bergin and Mrs. Jan E. Bergin Mr. Richard C. Berry and Mrs. Betty L. Berry Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Richard E. Bertrand and Mrs. Elaine L. Bertrand Mr. Steven J. Betts and Ms. Nancy S. Betts DS Mr. Donald G. Beuthel and Mrs. Ellengail Beuthel Mrs. Marilue R. Beverly and Mr. Jeff Beverly Mr. Paul S. Bilgore and Mrs. June Bilgore Ms. Melanie Billingsley Ms. Janice Kay Birkholz Mr. Ely H. Birnbaum and Ms. Shirley Londer Mr. George N. Bishop III and Mrs. Lynn T. Bishop Mr. Matthew Biviano and Mrs. Amber S. Biviano Mr. Christopher H. Blake and Ms. Heather S. Blake DS Ms. Elizabeth M. Blakely and Mr. Dale M. Blakely Mr. Clement N. Blomberg and Mrs. Helen Frances Blomberg Mr. James M. Boak and Ms. Joyce H. Tomanek Mr. Harvey Bolshoun and Mrs. Jacqueline Bolshoun Mr. Daniel William Book Mr. Dean J. Boosalis DS Ms. Melinda Marie Borchardt and Mr. Richard G. Borchardt Mr. Merlin O. Borke and Mrs. Lois G. Borke Ms. Dixie L. Born and Mr. Ted J. Born Mr. Richard L. Boutelle and Mrs. Jeanne L. Boutelle Mrs. Devon A. Bowes and Mr. Peter D. Bowes Mrs. Ruth C. Bowling Ms. Rosemary A. Bowman Mr. David M. Brackett and Ms. Johanna Pace-Brackett DS Mr. David Brady Ms. Stephanie Marie Brady Mr. David S. Bressler and Mrs. Bernice Bressler Mr. Tom L. Brock Mr. Howard B. Brodt DS Mr. Bob Brown DS Mr. Jeffery William Brown Mr. Morris Brown and Mrs. Betty J. Brown
Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Inaugural Corporate Partner.
Mr. William C. Brown and Mrs. Cindy M. Brown Mr. Timothy James Brunn Mr. Homer L. Bruton and Mrs. Betty J. Bruton Mr. John Richard Buchholz Mr. Eduard Budaghyan Mr. William M. Buie and Mrs. Jean J. Buie Mr. Maxwell John Bull Mr. Thomas Michael Burdi and Ms. Sarah H. Burdi Mr. Timothy Nolan Burke Mr. William W. Burke DS Mr. Ryan P. Burns Mr. James P. Burton and Ms. Alice F. Burton DS Mr. Robert C. Butterly and Mrs. Janie Butterly Ms. Martha Jane Butwin Mr. Richard M. Byczkowski and Mrs. Amy I. Byczkowski C
Mr. Juan Carlos Caceres and Ms. Jennifer L. Cookson Mr. John Colborn Calderhead and Ms. Lisa Grassfield Ms. Shannon Lee Begg Calhoun Ms. Megan Frances Callaghan Mr. Charles G. Cannon Ms. Carol J. Cameron Mr. Robert C. Campbell and Mrs. Judy Campbell Mr. Robert L. Carleton and Ms. Daughn A. Carleton DS Ms. Sharla Jo Carlson Mr. Blake Christopher Carroll Mr. Steven R. Carver and Mrs. April L. Carver DS Mr. Gordon S. Carvill and Mrs. Julia Carvill Mr. Paul B. Casterline and Mrs. Joanne W. Casterline DS Mr. Glen Fred Ceiley Mr. Norman L. Chandler and Ms. Ida Chandler Ms. Suzanne Patterson Chapman Mr. Tsung-Yin Chen and Ms. Yat-Chen Chou Ms. Lynn M. Chesler Mr. Robert E. Chestnov and Mrs. Sheila Chestnov Mr. Victor Chigas DS Dr. Anthony J. Chlapowski and Mrs. Esther Chlapowski Mr. Craig R. Choun and Mrs. Linda S. Choun DS Mr. Rex A. Christensen Mrs. Betty J. Christman and Mr. Gaylord D. Christman Mr. Warren H. Clark and Mrs. Edna C. Clark Mr. Philip G. Clay and Mrs. Lydia K. Clay Mr. Patrick K. Clifford Mr. Edward Max Coffman Mr. Burton S. Cohen and Ms. Nancy B. Mauro DS Mr. R. Britton Colbert & Mrs. Karen Colbert Mr. Stephen William Cole Mr. Glenn R. Combellick and Mrs. Vernie Combellick DS Mr. Paul Commons and Ms. Jill Bronson Mr. Thomas E. Cooperman D A N I EL S C OLLE G E O F B U S I NE S S
G IFT S — c o n t i n u e d Mr. Cary J. Corkin DS Dr. David Lee Corsun and Dr. Cheri A. Young DS Mr. David Coviello Mr. Charles M. Cowden and Ms. Jacquiline W. Cowden DS Mrs. Alice L. Cozens and Mr. Roger W. Cozens Mr. Daniel J. Cramer and Mrs. Betty Cramer Ms. Jess W. Crane Mr. Kevin M. Crean and Mrs. Catherine A. Crean DS Mr. David C. Cribari and Ms. Laura G. Marvin DS Mr. Bradley A. Cromer and Mrs. Patricia L. Cromer DS Mr. Allan M. Cross and Mrs. Donna R. Cross Ms. Debbie Cross Mr. Charles Crowe and Ms. Jennifer Stokes DS Lt. Col. Clayton Clyde Cummins and Ms. Lynne A. Cummins Mr. Donald J. Curtis and Mrs. Katherine K. Curtis DS Peter Bradley Cushman D
Ms. Noel A. Dalbertis Mr. Gordon L. Dalby and Mrs. H. Alice Dalby Mr. Sean G. Daly and Ms. Christine McCue Daly Mr. Louis J. D’Antonio Mr. Richard Davidovich and Ms. Anne L. Davidovich DS Mr. Stanley V. Davies and Mrs. Claire E. Davies Mr. Elmer O. Davis Mr. Gary Dean Davis and Mrs. Katheryn Davis Mr. Geoffrey E. Davis Mr. Glenn R. Davis and Mrs. Dorothy H. Davis Ms. Mary F. Davis DS Ms. Kathleen E. Davisson DS Major Joseph R. De Luca and Mrs. Beatrice A. De Luca Mr. Benjamin Terry Deda Mr. H. Patrick Dee and Mrs. Debra Jo Dee DS Mr. Neal David Dermer and Mrs. Keri Bjork Dermer Mr. Robert F. Determan and Mrs. Laura L. Determan Mr. James J. Detterick DS Mr. Stuart M. Diamond Mr. Robert Bruce Dickson and Mrs. Kay Dickson Mr. Jerome A. Dillon and Mrs. Sarah Lynn W. Dillon Ms. Wendy Dodd Mr. David W. Donner and Ms. Meredith W. Donner Mr. Neil T. Douthat DS Mr. William Gordon Douthat Mr. Thomas S. Dowd and Dr. Karen O. Dowd DS Mr. John T. Dowling Mr. Robert C. Downing and Mrs. Janet D. Downing Mr. John R. Doyle Mr. Jerry S. Dratler and Dr. Sandra J. Dratler DS Mr. F. Ray Dubois and Mrs. Marjorie M. Dubois Mr. Gary C. Dudley and Mrs. Kathryn G. Dudley DS Mrs. Mary K. Duke and Mr. Richard A. Duke DS 2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
Mr. Roger A. Dungan and Mrs. Carolyn O. Dungan Mr. Travis Dungan and Mrs. Nichole R. Dungan Mr. Stephen A. Duree and Mrs. Gail S. Duree Lt. Col. Alvin B. Dyck and Mrs. Audrey F. Dyck E
Mr. Howard S. Edelman and Mrs. Norma L. Edelman Mr. James M. Edwards and Ms. Patricia K. Edwards Mr. Thomas B. Egan and Mrs. Laurie A. Egan Ms. Cheryl A. Einspahr and Mr. Michael R. Einspahr DS Mr. Kevin Huang Eldredge and Ms. Deborah S. Whitten Mr. Brian E. Elliff and Mrs. Theresa K. Elliff Mr. Dennis L. Ellis and Mrs. Mary Jane Ellis Mr. Iran M. Emeson and Mrs. Joan N. Emeson Mr. John A. Engleson Mr. David Lee Eslick and Mrs. Lora D. Engelstad-Eslick Mr. Gene Everett and Ms. Kathleen C. Everett Ms. Tammi Everett F
Mr. Barney Falagrady and Mrs. Jeanne M. Falagrady Mr. James Falvey and Ms. Dagni L. Falvey DS Mr. Gary E. Farmar and Mrs. Sarah J. Farmar Mr. Stephen McCloskey Farnsworth and Mrs. Amy N. Farnsworth Mr. Faisal Faseehuddin Mrs. Lisa Marie Fatovic and Mr. Eric Fatovic Mr. Robert S. Faulkner Mr. Patrick Kenneth Ferguson Mr. Kurt Duane Fesler and Ms. Shelly B. Fesler Mr. David F. Fetyko Mr. Larry D. Fetzer and Mrs. Elsie S. Fetzer Ms. Rose Field Mr. Paul Allan Finks Prof. Peter A. Firmin and Mrs. Jean Firmin DS Mr. Lee E. Fisher and Mrs. Jeanne S. Fisher Mr. Gary E. Flansburg and Mrs. Mary A. Flansburg Ms. Whitney Anne Flansburg Mr. William M. Flansburg and Mrs. Mary L. Flansburg DS Mr. Michael Scott Flexter Mrs. Francine A. Floerke and Mr. Gregory S. Floerke Mr. Michael Andrew Florence Mrs. Eleanor M. Florey and Mr. Floyd F. Florey Mr. Melvin D. Flowers and Mrs. Yvonne Flowers Mr. David A. Fogel and Mrs. Linda J. Fogel Mr. David K. Ford Mr. Thompson D. Ford DS Mrs. Connie J. Forster and Mr. Charles John Forster Mr. Forrest V. Frakes and Mrs. Joyce E. Frakes DS Mr. Arthur A. Frank Ms. Pamela M. Franklin Mr. Brian D. Frantz and Mrs. Kathryn A. Frantz
Mrs. Helenn P. Franzgrote Mr. Seth Lee Franzman and Mrs. Barbara A. Franzman Mrs. Barbara J. Fredrickson and Mr. Robert W. Fredrickson Ms. Amber Nicole Freed Mr. Larry E. French and Ms. Linda French Mr. Leonard D. Frescoln and Mrs. Christine M. Frescoln DS Mr. David C. Freyer and Mrs. Debra C. Freyer Mr. Jeffrey M. Frisch and Ms. Diane J. Frisch DS Mrs. Janice K. Fritsch and Mr. Kyle Fritsch Mr. Thomas W. Fry and Mrs. Patricia A. Fry Mr. Stephen C. Fuhrman and Ms. Abbie Van Buskirk Dr. Cynthia V. Fukami and Mr. Mark K. Fukami Mr. Robert G. Furnish Mr. Donald S. Furukawa and Mrs. Mary E. Furukawa G
Mr. Kevin C. Gallagher and Ms. Kelly C. Gallagher DS Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Gamble and Mr. Charlie C. Gamble Mrs. Kathy Leverenz Garrett and Mr. Bruce T. Garrett Mr. Jon Aaron Garrison Mr. Joseph H. L. Garrison and Mrs. Jeanne J. Garrison Mrs. Martha N. Gart and Mr. John S. Gart Mr. John K. Garvey and Mrs. Jane M. Garvey Mr. Stephen P. Gaty Ms. Elizabeth V. Geiger Mr. Allan A. Gemmell Mr. R. Ted Gentzler Mr. David L. Germeroth Mr. Gary M. Germeroth and Mrs. Kathleen M. Germeroth Mr. James C. Ghielmetti and Mrs. Laura L. Ghielmetti Mr. Roger C. Gifford and Mrs. Lois K. Gifford Ms. Esther L. Gil Mr. Roderick F. Gilbert Mr. Burton L. Gillan and Mrs. Mona L. Gillan Mr. Dick Gillespie and Ms. Donna Gillespie Mr. John B. Gillespie Mr. Karl B. Gills and Mrs. Mary B. Gills DS Mr. Robert R. Gilmore Mr. Gerald Giudici Mr. Donavon M. Gladem and Mrs. Rheva J. Gladem Mr. Robson C. Glasscock Mr. John S. Godfrey and Mrs. Shirley A. Godfrey Mr. Jim F. Goeken and Mrs. Shirley J. Goeken Mr. Howard Gogel and Mrs. Janis M. Gogel DS Mrs. Keely Ann Gohl and Mr. Matthew Brent Gohl DS Mr. Nathaniel R. Goldston and Mrs. Valerie H. Goldston DS Mr. Leroy A. Gonzales and Mrs. Conchita Gonzales Mr. Richard C. Goodman DS Mrs. Ruth A. Goodman DS Mr. Carey Lawson Gordon and Mrs. Eileen Gordon DS Mr. Ronald L. Gorgen and Mrs. Nancy T. Gorgen
Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Inaugural Corporate Partner.
GiftS—continuEd Mrs. linda p. Gosser-Maurer and Mr. thomas p. Maurer dS Ms. lindsay Drennen Goszulak Mr. John C. Graff and Mrs. Christine R. Graff dS Mr. Andrew Stewart Graham Mr. Brian Scott Grall and Mrs. Kelly Jeanne Grall Mr. t. Ryan Greenawalt dS Mr. John t. Greff and Mrs. Victoria l. Greff Mr. Adam David Gridley and Mrs. Christina Z. Gridley Dean emeritus James R. Griesemer dS Mrs. Rose Mary Griffiths and Mr. Albert Griffiths Mr. Gerald G. Grimes and Mrs. Abigail M. Grimes Mr. Guy l. Gronquist and Mrs. Catherine D. Gronquist dS Mr. William J. Grosso and Mrs. patricia Grosso Mr. Gerald F. Groswold Mr. James Francis Grutsch Mr. William A. Guenther Mr. Richard n. Guibord and Mrs. Muriel Guibord Mr. Steven Gustafson Mr. Harold C. Gutjahr and Mrs. Ilene M. Gutjahr dS Mr. paul H. Gutknecht and Mrs. Mary e. Gutknecht
Mr. Dean R. Haave Mr. Joel S. Haberman Mr. paul e. Haberstich Mr. nick J. Hackstock and Mrs. Anne K. Hackstock dS Ms. Drucie F. Haddock Ms. lynea Christel Haeberle Mr. David e. Hall and Mrs. Diane A. Hall Ms. laurel Hammer dS Dr. Glyn W. Hanbery and Mrs. Jan l. Hanbery Mr. James M. Hansell and Mrs. Kathleen Hansell dS Mr. Charles F. Hanselman Ms. Janice C. Hanson and Dr. Jeffrey B. Hanson Mr. Jack A. Hardey and Mrs. theresa M. Hardey Mr. Wayne e. Harding and Mrs. Karen Harding Mr. lowell A. Hare and Mrs. Diana K. Hare dS Mr. louis A. Hargis and Mrs. Bessie M Hargis Mr. Allen W. Harimon and Mrs. Vicki l. Harimon dS Mr. ted e. Harms dS Mr. William R. Harris and Mrs. pamela D. Harris
Dr. Fredric J. Hartmeister and Ms. Rebecca l. Hellbaum Mr. Charles A. Haskell dS Mr. Daniel M. Haskell and Mrs. Marcy M. Haskell Mr. Myron Raymond Hass and Mrs. nancy H. Hass Mr. Rex B. Hastings and Mrs. Jennifer Hastings Mr. Gordon Haycock dS Mr. Daniel M. Hazard and Ms. paula D. Hazard Ms. Kathryn lillian Heckman Mrs. Sarah S. Hedberg and Mr. William M. Hedberg Mr. Roger W. Hein and Mrs. eliza R. Hein Mr. Richard e. Helm and Ms. Catherine pitinga dS Mr. David Jay Henderson Mr. oral Dean Henderson & Mrs. Marian l. Henderson Mr. Alan B. Hendrix and Ms. Michelle n. Zonies Ms. Janice K. Henfling Mrs. Shelly Jenks Hengsteler and Mr. Stewart Hengsteler Mrs. elaine e. Henke and Mr. Richard D. Henke Mrs. Mary-Margaret Henke and Mr. Darrin J. Henke dS Mr. Sergej Vladimirovic Henning Mr. Scott Alan Henry and Ms. tori l. Henry dS Mrs. priscilla C. Henry-Flannery and Mr. Dave Flannery
it taK ES a com mu n it y
the James J. and Jean B. Johnston Endowed Scholarship fund of the many superb professors who have graced the halls of the Daniels College of Business, James “JJ” Johnston (1921–2008) is one of the most remembered for his wit, his inspirational quotes, and above all, his love of students. that affection, says his widow, Jean, is what drove JJ to establish a scholarship fund in 1996—with Jean herself and friends Clinton (BSBA, 1949) and Billie Gerlach (Clint was a former student of JJ’s). together, the foursome pooled $10,000 to start the fund. “We wanted to give back in gratitude for all that Du had done for us,” says Jean, a retired middle-school librarian in the Cherry Creek School District. “Helping students was Jim’s favorite endeavor and it certainly is mine.” Since 1996, hundreds of alumni have donated to the James J. and Jean B. Johnston endowed Scholarship Fund in JJ’s name, raising more than $1.1 million. Close to 175 scholarships have been awarded, and awards range from $1,000 to as much as $10,000. JJ was known for his sincere interest in the well-being of his students, personally and academically. Jean says that he would often host tutoring sessions for student athletes who needed help catching up after travelling. “Jim loved Daniels so much and the students so much. His door was perpetually open.” through the years, students wrote the couple to express their gratitude for the financial assistance. “this is truly the gift that keeps on giving,” says Jean. “Knowing that we’ve been able to help so many students is so very rewarding. We believe in the Daniels education and want as many students as possible to continue in it.” Jean and JJ Johnston 28
Dean’s Society members are indicated with a dS. Deceased donors are italicized. cp denotes Inaugural Corporate partner.
DAnIelS ColleGe oF BuSIneSS
G IFT S — c o n t i n u e d Mrs. Joyce Herold Mr. Peter M. Herron and Ms. Amber Janice Herron Mr. Terry David Hickox Dr. A. Douglas Hillman and Mrs. Sue Ann Hillman Mr. Rodney R. Hilt and Mrs. Mary Ann Hilt DS Mr. Jerimy Hiltner Mr. David C. Hilton and Mrs. Rosalind M. Hilton Ms. Ann E. Hinkins DS Mr. Robert P. Hjelmstad DS Mr. Robert W. Hochstadt and Mrs. Diane B. Hochstadt Mr. Joseph W. Hodges and Ms. Dorothy L. Broun Mr. Leonard W. Hodgson Mr. Lawrence L. Hoenig Mr. Daniel L. Hoffman Mrs. Sarah Marie Hoge and Mr. Christopher S. Hoge Mrs. Darlene M. Holben DS Mrs. Marian M. Holben and Mr. Marston K. Holben Mr. J. Randall Hoidahl and Mrs. Sharon P. Hoidahl Mr. Donald C. Holm and Mrs. JoAnn B. Holm Mr. Kendall H. Holm Mr. Tod C. Holmes and Mrs. Ann M. Holmes DS Ms. Sarah Louise Holtze Mr. Mark E. Honnen and Mrs. Katharine D. Honnen Mr. Lynn E. Hoover and Mrs. Phyllis Hoover Mr. Michael Paul Horn and Ms. Jodie Genevieve Antypas Mr. Wayne E. Horner and Mrs. Jeanette Horner Mr. Charles W. Hoskins and Mr. Marilyn M. Hoskins Mr. Thomas D. Hosman and Mrs. Betty G. Hosman Ms. Leslie D. Howard and Mr. Gary S. Howard DS Mr. Dean M. Howell Mr. Benjamin Todd Hrouda and Ms. Andrea Hrouda DS Mr. David Huberman Dr. William Huizingh Ms. Monica L. Humble Ms. George Anne Hume DS Ms. Susan Kimberly Hunter Mr. L. Victor Hurtado and Ms. Margaret L. Haas I
Mr. D. Scott Ikenberry and Mrs. Denise Ikenberry Mr. James O. Ingle and Mrs. Jane Ingle J
Mr. Donald R. Jackson Mr. Merrill R. Jacobson and Mrs. Beryl B. Jacobson Mr. William R. Jacquot DS Mr. Mark F. Jaeger and Mrs. Jennifer Jaeger Mr. Roger C. Jahnel and Ms. Judy C. Jahnel Mr. Chadwick Alexander Jenkins Mr. Dale R. Jensen DS Ms. Linda G. Jeschofnig 2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
Mr. Randall D. Johannes and Mrs. Jennifer L. Johannes DS Mrs. Dorothy Serviss Johnson and Dr. Leo F. Johnson Mr. Frank Peter Johnson Mrs. Judith A. Johnson and Mr. R. Edgar Johnson Mr. Maurice W. Johnson Mr. Nathan R. Johnson and Mrs. Randi J. Johnson DS Mr. Paul W. Johnson and Mrs. Euvonne Johnson Mr. James W. Johnston and Mrs. Betty B. Johnston Mrs. Jean B. Johnston Mr. Robert V. Johnston and Mrs. Suzanne M. Johnston Mr. Shawn Gary Johnston and Ms. Alyssa Johnston Mr. David Stewart Johnstone and Ms. Norma A. Johnstone Mr. Charles Huntington Jones Mr. Michael Allan Jones and Ms. Alann M. Jones Ms. Dorothy Y. Joseph K
Mr. Jerald R. Kaiser and Ms. Hilde G. Kaiser Mr. Michael D. Kaplan and Ms. Laura T. Kaplan DS Mr. Leonid Karnovsky and Mrs. Alla Karnovsky Mr. John Karpan and Mrs. Nancy Karpan Mrs. Sandra Louise Kasahara and Mr. Robert T. Kasahara Mr. C. Howard Kast and Mrs. Rose B. Kast DS Mr. Bret James Kaup Mrs. Patricia L. Kaus and Mr. David J. Kaus Mrs. Mary Lou Damascio Keating Mr. Robert B. Keating Ms. Susan S. Keene and Mr. Robert W. Keene Mrs. Emilie Paasch Keeton and Mr. Terry L. Keeton Mr. David R. Kegaries and Mrs. Dana Dudding Kegaries Mr. Michael D. Kelech and Mrs. Patricia M. Kelech Mr. Herman T. Kennedy and Mrs. Patricia A. Kennedy Ms. Dawn-Marie Ivory Kerper Mr. James H. Kessack Dr. Neil Kesselman and Mrs. Carol L. Kesselman DS Mr. H. Michael M. Keys Mr. James F. Kimsey and Mrs. Kareen Kimsey DS Ms. Ann M. King DS Mr. David Wayne King and Mrs. Kelly C. King DS Ms. Marolyn K. Kinnie Mr. Philip M. Kirk and Mrs. Anne W. Kirk Mr. James M. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Roberta Kirkpatrick Ms. Marie Katherine Kline Ms. Carol A. Kluver Mrs. Betty Knoebel Mrs. Ellen Tompkins Knous and Mr. Steven C. Knous Rev. Dorothy Price Knudson Mr. Lowell D. Koelling and Mrs. Donna Koelling Mr. Darryl B. Kogan and Mrs. Lori S. Kogan Mr. Michael Adam Kohler and Mrs. Chandra L. Kohler Mr. Sean Patrick Kolassa
Mr. William B. Kortum and Mrs. Linda Marie Kortum Dr. Paul Jacob Kosempel and Ms. Meredith Elizabeth Wakelyn Ms. Teresa Rene Kostenbauer Mr. Joseph N. Kotanchik and Mrs. Marilyn S. Kotanchik Mr. Joseph R. Kramer and Mrs. Katie Stanich Kramer Mr. John S. Krieg and Mrs. Betsy R. Krieg DS Prof. A. Ronald Kucic and Mrs. Linda During DS Mr. Daniel A. Kullas Mr. William K. Kulling Mr. Dan Kummet Mr. Stuart A. Kwestel and Mrs. Robin Kwestel L
Mrs. Patricia Delehant La Due and Mr. Albert G. La Due Mr. Gerald J. Laber and Mrs. Alice L. Laber Mrs. Gwendolyn T. Laffoon and Mr. J D Laffoon Mr. Rudolph J. LaKosh and Mrs. Susan F. LaKosh Mr. George E. Lamb and Mrs. Ann E. Lamb DS Mr. Earl J. Lammers and Mrs. Carolyn D. Lammers Mr. Dennis J. Lane and Mrs. Ann Carroll Lane Mr. Ernest E. Lane Ms. Linda Sue Lange Mr. Gary P. LaPlante and Mrs. Cora C. LaPlante Dr. James A. Largay and Mrs. Betty G. Largay DS Mrs. Melissa K. Larkin Ms. Eileen DeBuse Larson and Mr. Jerry D. Larson Ms. Shirley Larson and Mr. Alvin J. Larson Mr. Rocco A. Laterzo and Mrs. Kathleen Laterzo Mr. Daniel J. Lathrope and Mrs. Beverly L. Lathrope Mr. Gregory Lau Mr. David F. Lawrence and Mrs. Lori T. Lawrence DS Mr. Charles R. Lawson and Mrs. Linda K. Lawson DS Mrs. Florence W. Layton and Mr. David Layton Ms. Julie Layton Mr. Richard S. Leaman Mr. A. Hobart Leeds and Mrs. Ruth Katharina Leeds Mr. Albert H. Leighton and Mrs. Emma E. Leighton Mr. James E. Lentz, III and Mrs. Barbara Ford Lentz DS Mr. Nelson A. Lerner and Mrs. Lisa Lerner Mr. Harold K. Lester and Mrs. June R. Lester Mr. Jonathan Victor Levesque Mr. Rick W. Levi and Mrs. Jeri J. Levi Mr. Herbert S. Levy and Ms. Lori Leverant Levy Mr. Brett L. Lewis and Ms. Mary A. Lewis DS Mr. John S. Lewis and Ms. Nela M. Lewis Mr. Larry Lewis and Mrs. Ruth A. Lewis Mr. William E. Lewis Ms. Meng Li Ms. Lisa Liang Mr. Paul Kenneth Libner DS Mrs. Ann Spector Lieff and Mr. William A. Lieff DS
Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Inaugural Corporate Partner.
GiftS—continuEd Mr. Harry Denny liggitt and Ms. elaine Ross liggitt Ms. tammy K. lindsay and Mr. Michael e. lindsay Mrs. Faith A. logan and Dr. Richard H. logan Mrs. Kimberly W. lohner and Mr. thomas J. lohner Mrs. Bonnie Svoboda long and Mr. Richard J. long Ms. Susan B. long Mr. John M. longway and Ms. Jean longway dS Mr. Wade W. loo and Mrs. Chisato t. loo dS Mr. Bartholomew David lorang Mr. paul G. lorenzen and Mrs. Delores lorenzen
Mr. Raymond H. losnes and Mrs. phyllis A. losnes Mr. Alan B. lottner and Mrs. Joyce e. lottner Mr. H. Montgomery loud and Mrs. paula W. loud dS Mr. thomas W. lovgren and Mrs. Jeaninne lovgren Mr. John W. low and Mrs. Merry C. low Mr. John J. lowrey and Mrs. Debra lowrey Mr. Daniel lawrence luchini Mr. James A. lydic and Mrs. Margaret Zakrowski lydic Mr. Kenneth R. lyon and Mrs. Candace K. lyon
understanding the true Impact
Gabe Keeler, BSBa international Business, class of 2012 Chancellor Scholarship Awardee Carl Meyer Scholarship Awardee Benson Memorial Scholarship Awardee upon acceptance to the university in Denver, Gabe Keeler received the prestigious Chancellor Scholarship. In his sophomore year, Keeler faced leaving the university due to personal financial struggles and explored other financial aid options that would make it possible for him to continue attending Du—the school he’d grown to love. luckily, two additional scholarships helped Keeler close the financial gap. After freshman year, a few one-year scholarships I’d received as a high school senior went away, and I knew I was in trouble. My dad had lost his job, and it looked like I was going to need to transfer. But I loved it here so much. I got in touch with Marilyn Hughes, who helped me find other sources of funding that made it possible for me to stay here. She and others took a special interest in me, and for that I’m so grateful. If I ever have the opportunity to meet the people who donated to or created these scholarships, I think the first thing I’d do is give them a huge hug—that’s just me. But more seriously, I want people to know that I wouldn’t be here still if it wasn’t for these scholarships. I can’t thank you enough. I’m still not quite sure how I can articulate my gratitude, but I’ll be trying to do so forever. My sincere thanks, Gabe Keeler Gabe Keeler 30
Dean’s Society members are indicated with a dS. Deceased donors are italicized. cp denotes Inaugural Corporate partner.
Ms. Skye Barker Maa Mr. thomas H. Mac leay and Mrs. Charlotte e. Mac leay Ms. Corine elizabeth MacAdams and Mr. Michael John MacAdams Mr. paul W. MacDowell and Mrs. Genevieve MacDowell Mr. Jacques A. Machol Jr. and Mrs. Doris A. Machol dS Mr. Jacques A. Machol III and Mrs. pamela A. Machol dS Mr. nicholas Kenton Machol dS Ms. Christine e. MacMillan and Mr. Robert Maddalena Mr. Stuart B. MacMillan and Mrs. Ruth I. MacMillan Mr. Wayne D. Macpherson and Mrs. Martha Macpherson Mr. John D. Macris Ms. Kathryn l. Macy dS Mr. John W. Madden and Mrs. Marjorie Madden dS Ms. Claire A. Magrath Mr. Jay D. Maish and Mrs. Jeanne C. Maish dS Mr. evan n. Makovsky and Mrs. evi B. Makovsky dS Ms. Margaret lynn Makowski Mr. Martin Jay Mancuso and Mrs. linnette M. Mancuso Ms. Shiela Maria Mangravito Ms. Jill W. Manley Mr. Robert D. Mansbridge and Ms. Cathy Mansbridge Dr. loren l. Margheim Mrs. Sharon M. Markman and Mr. Scott Markman Mr. Alfred Markowitz and Ms. elizabeth A. Markowitz Mr. John e. Marks and Ms. Diane M. Marks Mr. John K. Marschner and Mrs. Cynthia Marschner Mrs. Catherine l. Marshall and Mr. Randy l. Marshall Ms. Michelle M. Martin dS Mr. George l. Mason and Mrs. Grace A. Mason Ms. Regina Marie Mattie dS Mr. philip S. Matza and Mrs. peggy Matza Mr. lawrence Gerard Mawn and Ms. Marlynne Mary Mawn Mr. Michael travis Maynard and Ms. Stacey McCauley Maynard Mr. Chad Ryan McAllaster Mr. Joseph l. McCaffery and Mrs. Robin A. McCaffery Ms. Michele R. McCandless Mr. patrick t. McCarthy Ms. Kathleen M. McCarty Mr. Donald R. McCue and Ms. Carol Koracin dS Mr. patrick H. McDonald Mr. David A. McGowan and Mrs. lynn McGowan dS Mr. James Scott Mclagan and Ms. Barbara J. Kreisman Mr. Richard H. Mclaughlin and Mrs. Hope M. Mclaughlin Mr. Douglas p. Mclaury dS Ms. Jill e. McMahon Mr. Brad Richard McQueen Mr. Russell G. Mead and Ms. Sheila Mead Mr. Kenyada Salvant Meadows Mr. John W. Medbury and Ms. linda C. Cavaioli
DAnIelS ColleGe oF BuSIneSS
G IFT S — c o n t i n u e d Mr. Elvis Robert Medica Ms. Becky N. Medina Ms. Mary E. Medley and Mr. Robert Cloud Mr. Theo Howell Mees Mr. Peter J. Melmed and Mrs. Lisa Melmed Mr. Dexter Allen Metcalfe DS Mrs. Rosalind M. Meyer DS Mr. William G. Meyerchak and Mrs. Lynn M. Meyerchak Mrs. Anne C. Michels and Mr. Dennis Michels Mr. Wade Forden Middleton and Ms. Nan L. Middleton Mr. Richard R. Midwinter Mr. Gerald L. Mihlbachler and Mrs Barbara Mihlbachler Mr. Louis A. Milburn Mrs. Ann Marie Milinazzo and Mr. Daniel Milinazzo Ms. Laurel Christine Miller Mr. R. James Miller and Mrs. Patricia K. Miller Mr. Robert L. Miller and Ms. Laura S. Mangan Mr. Sherman R. Miller and Ms. Mary M. Sullivan DS Ms. Katherine Marie Minor Dr. Albert R. Mitchell and Mrs. Celia Mitchell DS Mr. Steven C. Mitchell and Mrs. Melanie Mitchell Mr. Carl M. Mittleman Ms. Andrea Christine Mitzen Mr. Michael J. Moberg and Ms. Sarah C. Lewis Ms. Janis E. Mock-Jones and Mr. Myles Mock-Jones Mrs. Judy C. Moe and Mr. Palmer L. Moe Mr. David J. Moes and Ms. D. Kristine Moes Mr. Melvin B. Mogulof and Mrs. Mildred E. Mogulof Mr. Mark A. Mollandor DS Mr. Robert E. Molyneux and Mrs. Anne W. Molyneux Mr. Robert N. Morehead and Mrs. Ann M. Morehead DS Ms. Ellen F. Morgan Mrs. Maxine A. Morgan Mr. Alfred G. Morgenroth Mr. James D. Morrow and Mrs. Marilee A. Morrow Mr. Leonard Jonathan Moskowitz and Mrs. Debbie Moskowitz Ms. Shirley A. Mott Mr. Robert L. Mount and Ms. Kay F. Mount Mr. Aubert J. Mowry and Mrs. Barbara J. Mowry Dr. Glenn R. Mueller and Ms. Jane Herrick Mueller DS Mr. Thomas E. Murrell Ms. Regina Julie Musyl and Mr. Marc J. Musyl N
Mr. A. Bradley Naegle and Mrs. Dorothy B. Naegle Mr. Andrew Tsuneyoshi Nakamura Mrs. Kathleen M. Nance and Mr. Lawrence W. Nance Mr. George W. Nedwed Mr. Julius Needelman and Mrs. Lucille R. Needelman Mrs. Georgia Mae Negri Mr. Michael T. Nelligan 2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
Ms. April Nelson Ms. Michelle Anne Nenstiel Mr. Richard A. Nerad and Mrs. Patricia A. Nerad Mrs. Helen H. Nettleton DS Mr. Donald E. Newby and Mrs. Mary J. Newby Mrs. Mary Jane Newens and Dr. A. F. Newens Mr. Richard W. Newman and Ms. Elinor J. Newman Mr. Peter I. Nichols and Mrs. Sandra L. Nichols Mr. Will F. Nicholson and Mrs. Shirley Nicholson DS Mr. Jon M. Niermann and Mrs. Stacey E. Niermann DS Mr. David D. Noble Mr. Donald E. Norblom and Mrs. Zavelle M. Norblom Mr. David Lee Nordling and Mrs. Yoshie Nordling Mr. Harold E. Nordstrom Mr. Bruce A. Norton and Mrs. Marilyn C. Norton Mr. Richard A. Nowak and Mrs. Marie M. Nowak Mrs. Lois M. Nowels and Mr. Richard E. Nowels Mr. James G. Nussbaum and Mrs. Helen L. Nussbaum Mr. R. Scott Nycum and Mrs. Joan B. Nycum DS O
Mr. Robert Oberbreckling Mr. Thomas B. Obletz and Ms. Nancy G. Obletz Mr. Kenneth K. O’Boyle and Mrs. Holly O’Boyle Mr. Edward Francis O’Brien and Mrs. Julia O’Brien Mr. David O’Callaghan Mr. John T. O’Connell and Ms. Anita D. O’Connell DS Mrs. Nancy Smith Odell and Mr. Michael R. Odell Mr. Robert M. Ogden, III and Mrs. Maureen B. Ogden DS Mr. James Michael O’Hara Mr. Sidney R. Okes and Mrs. Mary V. Okes Mr. Willis E. O’Leary and Mrs. Betty E. O’ Leary DS Mr. Samuel Olenick and Ms. Wendy M. Olenick DS Mr. Gerald Olesh Mr. Stanley R. Olsen Mr. Richard R. Olson Mr. Willis S. Olson Mr. Mark Oplatka Mr. Robert J. Osmundson and Mrs. Linda Osmundson Ms. Maria D’Ann Ostrom Mr. William H. Overfelt and Mrs. Janet Overfelt Mr. Ernie Clark Overholt Mr. Thomas P. Owen and Mrs. Laurene B. Owen DS Mrs. Nadine R. Owens and Mr. Gerald D. Owens Mrs. Angela Marie Oxenreider and Mr. Keith B. Oxenreider DS P
Mrs. Joyce M. Pabst and Mr. Carl A. Pabst Ms. Heather M. Pacaro and Mr. Clifton H. Pacaro Mr. Terry M. Palmer and Mrs. Sandra Palmer DS
Mr. Stephen E. Parker and Mrs. Judy Parker Mr. James C. Parks and Mrs. Barbara A. Parks Ms. Roberta M. Parry Mr. Norman D. Paschall DS Mr. Eric D. Patterson DS Mr. David G. Paxton and Mrs. Mary Jean W. Paxton DS Mr. R. Wayne Payne and Mrs. Kathryn E. Payne DS Ms. Sheri L. Pearce DS Mr. Lester D. Pedicord and Ms. Jean S. Pedicord DS Mrs. Evangeline Pell Mr. Michael D. Penfield and Mrs. Laura Penfield DS Mr. Chris C. Pennels and Ms. Gail Pennels DS Mr. Timothy S. Peres Mr. Daniel Miller Perlman and Ms. Lillian S. Lehrburger Mr. Brian Scott Petersen and Mrs. Jennifer Lyn Petersen Ms. Emily Darline Petro Mr. William Pettinger and Mrs. Gail Pettinger Mrs. Lillian S. Phelps and Mr. James D. Phelps Ms. Ann S. Philpott and Mr. Jerome Cam Philpott Ms. Samantha M. Pietsch DS Mr. Fred J. Pisciotta and Mrs. Sharon E. Pisciotta Mr. Thomas G. Pitus Ms. Jennifer Lynn Poitras Dr. F. Lee Pollart and Mrs. Karen S. Pollart Ms. Blaine Shelby Postcanino Mr. Roger C. Poulson and Mrs. V. Beverly Poulson DS Mr. Vann E. Prater and Mrs. Linda C. Prater Mrs. Judith Kenney Pratt and Mr. Charles J. Pratt Mr. David C. Price DS Mr. George Adams Price Mr. Jeffrey Dale Price Ms. Dawn Colleen Priday Mr. Douglas A. Priestley and Mrs. Judith E. Priestley Ms. Rose M. Protextor Mr. R. Allen Pyle and Mrs. Ann M. Pyle Q
Mr. William J. Quast and Mrs. Kathryn R. Quast Mrs. Jolean F. Quimby Mr. Ken A. Quincy and Mrs. Judith M. Quincy R
Mr. Timothy Carl Radebaugh and Mrs. Michelle R.Radebaugh Mrs. JoAnn Radetsky and Mr. Richard L. Radetsky DS Mr. Clinton B. Randolph and Mrs. Amy Lin Randolph Mr. Matthew G. Randolph DS Mr. Donald D. Ranes Mr. Frank G. Rappaport and Mrs. Kathy S. Rappaport Mr. Walter J. Rasmussen and Mrs. Nijola Rasmussen Ms. Angela Neese Rathbun and Mr. Scott Michael Rathbun Mr. Roy W. Regel
Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Inaugural Corporate Partner.
G IFT S — c o n t i n u e d Ms. Janet A. Rey Mr. David B. Rhodes and Mrs. Marcie Rhodes DS Mr. James Richardson DS Mr. Donald M. Richtol and Mrs. Barbara R. Richtol Mr. Hans H. Riddervold and Ms. Elaine Borrego DS Mr. Frank D. Riha and Mrs. Lois A. Riha Mr. Ralph G. Ringgenberg and Mrs. Catherine B. Ringgenberg Dr. Christine M. Riordan and Dr. Robert D. Gatewood DS Mr. George W. Roberts and Mrs. Bernice Roberts Mr. John T. Roberts and Mrs. Robin R. Roberts DS Mrs. Lydia Dunham Roberts and Mr. Gene E. Roberts Mr. Edwin L. Robinson and Mrs. Barbara J. Robinson Mrs. Karen D. Robinson and Mr. James E. Robinson Mr. Landon Scott Robinson Mr. Timothy M. Roche and Mrs. Brenda Roche DS Mr. James W. Rodgers and Mrs. Patricia D. Rodgers Mr. Scott Tyson Rogers Mr. Vincent E. Roith and Mrs. Joann F. Roith Mr. Joseph J. Romenesko and Mrs. Julie H. Romenesko Mr. Charles Cameron Rooke and Mrs. Tammy Y. Rooke DS Mrs. Margaret Rosander DS Mr. Michael W. Rosen Mr. Charles L. Roter Ms. Angela Dyane Rothe Mr. William L. Roub Mr. William James Roushey Mr. Marc Evariste Rousseau Mr. Gary G. Ruhl and Mrs. Susan W. Ruhl S
Mr. Meyer M. Saltzman and Mrs. Geralidine R. Bader Saltzman DS Ms. Janet L. Sandberg Mr. Walter L. Sanders and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Sanders DS Mr. Joseph W. Saunders and Mrs. Sharon P. Saunders DS Mr. Dan E. Scarlett and Mrs. Ramona M. Scarlett Mr. Gregory Mark Scheer and Ms. Rebecca Scheer Ms. Kathleen R. Schell DS Mr. Amintore Thornton Xavier Schenkel DS Mr. Frederick J. Schilke and Mrs. Gail Schilke Mr. Aaron M. Schlagel Mr. Lee E. Schlessman and Mrs. Dolores J. Schlessman DS Mrs. M. Carol Schlessman and Mr. Gary L. Schlessman DS Mr. Frank S. Schneider and Mrs. Dena R. Schneider DS Ms. Jennifer K. Scholz DS Mr. Andrew Schultz Mr. Ronald A. Scott Mr. Thomas John Scott Mr. Vaughn R. Sears and Ms. Mary Ann Sears Mr. Mark C. Seelye and Ms. Leslie Gamez Mr. Richard M. Seidel and Ms. Carla S. Seidel DS 32
Mr. Marcus Joseph Seiden Mrs. Joan Wiley Seielstad and Mr. William H. Seielstad Mr. Carl David Selander Mr. Victor O. Serviss and Mrs. Betty Lou Serviss Mr. Edwin Lake Setzler and Ms. Allison Ching Setzler DS Mr. Scott David Severson Mr. Glen F. Sharp and Mrs. Joan E. Sharp Mr. David C. Shatto and Mrs. Lea E. Shatto Mrs. Shirley Anne Sheets and Mr. Charles E. Sheets Mr. Jeffrey F. Shido and Mrs. Faith L. Shido Ms. Marlene S. Shields Mr. Jacqueline M. Shoemaker Ms. Carol Sholl Mr. Vinton H. Sholl Mr. Murari P. Shrestha and Mrs. Bijayee L. Shrestha Mr. James Robert Shulman Mr. Lawrence J. Shupe and Mrs. Patricia Earthman-Shupe Mr. Robert L. Siegrist Mr. Douglas A. Sikes and Mrs. Marion N. Sikes Mr. Steven Siljestrom and Mrs. Linda C. Siljestrom Mr. John K. Simmons Mr. Scott W. Sims and Mrs. Susan S. Sims Mr. John William Sisson Mr. William T. Sisson and Mrs. E. Jeanne Sisson Mr. Robert D. Skinner and Mrs. Bessie E. Skinner Mrs. Catherine Slark and Mr. Martin P. Slark Mr. William D. Slotnick and Mrs. Dorothy V. Slotnick Mrs. Bailey Brianne Smith Mr. John J. Smith Mr. John J. Smith and Mrs. Marna Jordan Smith Mr. Marvin Smith and Mrs. Goldie R. Smith Mr. Peter J. Smith and Mrs. Patricia S. Smith Dr. Roy L. Smith and Mrs. Grace M. Smith Ms. Shelley Smith Mr. Todd S. Smith DS Mr. Judson Bryant Snyder and Mrs. Cara Liane Snyder Mr. Ross B. Snyer and Mrs. Michele Paulette Snyer DS Mr. Donald G. Sorensen and Mrs. Irene B. Sorensen Mr. Jason E. Sorensen Mr. Joseph John Sovcik Mr. Todd Alan Sowl and Mrs. Susan Lesley Sowl DS Mr. C. Keith Spencer Mr. John S. Spiecker and Ms. Elaine C. Spiecker DS Ms. Judith E. Spiegel DS Mr. William S. Spragins Mr. Stephen St. John Mr. Melvin R. Stahl Jr. DS Mr. Kevin A. Stanley Mr. Frederick W. Stanske and Ms. Cynthia A. Newton Ms. Elizabeth C. Stapp and Mr. Brion Stapp DS Mr. William D. Starbuck and Mrs. Elena Starbuck
Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Inaugural Corporate Partner.
Mr. Leonard P. Stegman and Ms. Angela M. Kelm DS Ms. Penne Terese Steidl DS Mr. Alexander Xavier Stephenson Mr. Alan L. Sternberg and Mrs. Kim Sternberg Mr. Mark Wilson Sterrett and Mrs. Rachael Shapiro Sterrett Mr. David J. Steuri Mr. Donald D. Stevens and Mrs. Joanna R. Stevens Mr. John F. Stewart and Ms. Kathy Stewart DS Mr. William E. Stiles and Mrs. Hazel I. Stiles Mr. James Steven Stirbis Mrs. Alicia B. Stoddard Mr. William A. Stolfus and Ms. Andrea G. Richardson Mr. Lessley Jon Stoltenberg and Mrs. Barbara Stoltenberg Mr. Marvin L. Stone and Mrs. Marian Stone Mr. James J. Stookesberry and Mrs. Jenene C. Stookesberry Mr. William E. Stopps and Ms. Sandra Springborn Mr. A. Marvin Strait and Mrs. Shirley Strait Mr. Allan J. Strauss and Mrs. Catherine J. Strauss Mr. Donald F. Streb Mr. Donald Stephen Stroh and Mrs. Tracy Stroh Mr. Warren Strickland and Mrs. Janette L. J. Strickland DS Mr. William J. Suitts and Ms. Elizabeth Suitts DS Mr. J. Michael Sullivan and Mrs. Patricia A. Sullivan Ms. Judith A. Sullivan Mrs. Abby Davidson Summers and Mr. Andrew J. Summers Mr. Lowell C. Sund Ms. Linda L. Stamp Sundberg and Mr. Dana G. Sundberg Mr. James C. Swain and Mrs. Concepcio E. Swain DS Dr. Robert D. Swanson and Dr. Patricia M. Swanson Ms. Alicia J. Sweeney Mr. Dennis M. Swenson and Mrs. Constance C. Swenson DS Mr. Robert J. Swieringa and Mrs. Pamela B. Swieringa DS Ms. Katherine K. Sylvester T
Mr. Philip J. Tamminga and Mrs. Shelley R. Tamminga DS Mr. James C. Tanner and Mrs. Cindy Tanner Mr. Joshua B. Tanzer DS Mr. James P. Tarpley DS Mr. Charles A. Taylor and Mrs. I. Pearl Taylor Mr. Kamil B. Tazi and Mrs. Gloria L Tazi Teletech Mr. Duncan C. Tenney and Ms. Virginia C. Tenney Mr. Richard Wallace Thackrey Ms. Sarah M. Tholen DS Mr. Walter J. Thome and Mrs. Ruby A. Thome Mr. James W. Thompson and Ms. Juliana A. Thompson Mr. Alexander B. Thorne Mr. Christopher Scott Tierney and Ms. Sara Tierney Mr. Robert C. Tinucci and Mrs. Barbara Tinucci Mr. Herbert A. Tobin and Mrs. Francine Tobin DS Mr. James D. Toler D A N I EL S C OLLE G E O F B U S I NE S S
GiftS—continuEd Mr. lawrence W. tomsic Mr. William V. topel Ms. Bethany D. totin Mr. William G. trainor and Mrs. Monica S. trainor dS Mr. Donald t. trinen and Mrs. Deborah Y. trinen dS Dr. John C. tripp and Mrs. loretta J. tripp dS Mr. Robert C. troccoli and Mrs. Joan C. troccoli dS Mr. Dean R. troyer and Ms. Kit troyer dS Mr. Harry A. trueblood and Mrs. lucile B. trueblood dS Mr. John B. trueblood dS Ms. pamela J. turbeville Mr. James A. tuell and Mrs. tamara A. tuell dS Mr. William t. tulley and Mrs. Frances tulley Mr. John Cameron tune and Ms. Alexandra Marie Ruess tune dS Mrs. Renee Rogozenski twersky and Mr. lawrence M. twersky Mr. eamon J. twomey and Ms. Jessica S. twomey Mr. Marshall B. tycher and Mrs. Sally tycher dS u
Mr. Yoshiaki uematsu and Mrs. Debra Faye uematsu Mr. leif t. ullman Mr. David C. underwood and Mrs. Barbara A. underwood dS Ms. Devon Shay unkeless Mr. Carl Vincent unrein and Mrs. Sandra S. unrein Mrs. Marilee A. utter and Mr. Harry W utter v
Mr. John A. Van Veen Ms. Denise M. Van Zago Mrs. Kathleen C. VandeMotter and Mr. Kurt C. VandeMotter dS Mr. James A. VanderWal Dr. R. Charles Vars and Mrs. Freda t. Vars Mr. Charles J. Vasilius and Ms. Kathy e. Vasilius dS Mr. Blaine e. Versaw Dr. David I. Verway Mr. Donald R. Vilmin and Ms. Frances l. Vilmin Dr. Gautam K. Vora w
Mr. James F. Wagner and Mrs. Kathryn Wagner Mr. Jay B. Wagner Mr. Kenneth e. Wagner Mr. Robert W. Wagner Mr. Geoffrey A. Wainwright and Ms. eda van Dyk Wainwright Mr. leo G. Walchuk and Mrs. ella M. Walchuk Mr. paul Charles Waletzko Ms. leslie Ann Walker and Mr. Dale pruce 2 010 A n n u A l R e p o R t
Mr. emil J. Walz and Mrs. Frances G. Walz Mr. Robert W. Wandel and Mrs. Margie Wandel Mr. Robert Warner and Mrs. Jill Warner dS Mr. John B. Warnick dS Mr. William D. Wasserman and Ms. patricia M. Wasserman Mr. Randy S. Watson Mr. Michael D. Weatherwax and Mrs. linda D. Weatherwax dS Mr. Frederick Garth Weaver and Mrs. Rita C. Weaver Mr. Christopher travis Webb dS Mr. Stephen J. Weber Mr. Mark S. Wehrle dS Mrs. Janet Cone Weiss and Mr. Cary p. Weiss dS Mrs. Celaine K. Wellman and Mr. Kenneth W. Wellman Mr. Justin Wentworth Mrs. Margaret lewis West dS Mr. Michael Daniel West and Mrs. etta Marie West dS
Mr. peter West and Mrs. Bonnie West Mr. Ryan Smith Westberry Ms. laura Westerbeck and Mr. Allan R. Westerbeck Dr. William F. Weston and Mrs. Gay S. Weston Mrs. Deanna R. Whalen and Mr. eldred e. Whalen Mr. George e. Wheeler dS Mr. Michael S. White and Mrs. Robyn n. White dS Mr. Stephen B. Whiting and Mrs. Gwen H. Whiting Mr. leslie e. Whittemore Mr. Gary A. Wicklund and Mrs. la Donna K. Wicklund Mr. Kevin o. Wilhelm and Ms. Jennifer o. Wilhelm dS Mr. John J. Williams and Mrs. Joyce Williams Mr. John Martin Williams and Ms. Mary e. Williams Mrs. Kristi l. Williams and Mr. leroy J. Williams Ms. Angela Renee Williamson Mr. Charles R. Williamson and Ms. nancy l. Williamson Mr. David Dale Willman and Mrs. Beverly Willman dS
GivinG a hand up
the trueblood annual Scholarship the trueblood Annual Scholarship was established in April 1993, but Harry trueblood has been a supporter of the Daniels College of Business for over 40 years. He established the Harry trueblood Foundation in 1968 and began giving to the School of Accountancy shortly thereafter. Since the trueblood Scholarship was established at Daniels in 1993, it has awarded $270,000 in scholarships and fellowships to Daniels students—approximately
“ My philosophy is that if we could educate the world, we wouldn’t have any problems.” – Harry Trueblood
half to the School of Accountancy and half to students pursuing entrepreneurship. From 1958 to 1988, Harry was busy as Ceo of his primary company, Consolidated oil & Gas—along with seven other publicly traded companies that were spun off or separately created—but he always believed in supporting education. “My philosophy is that if we could educate the world, we wouldn’t have any problems,” he says, adding that he still credits G.I. Bill funding that he received upon returning from World War II for making it possible for him to finish his own degree at the university of texas, Austin, in three years instead of five. “that’s the whole purpose of the foundation. We want to give partial scholarships to hardworking students who could use a little bit of help.” Harry’s son, John, is now the president of the family foundation, and says that he shares his father’s vision. “education really does change lives, and I have yet to discover anything else that is consistently successful in doing so,” says John. Dean’s Society members are indicated with a dS. Deceased donors are italicized. cp denotes Inaugural Corporate partner.
Harry trueblood (left) with his son John trueblood (right)
GiftS—continuEd Mr. Robert F. Wilson and Mrs. Jane t. Wilson Mr. Roy F. Wilson and Ms. elisabeth M. Wilson Mr. Raymond S. Wiltshire and Mrs. norma F. Wiltshire Mrs. Marlene e. Wiske Mr. Richard W. Wolf and Mrs. Joyce J. Wolf Mr. Winston C . K. Woo and Mrs. Ivy Man-Ying Woo dS Mr. Gerald M. Woodley and Mrs. Valerie Woodley Ms. elizabeth M. Woodward Ms. Janice B. Worrall Mr. Herbert l. Wullschleger and Mrs. Mary G. Wullschleger Ms. elizabeth Sylvia Wurts Mr. David C. Wyman and Mrs. nancy D. Wyman
Mr. Gordon A. Yale and Mrs. Jennifer Yale dS Mr. James l. Yates and Mrs. Kay Diane Yates Ms. Stacey Ritsuko Yoshimoto z
Mr. Vincent A. Zarlengo and Mrs. Margaret l. Zarlengo dS Mr. Carl e. Zeiger and Mrs. Vicki Zeiger dS Mr. Gordon Zellers Dr. William n. Zelman and Mrs. Janet G. Zelman Ms. Dao Zhou Mr. Dean e. Zick and Mrs. Arlene D. Zick
understanding the true Impact
Sarah fisher, mBa candidate, Spring 2011 Daniels Graduate Business Scholarship Scurci Scholarship When Sarah Fisher set her sights on the Daniels College of Business, she knew she would need financial help and was thrilled to be awarded two prestigious scholarships— funding that made it possible for her to pursue her MBA. one day, Sarah says, she hopes she can return the favor and donate to a scholarship program for students walking in similar shoes. When I started looking into funding options, I was absolutely ecstatic when I received the call offering me a graduate assistant (GA) position and the Scurci Scholarship. These literally made business school possible for me. Last year, I was able to focus on my studies without having to also maintain a full-time job, which has allowed me to immerse myself in the program. And truly, being a GA in the Institute for Leadership and Organizational Performance has been one of the most impactful and meaningful educational experiences. Sarah Fisher
I cannot thank the people who funded my scholarships enough. Being a Daniels student has been the opportunity of a lifetime, and I have them to thank for getting me here. I look forward to giving back to a future student who needs financial help like I did. A heartfelt thank-you, Sarah Fisher
Mr. Jason owens Ziegler and Ms. Heather Kristine Ziegler Mr. William H. Ziering dS Mr. George J. Zito
Dean’s Society members are indicated with a dS. Deceased donors are italicized. cp denotes Inaugural Corporate partner.
co Rp o R ati o nS 4908 tower llC, precision Framing Systems American Southwest Mortgage Corp. Anton, Collins, Mitchell, llp cp Aurora loan Services cp Berenbaum Weinshienk pC cp BKD, llp Boeing Company Bowen Ventures, llC Bp Fabric of America Fund Breckenridge Grand Vacations Bross Group Cable Center/Cox Communications cp Centura Health cp Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. cp Chateau Development llC cp Chevrontexaco Ciber, Inc. CoBank, Inc. cp Coca-Cola Company Conocophillips David Arthur Vineyards cp Denver West office leasing Company llC cp DSF Realty e & J Gallo Winery ecotimber, Inc. cp ehrnhardt Keefe Steiner & Hottman p.C. cp emergenetics International cp encana oil & Gas (uSA) Inc. cp envysion cp ernst and Young cp etkin Johnson Group cp F. M. pucci and Associates, ltd. Faegre & Benson llp First pacific Advisors, llC FirstBank Holding Company of Colorado cp Four Seasons Hotel & Resorts cp Frontier Airlines, Inc. cp General electric Company Global Impact Grant thornton llp cp Holm Ryan truitt & Hall llC Hillstone Restaurant Group, Inc. Hyatt Corporation DAnIelS ColleGe oF BuSIneSS
G IFT S — c o n t i n u e d Icelantic Ski CP Ideal Data Management JP Morgan Chase & Co. CP Kaiser Permanente CP King Soopers/City Market CP KPMG CP KWD Management, Inc Land Title Guarantee Company Liberty Global, Inc. CP Marsico Capital Management LLC McDowell Investments MillerCoors CP Napa Wine Company CP New Stanley Associates, Lessee LLC Newmont Mining Corporation CP Nichols Accounting Group, P.C. Noodles & Company CP Northwestern Mutual Financial Network CP Omni Interlocken Resort Oppenheimer Funds, Inc. Pappas Restaurants, Inc. Pechiney Plastic Packing Pinnacol Assurance CP Polk Majestic Travel Group PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP CP Qwest CP RealPac Reports Now, Inc. Republic National Distributing Company CP Rocky Mountain Human Resource Planning Society Rose Medical Center - JV RubinBrown Sabre Holdings SC Johnson & Son Inc. Shames-Makovsky Realty Company Signature Properties Inc. Silver Oak Cellars CP Simpson Housing, LLP CP St. Charles Capital, LLC CP The Capital Group Companies, Inc. The Little Nell Toyota Motors Sales, U.S.A., Inc. CP Vail Resorts Management Company CP VISA U.S.A. Inc. CP Wagner Equipment Company White Lodging Services Corp. Williams Companies Xcel Energy CP Zanett & Associates, P.C.
2 010 A n n u a l R e p o r t
Fo u n dati o ns, Org a n i z a t i o n s & Tr u s t s Accenture Foundation, Inc. ACE INA Foundation Alex Chestnov Memorial Foundation Inc. Allen & Jolean Quimby Trust American Institute of Architects of Denver Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Association for Corporate Growth Denver Chapter CP Azeez Foundation Banfi Vintners Foundation CP Boettcher Foundation Bonfils-Stanton Foundation Careb Foundation Ceiley Foundation Chuck & Marilyn Hoskins Fund at the Lincoln Community FDN Colorado Chapter of the Appraisal Institute Daniels Fund Darrel Johnson Trust David Lawrence Foundation Dean V. Ambrose Foundation Deloitte Foundation CP Dennis M. Swenson Gift Fund at Fidelity Gift Fund Denver Metro Commercial Association of Realtors CP Donald W. Strang, III Fund at Fidelity Charitable Fund Executive Real Estate Roundtable Inc. CP ExxonMobil Foundation Firmin Gift Fund at the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Garvey Kansas Foundation Gary & Leslie Howard Family Foundation Gates Family Foundation Grant Thornton Foundation Haberman Family Foundation Hackstock Family Foundation Handlery Foundation CP Harry Trueblood Foundation Henry A. and Cynthia G. Yost Family Foundation, Inc. (Conrad N.) Hilton Foundation CP Honda Foundation House of Rothschild Condominium Association HR People & Strategy (Rocky Mountain Chapter) (HRPS) CP IBM International Foundation ING Foundation Invest in Others Charitable Foundation IR Charitable Foundation 130 ITW Foundation James E. & Constance L. Bell Foundation Janet Weiss Fund at Waterstone Joint Arnold Trust
Julius Needelman Trust Kenneth King Foundation Kesselman Family Foundation Knoebel Charitable Trust KPMG Foundation Lawrence A. Atler Trust LibertyGives Foundation (The J. Willard & Alice S.) Marriott Foundation CP Medtronic Foundation Mike & Laura Kaplan Fund at the Aspen Community Foundation Mile High United Way Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Slark Fund at Fidelity Gift Fund Naegle Family Trust National Association of Industrial and Office Properties (NAIOP) CP Nationwide Foundation Naughton-Nicholson Foundation Nycum Family Foundation at National Philanthropic Trust Patty Foresman Foundation Paula & Monty Loud Charitable Gift Fund at Fidelity Ralph L. Smith Foundation Regions Financial Corporation Foundation Rhodes Family Fund at AMG Charitable Gift Foundation Richard Cox Trust Robert & Isabelle Bass Foundation, Inc. Robert L. Gould Fund at The Boston Foundation Roy & Pearl Rogers Trust Sage Foundation at The Denver Foundation Scallan Family Foundation Schlessman Family Foundation, Inc. Seidel Family Fund at National Philanthropic Trust Sempra Energy Foundation Sepic Family Foundation Sharon and Scott Markman Fund at Chicago Community Foundation Shell Companies Foundation Inc. Smith Trust State Farm Companies Foundation Steuri Family Endowment at the Arkansas Community Foundation Swain Family Trust Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation Turnaround Management Association CP UBS Matching Gift Program Vicki and Carl Zeiger Charitable Foundation at Ayco Viola Vestal Coulter Foundation Walker Pruce Fund at Fidelity Charitable Fund Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Wells Fargo Foundation Western Union Foundation Withington Foundation, Inc. Women’s Foundation of Colorado, Inc. Xcel Energy Foundation
Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Inaugural Corporate Partner.
De a n ’ s Society
G i f t s t o t a l i n g $ 1 , 0 0 0 o r m o re re c e i v e d be t w ee n J u l y 1 , 2 0 0 9 – J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 0
I n a u g u ra l M e mb e rs
The Dean’s Society recognizes individual or family cash gifts of $1,000 and greater to Daniels—it does not include pledge or bequest intentions. Also, giving must be directed to the Daniels College of Business.
Mr. Robert S. Arnold Ms. Jean Arthur Mrs. Louise Cecilia Atkinson and Mr. William D. Atkinson Mr. Michael B. Azeez and Mrs. Kathleen Azeez
Ms. Cheryl A. Einspahr and Mr. Michael R. Einspahr
Mr. Joseph W. Bagan and Mrs. Jennifer A. Bagan Mr. Charles H. Baggs and Mrs. Janice M. Baggs Mr. David E. Bailey Mr. Edwin L. Bell Mr. Steven J. Betts and Mrs. Nancy S. Betts Mr. Christopher H. Blake and Ms. Heather S. Blake Mr. Dean J. Boosalis Mr. David M. Brackett and Ms. Johanna Pace-Brackett Mr. Howard B. Brodt Mr. Bob Brown Mr. William W. Burke Mr. James P. Burton and Ms. Alice F. Burton
Mr. Robert L. Carleton and Ms. Daughn A. Carleton Mr. Steven R. Carver and Mrs. April L. Carver Mr. Paul B. Casterline and Mrs. Joanne W. Casterline Mr. Victor Chigas Mr. Craig R. Choun and Mrs. Linda S. Choun Mr. Burton S. Cohen and Ms. Nancy B. Mauro Mr. Glenn R. Combellick and Mrs. Vernie Combellick Mr. Cary J. Corkin Dr. David L. Corsun and Dr. Cheri A. Young Mr. Charles M. Cowden and Ms. Jaquiline W. Cowden Mr. Kevin M. Crean and Mrs. Catherine A. Crean Mr. David C. Cribari and Ms. Laura G. Marvin Mr. Bradley A. Cromer and Mrs. Patricia L. Cromer Mr. Chuck Crowe and Ms. Jennifer Stokes Mr. Donald J. Curtis and Mrs. Katherine K. Curtis D
Mr. Richard Davidovich and Ms. Anne L. Davidovich Ms. Mary F. Davis Ms. Kathleen E. Davisson Mr. H. Patrick Dee and Mrs. Debra J. Dee Mr. James J. Detterick Mr. Neil T. Douthat
Mr. Thomas S. Dowd and Dr. Karen O. Dowd Mr. Jerry S. Dratler and Dr. Sandra J. Dratler Mr. Gary C. Dudley and Mrs. Kathryn G. Dudley Mrs. Mary K. Duke and Mr. Richard A. Duke
Mr. James Falvey and Ms. Dagni L. Falvey Prof. Peter A. Firmin and Mrs. Jean Firmin Mr. William M. Flansburg and Mrs. Mary L. Flansburg Mr. Thompson D. Ford Mr. Forrest V. Frakes and Mrs. Joyce E. Frakes Mr. Leonard D. Frescoln and Mrs. Christine M. Frescoln Mr. Jeffrey M. Frisch and Ms. Diane J. Frisch G
Mr. Kevin C. Gallagher and Ms. Kelly C. Gallagher Mr. Karl B. Gills and Mrs. Mary B. Gills Mr. Howard Gogel and Mrs. Janis M. Gogel Ms. Keely Ann Gohl and Mr. Matthew B. Gohl Mr. Nathaniel R. Goldston and Mrs. Valerie H. Goldston Mr. Richard C. Goodman Ms. Ruth A. Goodman Mr. Carey Lawson Gordon and Mrs. Eileen Gordon Ms. Linda Gosser-Maurer and Mr. Thomas P. Maurer Mr. John C. Graff and Mrs. Christine R. Graff Mr. T. Ryan Greenawalt Dr. James R. Griesemer Mrs. Guy L. Gronquist and Mrs. Catherine D. Gronquist Mr. Harold C. Gutjahr and Mrs. Ilene M. Gutjahr H
Mr. Nick J. Hackstock and Anne K. Hackstock Ms. Laurel Hammer Mr. James M. Hansell Jr. and Mrs. Kathleen Hansell Mr. Lowell A. Hare and Mrs. Diana K. Hare Mr. Allen W. Harimon and Mrs. Vicki L. Harimon Mr. Ted E. Harms Mr. Charles A. Haskell Mr. Gordon Haycock Mr. Richard E. Helm and Ms. Catherine Pitinga Mrs. Mary-Margaret Henke and Mr. Darrin J. Henke Mr. Scott Alan Henry and Ms. Tori L. Henry
Mr. Rodney R. Hilt and Mrs. Mary A. Hilt Ms. Ann E. Hinkens Mr. Robert P. Hjelmstad Mrs. Darlene M. Holben Mr. Tod C. Holmes and Mrs. Ann M. Holmes Ms. Leslie D. Howard and Mr. Gary S. Howard Mr. Benjamin Todd Hrouda and Ms. Andrea Hrouda Ms. George Anne Hume J
Mr. William R. Jacquot Mr. Dale R. Jensen Mr. Randall D. Johannes and Mrs. Jennifer L. Johannes Mr. Nathan R. Johnson and Mrs. Randi J. Johnson K
Mr. Michael D. Kaplan and Ms. Laura T. Kaplan Mr. C. Howard Kast and Mrs. Rose B. Kast Mr. Neil Kesselman and Mrs. Carol L. Kesselman Mr. James F. Kimsey and Mrs. Kareen Kimsey Ms. Ann King Mr. David Wayne King and Mrs. Kelly C. King Mr. John S. Krieg and Mrs. Betsy R. Krieg Prof. Ronald Kucic and Mrs. Linda During L
Mr. George E. Lamb and Mrs. Ann E. Lamb Dr. James A. Largay and Mrs. Betty G. Largay Mr. David F. Lawrence Jr. and Mrs. Lori T. Lawrence Mr. Charles R. Lawson and Mrs. Linda K. Lawson Mr. James E. Lentz III and Mrs. Barbara F. Lentz Mr. Brett L. Lewis and Ms. Mary A. Lewis Mr. Paul Kenneth Libner Ms. Ann Spector Lieff and Mr. William A. Lieff Mr. John M. Longway and Ms. Jean Longway Mr. Wade W. Loo and Mrs. Chisato T. Loo Mr. H. Montgomery Loud and Mrs. Paula W. Loud M
Mr. Jacques A. Machol Jr. and Mrs. Doris A. Machol Mr. Jacques A. Machol III and Mrs. Pamela A. Machol Mr. Nicholas Kenton Machol Ms. Kathryn L. Macy Mr. John W. Madden and Mrs. Marjorie Madden Mr. Jay D. Maish and Mrs. Jeanne C. Maish
dEan’S SociEty inauGuR al mEmBERS—continuEd Mr. evan n. Makovsky and Mrs. evi B. Makovsky Ms. Michelle M. Martin Ms. Regina Marie Mattie Mr. Donald R. McCue and Ms. Carol Koracin Mr. David A. McGowan and Mrs. lynn McGowan Mr. Douglas p. Mclaury Mr. Dexter A. Metcalfe Jr. Ms. Rosalind M. Meyer Mr. Sherman R. Miller and Ms. Mary M. Sullivan Dr. Albert R. Mitchell and Mrs. Celia Mitchell Mr. Mark A. Mollandor Mr. Robert n. Morehead and Mrs. Ann M. Morehead Dr. Glenn R. Mueller and Ms. Jane Herrick Mueller n
Ms. Helen H. nettleton Mr. Will F. nicholson and Mrs. Shirley nicholson Mr. Jon M. niermann and Mrs. Stacey e.niermann Mr. R. Scott nycum and Mrs. Joan B. nycum o
Mr. John t. o’Connell and Mrs. Anita D. o’Connell Mr. Robert M. Ogden and Mrs. Maureen B. ogden Mr. Willis e. o’leary and Mrs. Betty e. o’ leary Mr. Samuel olenick and Ms. Wendy M. olenick Mr. thomas p. owen and Mrs. laurene B. owen Mrs. Angela Marie oxenreider and Mr. Keith B. oxenreider p
Mr. terry M. palmer and Mrs. Sandra palmer Mr. norman D. paschall Mr. eric D. patterson Mr. David G. paxton and Mrs. Mary Jean W. paxton Mr. R. Wayne payne and Mrs. Kathryn e. payne Ms. Sheri l. pearce Mr. lester D. pedicord and Mrs. Jean S. pedicord Mr. Michael D. penfield and Mrs. laura penfield Mr. Chris C. pennels and Ms. Gail pennels Ms. Samantha M. pietsch Mr. Roger C. poulson and Mrs. V. Beverly poulson Mr. David C. price R
Mrs. JoAnn Radetsky and Mr. Richard l. Radetsky Mr. Matthew G. Randolph Mr. David B. Rhodes and Mrs. Marcie Rhodes Mr. James Richardson Mr. Hans H. Riddervold and Ms. elaine Borrego Dr. Christine M. Riordan and Dr. Robert D. Gatewood
2 010 A n n u A l R e p o R t
Mr. John t. Roberts and Mrs. Robin R. Roberts Mr. timothy M. Roche and Mrs. Brenda Roche Mr. Charles Cameron Rooke and Mrs. tammy Y. Rooke Ms. Margaret Rosander
Mrs. Kathleen C. VandeMotter and Mr. Kurt C. VandeMotter Mr. Charles J. Vasilius and Ms. Kathy e. Vasilius
Mr. Meyer M. Saltzman and Mrs. Geralidine Bader Saltzman Mr. Walter l. Sanders and Mrs. elizabeth J. Sanders Mr. Joseph W. Saunders and Mrs. Sharon p. Saunders Ms. Kathleen R. Schell Mr. Amintore thornton Xavier Schenkel Mr. lee e. Schlessman and Mrs. Dolores J. Schlessman Mrs. M. Carol Schlessman and Mr. Gary l. Schlessman Mr. Frank S. Schneider and Mrs. Dena R. Schneider Ms. Jennifer K. Scholz Mr. Richard M. Seidel and Ms. Carla S. Seidel Mr. edwin lake Setzler III and Ms. Allison Ching Setzler Mr. todd S. Smith Mr. Ross B. Snyer and Mrs. Michele p. Snyer Mr. todd A. Sowl and Mrs. Susan l. Sowl Mr. John S. Spiecker and Ms. elaine C. Spiecker Ms. Judith e. Spiegel Mr. Melvin R. Stahl Jr. Mrs. elizabeth C. Stapp and Mr. Brion Stapp Mr. leonard p. Stegman and Ms. Angela M. Kelm Ms. penne terese Steidl Mr. John F. Stewart and Ms. Kathy Stewart Mr. Warren Strickland and Mrs. Janette l. J. Strickland Mr. William J. Suitts and Ms. elizabeth Suitts Mr. James C. Swain and Mrs. Concepcio e. Swain Mr. Dennis M. Swenson and Mrs. Constance C. Swenson Mr. Robert J. Swieringa and Mrs. pamela B. Swieringa t
Mr. philip J. tamminga and Mrs. Shelley R. tamminga Mr. Joshua B. tanzer Mr. James p. tarpley Ms. Sarah M. tholen Mr. Herbert A. tobin and Mrs. Francine tobin Mr. William G. trainor and Mrs. Monica S. trainor Mr. Donald t. trinen and Mrs. Deborah Y. trinen Dr. John C. tripp and Mrs. loretta J. tripp Mr. Robert C. troccoli and Mrs. Joan C. troccoli Mr. Dean R. troyer and Ms. Kit troyer Mr. Harry A. trueblood and Mrs. lucile B. trueblood Mr. John B. trueblood Mr. James A. tuell and Mrs. tamara A. tuell Mr. John Cameron tune and Mrs. Alexandra Marie Ruess tune Mr. Marshall B. tycher and Mrs. Sally tycher
Mr. David C. underwood and Mrs. Barbara A. underwood v
Mr. Robert Warner and Mrs. Jill Warner Mr. John B. Warnick Mr. Michael D. Weatherwax and Mrs. linda D. Weatherwax Mr. Christopher travis Webb Mr. Mark S. Wehrle Mrs. Janet Cone Weiss and Mr. Cary p. Weiss Ms. Margaret lewis West Mr. Michael D. West and Mrs. etta Marie West Mr. George e. Wheeler Mr. Michael S. White and Mrs. Robyn n. White Mr. Kevin o. Wilhelm and Mrs. Jennifer o. Wilhelm Mr. David Dale Willman and Mrs. Beverly Willman Mr. Winston C. Woo and Mrs. Ivy Man-Ying Woo y
Mr. Gordon A. Yale and Mrs. Jennifer Yale z
Mr. Vincent A. Zarlengo and Mrs. Margaret l. Zarlengo Mr. Carl e. Zeiger and Mrs. Vicki Zeiger Mr. William H. Ziering
to join the dean’s Society visit daniels.du.edu/ascend or contact david ford at 303.871.3387.
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