Daniels 2010-2011 Progress Report

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7 str a teg i c go a l s

ONE vision Delivering on the Promise of d a n i e l s to m orro w

t h e d a n i e l s c o l l ege o f b u s i n ess


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T a b l e o f C o n te n ts


Dean’s Letter


Introduction 4 Strategic Goal 1


Strategic Goal 2


Strategic Goal 3


Strategic Goal 4


Strategic Goal 5


Strategic Goal 6


Strategic Goal 7


Fiscal Year 2011 Honor Roll


d e a n ’s l e t t e r

Dear Daniels Community, This year, the Daniels College of Business marks our halfway point in the Daniels Tomorrow strategic plan. In this progress report, we celebrate our accomplishments and progress made toward that plan in fiscal year 2010–2011. Our success would not be possible without the hard work from all of our Daniels Pioneers—faculty, staff, alumni, volunteers and friends. Over the past few years, our community has worked at an unprecedented pace to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time. And, I am so proud to be a part of such a dedicated community. The Daniels Tomorrow strategic plan consists of seven strategic goals for Daniels to accomplish by 2014, and in 2010–2011, we made considerable progress on each goal. This year, I am proud to announce that Daniels:

» Optimized our undergraduate enrollment numbers through the new secondary admissions process

“O u r v i s i o n i s bo l d, bu t i a m certa i n t h at toget h er w e w i l l mov e da n i e l s f orwa r d to a n e v eN b r i g h ter fu t u re .”

» Named the Joy Burns Center, home to the Fritz Knoebel School of Hospitality Management

» Expanded our corporate partners program to more than 75 partners » Raised more than $14.5 million in private funds » Added even more C-level executives to our Executive Advisory Board

» Made a substantial jump in our rankings and international reputation in Bloomberg Businessweek, European CEO magazine and Forbes

» Hit record attendance numbers at our signature event, Voices of Experience, with an average attendance of 1,000 attendees per event

» Connected with alumni at new events such as our Daniels Nights athletic events, the Daniels Week BBQ and the Snow Ball holiday party

» And, many more!

» Hired 12 new faculty positions » Launched DanielsNetWorth.org, a worldwide knowledge exchange showcasing our faculty’s expertise

C hr i stine M . Riordan , Ph D, D ean I wish to offer my sincerest thanks to the Daniels Pioneer community for making this possible—the dedicated faculty, staff, alumni, partners and friends who contribute significant time, energy and resources toward Daniels Tomorrow. Our vision is bold, but I am certain that together we will move Daniels forward to an even brighter future. With warm regards,

Christine M. Riordan, PhD Dean, Professor of Management Daniels College of Business

vision Daniels Tomorrow: A Shared Mission and Values IN T R O DUC T I O N Ou r Mission

Mission Statement


This year we celebrate our accomplishments at the halfway mark of our strategic plan. It took the support and dedication

Ethical Practice. Thought Leadership. Global Impact.

of everyone in the Daniels Pioneer community to bring us to

To be a premier private business college globally recognized as a leader whose educational experiences,

this point.

The Daniels College of Business is a community dedicated to

In 2010–2011, we refined our mission statement and

educating ethical business leaders, advancing the theory and

introduced an updated values statement to our stakeholders.

practice of business and making a positive global impact.

outreach, and knowledge creation transforms lives Values Statement

We are committed to the values of excellence and ethics that serve to sustain a rich and dynamic learning community. We carry out our shared values through three themes:

Community, Excellence and Ethics.

» Commit to a lifelong experience of individual and E X C E LL E NC E

organizations and communities.

community excellence. » Strive toward a global reputation of excellence. » Celebrate individual and community achievements. » Demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit in the community. » Sustain a dynamic curriculum with ongoing revisions based upon the needs of stakeholders.

» Contribute one’s energy, talent and dedication to a vibrant learning community.

» Behave ethically, with integrity and professionalism, toward internal and external stakeholders, which

community of students, faculty, staff and alumni. » Expect individual involvement in, and responsibility to, the betterment of the Daniels community. » Build and nurture relationships with the University of Denver community, the business community and communities around the world. » Further a diverse and inclusive community. » Practice sustainability.

include students, faculty, staff, alumni, the University E T HIC S

The Daniels College of Business is considered an innovator among business schools for our approach to ethical leadership, values-based decision making and producing the next generation of business leaders who are making a difference in the world. We continue to build on that momentum with our strides in the Daniels Tomorrow strategic plan.

c o m m u n i ty

» Fulfill the College vision and mission through our learning

and the business community. » Strive for mutual respect and dignity toward each other in a diverse culture. » Advance the professional development of all members of the community. » Pursue a collaborative and collegial environment.

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vision str a teg i c

go a l

An Authentic, Transformational Business Education


D e l iv e r E x e m p l a r y, M a r k e t - R e l e va n t Pro g r a ms

Reevaluate and refine our teaching practices and curriculum to ensure all Daniels programs are of the highest quality, value and excellence.

Undergraduate Programs

students a meaningful professional experience where they

In 2010–2011, the Office of Undergraduate Programs continued

can apply their newly acquired skills. Thanks to a private

to develop services and co-curricular programs to enhance the

gift, we expanded our Global Opportunities experiential

undergraduate experience. The Daniels Ethics Boot Camp—an

learning program for graduate students. The International

ethical leadership conference for all sophomore business students—

MBA CAIO program was renamed GO-IMBA and

launched in fall 2010. Guided by faculty from the Department of

incorporated into the Global Opportunities program.

Business Ethics and Legal Studies, students are grouped into cohorts

We unveiled numerous enhancements to the Daniels

and spend an intensive weekend discussing ethical decision making,

Executive MBA program in fall 2010, including new

professionalism, work-life balance and more.

courses, additional seminars and an experiential retreat.

As we work toward international recognition, we continued to increase

MBAs, we reorganized internally to meet the unique

the quality of our students by introducing a secondary admissions

needs of working professionals.

Part Time, Full Strength

t o p ran k e d Daniels PMBA Ranked

#25 in the Nation and #5 in the Southwest Region by Bloomberg Businessweek

To better serve our Professional MBAs and Executive

process in fall 2010. Through this process, aspirant business majors are required to apply to Daniels in their sophomore year.

Executive Education

In 2010–2011, our Executive Education program deepened its Graduate Programs

longtime partnership with the healthcare industry. For several years,

After launching the One-year MBA program in fall 2010—a

Executive Education has worked with several leading Colorado

program for pre-professional students to begin immediately after

healthcare organizations, and in 2010, we developed a physician

earning a bachelor’s degree from an AACSB-accredited university—

leadership-development program for Centura Health, Colorado’s

we developed a formal internship program to provide these

largest hospital system.

V O IC E S O F E X P E R I E NC E Also this year, the College moved the Voices of Experience speaker series under the direction of Executive Education. The seventh season of our signature event series was our best and most attended in history, featuring the following notable leaders:

Above all, we understand that to have a lasting impact around the world, we must offer excellent programs. Our curriculum is cutting edge and market relevant, providing students a solid framework of ethics, innovation and sustainability, and numerous co-curricular and global opportunities to practice their skills. In 2010–2011, we continued to improve our degree and other programs to provide Daniels students the best education possible.

» Barbara O’Brien, Colorado Lt. Governor

» Stephen Chipman, CEO of Grant Thornton

» Sally Jewell, President and CEO of

» Peter Swinburn, President and CEO of

» Ret. General Charles Krulak

Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI)

Molson Coors Brewing Company

» Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks

» Richard Davis, CEO of U.S. Bank

» Patricia Gabow, MD, CEO of Denver Health

» Andy Taylor (BSBA 1970), Chairman and

» Joseph Saunders (MBA 1968, BSBA 1967),

» Donna Lynne, DrPH, President of Kaiser

CEO of Enterprise Holdings

CEO of VISA, Inc.

Foundation Health Plan, Colorado Region

» John McCarvel, CEO of Crocs, Inc. 2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T



vision Daniels made great strides this year toward offering more services to our students and alumni and strengthening corporate engagement. In December 2010, Daniels started the City Treks program, taking top graduate and undergraduate students to New York City and San Francisco to learn about various companies, industries and careers. Daniels staff and students also attended several national career fairs this year, including the National Black MBA Career Conference and the National Society of Hispanic MBAs Career Fair. Executive Mentor Program

In 2010–2011, we expanded the College’s Executive Mentor program, which pairs MBA and MS students with senior-level business leaders from companies such as OppenheimerFunds,

Career Services

In August 2011, the Suitts Center for Graduate Career Services

a résumé database for top-tier graduate business schools utilized

MillerCoors, IBM Global Services, Western Union, Xcel Energy

changed its name to the Suitts Career Management Center to

by leading global employers.

and others. This past year, the number of executive mentors

better reflect our commitment to guiding students throughout their

increased by 25 percent (and participants by 27 percent), and

time at Daniels and beyond.

Daniels held an appreciation event for mentors in August 2011.

» Executive Mentor Breakfast

In 2010–2011, the Suitts Career Management Center developed and implemented an innovative program for graduate students and alumni—Career Next™—a four-phase career-management

The Daniels 4-Phase Career Cycle

cycle that provides action items and deliverables throughout a student’s career search. Through this process, we can better assist students and alumni to make decisions about their careers,

Exploration & Research



“If you want to be successful in life, if you want to be successful in business, if you want to be successful with your family,

pursue best-fit job opportunities, present themselves well and

if you want to be successful with your relationships—be a man or woman of character. Concentrate on your selflessness.

build valuable networks. And Suitts purchased two new databases for student use: Going Global, an international jobs database, and MBA Focus,



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Positioning & Search

Don’t be afraid to take a stand and do the right thing for the right reasons. And maintain your integrity. You do that, Skill Building & Transition



Interviewing & Decision Making

and you’re going to be a great success.” —Ret. General Charles Krulak

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vision str a teg i c

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Bridging Theory and Practice in Business Education


En g a GE I N R E S EA R C H - D R I V E N K N O W LE D GE C R EAT I O N

Enhanced Recruiting and Hiring Processes

In spring 2011, we revised our strategic hiring plan to guide us in our recruiting of new faculty. Previously overhauled in June 2010, the newly enhanced plan standardizes and streamlines these important processes. We appointed a strategic hiring committee, led by Dr. Sharon Lassar, director of the School of

Support our faculty’s scholarly pursuits and conduct impactful research that helps solve business and community issues.

Accountancy. This committee offers a College-wide perspective on faculty hiring, reviews candidates based on teaching and scholarship criteria and provides checks and balances to ensure Daniels interviews only high-quality candidates whose backgrounds, teaching philosophies and career goals coincide with the Daniels mission.

Department of Business Information and Analytics Mr. Scott Toney, Lecturer Dr. Philip Beaver, Professor-in-Residence Reiman School of Finance Dr. Jason Howell, Assistant Professor Dr. Justin Lallemand, Assistant Professor Fritz Knoebel School of Hospitality Management Dr. Cheri Young, Associate Professor Department of Management Dr. Paul Seaborn, Assistant Professor

Daniels Adds New Faculty

Informed by the newly revised strategic hiring plan, we recruited and hired 12 new faculty members in three departments and three schools. These professors started at Daniels in the Fall 2011 quarter: School of Accountancy Dr. Jane Morton, Lecturer Dr. Lorenzo Patelli, Assistant Professor Dr. Keith Sellers, Associate Professor

As we bolster our future as a worldwide leader among business schools, we must support our faculty’s cutting-edge research and teaching to ensure that Daniels students receive the best education possible and leave here equipped to lead in an ever-changing world.

Department of Business Ethics and Legal Studies Dr. Paula Anne Holt, Lecturer Dr. Patricia Elias, Lecturer Dr. Tricia Olsen, Assistant Professor

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vision Promoting Faculty Scholarship and Expertise

To support our faculty in their research and scholarly pursuits, in summer 2011, Daniels awarded research grants to 14 faculty

D a n i e l s N e t Wo r t h . o r g

members from Marketing, Management, the Reiman School of Finance, Business Ethics and Legal Studies, Business Information and Analytics, the School of Accountancy, and the Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management. Daniels NetWorth: Thought Leadership in Action

In fall 2010, the College launched Daniels NetWorth, a campaign

Revised Scholarship Document

In June 2011, Professor Chuck Patti, Department of Marketing,

(AACSB-International) business school conceptual framework for

that brands our College research, expertise and accomplishments.

was appointed senior associate dean of faculty and academic

teaching and academics. It addresses career performance and

It illustrates the true net worth of Daniels—the minds and actions

research, replacing Dr. Glyn Hanbery, who retired June 30,

provides minimum and maximum percentages that all tenured

of our faculty, students and alumni. The campaign is currently

2011. Dr. Patti formed a committee with Dr. Paul Olk, director

and nontenured academic ranks should spend on teaching,

executed through danielsnetworth.org and the NetWorth section

of research and accreditation, and Drs. Tommi Johnson and Jim

research and service activities. The document also ties faculty

of the Daniels Business Review.

Sorensen to rewrite the College’s scholarship document, which

scholarship to College reward systems for merit compensation,

addresses the proper balance of teaching, scholarship and

research grants, course releases and sabbaticals.

highlighting the powerful Daniels network of people who share

service among our faculty. The modified scholarship document will be better aligned with

At DanielsNetWorth.org, you will find a robust, in-depth website

The new scholarship document will be finalized and approved

in the endeavor to build a sustainable world in which to live

by the faculty in spring 2012.

and work. Applied and pedagogical research, journal articles

the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

and opinion pieces by Daniels faculty demonstrate how we are

BY THE NUMBERS ( S I N C E FA L L O F 2 0 1 0 )

contributing new knowledge, bridging the worlds of intellectual


contributions, the practice of business and the classroom. While it is in the beginning stages, we plan to expand the scope of

“I think for all of us to keep alive the spark of curiosity, to leave our campsite a little better than we found it, to intervene for

1,149 Tags

201,898 Page Views

the campaign and the promotion surrounding it in 2012. Our vision

good in human matters—those aren’t bad things to strive for. And I do it in the deep sense of building on the example my

is to expand Daniels NetWorth with articles about, and opinion

parents set for me, and I hope my husband and I set for our children.”

pieces from, Daniels alumni to show how we develop business

—Barbara O’Brien, former Colorado Lieutenant Governor

leaders who can navigate in a changing global marketplace.

84,997 Visits

158 Posts




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vision str a teg i c

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1 3

At Daniels, the World Is Our Business

Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability


In April 2011, the College appointed Dr. Daniel Sweeney as

member on research topics as diverse as recycling of rare earth


executive director of the Institute for Enterprise Ethics. With the

elements in consumer products to a case study on a religious

help of faculty leadership, including Drs. Jim O’Toole, Bruce

and national discrimination lawsuit brought by the U.S. Equal

Hutton, Buie Seawell, David Cox and Dennis Wittmer, as well

Employment Opportunity Commission.


as Dean Christine Riordan, Dr. Sweeney led the development

Build upon Daniels strong reputation in three distinct areas:

of a mission for the Institute: To create and disseminate new

For more than 20 years, Daniels has pioneered business ethics

knowledge regarding ethics, social responsibility, governance

education. In 2011, we further cemented our commitment to

and sustainability practices to help enterprise leaders integrate

ethics education by becoming a charter member in the eight-

such practices into the fabric of their organizations’ cultures.

member Daniels Fund Academic Ethics Consortium, a group of

ethics, social responsibility and sustainability; globalization; and innovation, entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship.

regional business schools charged with developing or improving In July 2011, the Institute for Enterprise Ethics awarded

the teaching of ethics. Read more about the Daniels Fund

fellowships to nine Daniels faculty members and one DU faculty

Academic Ethics Consortium at danielsfund.org.

At the Daniels Intersection, students recognize the power of the triple-bottom line. It is here that they understand that doing good is good business, that a global view starts with an inward gaze and that innovation is the bridge between our imagination and a new reality.

The Daniels The Daniels experience prepares students to navigate the global business world. We integrate the fundamental business disciplines with three distinct areas—known as the Daniels Intersection. Read more about our progress this year toward elevating these three areas of excellence.



The Daniels Intersection challenges all of us to see the world through the eyes of another as we change global businesses and communities for the better.


Innovation & Entrepreneurship

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vision Entrepreneurship and Innovation


As Denver and the Rocky Mountain region is home to a high

At Daniels, students interested in studying innovation and

The Office of Globalization, established in 2009, spent this

concentration of small to medium-sized businesses and is often

entrepreneurship can take courses at the undergraduate and

year focusing on building internal and external relationships

at the forefront of business innovation, Daniels is in a unique

graduate level—from Real Business Cases in Entrepreneurship

to develop the College’s global experiences, curricula and

position to respond to market needs and serve as a hub for

and Financial Planning for Small Business to Innovation

network. In 2010, Tom Dowd, senior director, transitioned from

entrepreneurial activities.

Strategies, Emerging Technologies and more. Daniels also

part to full time and appointed a half-time associate director,

offers graduate business certificates in innovation and

Leslie Carter. We conducted our second annual globalization

In 2010–2011, we laid the groundwork for an Office of

entrepreneurship. Through clubs, organizations and co-curricular

audit, evaluating all global activity throughout Daniels—

Entrepreneurship. In 2012, Daniels will hire a director

activities, Daniels students can participate in case competitions,

partnerships, research, programs and more. The College

of entrepreneurship to work with faculty to integrate

panel discussions and networking with alumni and community

solidified formal partnerships with international universities,

entrepreneurship more deeply into the curriculum and establish

partners involved in innovative industries and entrepreneurial

including Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane,

a resource center for the business community, trade associations,

companies. And, the University offers a living and learning

Australia, and National Yunlin University of Science and

professional services, business incubators and the investment

community—Creativity and Entrepreneurship—where students

Technology in Taiwan. Future initiatives will include international

community. Through this effort, Daniels plans to become

participate in coursework, co-curricular activities and live in

internships, student and faculty exchange programs and other

the recognized authority on entrepreneurship and business

cohorts with other students interested in entrepreneurship.

sustainable collaborations with universities and organizations

innovation in the Rocky Mountain region and beyond.

We are also researching the possibility of adding an MS

around the world. Internally, outreach efforts have strengthened

Entrepreneurship to our degree portfolio.

partnerships between Daniels and the University’s Office of

» GO Argentina 2010

» GO Tanzania 2010

Internationalization, Office of International Student Services and others. Finally, Daniels continues to develop plans for a world executive program, which will integrate the Daniels MBA core curriculum in partnership with other colleges and universities.


» Race & Case 2010



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» Community Capital Project

“We don’t live and we don’t work in isolation. We have an impact, both on the environment and the society in which we live. And as leaders, we have a responsibility to manage that impact one way or another. At Molson Coors, we break down corporate responsibility into three areas: you do it because it’s the right thing to do; you do it because it makes good business sense or common sense; you do it because it can—if you get it right—give you the ability to reinforce and bolster those areas of your company that give you competitive advantage.” —Peter Swinburn, President and CEO, Molson Coors Brewing Company

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vision st r ategic

g o al

A Welcoming Community of Inspirational People

4 Inclusive Excellence Committee

The Inclusive Excellence (IE) Committee made progress in several


areas during 2010–2011. Co-chairs David Corsun, director, Knoebel School of Hospitality Management, and Dorothy Joseph, associate dean of college operations, led the development of a committee business plan (approved in August 2010), and progress will be reported annually.

Develop the Daniels community into one in which everyone is valued and included, where people connect and engage, and where ideas, career opportunities and strong relationships enhance lives.

The IE Committee received $50,000 from the Colorado Multicultural Career and Internship Fair fund and other gifts from donors and the IE Case Competition, bringing the balance of the committee’s fund to $72,000, which is to be used for scholarship and professional development activities. Daniels added an Inclusive Excellence Graduate Fellow, MA higher-education student Clorindo Lucero, who was awarded the fellowship by the Morgridge College of Education in partnership with the Center for Multicultural Excellence. Lucero is helping the Daniels IE Committee promote inclusive excellence College wide.

wide. The College hosted its second Inclusive Excellence Case Competition in April 2011. The event grew significantly from 2009–2010, drawing 90 applicants from six schools and colleges across DU—from which 48 students were selected to compete on 12 teams—and 10 participating companies, including sponsors, executive judges and case writers. The competition raised $20,000 and awarded $14,000 in scholarships to the winning teams.

Our community members know that inclusiveness isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a business imperative. This is why this year at Daniels we invested in our community through inclusive events, activities and partnerships that nurture relationships and encourage the free exchange of ideas.

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Expanding the Daniels Executive Advisory Board

In 2009–2010, we reinvigorated and relaunched the Daniels Executive Advisory Board. This year, we continued to build this board and added nine new members. Executive Advisory Board The Daniels Executive Advisory Board consists of leaders from across a broad

» Daniels Night at DU Basketball

» Lunch and Learn

» DU Vin Wine Festival

features hundreds of renowned wines and draws vintners

Here are just a few examples of how we brought our community

from around the world as sponsors.

» City Treks: Launched in December 2010 (with inaugural trips to New York City and San Francisco), City Treks is a career networking program that takes Daniels undergraduate and

Networking Nights bring together alumni and friends in Denver and other cities around the country. » Daniels Nights: Daniels Nights are fun social-networking opportunities for Daniels Pioneers and their families, and

to learn about different industries, career opportunities

include our Spring BBQ, DU baseball, hockey games

and more.

and other sporting events.

» Accounting Scholars Development Program: The School of

» Lunch and Learn: These informal daytime sessions give

Accountancy developed plans for the College’s inaugural

students, faculty and staff the opportunity to hear from

Accounting Scholars Development Program, a community

speakers such as Peter Morton of Hard Rock Café (BSBA,

college student outreach program. Daniels hosted the event

1969), who spoke in March 2011, and Linda Childears,

on campus in July 2011.

president and CEO of the Daniels Fund, who spoke in

quickly become the signature event for the Knoebel School of Hospitality Management (KSHM), a program completely


» Daniels Pioneer Connections: Daniels Pioneer Connections

graduate students to meet various companies and alumni

» DU Vin Wine Festival: Now in its third year, DU Vin has


planned and executed by KSHM undergraduates. DU Vin

staff, alumni, partners and friends in new and exciting ways. together in 2010–2011.

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P. Scott Lowery, JD 1985; BSBA 1982, Founder and Chairman, SquareTwo Financial

leadership to the table. These exceptional individuals gather to provide insight

Sean Menke, President and CEO, Pinnacle Airlines Corp.

to the College, act as a sounding board and share best practices.

Dennis Mullen, Retired Chairman and CEO, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers

Brad Busse, BSBA 1980, Chair, Daniels Executive Advisory Board Managing Director, Co-Head CME Group, RBC Capital Markets

Wayne Murdy, Retired Chairman, Newmont Mining Company

Michael St. John, BSBA 1981, Vice Chair, Daniels Executive Advisory Board, Managing Partner, LCS, LLC

Community Engagement Activities and Events

Daniels continues to engage and connect our students, faculty,

spectrum of industries, each bringing unmatched experience and visionary

May 2011.

Christopher Ancell, BSBA 1984, President, Business Markets Group, CenturyLink Andy Daly, Executive MBA 1980, President, Gore Peaks Investments, LLC Cathey McClain Finlon, President, Denver Art Museum

Trygve Myhren, President, Myhren Media, Inc. Zachary Neumeyer, Chairman and CEO, Sage Investment Holdings Dr. Robert Newman, Owner, Greenwood Gulch Ventures, Founder, JD Edwards R. Scott Nycum, Jr., Managing Director, J.P. Morgan, The Private Bank

Patty Fontneau, Executive Director and CEO, Colorado Health Benefit Exchange

David Phillips, BSBA 1979, Senior VP Field Operations North America, Hyatt Hotels Corporation

Stewart Glendinning, Chief Financial Officer, Molson Coors

Kevin Reddy, Chairman and CEO, Noodles & Co.

Pat Hamill, BSBA 1981, CEO/President and Founder, Oakwood Homes

Mary Rhinehart, Executive MBA 1998, Senior Vice President and CFO, Johns Manville

Nick Hackstock, Executive MBA 1979; BSBA 1968, President, The Highlands Companies

Hugh Rice, Chairman of the Board, FMI Corporation

Lowell Hare, BSBA 1972, Managing Partner, H&L Investment Company

Joseph Saunders, MBA 1968; BSBA 1967, Chairman and CEO, Visa Inc.

Ted Kleisner, BSBA 1967, CEO and Chairman of the Board, Hershey Entertainment & Resorts Company

Stewart Stockdale, BSBA 1983, Executive Vice President and President, Global Consumer Financial Services, The Western Union Company

James Lentz, MBA 1978; BSBA 1977, President and COO, Toyota Motors USA

Phil Tamminga, MBA 1980; BSBA 1979, CEO, Welltok, Inc.

VOICES OF EXPERIENCE “What kind of people do we need? I think we need different people in our organizations. I think it’s great to bring out some of the process improvement, but I’m looking at people from other industries, not just health care, to help us think about how we do health care better. If you just stay in your same box, you’re going to stay thinking about it in the conventional way you’ve always done it.” —Donna Lynne, President, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Colorado Region

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Strategic Advisory Committee The Strategic Advisory Committee is a group of five DU Board of

2011 Corporate Partners

Trustee members and the chair of the Executive Advisory Board who

John Miller, MBA 1976; BSBA 1975, President, North American Corporation of Illinois

counsel the College on strategic issues.

Trygve Myhren, President, Myhren Media, Inc.

Brad Busse, BSBA 1980, Managing Director, Co-Head CME Group, RBC Capital Markets

Scott Reiman, BSBA 1987, President, Hexagon Industries

KC Gallagher, Executive MBA 2003, President and CEO, Gallagher Industries LP

Cappy Shopneck, MBA 1980; BFA 1976, Denver Philanthropist

We welcomed 25 new organizations to the Corporate Partners Program this year, bringing our total companies and organizations to 75. Daniels Corporate Partners contribute financial resources and intellectual capital to the College, enabling us to offer valuable programs to our students and extended community members. In return, they receive preferred access to Daniels signature events and activities, campus recruitment, event facilities and more, and benefit from access to our talented students, alumni and faculty. DIAMOND » $50,000 and above The Cable Center

Hilton Foundation

Newmont USA Limited

Vail Resorts Visa Inc.

Xcel Energy

Destination Hotels & Resorts Ehrhardt Keefe Steiner & Hottman P.C. Envysion Ernst & Young Executive Real Estate Roundtable FirstBank Holding Company of Colorado Grant Thornton LLP KPMG Foundation Marriott Foundation

MillerCoors Republic National Distributing Company Sonnenalp Resort of Vail St. Charles Capital Vail Marriott Resort & Spa

Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts General Electric Company Hamilton Faatz and Waller, PC Handlery Foundation Kaiser Permanente Land Title Guarantee Co. Liberty Global, Inc. Lockton Companies, LLC McDowell Investments Mile High United Way

Molson Coors National Association of Industrial and Office Properties (NAIOP) Noodles & Company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Rocky Mountain Human Resources Planning Society (RMHRPS) Three Tomatoes Catering Trinchero Vineyards Turnaround Management Association

Hospitality Real Estate Counselors (HREC) Icelantic LCS, LLC Napa Wine Co. Northwestern Mutual Organizers Unlimited, Inc.

Pinnacol Assurance Ravinia Holdings, LLC Silver Oak Cellars Simpson Housing, LLP Western Union Foundation

PLATINUM » $25,000 and above Alumni Advisory Board The Alumni Advisory Board provides guidance to the Office of Alumni

Brad Johnson, MBA 2002, BSBA 1995

relations on alumni engagement. The board works to strengthen ties

Devaki Jordan, International MBA 2011

among alumni, current students and the College.

Peter Knox, International MBA candidate 2012

Stephanie Brady, Chair of the Board, MBA 2006

Darryl Law, MBA 2003, BSBA 2001

Tim Caffrey, MBA 2006, MAcc 2005 Brian Cardinell, MBA 2000 Tom Cordova, MBA 1994 Amy Robinson Daly, MBA 2004 Susan DeNuccio, MPA 1973 James Detterick, MBA 2001 Faisal Faseehuddin, MAcc 2004, BAcc 2004 David Feeder II, BSBA 1990 Natasha Felten, BSBA 1992 Iris Foster, MS 2000 Adam Geneser, BSSBA 2004 Lindsay Gordon, MS 2009 Greg Greenberg, BSBA 1984 Macy Holtzman, BSBA candidate 2012 Jeff Hopmayer, BSBA 1986



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Lynnea Louison, MBA 2002 Zach Mangelsdorf, International MBA candidate 2012 Ed O’Brien, MBA 2000 Marc Perusse, BSBA 2007 John Peterson, Executive MBA 2009 Andrew Rohr, MBA 2011

Anton, Collins, Mitchell, LLP Toyota Motor Distributors, USA, Inc.

GOLD » $10,000 and above Banfi Vintners Foundation Centura Health CenturyLink Chateau Development Chase CoBank Inc. Deloitte Foundation Denver Metro Commercial Association of Realtors (DMCAR)

SILVER » $5,000 and above

Frank Walker, MBA 2006

Aramark Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) Aurora Loan Services Broadmoor Hotel Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Cisco Denver West Office Leasing Company LLC Encana Oil & Gas USA, Inc. Executive Real Estate Roundtable FMI Corporation

Mike Williams, BSBA 2003

BRONZE » $2,500 and above

Daniel Rosenblum, BSBA candidate 2013 Jason Schild, MBA 2011 Gary Schleuger Jr., JD 2001, BSBA 1985 Abby Sparks, MBA candidate 2012 Chris Stewart, MBA 2009 LoAn Vo, MBA 2005

Vanessa Williams, MBA 2007

Colorado Chapter of the Appraisal Institute Emergenetics International Etkin Johnson Company LLC ExxonMobil Foundation Famous Dave’s BBQ Frontier Airlines

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vision st r ategic

g o al

The Financial Resources to Carry Daniels Into the Future

5 Raising Funds to Secure Our Future

The goal of the Daniels portion of the ASCEND campaign—


» Several donor gifts will fund new Global Opportunities

launched in fall 2006—is to raise $100 million by 2014.

programs, Backpacks to Briefcases undergraduate

We have already received gifts and commitments totaling more

programs and events and more.

than $60 million. » Total Giving in 2010–2011: We raised $14.5 million from

» In 2011, we developed plans to renovate Margery Reed Hall, home to several Daniels offices and resources.

more than 1,100 donors in 2010–2011—well above our

Strengthen our support system and identify new ways to build endowment monies, secure new gifts and become more cost-efficient.

goal of $9.45 million for the year. » Major Giving ($25,000 and higher): We raised $6.5 million in 2010–2011, which included a $5 million gift from DU alumni Barbara and Andy Taylor (chairman and CEO of Enterprise Holdings). » Lead Giving ($1,000 to $24,999): We raised $350,000 in 2010–2011 from 160 donors. » Daniels Pioneer Giving (Up to $999): We raised $158,000 in 2010–2011 from 840 donors. In 2011–2012, we will work to increase the number of Daniels Pioneer donors and donation amounts through the launch of Pioneering New Heights, our new alumni annual giving campaign. ASCEND Highlights

» We raised $32 million in scholarships since the beginning of the ASCEND campaign in 2006. In 2010–2011,

Without financial resources, it would not be possible to carry out the strategic initiatives set forth by the Daniels Tomorrow strategic plan. Through ASCEND: The Campaign for the University of Denver, we can secure the assets necessary to fulfill our College vision. Read more about our progress in 2010–2011.

we raised more than $12 million; $6 million of which

Investing in Inclusiveness DU Alumni Andy and Barbara Taylor gave $5 million to Daniels, adding to the $1 million Taylor Scholarship endowment. The University matched their gift, bringing the total Taylor Scholarship fund to $11 million. The scholarships are aimed at fostering diversity among undergraduate students attending Daniels. For the upcoming 2011–2012 academic year, Daniels has awarded 35 Taylor scholarships, with plans for additional scholarships later this year.

was matched by the University.

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Daniels ASCEND funding Priorities

Expanding the Dean’s Society

we focused on technology and safety features. These upgrades

This year, our outreach efforts helped grow the Dean’s Society,

ensure we are able to meet students’ needs and fulfill our

which includes individuals, organizations and corporations that

promise to offer exemplary programs and facilities.

contribute at least $1,000 to Daniels annually. We added 66 » People Invest in the students, alumni connections, faculty and staff who power our community.

new members to the Dean’s Society, bringing total membership to 284. Our goal is to reach 1,000 members by 2014. Renovating and Upgrading College Buildings

Daniels students expect and deserve state-of-the-art learning » Programs

ASCEND: The Campaign for the University of Denver is a capital campaign that will power our vision of a great 21st century university. The Daniels portion of the ASCEND campaign will enable us to pioneer new areas of teaching, research, community and excellence, and provide opportunities for the ethical business leaders of tomorrow.

facilities. For this reason, renovating Margery Reed Hall is

Support the graduate, undergraduate and

a priority in the next three years. Built in 1929, Margery

executive programs that are changing the

Reed is one of the oldest buildings on the DU campus and

world of business.

home to undergraduate advising, career services and other Daniels offices. The renovated Margery Reed Hall will provide

» Places Strengthen the facilities and technologies that serve as launch pads for our students’ success.

additional classrooms, technology-rich work areas, interactive gathering spaces, study rooms and a 180-seat venue. This $8 million renovation is a key funding priority of ASCEND. In the past two years, we made several improvements to the

» Restoration of the Margery Reed Hall theatre mural.

Daniels building, which is now 12 years old. In summer 2011,

VOICES OF EXPERIENCE “As a businessperson and a CEO, I would like to use our firm’s young voice of experience to rally others to this conviction that building revenues and profitability and assuming corporate social responsibility are part of one engine for growth— growth of revenues, growth of reputation and growth of shared responsibility as a unified human community.” —Stephen Chipman, CEO, Grant Thornton



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vision st r ategic

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Building the Foundation to Transform Business Education

6 Leadership to Carry the College into the Future


Strengthening our organization is an important part of Daniels Tomorrow, and in 2010–2011, we added several team members who will help Daniels to achieve its goals to


build our faculty lines, fortify alumni ties and advancement


efforts and elevate the MBA and MS enrollment marketing.

Other leadership additions and appointments included: Dean Emeritus Dr. Bruce Hutton as director of ethics integration

INTO THE FUTURE Dr. Paul Olk as director of faculty research and accreditation

Align the operations of the College with the Daniels Tomorrow strategic plan in order to have the most effective management structure possible.

Senior Associate Dean Department of Marketing, Professor Dr. Charles Patti was appointed senior associate dean for faculty and academic research. Dr. Patti replaced Dr. Glyn

Gretchen Gagel (MBA, 1993) as assistant

Hanbery, who retired June 30, 2011.

dean of advancement and alumni relations

Executive Director of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Scott Campbell was appointed executive

Mona Spitz as director of alumni relations

director of graduate recruitment and admissions in July 2011.

Our management infrastructure is the fiber of our College, comprised of the very people responsible for carrying out our strategic plan. Building upon the reorganization of our College functions, which occurred in 2009–2010, we focused our efforts this year on bolstering our internal team and tracking our progress toward fulfilling the College’s vision. 2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T



In the first phase, Audience Segmentation, we set out to:

Measuring Our Progress

In 2009–2010, Daniels developed and began using scorecards that capture key metrics in three areas: resources, quality and people. This year we continue to update these scorecards and report on our progress toward meeting our strategic goals. Units and departments maintain their scorecards, which compare current-year performance with the prior year to measure progress.

Leveraging Business Intelligence The Department of Business Information and Analytics

The Department of Business Information and Analytics offers the

To better align our resources, in 2010–2011, Daniels merged

opportunity for all business students to learn the statistical

the Department of Statistics and Operations Technology and

and computational techniques to turn raw data into actionable

the Department of Information Technology and Electronic

information. And for those who want to specialize in quantitative

Commerce to create the Department of Business Information

modeling, problem solving, decision making or information

and Analytics.

systems in business, we offer undergraduate majors in both information technology and statistics, and an MS and MBA

intelligence on our audiences » Lay the groundwork for data mining and segmenting the information for maximum returns Future phases of the project include:

Taking Action

» Dr. Stephen Haag

» Clean up, audit and coordinate existing databases » Gather new demographic, psychographic and attitudinal

To achieve our seven goals set forth by the Daniels Tomorrow strategic plan, we developed 25 detailed action plans, which contain hundreds of steps. We assigned these plans to leads and co-leads to ensure the action items are carried out. Each lead and co-lead reports on the status of his or her action items to the College through quarterly progress reports. These progress reports include active, completed, in progress, deferred and new steps. To date, we have completed more than 170 action steps and are working toward completing the remaining steps in years four and five of Daniels Tomorrow.

Brand Development » Determine current brand perceptions » Develop a brand platform

Future Steps

Engagement and Outreach » Implement strategies and tactics necessary to deliver a relevant

In 2010–2011 we began the first phase of the Daniels Pioneer Engagement Project—a comprehensive effort designed to arm the College with the information, processes, insights and actions needed to fully and meaningfully engage the entire Daniels Pioneer community.

» Identify our brand essence and promise » Benchmark and test our findings Messaging Platform » Establish value propositions

» Create relevant and engaging messaging for each community market segment

message and experience to the targeted community market segments » Effectively engage our community in the success of the College

VOICES OF EXPERIENCE “You don’t get anything done in life unless you have a great team and a great family.” —Andy Taylor, Chairman and CEO, Enterprise Holdings

concentrations in business intelligence.



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vision st r ategic

g o al

Promoting the Power of the Daniels Pioneer Network


A dvance our reputation capital around daniels core distinctions

Fostering Daniels Pioneer Pride

Worldwide Engagement

In fall 2010, Daniels launched danielspioneer.com, an interactive

In 2010–2011, Daniels Dean Christine Riordan and many others

community initiative to generate College spirit and bring together

throughout the College traveled around the world to reach out

our students, alumni and friends in person and online. Daniels

to alumni, friends and C-level executives to enhance existing

Pioneer uses social media to connect students, alumni, faculty,

relationships and form new partnerships. These efforts resulted

staff and friends and features video clips and stories about

in new faculty and student exchanges, job and internship

our community members. The website encourages all Daniels

opportunities, corporate partnerships and more.

stakeholders to show their pride, share their stories, and connect

Define the Daniels College of Business as a premier business institution by strengthening our brand, public relations strategy, national rankings and community engagement, and by sharing Daniels key differentiators and the successes of our faculty, students and alumni with the world.

and engage with the College and each other.

Embracing Proactive Public Relations Strategies

In 2010–2011, and for the past several years, our media and public relations team has cultivated many new relationships with the national and international media. Daniels has long been a mainstay in the

Bloomberg Businessweek

regional media, but our recent focus on increasing international awareness of the College’s exemplary programs, students and alumni—as well as our

Huffington Post

faculty’s expertise and cutting-edge research—resulted in regular placement in prominent international publications

Daniels continues to gain worldwide recognition for our exemplary programs and outstanding students, faculty and alumni. This year, Daniels advanced our reputation as a global leader in business education in a number of important ways. In 2010–2011, we continued to elevate the prominence and reach of Daniels programs and events. Programs such as the DU Vin Wine Festival, the Inclusive Excellence Case Competition and the inaugural Accounting Scholars Development Program brought together students from Daniels and other business colleges, alumni and members of the business community.

and media outlets such as:

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The Momentum Continues Moving Up in Google

Daniels programs climbed the rankings in 2010–2011, solidifying our reputation as one of the best colleges of business in the world.

Continuing the 2009 enrollment marketing campaign into 2010– 2011, Daniels engaged a search engine optimization company to elevate Daniels and our programs’ Google and Bing search result


positions. Through a combination of paid and organic keyword

• European CEO Magazine : Most Innovative Business School in the Western United States (2011)

optimization, our search rankings improved dramatically from the high 100s to first place for many keywords.

2011 Undergraduate Rankings • Bloomberg Businessweek : No. 2 for ethics, 15 in accounting, 23 in international business, 43 for sustainability (2011)

Going Social

In 2010–2011, the Daniels Office of Communications and

• Bloomberg Businessweek : No. 64 in the nation; Colorado’s highest-ranked business program (2011)

Marketing launched and continued a number of social media

• The Princeton Review : Listed among the Top 300 Business Schools (2010)

initiatives designed to connect and engage the extended Daniels

• U.S. News & World Report : No. 81 of Best Accredited Business Schools (2011)

community and keep our stakeholders apprised of Daniels news and events. These include:

• Public Accounting Report : No. 22 among the Top 25 Undergraduate Programs, Mid-Size Schools (2010) 2011 Graduate Rankings • Forbes: Daniels microfinance class listed as one of the 10 Most Innovative Business School Classes (2010)

daniels.du.edu facebook.com/danielsatdu





• Bloomberg Businessweek : No. 5 Part-time MBA in the southwest region, and No. 25 in the nation (2011) • U.S. News & World Report : No. 59 for best part-time MBA programs (2011) • Beyond Grey Pinstripes/The Aspen Institute: No. 2 in the world for small MBA programs, and No. 15 in the world overall for integrating social and environmental issues into the MBA program (2010)

VOICES OF EXPERIENCE “Great companies are not based on great strategies. Great companies that are enduring and sustainable are based on great people who have like-minded values and are all pointed in the right direction.” —Howard Schultz, CEO, Starbucks



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• Financial Times: Executive MBA program ranked in the top 100 in the world, fourth year in a row (2011) • Public Accounting Report : Ranked No. 14 among the Top 25 graduate programs, mid-size schools (2010)

Bloomberg Businessweek

U.S. News & World Report

The Princeton Review

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D O N O R R E P O R T Summary of gifts and commitments made to Daniels between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011




Year Ending June 30 (Unaudited)


2011 2010

Tuition & Student Fees





Special Programs



Endowment Distribution



Current-Use Gifts





Executive Education

Auxiliary Services Other Income


Total Revenue


$8,000 $61,627,000

Endowments Scholarships Donations Received




Total Additions to Endowed Scholarships


Other Donations Received Commitments Total Additions to Other Scholarships Total Contributions to Endowments

$17,000 $17,000 $12,357,124

Expenses Financial Aid/Tuition Discount


Salary & Benefits

f is ca l y e a r 20 1 0 – 2 0 1 1 h o n o r r o l L


($15,661,000) $24,319,000

Gift Scholarships Donations Received


Materials & Operating Expenses



Commitments $300,025

Total Expenses



Total Additions to Gift Scholarships





Contribution to University Cash from Operations

Operations Donations Received

Operating Reserve Beginning Year Balance Cash from Prior Year Operations Expenditures from Prior-Year Reserves End-of-Year Balance



Commitments $767,774





Total Additions to Operations






Donations Received





Commitments Change in Operating Reserve

Total Additions to Other Total Gift Contributions

Endowment Breakdown

$3,108 $2,226,006

Total Contributions for 2010–2011


June 30 2010

n Scholarships 50%

Market Value of Endowments


n Faculty Chairs


Annualized Return on Endowments

n Operational Support


n Other 1%




2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T

Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Corporate Partner.

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G IF T S R E C E I V E D B E T W E E N J UL Y 1 , 2 0 1 0 a nd J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 1

Daniels gratefully acknowledges the following alumni, friends and partners for their support of the College throughout the 2010–2011 fiscal year.


Mr. Roderick R. Brown and Mrs. Kay S. Brown

Mrs. Joy S. Burns DS

Mr. Louis C. Camilleri DS

Mr. Christopher Bruce and Mrs. Lynn Bruce

Mr. B. L. Burstyn and Mrs. Ginny Burstyn

Mr. Robert C. Campbell and Mrs. Judy Campbell

Mr. Robert A. Bruhn Jr. and Mrs. Janelle N. Bruhn

Mr. James P. Burton and Ms. Alice F. Burton DS

Mr. Charles G. Cannon and Mrs. Kathleen Gibson Cannon DS


Ms. Nancy A. Artz and Mr. Thomas R. Artz

Mr. Leo L. Beserra and Mrs. Michele R. Beserra DS

Mrs. Lynn S. Bruskivage and Mr. Steven J. Bruskivage

Mr. Brad R. Busse and Mrs. Lisa S. Busse DS

Mr. Derrell P. Capes and Ms. Sally J. Mason

Mr. Kevin R. Achziger and Ms. Jessica A. Achziger

Mr. Ronald J. Arvine and Mrs. Julie Arvine

Mr. Steven J. Betts and Ms. Nancy S. Betts

Mr. Eduard Budaghyan

Ms. Martha J. Butwin

Dr. John M. Capozzola DS

Ms. Arpeeneh Adamian

Mr. Frank C. Atherton II and Ms. Coe Atherton

Mrs. Marilue R. Beverly and Mr. Jeff Beverly

Mr. William M. Buie and Ms. Leona J. Buie

Ms. Amy B. Adams

Mrs. Louise C. Atkinson and Mr. William D. Atkinson DS

Mr. Paul S. Bilgore and Mrs. June Bilgore

Mr. James W. Burghardt and Ms. Kathleen A. Myers


Ms. Sharla J. Carlson DS

Mrs. Cecile M. Adams and Mr. Gerald S. Adams

Mr. Guy Attia and Ms. Donna L. Feld

Mrs. Elizabeth J. Bingley and Mr. Graham L. Bingley

Mr. Daniel J. Burk

Mr. Timothy M. Caffrey

Mr. Matthew S. Carpenter

Mr. Gregory J. Adams

Mr. Nicholas A. Austin

Ms. Janice K. Birkholz

Mr. Brian J. Burke and Ms. Jamaica D. Burke DS

Mr. Michael Cahill

Mr. John B. Carr and Mrs. Eleanor M. Carr

Mr. John R. Adams and Mrs. Barbara R. Adams

Mr. Steven R. Austin

Mr. Ely H. Birnbaum and Ms. Shirley Londer

Mr. William W. Burke DS

Mr. Mark E. Calkins and Mrs. Deborah L. Calkins

Ms. Leslie A. Carter

Mrs. Marian T. Adcock and Mr. William E. Adcock

Mr. Michael B. Azeez and Mrs. Kathleen K. Azeez DS

Mr. George N. Bishop III and Mrs. Lynn T. Bishop

Dr. Rotimi S. Aderohunmu


G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

Dr. Marcia H. Bishop

Mrs. Ioana D. Agasa and Mr. Edward Agasa


Mr. David J. Blackburn

Mr. Richard V. Agnello and Mrs. Theresa M. Agnello

Dr. Donald Bacon

Mr. Lavern H. Blair and Mrs. Charlotte E. Blair

Mrs. Sheila Ahern-Groneman and Mr. John R. Groneman

Mr. Joseph W. Bagan and Mrs. Jennifer A. Bagan DS

Mr. Christopher H. Blake and Ms. Heather S. Blake DS

Mr. Steven C. Ai

Mr. Charles H. Baggs and Mrs. Janice M. Baggs DS

Ms. Lacey P. Blake

Mr. Timothy L. Albao and Mrs. Liberta L. Albao

Mr. David E. Bailey DS

Ms. Elizabeth M. Blakely and Mr. Dale M. Blakely

Mr. Mark W. Alexander and Ms. Martha E. Alexander

Ms. Melissa Baldridge

Mr. Jeffrey R. Blaugrund

Col. (Ret.) Robert W. Alexander and Mrs. Mary J. Alexander

Mr. John L. Bale and Mrs. Ivelisse F. Bale

Ms. Kathleen E. Bleakley

Mr. James P. Alfano

Ms. Tiffany J. Ballard

Mr. James M. Boak and Ms. Joyce H. Tomanek

Ms. Kay M. Alig

Mrs. Andrea K. Banks and Mr. Michael Banks

Mr. Jeffrey D. Boettcher and Mrs. Nancee K. Boettcher

Mr. Thomas Dyer Allen and Mrs. Dorothy J. Allen

Mrs. Pamela S. Bard and Mr. Richard H. Bard DS

Mr. Ira S. Bogner and Mrs. Barbara Bogner

Mr. Jared A. Alster

Mr. Ray C. Barker and Mrs. Frances D. Barker

Mr. Harvey Bolshoun and Mrs. Jacqueline Bolshoun

Mr. Stanley F. Ames and Mrs. Linda J. Ames

Ms. Patricia K. Barnard

Mr. Joseph G. Bonus and Ms. Robin K. Bonus

Mr. Enrico Amo and Ms. Elisabetta Robaldo

Mr. Steven L. Barnes and Ms. Paulette Barnes DS

Mr. Daniel W. Book

Mr. Bruce G. Amsterdam and Ms. Ilene K. Grossman

Mr. Eric E. Barnum and Ms. Sally R. Barnum

Ms. Dixie L. Born and Mr. Ted J. Born

Mr. Satish K. Anand

Mr. Barry Bartholomew

Mr. Meindert Bosch and Mrs. Evelyn J. Bosch

Mr. Andrew Anderson III and Mrs. Joanne S. Anderson

Mr. Charles T. Bauer and Mrs. Muriel S. Bauer

Mr. Richard L. Boutelle and Mrs. Jeanne L. Boutelle

Mr. Jeffrey S. Anderson and Ms. Marcia K. Anderson

Mr. Robert W. Beale III

Ms. Mary E. Bowe

Mr. John A. Anderson

Mr. Frederick W. Becker and Mrs. Kathleen H. Becker

Mr. Peter G. Bowen

Mr. Gard Andresen and Ms. Charla G. Andresen

Mrs. Dorie G. Behrstock and Mr. Herbert A. Behrstock

Mr. Peter D. Bowes and Mrs. Devon A. Bowes

Mrs. Mary H. Angelbeck and Mr. Wayne F. Angelbeck

Mrs. Constance L. Bell DS

Ms. Rosanne M. Bowles

Mr. Gregory J. Anton and Ms. Julie A. Anton DS

Mr. Edwin L. Bell DS

Mr. Walter P. Boylan and Mrs. Jean S. Boylan

Mr. Matthew A. Antush and Ms. Philippa M. Antush DS

Mr. Larry D. Bell and Mrs. Terry J. Bell

Mr. David M. Brackett and Ms. Johanna Pace-Brackett DS

Mr. Max Appel and Mrs. Elaine R. Appel DS

Mr. Jeffrey J. Bellin

Ms. Peggy J. Brady

Mr. John G. Arko and Mrs. Barbara L. Arko

Mr. V. S. Benfell Jr. and Mrs. Mary K. Benfell

Ms. Stephanie M. Brady

Mr. Donald E. Arnell and Mrs. Claire L. Arnell

Mr. Walter C. Bennett II

Mrs. Elaine W. Brennan and Mr. Ray A. Brennan

Mr. Douglas A. Arnell

Mrs. Ruth R. Bennis and Mr. Jeffrey D. Bennis

Mr. David S. Bressler and Mrs. Bernice Bressler

Mr. David H. Arnold and Ms. Vicki Arnold

Mr. Michael J. Bergin and Mrs. Jan E. Bergin

Dr. Janet L. Brocker and Mr. D. P. Brocker

Mr. Robert A. Arnold and Mrs. Beverly B. Arnold

Ms. Cynthia A. Bergmann and Mr. Anthony V. Stankevicius

Mr. Howard B. Brodt DS

Mr. Robert S. Arnold and Mrs. Mable H. Arnold

BrigGen (Ret.) Richard E. Bertrand and Mrs. Elaine L. Bertrand

Mr. Morris Brown and Mrs. Betty J. Brown

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T

Mr. Robert L. Carleton and Ms. Daughn A. Carleton DS

s u pp o r t i n g a l e g a c y b y p a y i n g i t f o r w a r d The Executive MBA Legacy Endowed Scholarship Fund Katie Kramer (Executive MBA, 2009) says that a big part of why she co-founded the Executive MBA (EMBA) Legacy Endowed Scholarship Fund is because she personally understands the importance of scholarship support. “It’s a payit-forward opportunity in my life,” says Kramer. “I was blessed to receive a Boettcher Scholarship that funded my undergraduate education and also provided financial support for my graduate studies. Now, I want to help others as they pursue their educational goals.” In 2008, Kramer and her EMBA classmates Chris Cord, John Hogan and Scott Vencill established the scholarship fund. It was their team’s social capital project, and its legacy is carried on by subsequent EMBA cohorts. After the passing of Daniels professor Dr. John Bazley, donors can now give to the fund in his name. Kramer has dedicated her career to the philanthropic sector, specifically working with higher education. After graduating from the University of Colorado at Boulder, she joined the Boettcher Foundation—the organization that awarded her a full undergraduate scholarship. Since 2002, Kramer has served as vice president and assistant executive director of Boettcher. Her support of Daniels goes beyond financial—she is an executive coach for the EMBA program and mentors EMBA students with their social capital projects. Giving back to her alma mater and community, Kramer says, is just a part of who she is. “Being involved with Daniels is important to me because I enjoy staying connected to the program that was so meaningful in my own life.” Kramer hopes that future EMBA alumni will contribute to the Executive MBA Scholarship Fund. “Investments in Daniels, small or large, help ensure that the reputation of the College will continue to grow,” she says.


Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Corporate Partner.

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T |


G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

Ms. Crystal L. Carver

Lt. Col. Clayton C. Cummins and Ms. Lynne A. Cummins

Mr. Robert C. Downing and Mrs. Janet D. Downing

Ms. Natasha K. Felten DS

Mr. Stephen C. Fuhrman and Ms. Abbie Van Buskirk

Mr. Richard A. Govig and Mrs. Jeanette H. Govig

Mr. Steven R. Carver and Mrs. April L. Carver

Mr. Charles E. Cunningham III and Mrs. Mary A. Cunningham

Mr. Frederick Downs Jr. and Mrs. Mary B. Downs

Mr. Patrick K. Ferguson

Mr. Robert G. Furnish

Mr. Jeffrey G. Grabner

Mr. Gordon S. Carvill and Mrs. Julia Carvill

Mr. Steven T. Curran

Mr. Jerry S. Dratler and Dr. Sandra J. Dratler DS

Mr. Richard E. Ferguson

Mr. Harry L. Casari and Mrs. Sandi R. Casari

Mr. Donald J. Curtis and Mrs. Katherine K. Curtis DS

Ms. Jan M. Drobnick

Mr. William F. Ferguson Jr. DS


Mr. John D. Gray

Mr. Paul B. Casterline and Mrs. Joanne W. Casterline DS

Mr. Peter B. Cushman

Ms. Christine Duda

Mrs. Kristina C. Fernald

Ms. Gretchen J. Gagel DS

Mrs. Vicki A. Gray and Mr. Robert T. Gray DS

Mr. Gary C. Dudley and Mrs. Kathryn G. Dudley

Mr. David F. Fetyko

Mr. Christopher M. Gaines

Mrs. Leslie Greenberg-Brodkey and Mr. Andrew A. Brodkey Dean Emeritus Dr. James R. Griesemer and

Mr. Glen F. Ceiley and Ms. Bobbie Ceiley



Mr. John C. Graff and Mrs. Christine R. Graff DS

Mr. Donald R. Chabot and Mrs. Sarah B. Chabot


Mrs. Mary K. Duke and Mr. Richard A. Duke DS

Mr. Erik D. Fetzer

Mr. Keith T. Galante

Mr. Charlton H. Chatfield

Mr. Gregory E. Dahm and Mrs. Gretchen G. Dahm

Mr. George L. Dumas and Ms. Judith H. Dumas

Mr. Larry D. Fetzer and Mrs. Elsie S. Fetzer

Mr. Kevin C. Gallagher and Ms. Kelly C. Gallagher DS

Mr. Robert E. Chestnov and Mrs. Sheila Chestnov

Mr. Gordon L. Dalby and Mrs. Helen A. Dalby DS

Mr. Roger A. Dungan and Mrs. Carolyn O. Dungan

Mr. Paul A. Finks and Ms. Marshelle Finks

Mr. Carl A. Gardner and Ms. Linda L. Gardner

Mrs. Wilma R. Grimstad and Mr. Clayton R. Grimstad

Mr. Victor Chigas Sr. DS

Ms. Amy K. Daly and Mr. Eric C. Daly

Mr. Troy A. Duran

Mr. Matthew P. Finnigan and Mrs. Sarah P. Finnigan

Mr. Joseph H. Garrison

Ms. Barbara B. Grogan DS

Mr. Nicholas J. Chirekos Jr. and Ms. Mary A. Chirekos DS

Mr. Andrew P. Daly and Ms. Lucinda M. Daly

Mr. Stephen A. Duree and Mrs. Gail S. Duree

Dr. Peter A. Firmin and Mrs. Jean Firmin DS

Mr. John K. Garvey and Mrs. Jane M. Garvey

Mr. Guy L. Gronquist and Mrs. Catherine D. Gronquist DS

Dr. Anthony J. Chlapowski and Mrs. Esther Chlapowski

Ms. Christine M. Daly and Mr. Sean G. Daly

Ms. Ilona N. Dwoskin

Mr. Lee E. Fisher and Mrs. Jeanne S. Fisher

Mr. Stephen J. Garvey and Mrs. Wilma Garvey

Mr. William J. Grosso and Mrs. Patricia Grosso

Mr. Craig R. Choun and Mrs. Linda S. Choun DS

Mr. Ronald M. Daly and Ms. Vickie S. Daly

Mr. Carl R. Fitch and Mrs. Laura F. Fitch DS

Dr. Nancy Gary and Mr. Samuel Gary DS

Ms. Ingrid K. Grygiel

Mr. Gaylord D. Christman and Mrs. Betty J. Christman

Ms. Herta Darley


Mr. Matthew E. Fiterman

Mr. Daniel Garza

Mr. William A. Guenther

Mr. Warren H. Clark and Ms. Edna C. Clark

Mr. Richard Davidovich and Ms. Anne L. Davidovich DS

Mr. George H. Eakins Jr. and Mrs. Joan L. Eakins

Mr. Richard A. Flanagan

Mr. Charles C. Gates, Jr. and Mrs. June Swaner Gates

Ms. Sue Ann Guth

Mr. Philip G. Clay and Mrs. Lydia K. Clay

Mr. Stanley V. Davies Jr. and Mrs. Claire E. Davies

Mr. Warren N. Eckloff Jr. and Mrs. Diane B. Eckloff

Mr. Gary E. Flansburg and Mrs. Mary A. Flansburg

Mr. Roger L. Gehrke

Mr. Sergio Gutierrez and Ms. Mercedes Gutierrez

Mr. Patrick K. Clifford

Mrs. Shannon Z. Davine and Mr. Jeffrey R. Davine

Mr. Howard S. Edelman and Mrs. Norma L. Edelman

Ms. Whitney A. Flansburg

Ms. Elizabeth V. Geiger

Mr. Harold C. Gutjahr and Mrs. Ilene M. Gutjahr DS

Mr. Stephen M. Cloud and Ms. Kathleen Cloud

Mr. Elmer O. Davis and Mrs. R. Marion Davis

Mr. Jack J. Edelman and Ms. Evelyn Edelman

Mr. William M. Flansburg and Mrs. Mary L. Flansburg DS

Mr. Ronald T. Gentzler

Mr. Paul H. Gutknecht and Mrs. Mary E. Gutknecht

Dr. Maclyn L. Clouse and Ms. Leslie C. Clouse DS

Mr. Glenn R. Davis and Mrs. Dorothy H. Davis

Mr. Jack E. Edgington and Mrs. Louise Edgington

Mr. Timothy B. Flatley and Ms. Robin E. Flatley

Mr. David L. Germeroth

Mr. Edward M. Coffman

Prof. Kathleen E. Davisson

Mr. Stephen A. Edmonds

Mrs. Francine A. Floerke and Mr. Gregory S. Floerke

Ms. Stephanie Gerringer


Mr. Burton S. Cohen and Ms. Nancy B. Mauro DS

Mr. Steven A. Dawes and Mrs. Margaret W. Dawes DS

Ms. Heather R. Edwards

Ms. Jeanette R. Flory

Mr. George C. Gibbins and Mrs. Kenita L. Gibbins

Mr. Dean R. Haave

Mr. Stephen W. Cole

Mr. Edwin W. Dawson and Mrs. Joanne Dawson

Mr. Thomas B. Egan and Mrs. Laurie A. Egan

Mr. Melvin D. Flowers and Mrs. Yvonne Flowers

Mrs. Jo A. Giek and Mr. Thomas F. Giek

Mr. Paul E. Haberstich

Mr. Glenn R. Combellick and Mrs. Vernie Combellick DS

Maj. Joseph R. De Luca and Mrs. Beatrice A. De Luca

Mr. Kurt M. Eichler and Ms. Theresa S. Eichler

Mr. David K. Ford

Mr. Roderick F. Gilbert

Mr. David E. Hall and Mrs. Diane A. Hall

Mr. Richard L. Cook and Mrs. Barbara Cook

Mr. Alexander R. Dempster and Ms. Sarah Dempster

Ms. Cheryl A. Einspahr and Mr. Michael R. Einspahr DS

Mr. Thompson D. Ford and Ms. Katherine Ford DS

Mr. Burton L. Gillan and Mrs. Mona L. Gillan

Mr. Patrick H. Hamill DS

Mr. Thomas E. Cooperman

Mr. George J. Dennis III

Mr. Bassem A. El-Kaissi

Mr. Charles J. Forster and Mrs. Connie J. Forster

Mr. Karl B. Gills and Mrs. Mary B. Gills DS

Dr. Glyn W. Hanbery and Mrs. Jan L. Hanbery DS

Mr. Max C. Coppom and Mrs. Barbara A. Coppom

Mr. Robert C. Dennis DS

Mr. Dennis L. Ellis and Mrs. Mary J. Ellis

Mr. David Fortune and Ms. Annette Fortune

Mr. Robert R. Gilmore

Ms. Virginia S. Hanchett

Mr. Roger A. Corbman and Mrs. Jerelyn Corbman

Mr. Robert J. DeSalvio and Ms. Frances E. DeSalvio DS

Mr. Dennis E. English

Mr. Spiro A. Fotopulos

Mr. Nicholas A. Girardi

Mr. Kenneth R. Hanna and Mrs. Dorothea B. Hanna

Mr. Thomas A. Cordova and Mrs. Cynthia C. Cordova

Mr. James J. Detterick DS

Ms. Kristine L. Englund

Prof. Joyce E. Frakes and Mr. Forrest V. Frakes DS

Mr. Gerald Giudici

Mr. David H. Hannah and Mrs. Martha Hannah

Mr. Cary J. Corkin DS

Mr. Scott D. Dewar

Sen. Michael B. Enzi and Mrs. Diana B. Enzi DS

Mrs. Janet D. Frank and Mr. Arthur J. Frank III

Mr. Stewart F. Glendinning and Ms. Renee Glendinning

Mr. James M. Hansell Jr. and Mrs. Kathleen Hansell DS

Dr. David L. Corsun and Dr. Cheri A. Young DS

Ms. Margaret D. Dickerson and Mr. Douglass Fox

Mr. William D. Esbenshade

Mrs. Margot Gilbert Frank and Mr. M. Allan Frank DS

Mr. Howard R. Glicken and Mrs. Anita D. Glicken

Mr. Charles F. Hanselman

Ms. Joyce W. Coulter

Mr. Robert B. Dickson and Mrs. Kay Dickson

Mr. Douglas F. Eshelman and Mrs. Brenda M. Eshelman

Mr. Brian D. Frantz and Mrs. Kathryn A. Frantz DS

Ms. Glenna A. Glover

Mrs. Kathryn A. Hanson and Mr. David A. Hanson

Mr. Charles M. Cowden and Ms. Jacquiline W. Cowden DS

Mr. Jerome A. Dillon and Mrs. Sarah Lynn W. Dillon

Mr. David L. Eslick and Mrs. Lora D. Engelstad-Eslick

Mrs. Helenn P. Franzgrote and Mr. Joe Franzgrote

Mr. John S. Godfrey and Mrs. Shirley A. Godfrey

Mr. Jack A. Hardey and Mrs. Theresa M. Hardey

Mr. Daniel J. Cramer and Mrs. Betty Cramer

Prof. Horace A. Divine and Mrs. Maxine E. Divine

Mrs. Janet E. Evans

Mr. Seth L. Franzman and Mrs. Barbara A. Franzman

Mr. Jim F. Goeken and Mrs. Shirley J. Goeken

Prof. Wayne E. Harding III and Mrs. Karen R. Harding

Ms. Catelin E. Crane

Mr. Albert W. Doepke Jr. and Mrs. Martha J. Doepke

Mr. Larry E. French and Ms. Linda French

Mr. Grant R. Goerzen

Mr. Lowell A. Hare and Mrs. Diana K. Hare DS

Mr. Jess W. Crane and Ms. Patricia L. Crane

Ms. Myra E. Donovan


Mr. Leonard D. Frescoln and Mrs. Christine M. Frescoln DS

Mrs. Janis M. Gogel and Dr. Howard K. Gogel DS

Mr. Louis A. Hargis and Mrs. Bessie M. Hargis

Mr. Kevin M. Crean and Mrs. Catherine A. Crean DS

Ms. Adrienne G. Dopf

Mr. James D. Falvey and Ms. Dagni L. Falvey DS

Mr. David C. Freyer and Mrs. Debra C. Freyer

Mrs. Keely A. Gohl and Mr. Matthew B. Gohl DS

Mr. Allen W. Harimon and Mrs. Vicki L. Harimon DS

Mr. Bradley A. Cromer and Mrs. Patricia L. Cromer

Ms. Jamie C. Dorr DS

Ms. Stevie M. Fant

Mr. Jeffrey M. Frisch and Ms. Diane J. Frisch DS

Mr. Stephen J. Goldman DS

Ms. Christine Harker

Mr. Allan M. Cross and Mrs. Donna R. Cross

Mr. Paul E. Dorr and Ms. Terri L. Dorr DS

Prof. Gary E. Farmar and Mrs. Sarah J. Farmar

Mrs. Janice K. Fritsch and Mr. Kyle Fritsch

Mr. Michael I. Goodish and Mrs. Candace Goodish

Mr. Curtis J. Harris and Mrs. Barbara Harris

Mr. Harry L. Cross and Ms. Mildred F. Cross

Mr. Neil T. Douthat DS

Mr. Stephen M. Farnsworth and Mrs. Amy N. Farnsworth

Prof. Edward L. Fronapfel and Ms. Diane Fronapfel DS

Mr. Carey L. Gordon and Mrs. Eileen Gordon DS

Mr. William R. Harris and Mrs. Pamela D. Harris

Mr. Charles Crowe II

Mr. William G. Douthat

Mr. Robert S. Faulkner

Ms. Heidi K. Fry

Mr. Ronald L. Gorgen and Mrs. Nancy T. Gorgen

Mr. Charles A. Haskell II DS

Mr. Walter J. Croze and Mrs. Charlotte G. Croze

Mr. Thomas S. Dowd and Dr. Karen O. Dowd DS

Mr. John S. Feiveson

Mr. Thomas W. Fry and Mrs. Patricia A. Fry

Mr. Scott H. Goverman and Ms. Mara S. Goverman

Mr. Daniel M. Haskell and Mrs. Marcy M. Haskell

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T

Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Corporate Partner.

Mrs. Carolyn T. Griesemer DS

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T |


G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

Mr. Rex B. Hastings and Mrs. Jennifer Hastings

Mr. Sergej V. Henning and Ms. Alison L. Henning

Mr. Richard T. Higgins and Mrs. Gloria J. Higgins

Mr. Robert W. Hochstadt and Mrs. Diane B. Hochstadt

Mr. Dale R. Jensen DS

Ms. Ann M. King-White DS

Mr. Gordon Haycock DS

Mr. Scott A. Henry and Ms. Tori L. Henry DS

Mr. George E. Higginson

Mr. David M. Hoemann

Mr. Niels R. Jepsen and Ms. Joy S. Jepsen

Mr. Philip M. Kirk and Mrs. Anne W. Kirk

Mr. Edward V. Heath and Mrs. Muriel J. Heath

Ms. Betty A. Herrmann

Mr. Rodney R. Hilt and Mrs. Mary A. Hilt DS

Mr. Lawrence L. Hoenig Esq. and Ms. Pamela K. Hoenig

Mr. Yu Jiang

Mr. James M. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Roberta Kirkpatrick

Ms. Kathryn B. Heckman and Mr. S. R. Heckman

Ms. Marlene Herrmann

Ms. Ann E. Hinkins and Mr. David Steiner DS

Mrs. Mary L. Hogg

Mr. Randall D. Johannes and Ms. Jennifer L. Johannes DS

Mr. Taylor C. Kirkpatrick and Ms. Molly B. Kirkpatrick

Mr. Richard E. Helm and Ms. Catherine Pitinga DS

Mr. Peter M. Herron and Ms. Amber J. Herron

Mr. Peter T. Hirschberg

Mr. Marston K. Holben and Mrs. Marian M. Holben

Mr. Darrel Johnson and Ms. Elizabeth J. Oister DS

Mr. M. S. Klein and Mrs. Eva L. Lenehan-Klein

Mr. Oral D. Henderson and Mrs. Marian L. Henderson

Mr. Thomas A. Hewel and Mrs. Claudia E. Hewel

Mr. Harvey L. Hirst and Ms. Traci R. Hirst

Ms. Audrey C. Holm

Mr. Donald A. Johnson and Mrs. Joyce E. Johnson

Mr. Theodore J. Kleisner and Mrs. Karen B. Kleisner DS

Mrs. Mary-Margaret Henke and Mr. Darrin J. Henke DS

Mr. Walter R. Hieronymus and Ms. Kristina W. Hieronymus

Mr. Robert P. Hjelmstad and Ms. Vicki L. Hjelmstad DS

Mr. Kendall H. Holm

Ms. Dorothy May Johnson

Mr. Don L. Klock and Mrs. Mary M. Klock

Ms. Amanda Holmes

Mr. Frederick A. Johnson and Mrs. Carole R. Johnson

Ms. Carol A. Kluver

Mr. Tod C. Holmes and Ms. Ann M. Holmes DS

Mr. Lance F. Johnson

Mr. T. M. Kniesche III and Mrs. Nancy A. Kniesche

Mr. Greg Holroyd

Dr. Leo F. Johnson and Mrs. Dorothy S. Johnson

Mrs. Ellen T. Knous

Ms. Sarah L. Holtze

Ms. Mary Jo C. Johnson

Mr. Harry E. Knudsen and Ms. Janet B. Knudsen

Dr. David M. Hopkins and Ms. Michelle Hopkins

Mr. Maurice W. Johnson

Ms. Susan M. Koalenz

Mrs. Gretchen P. Horner and Mr. Allan W. Horner

Mr. Paul W. Johnson and Mrs. Euvonne Johnson

Mr. Walter A. Koelbel and Mrs. Gene N. Koelbel DS

Mr. John M. Hosking and Mrs. Patricia A. Hosking

Mr. R. E. Johnson and Mrs. Judith A. Johnson

Mr. Lowell D. Koelling and Mrs. Donna L. Koelling

Mr. Charles W. Hoskins and Ms. Marilyn M. Hoskins

Mr. Stephen R. Johnson and Mrs. Krista Johnson

Mr. George H. Koether III and Mrs. Anne M. Koether

Mr. Thomas D. Hosman and Mrs. Betty G. Hosman

Mr. James W. Johnston and Mrs. Betty B. Johnston

Mr. Michael A. Kohler and Mrs. Chandra L. Kohler

Prof. Sylvester R. Houston DS

Mrs. Jean B. Johnston and Dr. James J. Johnston DS

Dr. Paul J. Kosempel and Ms. Meredith E. Wakelyn

Ms. Leslie D. Howard and Mr. Gary S. Howard DS

Dr. Robert V. Johnston and Mrs. Suzanne M. Johnston DS

Mr. Albert C. Kosow

Mrs. Jane M. Howe and Mr. Glover E. Howe

Mr. Gregory S. Jordan

Mr. Frank Kraly and Mrs. JoAnn L. Kraly

Mr. Benjamin T. Hrouda and Ms. Andrea Hrouda DS

Ms. Wilma J. Jordan

Mrs. Katie S. Kramer and Mr. Joseph R. Kramer DS

At 27 years old, Jessica Gu was quite accomplished. She was running her own public relations business in her home country of China.

Mr. David Huberman

Ms. Dorothy Y. Joseph DS

Mr. Christopher A. Krueger and Ms. Rhea Krueger

Ms. George Anne Hume DS


Dr. A. R. Kucic and Mrs. Linda During DS

But something was missing for Gu. In order to be an effective business leader, she realized that she was needing skills such as finance. Today, she is attending Daniels as a full-time MBA student to further her education and make a career change from marketing to finance.

Mr. Robert W. Humpage Jr. and Mrs. Mary B. Humpage

Mr. John R. Kaemmer

Mr. Daniel A. Kullas

Mr. L. V. Hurtado and Ms. Margaret L. Haas

Cdr. Gerald H. Kaffer Jr., USN (Ret.) and Mrs. Dorothy A. Kaffer

Mr. William K. Kulling

Ms. Phyllis V. Hutchins and Mr. John Hutchins

Ms. Marilyn J. Kaindl

Mr. Stuart A. Kwestel and Mrs. Robin Kwestel

Dr. R. B. Hutton and Mrs. Sally E. Hutton DS

Mr. Jerald R. Kaiser and Ms. Hilde G. Kaiser

With the help of a scholarship from the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG), Gu is developing a whole new skill set in finance and entrepreneurship.

Mr. William L. Hye and Mrs. Jackie Hye

Mr. Bassem Kaissi


Mr. James A. Kaplan and Mrs. Patricia Kaplan

Mrs. Gwendolyn T. Laffoon and Mr. J. D. Laffoon


Mr. Michael D. Kaplan and Ms. Laura T. Kaplan DS

Mr. James G. Lagges DS

Mr. D. S. Ikenberry and Mrs. Denise Ikenberry

Mr. Leonid Karnovsky and Mrs. Alla Karnovsky

Mr. Rudolph J. LaKosh and Mrs. Susan F. LaKosh

Mr. David H. Irwin and Mrs. Amy M. Irwin

Mr. Nicholas H. Kato

Mr. George E. Lamb and Mrs. Ann E. Lamb DS

Mrs. Patricia L. Kaus and Mr. David J. Kaus

Mr. Earl J. Lammers and Mrs. Carolyn D. Lammers


Mr. George R. Keeler and Mrs. Teri J. Keeler

Ms. Leann Lancaster

Mr. Donald R. Jackson and Ms. Moira Jean Jackson

Mr. David R. Kegaries and Mrs. Dana D. Kegaries

Mr. Dennis J. Lane and Mrs. Ann C. Lane

Ms. Katherine M. Jacobs and Mr. Winfred O. Jacobs

Mr. David R. Kelley and Mrs. Laurie O. Kelley

Mr. Ernest E. Lane

Mr. Merrill R. Jacobson and Mrs. Beryl B. Jacobson

Mr. John C. Kerckhoff and Mrs. Peggy M. Kerckhoff

Mr. Gary P. LaPlante and Mrs. Cora C. LaPlante

Ms. Emily Jacobs-Vassar

Mr. James H. Kessack III

Lt. Col. Russell Lapso USAF (RET.) and Mrs. Rose C. Lapso

Mr. William R. Jacquot DS

Dr. Neil Kesselman and Mrs. Carol L. Kesselman DS

Dr. James A. Largay III and Mrs. Betty G. Largay DS

Mr. Joe E. Jaegers and Mrs. Lola M. Jaegers

Mr. Howard M. Keys

Mr. Alvin J. Larson and Ms. Shirley Larson DS

Mr. Richard A. Jay and Mrs. Debby Jay

Mr. David W. King and Mrs. Kelly C. King DS

Dr. Sharon Lassar DS


O p e n in g D o o r s t o a N e w C a r e e r Daniels Scholarship Recipient Jessica Gu Shares Her Story

“It’s a new door to different work,” says Gu. “It’s a new world because I’m from China. Social networking and communication is much different in the U.S.”

“It’s a great opportunity. I’m already creating a personal relationship with the ACG leadership committee to help other students.” - Jessica Gu

1 2 : |2 0211 N0U1A1L PURPODG AR TE SS REPORT 4 0 1A 0N —2

Each year, the Denver chapter of the ACG awards a scholarship to an MBA student from the Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver. ACG-Denver helps Colorado business owners and senior executives navigate the growth business community through valuable content, best-of-class resources, capital formation, and networking and connections with an influential community of executives growing companies locally, statewide and worldwide. The scholarship supports Gu financially, but she says it’s not about the money. She also receives a full membership to ACG, allowing her to attend ACG professional events such as the monthly luncheon.

Mr. Henry M. Kuchta and Ms. Joy A. Kuchta DS

Dr. John C. Hughen and Mrs. Marlo P. Hughen

Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Corporate Partner.

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T |


G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

Mr. Rocco A. Laterzo and Mrs. Kathleen Laterzo DS

Mr. Ted Lux

Mr. Joseph L. McCaffery and Mrs. Robin A. McCaffery

Mr. Mark A. Mollandor DS

Mr. Clyde K. Nitta and Mrs. Judy T. Nitta

Mr. James C. Parks and Mrs. Barbara A. Parks

Mr. Richard B. Latham and Mrs. Francie J. Latham

Mr. James A. Lydic and Mrs. Margaret Z. Lydic

Ms. Kathleen M. McCarty

Ms. Lara J. Mooney

Mr. Robert J. Nixon and Mrs. Mary J. Nixon DS

Ms. Roberta M. Parry

Mr. Daniel J. Lathrope and Mrs. Beverly L. Lathrope

Mrs. Christina L. Lynch and Mr. Kerry J. Lynch

Mr. Howard S. McCauley and Mrs. Kathleen M. McCauley

Mr. Douglas G. Moore and Ms. Margaret S. Moore

Mr. David D. Noble

Mr. John G. Parsons and Ms. Kathryn M. Parsons DS

Mr. David F. Lawrence Jr. and Mrs. Lori T. Lawrence DS

Mr. Kenneth R. Lyon and Mrs. Candace K. Lyon

Mr. Matthew D. McClay

Mr. Robert N. Morehead and Mrs. Ann M. Morehead DS

Mr. Javier Nogales

Mr. Norman D. Paschall DS

Mr. Donald R. McCue and Ms. Carol Koracin DS

Ms. Ellen F. Morgan

Mr. Russell G. Noles and Ms. Barbara L. Wismer DS

Dr. Charles H. Patti DS

Mr. Charles R. Lawson and Mrs. Linda K. Lawson DS



Mrs. Florence W. Layton and Mr. David Layton


Mr. Matthew J. McDonnell and Ms. Ashley McDonnell

Mrs. Maxine A. Morgan and Mr. John C. Morgan

Mr. Gregory G. Nonis and Ms. Elizabeth H. Nonis

Dr. Pallab Paul

Ms. Julie Layton

Mr. Jacques A. Machol III and Mrs. Pamela A. Machol DS

Mr. Joseph O. McDowell and Mrs. Margaret R. McDowell DS

Mr. David M. Mornes and Mrs. Amber J. Mornes

Mr. Donald E. Norblom and Mrs. Zavelle M. Norblom

Mr. R. W. Payne and Mrs. Kathryn E. Payne DS

Dr. Richard S. Leaman

Mr. Jacques A. Machol Jr. and Mrs. Doris A. Machol DS

Ms. Suzanne M. McIntosh

Mrs. Michelle J. Morroni and Mr. Robert A. Morroni

Mr. Bruce A. Norton and Mrs. Marilyn C. Norton

Mr. Nathan W. Pearson and Ms. Jane W. Pearson DS

Mr. Ainsworth C. Lee

Mr. Nicholas K. Machol and Ms. Lauren Machol DS

Mr. Mark H. McKinnies and Mrs. Janette M. McKinnies DS

Mr. C. A. Morrow and Mrs. Corla C. Morrow

Mr. Richard A. Nowak and Mrs. Marie M. Nowak DS

Mr. Mark T. Peddecord

Ms. Deanna R. Leino

Ms. Christine E. MacMillan and Mr. Robert Maddalena

Prof. James S. McLagan and Dr. Barbara J. Kreisman DS

Mr. James D. Morrow and Mrs. Marilee A. Morrow

Mr. R. Scott Nycum Jr. and Mrs. Joan B. Nycum DS

Mr. Lester D. Pedicord and Ms. Jean S. Pedicord DS

Mr. Harold E. Lemke and Mrs. Bette J. Lemke

Ms. Megan R. MacMillan

Mr. Douglas P. McLaury DS

Mr. Ralph A. Morton Jr. and Mrs. Rosalie V. Morton

Ms. Jennifer S. Lemke

Mr. Stuart B. MacMillan Jr. and Mrs. Ruth I. MacMillan

Ms. Jill E. McMahon

Mr. Robert C. Moseley and Ms. Stephanie Shpall


Mr. Michael D. Penfield and Mrs. Laura Penfield DS

Mr. James E. Lentz III and Mrs. Barbara F. Lentz DS

Mr. Wayne D. MacPherson and Mrs. Martha MacPherson

Mr. Brad R. McQueen and Ms. Melissa C. McQueen

Ms. Shirley A. Mott

Mr. Kenneth K. O’Boyle and Mrs. Holly O’Boyle

Mr. Chris C. Pennels and Ms. Gail Pennels

Ms. Alaine J. Lerner and Mr. Joey A. Lerner

Mr. John D. Macris

Mr. Russell G. Mead and Ms. Sheila Mead

Mr. Aubert J. Mowry and Mrs. Barbara J. Mowry

Mr. Edward F. O’Brien and Mrs. Julia O’Brien

Mr. Clark A. Peppers and Ms. Diana F. Peppers

Mr. Harold K. Lester and Mrs. June R. Lester

Mr. John W. Madden Jr. and Mrs. Marjorie Madden DS

Mr. Michael W. Meagher and Ms. Sharyn E. Meagher

Mr. James J. Moylan Esq.

Ms. Anita D. O’Connell and Mr. John T. O’Connell DS

Mrs. Bessie L. Perkins and Mr. Wilfred G. Perkins

Mr. Jonathan V. Levesque

Mrs. Pamela M. Madsen

Mr. John W. Medbury and Ms. Linda C. Cavaioli

Dr. Glenn R. Mueller and Ms. Jane H. Mueller DS

Mr. Michael R. Odell and Mrs. Nancy S. Odell

Dr. Daniel M. Perlman and Ms. Lillian Zohar

Dr. Mark L. Levine and Mrs. Ellen Levine

Mr. Jay D. Maish and Mrs. Jeanne C. Maish DS

Ms. Mary E. Medley and Mr. Robert Cloud

Mr. Dennis B. Mullen and Ms. Lynn Mullen DS

Mr. Sidney R. Okes Jr.

Mr. Jordon Perlmutter and Mrs. Essie L. Perlmutter DS

Mr. Richard S. Levitz CFP, CLU, ChFC and Mrs. Julie L. Levitz

Mr. Anthony T. Maisto and Mrs. Fernanda Maisto

Mr. Robert A. Meek and Mrs. Melinda A. Meek DS

Ms. Stephanie H. Mulliken

Mr. Timothy O’Laughlin and Ms. Paula V. O’Laughlin

Mr. Marc E. Peters and Ms. Laura H. Peters DS

Mr. Herbert S. Levy and Ms. Lori L. Levy

Mr. Evan N. Makovsky and Mrs. Evi B. Makovsky

Mr. Krishen Mehta and Mrs. Geeta Mehta DS

Mr. Wayne William Murdy and Mrs. Diana Y. Murdy DS

Mr. Trevor W. Olch

Mr. Brian S. Petersen and Mrs. Jennifer L. Petersen

Mr. Brett L. Lewis and Ms. Mary A. Lewis DS

Ms. Shiela M. Mangravito

Mr. Edward D. Meintzer and Mrs. Kathleen A. Meintzer

Mr. Thomas E. Murrell

Hon. Willis E. O’Leary and Mrs. Betty E. O’Leary DS

Mr. Fred Peterson and Mrs. Annely C. Peterson

Mr. William E. Lewis and Mrs. Anne G. Lewis

Judge A. G. Marcus and Mrs. Marsha Marcus

Mr. Sean E. Menke DS

Mr. Bryan L. Muskat and Mrs. Mary E. Muskat

Ms. Dorian Oliphant

Ms. Jennie M. Peterson DS

Mr. Paul K. Libner and Ms. Kori Libner DS

Dr. Loren L. Margheim

Mr. Charles Merinoff and Ms. Alicia Merinoff DS

Ms. Regina J. Musyl and Mr. Marc J. Musyl

Mr. Richard R. Olson

Mr. John P. Peterson

Mr. William C. Liebler

Mrs. Sharon M. Markman and Mr. Scott W. Markman

Mr. Peter J. Merlin and Mrs. Jennifer G. Merlin

Mr. Trygve E. Myhren and Ms. Victoria H. Myhren DS

Mr. Willis S. Olson

Mr. Kent A. Peterson and Mrs. Joyce Peterson

Mrs. Ann S. Lieff and Mr. William A. Lieff DS

Mr. Alfred Markowitz and Ms. Elizabeth A. Markowitz

Mr. Dexter A. Metcalfe Sr. DS

Mr. John Y. Myung

Ms. Sherrill R. Oman

Ms. Emily D. Petro DS

Mr. Harry D. Liggitt III and Ms. Elaine R. Liggitt

Mr. John E. Marks and Ms. Diane M. Marks

Mr. Richard P. Meyer and Ms. Rosalind M. Meyer

Mr. Timothy P. O’Neill and Ms. Joan E. O’Neill

Mr. Jack A. Pfeiffer and Mrs. Mary J. Pfeiffer

Ms. Margaux S. Lochmiller

Ms. Holly D. Marshall

Mr. William G. Meyerchak and Mrs. Lynn Meyerchak


Mr. Harlan G. Oppenheim and Mrs. Suzanne R. Oppenheim

Mr. James D. Phelps and Mrs. Lillian S. Phelps

Dr. Richard H. Logan III and Mrs. Faith A. Logan

Mr. Randy L. Marshall and Mrs. Catherine L. Marshall

Mr. Richard R. Midwinter

Mrs. Kathleen M. Nance and Mr. Lawrence W. Nance

Mrs. Melissa C. Osborn and Mr. Mark Osborn

Mr. David R. Phillips and Ms. Pamela P. Phillips DS

Mrs. Bonnie S. Long and Mr. Richard J. Long

Mr. Roger A. Martell and Mrs. Claudia Martell

Mr. Louis A. Milburn DS

Mr. Tyler J. Nausley

Mrs. LeEtta M. Oskarson and Mr. Carl G. Oskarson

Mr. John R. Phillips

Ms. Susan B. Long

Mr. James T. Martin

Ms. Elizabeth R. Milicia and Mr. Joseph Milicia

Ms. Ruth Nauts and Dr. Jack Q. Gallagher DS

Mrs. Chong-Won S. Outland and Mr. Robert L. Outland

Ms. Samantha M. Pietsch

Mr. Peter N. Longi

Mr. John J. Martin and Mrs. Donna E. Martin

Ms. Laurel C. Miller

Mr. Julius Needelman and Mrs. Lucille R. Needelman

Mr. William H. Overfelt and Mrs. Janet Overfelt

Mr. Fred J. Pisciotta and Mrs. Sharon E. Pisciotta

Mr. John M. Longway Esq. and Ms. Jean Longway DS

Ms. Michelle M. Martin DS

Mr. R. J. Miller III

Mr. John A. Neill

Ms. Kirsten L. Ovind

Mr. Thomas G. Pitus

Mr. Wade W. Loo Jr. and Mrs. Chisato T. Loo DS

Mr. George L. Mason and Mrs. Grace A. Mason

Mr. Robert L. Miller Jr. and Ms. Laura S. Mangan

Mr. Joseph S. Nelson and Ms. Anne P. McDonald DS

Mr. Thomas P. Owen and Mrs. Laurene B. Owen DS

Mr. Ryan D. Plemmons

Mr. Paul G. Lorenzen and Mrs. Delores Lorenzen

Mr. Samuel E. Matthews and Mrs. Vera M. Matthews

Mr. Sherman R. Miller IV and Mrs. Mary M. Sullivan DS

Mrs. Christine B. Neuens and Mr. William C. Neuens

Mr. Jay R. Owens and Ms. Penny J. Applegate

Mr. Robert D. Poduska and Mrs. T. F. Poduska

Mr. Raymond H. Losnes and Mrs. Phyllis A. Losnes

Ms. Lisa C. Mattiace

Mr. Carl T. Millice and Ms. Patricia C. Millice

Mr. Zachary T. Neumeyer and Mrs. Amy T. Neumeyer

Mrs. Nadine R. Owens and Mr. Gerald D. Owens

Mrs. Judith K. Portschy and Mr. Donald Portschy

Mr. H. M. Loud and Mrs. Paula W. Loud DS

Ms. Regina M. Mattie DS

Ms. Katherine M. Minor

Mr. Donald E. Newby and Mrs. Mary J. Newby

Mrs. Angela M. Oxenreider and Mr. Keith B. Oxenreider DS

Ms. Blaine S. Post-Canino

Mr. Thomas W. Lovgren and Mrs. Jeaninne Lovgren

Mr. Philip S. Matza and Mrs. Peggy Matza

Dr. Albert R. Mitchell and Mrs. Celia Mitchell DS

Mr. Richard W. Newman and Ms. Elinor J. Newman

Mr. Phillip S. Lowery and Ms. Texie R. Lowery DS

Mr. William G. Mawhinney and Mrs. Zelma V. Mawhinney

Mr. Gary L. Mitchell and Mrs. Paula Lovins Mitchell DS

Dr. Robert C. Newman and Mrs. Judi S. Newman


Mr. Roger C. Poulson and Mrs. V. Beverly Poulson DS

Mr. John J. Lowrey Jr. and Mrs. Debra L. Lowrey

Mr. Lawrence G. Mawn and Ms. Marlynne M. Mawn

Mr. Carl M. Mittleman and Ms. Jennifer L. Mittleman

Mr. Will F. Nicholson Jr. and Mrs. Shirley Nicholson DS

Mrs. Joyce M. Pabst and Mr. Carl A. Pabst

Mr. Clayton A. Powers and Mrs. Christine C. Peacock Powers

Mr. Daniel L. Luchini and Ms. Laura J. Luchini

Mr. Michael T. Maynard and Ms. Stacey M. Maynard

Mr. David J. Moes and Ms. D. K. Moes

Mr. Jon M. Niermann and Mrs. Stacey E. Niermann DS

Mr. Clifton H. Pacaro and Ms. Heather M. Pacaro

Mr. Vann E. Prater and Mrs. Linda C. Prater

Mr. Robert J. Luedeka and Mrs. Barbara J. Luedeka

Mr. Charles G. McBride and Ms. Shelley B. McBride

Mr. Melvin B. Mogulof and Mrs. Mildred E. Mogulof

Dr. Loren A. Nikolai and Mrs. Anita C. Nikolai

Mr. Mark S. Paley and Ms. Luanne W. Paley DS

Mr. David C. Price DS

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T

Mrs. Evangeline Pell and Mr. Charles C. Pell

Mrs. Julia P. Potter and Mr. Charles S. Potter

Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Corporate Partner.

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T |


G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

Ms. Dawn C. Priday

Mrs. Karen D. Robinson and Mr. James E. Robinson

Mr. Richard M. Seidel and Ms. Carla S. Seidel DS

Dr. Roy L. Smith Jr. and Mrs. Grace M. Smith

Mr. Joel R. Sontag and Mrs. Brantlee Sontag

Mr. William S. Spragins

Mr. Douglas A. Priestley and Mrs. Judith E. Priestley

Mr. Timothy M. Roche and Mrs. Brenda Roche DS

Dr. Frank H. Selto and Ms. Linda Selto

Ms. Sarah Smith

Mr. Jason E. Sorensen

Mr. John W. Sprague and Ms. Luella D. Sprague

Mr. Thomas P. Putnam and Ms. Barbara B. Putnam

Mr. James W. Rodgers and Mrs. Patricia D. Rodgers

Mr. James Sepic and Mrs. Carmen Sepic DS

Ms. Shelley Smith

Mr. Rick Souder and Mrs. Nancy L. Souder

Mr. Frank P. Spratlen and Ms. Terry Spratlen DS

Mr. R. A. Pyle and Mrs. Ann M. Pyle

Ms. Eldene E. Ronnekamp and Mr. Bryan Nordin

Mr. Michael B. Septon

Mr. Todd S. Smith DS

Mr. Joseph J. Sovcik

Mr. Michael G. St. John DS

Mr. Charles C. Rooke and Ms. Tammy Y. Rooke DS

Mr. Edwin L. Setzler III and Ms. Allison C. Setzler DS

Mr. Douglas C. Snyder

Mr. C. K. Spencer

Mr. Eugene C. Stack


Mr. Michael W. Rosen

Mr. Stephen E. Shapiro and Mrs. Mary J. Shapiro

Mrs. Ella R. Snyder

Mr. John S. Spiecker and Ms. Elaine C. Spiecker DS

Mr. Melvin R. Stahl Jr. and Ms. Debra Stahl DS

Mr. William J. Quast and Mrs. Kathryn R. Quast

Ms. Angela D. Rothe

Mr. David C. Shatto and Mrs. Lea E. Shatto

Mr. Judson B. Snyder and Mrs. Cara L. Snyder

Ms. Judith E. Spiegel DS

Mr. Steven D. Stanek and Ms. Katherine D. Stanek

Mr. Allen Quimby III and Mrs. Jolean F. Quimby

Mr. Joshua A. Rothwell

Mr. Daniel V. Sheehan and Mrs. Cecilia H. Sheehan

Dr. Oscar P. Snyder Jr. and Mrs. Ella R. Snyder

Mrs. Elinor A. Spiller and Mr. Earl A. Spiller

Mr. Brion Stapp and Ms. Elizabeth C. Stapp DS

Mr. Ken A. Quincy and Mrs. Judith M. Quincy

Mr. Matthew N. Rotter and Mrs. Tracy M. Rotter

Mr. Charles E. Sheets and Mrs. Shirley A. Sheets

Mr. Dennis Soendoro and Ms. Jasmine Putri

Drs. Mona F. Spitz and Mark Spitz DS

Mr. William D. Starbuck and Mrs. Elena Starbuck

Mr. William L. Roub

Mr. Donald F. Shelly Jr.


Mr. Gary G. Ruhl and Mrs. Susan W. Ruhl

Mr. Jeffrey F. Shido and Mrs. Faith L. Shido

Mr. Timothy C. Radebaugh and Mrs. Michelle R. Radebaugh

Mr. Vincent E. Rusciano

Ms. Laura J. Shipley

Mrs. JoAnn Radetsky and Mr. Richard L. Radetsky DS

Mr. John G. Russell and Mrs. Thora Russell DS

Mr. Homer L. Shoemaker and Mrs. Jacqueline M. Shoemaker

Mr. Shankar Rao DS

Mr. Eugene J. Rutkoski and Mrs. Theresa A. Rutkoski

Mr. Daniel H. Shrader and Mrs. Patti A. Shrader Mr. Russel F. Shue and Ms. Julie Shue

Mr. Frank G. Rappaport and Mrs. Kathy S. Rappaport




Mr. Walter J. Rasmussen and Mrs. Nijola Rasmussen


Mr. John J. Sie and Ms. Anna Sie DS

Mr. Scott M. Rathbun and Ms. Angela N. Rathbun

Mr. Tim Saffell

Mr. Steve H. Sietos and Ms. Panagiota C. Sietos

Celebrating 15 Years of Giving

Mr. Thomas G. Reed

Mr. Royal L. Safran and Mrs. Patricia A. Safran

Mr. Douglas A. Sikes and Mrs. Marion N. Sikes

Phil (MBA 1980; BSBA 1979) and Shelley (BA 1979) Tamminga

Mr. Patrick J. Reilly

Ms. Janet L. Sandberg

Mr. Steven Siljestrom and Mrs. Linda C. Siljestrom

Mr. Scott J. Reiman and Ms. Virginia L. Reiman DS

Mr. Terry W. Sandefur and Ms. Meg Sandefur

Ms. Darlene Silver

Mr. Preston W. Rell

Mr. Matthew E. Sandekian and Mrs. Sura C. Sandekian

Mr. James B. Simms and Mrs. Margie M. Simms

Mr. Martin Remy DS

Mr. Kiel Sanders

Dr. George C. Simon Jr.

Ms. Sandra F. Reuben

Mr. Walter L. Sanders and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Sanders DS

Mr. Joseph C. Simpson and Ms. Colleen Simpson

Mr. Herbert A. Reznikoff and Mrs. Adele Reznikoff

Mr. Thomas E. Sanford and Mrs. Ethel T. Sanford

Mr. Scott W. Sims and Mrs. Susan S. Sims

Ms. Mary K. Rhinehart and Mr. Ryan Rhinehart DS

Mr. Marius J. Sanger and Mrs. Clare K. Sanger

Mr. William T. Sisson and Mrs. E. J. Sisson

Mr. David B. Rhodes and Mrs. Marcie Rhodes DS

Mr. Horace D. Sapp and Mrs. Joyce C. Sapp

Mr. Lyle C. Sitterly Jr. and Ms. Nancy S. Sitterly

Mr. Hugh L. Rice III and Ms. Mary Schaefer DS

Mr. Joseph W. Saunders and Mrs. Sharon P. Saunders DS

Mr. David M. Sixta

Mr. James D. Richards CFP DS

Mr. Robert D. Scallan and Mrs. Carol Friedeman Scallan

Mr. DeWayne E. Skinner and Mrs. Josephine M. Skinner

Mr. Lloyd O. Richards and Mrs. Diana L. Richards

Mr. William B. Scarnato and Mrs. Sandy Scarnato DS

Mr. Robert D. Skinner and Mrs. Bessie E. Skinner

Ms. Margaret E. Richardson

Mr. Amintore T. Schenkel DS

Mr. Martin P. Slark and Mrs. Catherine Slark

Mr. Leonard L. Richie

Mr. Frederick J. Schilke and Mrs. Gail Schilke

Mr. William D. Slotnick and Mrs. Dorothy V. Slotnick

Mr. Donald M. Richtol and Mrs. Barbara R. Richtol

Mr. Lee E. Schlessman and Mrs. Dolores J. Schlessman DS

Ms. Rachael E. Small

Mr. Gary L. Rife

Mrs. M. C. Schlessman and Mr. Gary L. Schlessman DS

Mr. Harold R. Smethills Jr. and Mrs. Diane Smethills DS

Mr. Frank D. Riha and Mrs. Lois A. Riha

Mr. Mark A. Schlosser and Ms. Stephanie J. Schlosser

Ms. Haven C. Smith and Mr. Kristopher Smith DS

Dr. Christine M. Riordan and Dr. Robert D. Gatewood DS

Ms. Jennifer K. Scholz and Mr. Justin R. Scholz DS

Mr. Joel W. Smith and Mrs. Virginia A. Smith

Dr. Ronald J. Rizzuto and Dr. Katherine B. Freeman

Mr. Troy A. Schroeder and Ms. Holly M. Schroeder

Mr. John J. Smith and Ms. Marna Jordan Smith

Mr. Randy D. Robason DS

Mr. Thomas J. Scott

Ms. Kendra A. Smith

Mr. George W. Roberts and Mrs. Bernice Roberts

Dr. Richard A. Scudder and Dr. Bonnie E. Scudder DS

Mr. Marvin Smith and Mrs. Goldie R. Smith

Mr. John T. Roberts and Mrs. Robin R. Roberts DS

Mr. Vaughn R. Sears and Ms. Mary Ann Sears

Ms. Michelle M. Smith and Mr. David J. Yaniak

Mr. Stephen L. Roberts and Mrs. Nancy P. Roberts

Mr. Mark C. Seelye

Mr. Peter J. Smith and Mrs. Patricia S. Smith

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T

Denver natives Phil and Shelley Tamminga each had their own unique path to the University of Denver, the place that holds so many special memories for the couple who met at a hockey game, dated through college and married after graduation. Growing up a mile from campus, Phil recalls DU hockey games, swimming in the old field house pool and sneaking onto the Pioneers football field as a kid. DU was a family legacy—his grandmother was one of the first women to earn a PhD in education from the University in the 1940s and later taught at the Women’s College. His father earned a business degree; his mother earned her bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees in sociology and also taught at DU. Phil received a BSBA, and a graduate teaching assistant position helped him continue on to earn an MBA. For Shelley, a trustee scholarship enabled her to attend DU, joining her brother there. She went on to graduate with a degree in psychology. “That scholarship made DU possible,” she says. After DU, Phil enjoyed a 24-year career at Accenture, where he got the company involved with Daniels. “I was responsible for Accenture’s recruiting program at Daniels, and I loved that,” says Phil. “I always felt the caliber of Daniels graduates was very high.” In 1998, then-Dean Jim Griesemer invited Phil to join the College’s Executive Advisory Board, on which he still serves. In addition, Phil and Shelley are members and co-chairs of the Dean’s Society—an elite group of Daniels donors who contribute $1,000 or more to the College annually. “We’ve always been fortunate and feel a responsibility to give back,” says Phil. “Over the years, we’ve been surrounded by others with the same belief, so the practice of giving back is a tenet of our lives. Supporting Daniels is important to us. We benefitted from others’ support of the University before us, and feel we should carry that obligation forward.”


Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Corporate Partner.

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T |


G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

Mr. Gerald L. Starkweather and Mrs. Helen M. Starkweather

Mr. James P. Tarpley DS

Mr. Donald K. Steffen and Mrs. Linda R. Steffen

Mr. Theodore N. Tautz and Ms. Elsie Tautz

Mr. Leonard P. Stegman and Ms. Angela M. Stegman DS

Mr. Andrew C. Taylor and Mrs. Barbara B. Taylor DS

Ms. Wilhelmina M. Stemmer

Mr. Charles A. Taylor and Mrs. I. P. Taylor

Ms. Bethany Stephens

Mr. Robert D. Taylor Jr. and Mrs. Etta Taylor

Mr. Alan L. Sternberg and Mrs. Kim Sternberg DS

Mr. Duncan C. Tenney and Ms. Virginia C. Tenney

Mr. Donald D. Stevens and Mrs. Joanna R. Stevens

Mr. Christopher P. Terenzi and Mrs. Victoria S. Terenzi

Mr. John F. Stewart Jr. and Ms. Kathy Stewart DS

Mr. Richard W. Thackrey

Ms. Christine Stirling

Mr. Martin L. Thalken and Ms. Deb L. Thalken

Mr. Stewart A. Stockdale and Mrs. Mary M. Stockdale DS

Mr. Arthur R. Thiel

Mrs. Alicia B. Stoddard

Mr. William J. Thomas

Mr. Boyd Stofer and Ms. Cherie F. Stofer DS

Mr. James W. Thompson and Ms. Juliana A. Thompson

Mr. William A. Stolfus and Ms. Andrea G. Richardson

Mr. Alexander B. Thorne and Mrs. Kathleen L. Thorne

Mr. Lessley J. Stoltenberg and Mrs. Barbara Stoltenberg

Mr. Timothy H. Throckmorton and Mrs. Katherine M. Throckmorton

Mr. Marvin L. Stone and Mrs. Marian Stone

Mr. John N. Thunen and Ms. Loranda Thunen

Mr. Michael C. Stone and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Stone DS

Mr. Robert C. Tinucci and Mrs. Barbara Tinucci

Mr. William E. Stopps and Ms. Sandra S. Stopps

Mr. Calvin Tipton and Ms. Dorothy E. Tipton

Mr. A. M. Strait and Mrs. Shirley Strait

Mr. Herbert A. Tobin and Mrs. Francine H. Tobin DS

Ms. Carolyn M. Strand and Mr. Henry J. Strand

Mr. William G. Trainor and Mrs. Monica S. Trainor DS

Mrs. Dawn C. Strang and Mr. Donald W. Strang III DS

Mr. George H. Trakas

Mr. Allan J. Strauss and Mrs. Catherine J. Strauss

Mr. Donald T. Trinen and Mrs. Deborah Y. Trinen DS

Mr. Donald F. Streb

Dr. James C. Tripp

Mrs. Janette L. Strickland and Mr. Warren Strickland DS

Dr. John C. Tripp and Mrs. Loretta J. Tripp DS

Mr. Donald S. Stroh and Mrs. Tracy L. Stroh

Mr. Robert C. Troccoli and Mrs. Joan C. Troccoli DS

Mrs. Laura B. Strohecker and Mr. Craig Strohecker

Mr. Dean R. Troyer and Ms. Kit Troyer DS

Ms. Mary L. Sufana

Mr. Harry A. Trueblood Jr. and Mrs. Lucile B. Trueblood DS

Mr. William J. Suitts and Ms. Elizabeth Suitts DS

Mr. John B. Trueblood DS

Mr. J. M. Sullivan and Mrs. Patricia A. Sullivan

Mr. Brian D. Trujillo and Ms. Erin L. Trujillo

Mr. Lowell C. Sund DS

Mr. William T. Tulley and Mrs. Frances Tulley

Mr. Gregory D. Sutherland and Mrs. Donna P. Sutherland DS

Mr. John C. Tune and Ms. Alexandra M. Tune DS

Mr. James C. Swain and Mrs. Concepcio E. Swain DS

Ms. Pamela J. Turbeville DS

Dr. Robert D. Swanson and Dr. Patricia M. Swanson

Mr. Richard D. Turnamian and Ms. Vickie Turnamian

Ms. Alicia J. Sweeney Mr. Dennis M. Swenson and Mrs. Constance C. Swenson DS


Mr. Robert J. Swieringa and Mrs. Pamela B. Swieringa DS

Mr. Eric S. Ueno Mr. David C. Underwood and Mrs. Barbara A. Underwood DS


Ms. Devon S. Unkeless

Mr. Philip J. Tamminga and Mrs. Shelley R. Tamminga DS

Mr. James A. Unruh and Mrs. Candice L. Unruh

Mr. Lewis A. Tannenbaum

Mr. John M. Urie and Mrs. Ollie K. Urie

Mr. Joseph A. Tanny and Mrs. Jeannette Tanny Mr. Robert M. Tarola and Ms. Patricia Tarola



2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T


Mr. Jack A. Weinberg and Mrs. Sheila F. Weinberg

Ms. Janice B. Worrall

Cisco CP

Mr. Benjamin Valore-Caplan and Mrs. Amie L. Valore-Caplan

Mr. Bradley D. Weiner and Mrs. Catherine G. Weiner

Mrs. Beryl J. Wright and Rev. Benjamin R. Wright

CoBank Inc. CP

Mr. John A. Van Veen Jr.

Mr. Louis J. Weisman and Mrs. Laurie Weisman DS

Mrs. Betty A. Wright

Colorado Chapter of the Appraisal Institute CP

Ms. Denise M. Van Zago

Mrs. Janet C. Weiss and Mr. Cary P. Weiss DS

Mrs. Gladys L. Wyatt and Mr. John N. Wyatt

Colorado Commercial Holdings, LLC

Mrs. Kathleen C. VandeMotter and Mr. Kurt C. VandeMotter

Mr. Randall S. Wells

Mr. James A. VanderWal and Ms. Penelope K. Kimmel

Mr. Kenneth J. West


Commons 19, LLC

Ms. Patricia B. Vardaman and Mr. George T. Vardaman

Maj. Lloyd A. West and Mrs. C. M. West

Mr. Gordon A. Yale and Mrs. Jennifer Yale DS


Mr. Efren C. Vargas

Mrs. Margaret L. West DS

Dr. Peter C. Yesawich Sr. and Mrs. Paris B. Yesawich

Corn Products International

Dr. R. C. Vars Jr. and Mrs. Freda T. Vars

Mr. Michael D. West and Mrs. Etta M. West DS

Ms. Stacey R. Yoshimoto

Deloitte Foundation CP

Mr. Charles J. Vasilius and Ms. Kathy E. Vasilius DS

Mr. Ryan S. Westberry

Ms. Reiko Yoshinaga

Denver Metropolitan Commercial Association of Realtors CP

Ms. Gloria L. Veeder

Mr. Allan R. Westerbeck and Ms. Laura Westerbeck

Mr. Thomas Yoshioka and Ms. Kiyoko A. Yoshioka

Denver West Office Leasing Company LLC CP

Mr. Blaine E. Versaw

Dr. William F. Weston and Mrs. Gay S. Weston

Mr. Henry A. Yost and Mrs. Cynthia G. Yost DS

Ehrhardt Keefe Steiner & Hottman P.C. CP

Mr. David I. Verway

Mrs. Deanna R. Whalen and Mr. Eldred E. Whalen

Mr. Donald R. Vilmin and Ms. Frances L. Vilmin

Mr. George E. Wheeler DS


Ernst and Young CP

Ms. Mary R. Vogt

Dr. John H. White Jr. and Mrs. Virginia J. White DS

Mr. Vincent A. Zarlengo and Mrs. Margaret L. Zarlengo DS

Executive Real Estate Roundtable Inc. CP

Dr. Gautam K. Vora

Mr. Michael S. White and Mrs. Robyn N. White DS

Dr. William N. Zelman and Mrs. Janet G. Zelman

ExxonMobil Foundation CP

Ms. Kathleen E. Whiteside DS

Ms. Dao Zhou

Famous Dave’s BBQ CP


Mr. Stephen B. Whiting and Mrs. Gwen H. Whiting

Ms. Heather K. Ziegler and Mr. Jason O. Ziegler

Financial Advisory Services of Rye, Inc.

Mr. James F. Wagner and Mrs. Kathryn J. Wagner

Mr. Dan S. Whittemore and Ms. Elizabeth Whittemore

Mr. William H. Ziering DS

First Pacific Advisors, LLC

Mr. Joseph G. Wagner and Ms. Janet A. Wagner

Mr. Leslie E. Whittemore

Mr. Gary J. Zimmerman

FirstBank Holding Company of Colorado CP

Mr. Kenneth E. Wagner

Ms. Deborah S. Whitten and Mr. Kevin H. Eldredge

Mr. George J. Zito Jr.

FMI Corporation CP

Mr. Robert W. Wagner

Mr. Gary A. Wicklund and Mrs. La Donna K. Wicklund

Mr. Geoffrey A. Wainwright and Dr. Eda V. Wainwright DS

Ms. Barbara G. Wickman and Mr. John K. Wickman


General Electric Company CP

Mr. Leo G. Walchuk and Mrs. Ella M. Walchuk

Mrs. Barbara S. Wigderson and Mr. Grant Wigderson

AT&T Foundation

General Reinsurance Corporation

Mr. Paul C. Waletzko

Mr. Brandon Wilcox

Aetna Foundation, Inc.

Grant Thornton LLP CP

Mr. John M. Walker DS

Ms. Kristen S. Wiley

American Property Solutions, Inc.

Griffis/Blessing, Inc.

Ms. Leslie A. Walker and Mr. Dale Pruce

Mr. Kevin O. Wilhelm and Ms. Jennifer O. Wilhelm DS

Anton, Collins, Mitchell, LLP CP

Handlery Foundation CP

Ms. Suzanne W. Walters

Mr. John J. Williams and Mrs. Joyce Williams

Aramark Corporation CP

Holm Ryan Truitt & Hall LLC

Mr. Emil J. Walz Jr. and Mrs. Frances G. Walz

Mr. John M. Williams

Association for Corporate Growth Denver Chapter CP

Hyatt Corporation

Mr. Robert Warner Jr. and Mrs. Jill Warner DS

Mr. Michael A. Williams and Ms. Vanessa D. Williams DS

Aurora Loan Services CP

IBM International Foundation

Mr. John B. Warnick DS

Ms. Angela R. Williamson


Icelantic CP

Mr. Jon P. Warnick and Ms. Connie S. Warnick DS

Mr. Charles R. Williamson and Ms. Nancy L. Williamson

Bank of America Foundation

James J. Moylan and Associates P. C.

Mr. H. H. Wasson and Mrs. Anna M. Wasson

Mr. David D. Willman and Mrs. Beverly Willman DS

Bank of the West

JWC Stanley Holding LLC

Mr. Jack E. Watkins DS

Mrs. Grayce R. Wilson and Mr. Devon R. Wilson

Behringer Harvard Residences at Cordillera, LLC

Kaiser Permanente CP

Ms. Holly A. Watson

Mr. Paul T. Wilson and Mrs. Sandra L. Wilson

Blue Stone International

KPMG Foundation CP

Mr. Michael D. Weatherwax and Mrs. Linda D. Weatherwax DS

Mr. Robert F. Wilson and Mrs. Jane T. Wilson

Broadmoor Hotel Inc. CP

Land Title Guarantee Company CP

Mr. Frederick G. Weaver and Mrs. Rita C. Weaver

Mrs. Marlene E. Wiske and Mr. Raymond P. Wiske

Brookside Services, LLC

Liberty Global, Inc. CP

Mr. Stephen J. Weber

Mr. Richard W. Wolf

The Cable Center CP

LMF Accounting and Financial Solutions, LLC

Ms. Donna L. Weeden

Mr. Joseph S. Wong and Mrs. Edith E. Wong

Carl Wehner, CPA, P.C.

Lots of Clever Stuff, LLC CP

Mr. Carl Wehner and Mrs. Artha C. Wehner

Mr. Gerald M. Woodley and Mrs. Valerie Woodley

Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. CP

Magnolia Hotel

Prof. Mark S. Wehrle DS

Mr. Craig W. Woody

CenturyLink (formerly Qwest Communications) CP

Marriott International, Inc. CP

Colorado Health Foundation CP

Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. CP

Four Seasons Hotel Denver

Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Corporate Partner.

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T |


G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

G IF T S – C o n t i n u e d

Marsico Capital Management LLC

Napa Wine Co. CP

Organizers Unlimited, Inc. CP

Ravinia Holdings, LLC CP

H. and A. Reznikoff Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation

The Azeez Foundation

MBP Advisors LLC

National Association of Industrial and Office Properties CP

P. Scott Lowery Law Office P.C.

Regions Financial Corporation Foundation

Harry Trueblood Foundation

The Ceiley Foundation

McDowell Investments CP

Newmont USA Limited CP

Phelps Vineyards

Republic National Distributing Company, Inc. CP

Henry A. and Cynthia G. Yost Family Foundation, Inc.

The Colorado Trust

Mile High United Way CP

Noodles & Company CP

PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP CP

Rocky Mountain Human Resource Planning Society CP

Honda Foundation

The Dennis M. Swenson Gift Fund at Fidelity Gift Fund

Miller Frishman Group, LLC

NuStar Logistics, LP

Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts

Sabre Holdings

Hope’s Enduring Flame Foundation

The Donald W. Strang, III Fund at Fidelity Charitable Fund

Molson Coors CP

Ocean Properties, LTD.

Qualcomm Incorporated

Sage Hospitality Resources, LLC

J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation

The Kenneth King Foundation

Montage Beverly Hills

Omni Interlocken Resort

RAFCo Realty LLC

SC Johnson & Son Inc.

James E. & Constance L. Bell Foundation

The Loeb Family Fund No. 2 of the Pittsburgh Foundation

Silver Oak Cellars CP

Jim Griesemer Fund at the Daniels Fund

The Nycum Family Foundation at National Philanthropic Trust

Simpson Housing, LLP CP

JM Capozzola Foundation Inc.

Viola Vestal Coulter Foundation

St. Charles Capital CP

Johnson Family Foundation

Walker Pruce Fund at Fidelity Charitable Fund

State Farm Companies Foundation

Joint Arnold Trust

Sterling Ranch, LLC

Judy & Palmer Moe Charitable Fund of the San Antonio Fund

The Air Products Foundation

Kesselman Family Foundation

The Medtronic Foundation

Koelbel Family Foundation

Toyota Motor Distributors, USA, Inc. CP

Lewis D. & John J. Gilbert Foundation

Turner Construction Company

Mark Levine Fund at The Denver Foundation

UBS Matching Gift Program

McCarthy Bjorklund Foundation

M a kin g t h e M o st o f t h e D a n ie ls E x p er ien c e

Vail Resorts CP

Mike & Laura Kaplan Fund at the Aspen Community Foundation

Daniels Scholarship Recipient Jerad Larkin Shares His Story

Walt Disney Company Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Slark Fund at Fidelity Gift Fund

Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign

Naughton-Nicholson Foundation

Western Union Foundation CP

Paula & Monty Loud Charitable Gift Fund at Fidelity

Williams Companies

Pearson Family Foundation

Withington Foundation, Inc.

Penny Applegate & Jay Owens Char. Gift Fund at T. Rowe Price

Xerox Corporation

Piton Foundation


When Jerad Larkin was looking at colleges, he had three criteria: a great place to live, an excellent university with ample academic options and friendly people. DU and the Daniels College of Business were everything he hoped for and then some. A lifelong competitive freeskier from upstate New York, Larkin admits that the Rocky Mountains were appealing, but as he nears graduation, it is the quality business education that stands out most.

“I’m making my time here worth every single penny.” - Jerad Larkin

12 N0U1A1L PURPODG AR TE SS REPORT 5 0 : |2 0211 0 1A 0N —2

Ralph L. Smith Foundation


Reiman Foundation, Inc.

“When I first came here, I knew I wanted to study business,” says Larkin. “Personal Selling with Michelle Lutz really helped me decide on my path.” Larkin has held his real estate broker’s license in Colorado since 2011 and real estate salesperson’s license in New York since 2008—when he was just 18.

Andrea & Michael Banks Nature Fund of Fidelity

Rhodes Family Fund at AMG Charitable Gift Foundation

Bard Family Foundation

Rose Community Foundation

Boettcher Foundation

Roy & Pearl Rogers Trust

Busse Family Foundation

Scallan Family Foundation

Larkin is likely to pursue real estate, he says, but he’s also an entrepreneur at heart. Currently, he runs his own video-production business, with DU and Daniels as clients. He also has an online amazon.com business.

Cone Family Foundation at Waterstone

Schlessman Family Foundation, Inc.

Dan and Beth Whittemore Charitable Fund at Fidelity

Seidel Family Fund at National Philanthropic Trust

David Lawrence Foundation

Sending Support Charitable Foundation

Receiving the Brandenborg Endowed Scholarship has made a significant difference to Larkin and motivates him to work hard. “I’m making my time here worth every single penny. From getting involved on campus to staying on top of my studies, I do not take DU for granted.”

El Pomar Foundation

Sepic Family Foundation

Garvey Kansas Foundation

Sharon and Scott Markman Fund at Chicago Comm. Foundation

Gary & Leslie Howard Family Foundation

Smith Trust

Gates Family Foundation

Swain Family Trust

Grant Thornton Foundation

The Anna and John J. Sie Foundation

Every year, Larkin writes letters to his donors, telling them how his year is going and how grateful he is for their support. One day, he says, the tables will be turned. “I believe in giving back to where you came from. When I’m successful, I’ll definitely support DU and Daniels.”

Remy Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Corporate Partner.

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T |



D A N I E L S C O LL E G E O F B U S I N E S S D E A N ’ S S O C I E T Y

The following supporters contributed $1,000 or more to the Daniels College of Business from July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011.

Mr. John M. Longway Esq. and Ms. Jean Longway

Mr. Robert J. Nixon and Mrs. Mary J. Nixon

Ms. Leslie D. Howard and Mr. Gary S. Howard

Mr. Wade W. Loo Jr. and Mrs. Chisato T. Loo

Mr. Russell G. Noles and Ms. Barbara L. Wismer

Mr. Benjamin T. Hrouda and Ms. Andrea Hrouda

Mr. H. M. Loud and Mrs. Paula W. Loud

Mr. Richard A. Nowak and Mrs. Marie M. Nowak

Mr. Phillip S. Lowery and Ms. Texie R. Lowery

Mr. R. Scott Nycum Jr. and Mrs. Joan B. Nycum

Mr. Burton S. Cohen and Ms. Nancy B. Mauro

Mr. Brian D. Frantz and Mrs. Kathryn A. Frantz

Ms. George Anne Hume

Mr. Gregory J. Anton and Ms. Julie A. Anton

Mr. Glenn R. Combellick and Mrs. Vernie Combellick

Mr. Leonard D. Frescoln and Mrs. Christine M. Frescoln

Dr. R. B. Hutton and Mrs. Sally E. Hutton

Mr. Matthew A. Antush and Ms. Philippa M. Antush

Mr. Cary J. Corkin

Mr. Jeffrey M. Frisch and Ms. Diane J. Frisch

Mr. Max Appel and Mrs. Elaine R. Appel

Dr. David L. Corsun and Dr. Cheri A. Young

Prof. Edward L. Fronapfel and Ms. Diane Fronapfel

Mrs. Louise C. Atkinson and Mr. William D. Atkinson

Mr. Charles M. Cowden and Ms. Jacquiline W. Cowden

Mr. Michael B. Azeez and Mrs. Kathleen K. Azeez

Mr. Kevin M. Crean and Mrs. Catherine A. Crean Mr. Donald J. Curtis and Mrs. Katherine K. Curtis




Mr. Jacques A. Machol III and Mrs. Pamela A. Machol

Ms. Anita D. O’Connell and Mr. John T. O’Connell

Mr. William R. Jacquot

Mr. Jacques A. Machol Jr. and Mrs. Doris A. Machol

Hon. Willis E. O’Leary and Mrs. Betty E. O’Leary


Mr. Dale R. Jensen

Mr. Nicholas K. Machol and Ms. Lauren Machol

Mr. Thomas P. Owen and Mrs. Laurene B. Owen

Ms. Gretchen J. Gagel

Mr. Randall D. Johannes and Ms. Jennifer L. Johannes

Mr. John W. Madden Jr. and Mrs. Marjorie Madden

Mrs. Angela M. Oxenreider and Mr. Keith B. Oxenreider

Mr. Kevin C. Gallagher and Ms. Kelly C. Gallagher

Mr. Darrel Johnson and Ms. Elizabeth J. Oister

Mr. Jay D. Maish and Mrs. Jeanne C. Maish

Mr. Joseph W. Bagan and Mrs. Jennifer A. Bagan


Dr. Nancy Gary and Mr. Samuel Gary

Mrs. Jean B. Johnston and Prof. James J. Johnston

Ms. Michelle M. Martin


Mr. Charles H. Baggs and Mrs. Janice M. Baggs

Mr. Gordon L. Dalby and Mrs. Helen A. Dalby

Mr. Karl B. Gills and Mrs. Mary B. Gills

Dr. Robert V. Johnston and Mrs. Suzanne M. Johnston

Ms. Regina M. Mattie

Mr. Mark S. Paley and Ms. Luanne W. Paley

Mr. David E. Bailey

Mr. Richard Davidovich and Ms. Anne L. Davidovich

Mrs. Janis M. Gogel and Dr. Howard K. Gogel

Ms. Dorothy Y. Joseph

Mr. Donald R. McCue and Ms. Carol Koracin

Mr. John G. Parsons and Ms. Kathryn M. Parsons

Mrs. Pamela S. Bard and Mr. Richard H. Bard

Mr. Steven A. Dawes and Mrs. Margaret W. Dawes

Mrs. Keely A. Gohl and Mr. Matthew B. Gohl

Mr. Joseph O. McDowell and Mrs. Margaret R. McDowell

Mr. Norman D. Paschall

Mr. Steven L. Barnes and Ms. Paulette Barnes

Mr. Robert C. Dennis

Mr. Stephen J. Goldman


Mr. Mark H. McKinnies and Mrs. Janette M. McKinnies

Dr. Charles H. Patti

Mrs. Constance L. Bell

Mr. Robert J. DeSalvio and Ms. Frances E. DeSalvio

Mr. Carey L. Gordon and Mrs. Eileen Gordon

Mr. Michael D. Kaplan and Ms. Laura T. Kaplan

Prof. James S. McLagan and Dr. Barbara J. Kreisman

Mr. R. W. Payne and Mrs. Kathryn E. Payne

Mr. Edwin L. Bell

Mr. James J. Detterick

Mr. John C. Graff and Mrs. Christine R. Graff

Dr. Neil Kesselman and Mrs. Carol L. Kesselman

Mr. Douglas P. McLaury

Mr. Nathan W. Pearson and Ms. Jane W. Pearson

Mr. Leo L. Beserra and Mrs. Michele R. Beserra

Ms. Jamie C. Dorr

Mrs. Vicki A. Gray and Mr. Robert T. Gray

Mr. David W. King and Mrs. Kelly C. King

Mr. Robert A. Meek and Mrs. Melinda A. Meek

Mr. Lester D. Pedicord and Ms. Jean S. Pedicord

Mr. Christopher H. Blake and Ms. Heather S. Blake

Mr. Paul E. Dorr and Ms. Terri L. Dorr

Dean Emeritus Dr. James R. Griesemer and Mrs. Carolyn T. Griesemer

Ms. Ann M. King-White

Mr. Krishen Mehta and Mrs. Geeta Mehta

Mr. Michael D. Penfield and Mrs. Laura Penfield

Mr. David M. Brackett and Ms. Johanna Pace-Brackett

Mr. Neil T. Douthat

Ms. Barbara B. Grogan

Mr. Theodore J. Kleisner and Mrs. Karen B. Kleisner

Mr. Sean E. Menke

Mr. Jordon Perlmutter and Mrs. Essie L. Perlmutter

Mr. Howard B. Brodt

Mr. Thomas S. Dowd and Dr. Karen O. Dowd

Mr. Guy L. Gronquist and Mrs. Catherine D. Gronquist

Mr. Walter A. Koelbel and Mrs. Gene N. Koelbel

Mr. Charles Merinoff and Ms. Alicia Merinoff

Mr. Marc E. Peters and Ms. Laura H. Peters

Mr. Brian J. Burke and Ms. Jamaica D. Burke

Mr. Jerry S. Dratler and Dr. Sandra J. Dratler

Mr. Harold C. Gutjahr and Mrs. Ilene M. Gutjahr

Mrs. Katie S. Kramer and Mr. Joseph R. Kramer

Mr. Dexter A. Metcalfe Sr.

Ms. Jennie M. Peterson

Mr. William W. Burke

Mrs. Mary K. Duke and Mr. Richard A. Duke

Mr. Henry M. Kuchta and Ms. Joy A. Kuchta

Mr. Louis A. Milburn

Ms. Emily D. Petro

Dr. A. R. Kucic and Mrs. Linda During

Mr. Sherman R. Miller IV and Mrs. Mary M. Sullivan

Mr. David R. Phillips and Ms. Pamela P. Phillips

Dr. Albert R. Mitchell and Mrs. Celia Mitchell

Mr. Roger C. Poulson and Mrs. V. Beverly Poulson Mr. David C. Price

Mrs. Joy S. Burns


Mr. James P. Burton and Ms. Alice F. Burton


Mr. Patrick H. Hamill

Mr. Brad R. Busse and Mrs. Lisa S. Busse

Ms. Cheryl A. Einspahr and Mr. Michael R. Einspahr

Dr. Glyn W. Hanbery and Mrs. Jan L. Hanbery


Mr. Gary L. Mitchell and Mrs. Paula Lovins Mitchell

Sen. Michael B. Enzi and Mrs. Diana B. Enzi

Mr. James M. Hansell Jr. and Mrs. Kathleen Hansell

Mr. James G. Lagges

Mr. Mark A. Mollandor

Mr. Lowell A. Hare and Mrs. Diana K. Hare

Mr. George E. Lamb and Mrs. Ann E. Lamb

Mr. Robert N. Morehead and Mrs. Ann M. Morehead


Mr. Louis C. Camilleri


Mr. Allen W. Harimon and Mrs. Vicki L. Harimon

Dr. James A. Largay III and Mrs. Betty G. Largay

Dr. Glenn R. Mueller and Ms. Jane H. Mueller

Mrs. JoAnn Radetsky and Mr. Richard L. Radetsky

Mr. Charles G. Cannon and Mrs. Kathleen Gibson Cannon

Mr. James D. Falvey and Ms. Dagni L. Falvey

Mr. Charles A. Haskell II

Mr. Alvin J. Larson and Ms. Shirley Larson

Mr. Dennis B. Mullen and Ms. Lynn Mullen

Mr. Shankar Rao

Dr. John M. Capozzola

Ms. Natasha K. Felten

Mr. Gordon Haycock

Dr. Sharon Lassar

Mr. Wayne William Murdy and Mrs. Diana Y. Murdy

Mr. Scott J. Reiman and Ms. Virginia L. Reiman

Mr. Robert L. Carleton and Ms. Daughn A. Carleton

Mr. William F. Ferguson Jr.

Mr. Richard E. Helm and Ms. Catherine Pitinga

Mr. Rocco A. Laterzo and Mrs. Kathleen Laterzo

Mr. Trygve E. Myhren and Ms. Victoria H. Myhren

Mr. Martin Remy

Ms. Sharla J. Carlson

Dr. Peter A. Firmin and Mrs. Jean Firmin

Mrs. Mary-Margaret Henke and Mr. Darrin J. Henke

Mr. David F. Lawrence Jr. and Mrs. Lori T. Lawrence

Mr. Paul B. Casterline and Mrs. Joanne W. Casterline

Mr. Carl R. Fitch and Mrs. Laura F. Fitch

Mr. Scott A. Henry and Ms. Tori L. Henry

Mr. Charles R. Lawson and Mrs. Linda K. Lawson


Mr. David B. Rhodes and Mrs. Marcie Rhodes

Mr. Victor Chigas Sr.

Mr. William M. Flansburg and Mrs. Mary L. Flansburg

Mr. Rodney R. Hilt and Mrs. Mary A. Hilt

Mr. James E. Lentz III and Mrs. Barbara F. Lentz

Ms. Ruth Nauts and Dr. Jack Q. Gallagher

Mr. Hugh L. Rice III and Ms. Mary Schaefer

Mr. Nicholas J. Chirekos Jr. and Ms. Mary A. Chirekos

Mr. Thompson D. Ford and Ms. Katherine Ford

Ms. Ann E. Hinkins and Mr. David Steiner

Mr. Brett L. Lewis and Ms. Mary A. Lewis

Mr. Joseph S. Nelson and Ms. Anne P. McDonald

Mr. James D. Richards CFP

Mr. Craig R. Choun and Mrs. Linda S. Choun

Prof. Joyce E. Frakes and Mr. Forrest V. Frakes

Mr. Robert P. Hjelmstad and Ms. Vicki L. Hjelmstad

Mr. Paul K. Libner and Ms. Kori Libner

Mr. Will F. Nicholson Jr. and Mrs. Shirley Nicholson

Dr. Christine M. Riordan and Dr. Robert D. Gatewood

Dr. Maclyn L. Clouse and Ms. Leslie C. Clouse

Mrs. Margot Gilbert Frank and Mr. M. Allan Frank

Mr. Tod C. Holmes and Ms. Ann M. Holmes

Mrs. Ann S. Lieff and Mr. William A. Lieff

Mr. Jon M. Niermann and Mrs. Stacey E. Niermann

Mr. Randy D. Robason



Prof. Sylvester R. Houston




DEAN’S SOCIETY – Continued

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T

Ms. Mary K. Rhinehart and Mr. Ryan Rhinehart

Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Corporate Partner.

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T |


DEAN’S SOCIETY – Continued

Mr. John T. Roberts and Mrs. Robin R. Roberts

Mr. James C. Swain and Mrs. Concepcio E. Swain

Dr. John H. White Jr. and Mrs. Virginia J. White

Mr. Timothy M. Roche and Mrs. Brenda Roche

Mr. Dennis M. Swenson and Mrs. Constance C. Swenson

Mr. Michael S. White and Mrs. Robyn N. White

Mr. Charles C. Rooke and Ms. Tammy Y. Rooke

Mr. Robert J. Swieringa and Mrs. Pamela B. Swieringa

Ms. Kathleen E. Whiteside Mr. Kevin O. Wilhelm and Ms. Jennifer O. Wilhelm

Mr. John G. Russell and Mrs. Thora Russell


Mr. Michael A. Williams and Ms. Vanessa D. Williams


Mr. Philip J. Tamminga and Mrs. Shelley R. Tamminga

Mr. David D. Willman and Mrs. Beverly Willman

Mr. Walter L. Sanders and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Sanders

Mr. James P. Tarpley

Mr. Joseph W. Saunders and Mrs. Sharon P. Saunders

Mr. Andrew C. Taylor and Mrs. Barbara B. Taylor


Mr. William B. Scarnato and Mrs. Sandy Scarnato

Mr. Herbert A. Tobin and Mrs. Francine H. Tobin

Mr. Gordon A. Yale and Mrs. Jennifer Yale

Mr. Amintore T. Schenkel

Mr. William G. Trainor and Mrs. Monica S. Trainor

Mr. Henry A. Yost and Mrs. Cynthia G. Yost

Mr. Lee E. Schlessman and Mrs. Dolores J. Schlessman

Mr. Donald T. Trinen and Mrs. Deborah Y. Trinen

Mrs. M. C. Schlessman and Mr. Gary L. Schlessman

Dr. John C. Tripp and Mrs. Loretta J. Tripp


Ms. Jennifer K. Scholz and Mr. Justin R. Scholz

Mr. Robert C. Troccoli and Mrs. Joan C. Troccoli

Mr. Vincent A. Zarlengo and Mrs. Margaret L. Zarlengo

Dr. Richard A. Scudder and Dr. Bonnie E. Scudder

Mr. Dean R. Troyer and Ms. Kit Troyer

Mr. William H. Ziering

Mr. Richard M. Seidel and Ms. Carla S. Seidel

Mr. Harry A. Trueblood Jr. and Mrs. Lucile B. Trueblood

Mr. James Sepic and Mrs. Carmen Sepic

Mr. John B. Trueblood

Mr. Edwin L. Setzler III and Ms. Allison C. Setzler

Mr. John C. Tune and Ms. Alexandra M. Tune

Mr. John J. Sie and Ms. Anna Sie

Ms. Pamela J. Turbeville

Mr. Harold R. Smethills Jr. and Mrs. Diane Smethills Ms. Haven C. Smith and Mr. Kristopher Smith


Mr. Todd S. Smith

Mr. David C. Underwood and Mrs. Barbara A. Underwood

Mr. John S. Spiecker and Ms. Elaine C. Spiecker Ms. Judith E. Spiegel


Drs. Mona F. Spitz and Mark Spitz

Mr. Charles J. Vasilius and Ms. Kathy E. Vasilius

7 S T R AT E G I C G O A L S


Mr. Frank P. Spratlen and Ms. Terry Spratlen



Mr. Michael G. St. John


Mr. Melvin R. Stahl Jr. and Ms. Debra Stahl

Mr. Geoffrey A. Wainwright and Dr. Eda V. Wainwright

Mr. Brion Stapp and Ms. Elizabeth C. Stapp

Mr. John M. Walker

Mr. Leonard P. Stegman and Ms. Angela M. Stegman

Mr. Robert Warner Jr. and Mrs. Jill Warner

Mr. Alan L. Sternberg and Mrs. Kim Sternberg

Mr. John B. Warnick

Mr. John F. Stewart Jr. and Ms. Kathy Stewart

Mr. Jon P. Warnick and Ms. Connie S. Warnick

Mr. Stewart A. Stockdale and Mrs. Mary M. Stockdale

Mr. Jack E. Watkins

Mr. Boyd Stofer and Ms. Cherie F. Stofer

Mr. Michael D. Weatherwax and Mrs. Linda D. Weatherwax

Mr. Michael C. Stone and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Stone

Prof. Mark S. Wehrle

Mrs. Dawn C. Strang and Mr. Donald W. Strang III

Mr. Louis J. Weisman and Mrs. Laurie Weisman

Mrs. Janette L. Strickland and Mr. Warren Strickland

Mrs. Janet C. Weiss and Mr. Cary P. Weiss

Mr. William J. Suitts and Ms. Elizabeth Suitts

Mrs. Margaret L. West

Mr. Lowell C. Sund

Mr. Michael D. West and Mrs. Etta M. West

Mr. Gregory D. Sutherland and Mrs. Donna P. Sutherland

Mr. George E. Wheeler

2 0 1 0 — 2 0 11 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T


Dean’s Society members are indicated with a DS. Deceased donors are italicized. CP denotes Corporate Partner.

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