OUGD602 DBA Brief

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The Brief DBA Concept To work as a team and to create a new nootropic brand. My group consisted of myself, Peter Daniels and Paayal Makdani. Background The DBA champions the transformative power of design, promoting its strategic and economic value to business and government. As the industry’s trade association we represent a vibrant community of design consultancies and design-driven businesses. Together we are the collective voice for design. Deliverables - Brand Identity

- Website design

- Presentation Boards - Packaging design

CONCEPT FOR THE BRIEF GIGABYTE3 3 different drugs being placed as one product on sale. 3 different functions of the brain, left hand side, right hand side and one to function both left and right hand side.

Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice

Research Background Researching into existing products that are mainly circular as this is the concept that we have come up together with. We will be trying to connect with males and females within the early/mid 20s hence why I have looked mainly into packaging with superstores such as Superdrug / boots.

Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice

Research Brand name - Gigabyt3 Something that I found important alongside the group was the identity. Looking at different shapes and sizes of pills, what they look like and why? Looking at memory related items such as computers and motherboards which store memory. L Looking at the left and right hand side of the brain. Looking at what drugs help the left hand side and what drugs help the right hand side. Why are they normally ‘blue’ and ‘orange’.

Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice

Initial Ideas Initial sketches Although my task was to research the drugs, we all came together to help each other with the logo, although my idea didn’t get used for the final logo, it is important to give an influence to the team. I gave infleunce through using the number ‘3’ at the end of Gigabyte which then transformed into a logo image followed by byte with the small 3 ontop.

Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice

For my group, I was given the task to do the research for the group. Getting the right drugs for the left and right hand side of the brain and what each drug does to you. Since we were researching drugs to help with memory I looked at Modafinil, Adderall and Concerta. These are the 3 drugs that we focued mainly towards. Relating back to the number 3 in our concept.

Devolopment Product development Developing the product was quite difficult and hard to understand. Working with packaging is something that I am not really used to,however, someone had to do it in the group. I found it easy to play around with the type as shown on the right. However, it was harder to get the colour right and to make the product look round within a square container. We wanted to create circular packaging within a square box and then have the outer packaging seperate. This would be relating to the concept of gigabyt3 which consists of 3 pills which focus on the left, right and a combination of the two. The bottom picture shows the development behind the square packaging developed on photoshop.

Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice

Final Outcome Final packaging For the final products I have designed 3 seperate designs for the circular packaging, 3 for the square packaging as well as an involvement with the website which Paayal designed. GREY cap - ORANGE cap - BLUE cap -

COMBINED pills LEFT hand side RIGHT hand side

Final Feedback from DBA. “It could have had a deeper understanding - a lot more simplified” “The overall design was well though through” “You talked the stigma against health material information” “Could be less informative and to the point” “Great teamwork”

Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice

Final Outcome Website This is the final outcome for the webiste that Paayal Makdani designed. Both Peter and myself have helped throughout the designs and together we have worked really well and our final concept for the website and the identity is strong and works well.

Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice

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