daniel see's portfolio 2011

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an architecture portfolio d a n i e l s e e

preface Growing up in a creative and imaginative childhood environment, with an intense love for philosophy and all things curious, Architecture is the perfect platform for me to explore and experiment. This portfolio is a journey that will bring you into my world of philosophy, of imagination and of architecture.


year 1: design principles + basic design studio + residential studio

design principles Architecture consist of many basic principles that form its foundation. In design principles, we learn that buildings and spaces are governed by such laws. A few examples of these principles are axis points, repetition, reflection, hierachy, symmetry and rhythm. These design principles influences a wide aspect of architectural design. This ranges from repetition of windows and columns to converging axis points of corridors and open spaces.

design principles

fear. a translation Architecture and emotions are closely linked together. Architecture without emotion is dead and souless. In this project, we are asked to choose an emotion and translate it into a sculpture / shelter. My chosen emotion is Fear. Fear is a dark emotion, fear is a feeling of danger and unspeakable horrors that haunts all of us. My larger-than-life sculpture potray fear through scale, mystery, play of lightings and dark unforgiving shadows.

basic design studio

fear. a translation A cone filled with holes and spikes forms an immense overhang over the minature human cut-outs, or “Uncle Leong” as we call them. The stark contrast of colour and form between the sculpture of fear and its surrounding creates an otherworldly environment through the eyes of “Uncle Leong”. This is a project that I learned to convey my emotions and feelings into something physical. A translation and transition between the mind and architecture.

basic design studio

TIKI house TIKI house is a residential project located near our college. We are asked to design a compact living house for ourselves. Two sites are provided, a cantilevered shopfront, or a bridged structure between two shoplots. I chosed the cantilevered shopfront. In this compact living project, we designed a retreat space that contains all the essential spaces and furnitures that reflects our personal lifestyle. Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, lounge and living area, study area and a piano spcae is being housed in this 20 meter square house.

residential studio

TIKI house The walls and structure of the TIKI house is inspired by the traditional malay kampung houses. The thatched roof, timber framing and louvered walls are modern interpretation of the traditional house. Some features of this house includes horizontal and vertical louvered fin walls that can be manually ajusted to direct wind flow. The airy and high roof allows better natural ventilation and is a direct response to the hot tropical climate,

residential studio

phantom mansion The Phantom Mansion is a retreat house project designed to reflect our client’s personality and character. In this case, my client is the Phantom of The Opera. The Phantom of The Opera is a dark and mysterious character that lurks beneath the famous Paris Opera House. He is shrouded in a cloak of darkness and evil but possess a magnificient voice. A kind heart and an act of pure love shone through his evil side. This provides me with my design concept for this mansion. To potray beauty through mystery.

residential studio

phantom mansion The phantom always blends in with his surroundings, he is a master of illusion and trickery. My site for this project is a steep and heavily forested hill slope, our requirement is not to cut down a single tree on site. I fully optimised the surrounding context and integrate it into my design and intepretation of the Phantom Mansion. Nature motifs and the mysterious jungle atmosphere are incorporated into my design.

residential studio

phantom mansion The Phantom Mansion consist of 4 main areas. The entrance gallery, the living tower, the dining platform and ending at the pinnacle of all spaces, the music chamber. The structures and spaces are arranged according to hierachy, a central glass bridge with gargoyles forms the main axis of the whole complex.

residential studio

phantom mansion Rough concrete surfaces and nature inspired designs such as the branch-like music chamber glass frame dominates the mansion. This adds to the raw and mysterious beauty that blends in with its surroundings. This project takes translation to a whole new level compared to my previous translation project. An architecture piece is a physical statement of our wildest imaginations.

residential studio

year 2: commercial studio + institutional studio

tag heuer Tag Heuer is a luxury watch maker that distinguish itself with its iconic affliction to motorsports, nautical and aerospace technologies. Tag Heuer prides itself with its many innovations and intricate watch mechanisms. This project requires us to design a portable display shop for our client. The portable shop should reflect the client’s identity, innovations and character. Tag Heuer is famous for its complex open face inner mechanisms and sheer luxury. My design concept brings these two qualities together as a visual stimuli for visitors.

commercial studio

tag heuer The overall form represents the dynamic and luxury status Tag Heuer enjoys, matt black fibreglass sheets is used to mould the portable shop to provide a lightweight but visually pleasent exterior skin. Display compartments and LCD screens dominates the exterior facade to display Tag Heuer merchandise, the interior consist of a gallery and sales counter. The gallery is dominated by a huge clockwork mechanism glass floor that echos the rich heritage and modern innovations that is essentially Tag Heuer.

commercial studio

maybank shop facade In this project, we are tasked to redesign an existing shop facade for a new client. The redesigned facade should represent our new client and help to rejuvenate the current existing shoplot. My client is Maybank, Malaysia’s largest banking company. Maybank is famous for its stable financials and its tiger logo, it provides an image of stability and power that will be the core of my design concept.

commercial studio

maybank shop facade Banks are often rigid and solid, to break that monotomy I design curved exterior walls that provides visual appeal and sun shading properties. The curved exterior walls are made of pre-cast concrete with embedded steel water pipings, when filled with cold running water these pipings will cool down the exterior skin, thus lowering internal temperatures. Strips of louvers are also placed in intervals and planted with greens to provide vertical visual connection and additional shading.

commercial studio

maybank shop facade This redesigned facade provides a secure yet dynamic outlook for Maybank and it sets a prime example of sustainability and excitement for the surrounding shops.

commercial studio

traffic info centre The traffic information centre is a complex that centralises all traffic controls along Kuala Lumpur’s Federal Highway, while serving as an information hub for the public. The site is adjacent to the highway and is now occupied by an abandon structure. Traffic is all about hierachy and order, the way cars interact with one another and the rules and laws that governs them all forms a system. A neat orderly structure among all the chaos in traffic. My concept for this centre is hierachy and the opposing raw and tranquil nature of everyday traffic. My goal is to design an isolated and peaceful surrounding with water features and pools, while having imposing concrete monoliths that soars into the sky.

institutional studio

traffic info centre The traffic information centre consist of several main wings, namely the main reception hall, visitors gallery and lounge space, office platform and the traffic monitoring centre. These spaces are arranged according to hierachy in public and private spaces. The main entrance into the complex is walking through two concrete monoliths, passing along a concrete walkway across the reflection pond and into the reception hall. The whole complex surrounds the internal reflection pond, thus forming a focal point within.

institutional studio

traffic info centre Trees and greens are integrated into my design, open wings and platforms provide spaces for greens to be planted. Open facades encourage natural cross ventilation through the building.

institutional studio

year 3: urban research + urban revival

urban research In our final year, we are assigned to do a group research project at Chow Kit, one of the oldest areas of Kuala Lumpur as part of our urban research. During the various site visits, me and my friends studied and researched on topics such as traffic flows, weather patterns, public ammeneties, building topography, etc. Our research brought us a better understanding of the developement and problems that occur in a diverse urban pocket.

year 3 : urban research

urban research

year 3 : urban research

urban revival After the initial research stage, we are asked to propose a new masterplan to address the issues found by means of upgrading current systems or a complete new revival. The urban revival in Chow Kit is done through several proposals, this includes new projects to inject new life into this area, new traffic circulations, new designated building zones and other public ammeneties such as the gree belt proposals.

The goal of the project is to nurture a sense of pride and belonging to the residence. The revival also aims to provide Chow Kit with a greener and more breathable environment that is sustainable and vibrant.

year 3 : urban revival

urban revival

year 3 : urban revival

year 3: final project

rimba belia The final project is a Youth Creative and Lifestyle Centre for the youths in Chow Kit. This is a continuation of the urban revival project. Rimba in Malay means jungle, belia means youth. For this project, Rimba Belia signifies the effort to provide a sustainable, green and creative environment for youths to nurture and grow.

PROJECT GOAL: To improve and upgrade the lifestyle by inserting vibrancy and life back to the youth community. Ultimately, it is about giving and identity and to instil a sense of pride and confidence to the youths living in Chow Kit.

DESIGN GOAL: To project dynamism and the identity of youths to create prensence and statement within the surrounding site context. The design will provide spaces and facilities in relation to the local needs that will greatly benefit the youths and community of Chow Kit.

final project

rimba belia The development process is a detailed consideration of the type and layout of spaces.

DESIGN CONCEPT: Exposed Fusionism Exposed Fusionism is the concept of exposing the innerworks and fusion of external influence of a building. This concept enables the project to stand out while blending in with the local social fabric, creating a strong yet harmonious identity for the youths of Chow Kit.

final project

rimba belia

1 internal courtyard garden 2 outdoor courtyard platform



final project

rimba belia

3 rooftop garden overlooking greenbelt 4 arts and crafts gallery



final project

rimba belia

5 rooftop bicycle and skateboard -ing ring 6 arts and crafts gallery









final project

rimba belia

7 study and discussion platform 8 arts and crafts platform



final project

other works visual communication + sketches + photography

visual communication We attend visual communication classes in our first year to learn some basic drawing and manual colouring skills. Some of the assignments includes pencil sketching, watercolour and mix-media paintings. It helps us greatly in the coming years with our presentation boards.

other works

sketches We travelled to a few places in Malaysia for field trips and study trips, sketches are part of our assignments. These sketches are based on heritage buildings in Melacca and George Town, Penang. Both are recently declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

other works


other works


01 03


01 BOH tea farm, cameron highlands 02 traditional house, kota kinabalu 03 old tea factory, cameron highlands

other works


01 03


01 blossoming purple flower 02 stacked timber 03 jungle leaf vein

other works


01 01 the girl by the window bay 02 smile of spring 03 once upon a tea time


02 other works

“ A great building must begin with the unmeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed and in the end must be unmeasurable. “ Louis I. Kahn

d a n i e l s e e

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