The Brief Euphoria To create a video edit using photography that I have acquired from visiting a house/techno party. Peter Daniels’ photographer didn’t turn up to his event therefore asking me to create a promotional video as well as the photography throughout the night. Background This is a joint partnership with Paayal Makdani (designing an app) Peter Daniels (designing the visual aesthetics). We have decided to collaborate on Peter Daniel’s launch event night. I would like to give this a go because it is something that I am new to and as discussed in my PPP I would like to try Vlogging. Deliverables - Video Edit
- Photography CONCEPT FOR THE BRIEF Looking at existing competitors and what they do right and what I could do to help improve the launch. Making sure the brand name is involved as well as the social media to help promote the event. The photography was a pleasure and the video editing was something new to me which I would like to learn more on.
Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice
Research Researching Euphoria Who is Euphoria? Euphoria is an event with co-founders Peter Daniels and Tommy Owens. After working for Orderly Conduct they have formed together to work under a new personal event. After finding local dj’s talents and finding techno dj’s from around and outside Leeds, Euphoria is becoming a big night for techno/house guests. The target market for this audience would be aged between 18-29, who are seeking an event within Leeds and who seek techno
Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice
Research Competitors Researching other Leeds event companies such as NoCurfew, Tiger Tiger, Sound Navigation, Entourage Leeds. These promotion/event companies are competitors to Euphoria and it would make sense to research into their aesthetic and what they do that successful and unsuccessful. A lot of these events start with the logo/brand identity and try to replicate the style of the night into the video edits with their style of photograhy and videos. Each event has a different scene yet all the events are very similar in the way of lighting and promoting their events in terms of icons used and social media.
Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice
Initial Ideas Photography for Euphoria The intial ideas was this project have been made into photography. Photopgrahy is something that I am not new to. I was asked by Peter Daniels to help him with some photography as his photographer didn’t turn up. I ended up taking plenty of photographs and tried to capture as much as possible; music, atmosphere, dj djecks, lighting, visuals and plenty more. Keeping photography as a hobby, I have learnt a few techniques such as the ones demonstrated next door; slow motion, black and white, colour pace. Here are a few examples of the photography that I took throughout the day.
Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice
Devolopment Video editing After transporting all the images over, I first started by going on photoshop and editing each image/video. Even changing some images from colour to black and white. After all changes have been made, I began to construct a video edit for Euphoria. At first it was hard because it was hard to get the videos to change at the drop of each beat. However, after playing around for a few days, I started to get used to the program and found it easier to match the beat of the song which was averages between 1 second. The development process was very tough but it was enjoyed and a fun reward as I look forward to creating vblogs in the future.
Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice
The development process during the video editing. Here are screenshots to show how I developed my video for Euphoria using various images/videos that I had taken during the event itself. I had taken the images and videos and had started cutting them each to roughly between 0.9 - 1.1 seconds to match each beat. The change of each image relies on the beat of the song.
Final Outcome Video edits The final outcome was a huge success as it was launched on Euphoria Facebook page which has over 1000 subscirbers. Personally, I was very happy with the final outcome as it gave a house/techno feel to the video and surpassed the requirements to Peter Daniel and the Euphoria team.
Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice