Exposing the One Eyed Dajjal with evidence! The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that; “When you hear the news [concept, opinions, ideas] of ancient nobility, a Khorasan cemented vessel, …” WARNING: it is NOT of black flags! The command is for a royal alliance ‘bayah.’
Direct Translation of this Hadith: “According to Thawbaan, dear Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that; “struggling to master, a grand old age noble item having a quantity of calligraphic style [of 1/3rd ] their hidden son, a Khaleefa, to be accomplished, his not getting into a situation. Where until this certain person, therefore from them that reason, its study emerges, the concept the first royal draft banner from in it, the illumination, and so thus, they struggle to cover up/conceal murder. To gather/rally, he masters a subject of study of it, a resurrection, to gather hoping to remember. We, not committed to sustain it, therefore he said, “If you see him, upon giving allegiance/contract a bargain of it though, to show good will/love/respect! You wouldn’t doubt it would you? Over the ice [cold attitudes/snow season]. For verily he is Khalifa of Allah, the Mahdi”. …….work in progress…. ﺍﺳﻨﺎﺩﻩ ﺻﺤﻴﺢ: “His attribution with correct supportive evidence of lawful healthful genuine truth.”
Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025
According to the prophecy, there is a planned assassination and attempt to cover up a historical murder and a historical resurrection. The vessel of Moses (first draft royal banner Khorasan cemented vessel of the Passover) is all about a historical murder and a historical resurrection according to all of the prophets (PBUH)! The struggle of research of Hazrat Mahdi reveals the cover up of that event. The SIGNS in the Heavens of the Hand of Yah Allah depict each of the ceremonial items used by the prophet priest Harun (PBUH). The effort to re-tell the correct story is the role of Hazrat Mahdi! The urgency of the illumination of the subject has witnesses that testify of seeing Hazrat Mahdi and his wife fully lit by a Supernal fire of ﻳﺎ ﺍﷲYah Allah confirming their custody of the vessel of Musa (PBUH).
The prophet Malachi declares REMEMBER Moses (PBUH), the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) declared, remember the Mahdi. The cemented vessel [Khorasan] is of the prophet Iliyas (PBUH) and of the prophet Musa (PBUH). The 1/3rd mark is where the brilliant design of calligraphic script of Arabic and Paleo-Hebrew that forms an ancient design of a vineyard, a field of grain sheaves, a series of temple menorahs without idolatry. The prophet Mohammad declares remember Moses by declaring the important Khorasan cemented vessel of the Passover Exodus! The final messenger has this sign of his royal assignment of exposing the EdomRome idolatrous infidels. Information regarding the evil ‘they’ is the Rome Vatican, the ONE EYED DAJJAL evil that has captured the soul of many. The world is looking for the hint of the ONE EYED EVIL of the Vatican underworld...The well known symbol is an eye, a specific eye. It is audacious enough to parade this 666 symbol before the world, yet, no one seems to notice.
The 666 is concealed in the symbol. It requires a CHANGE of perspective in order to see it. Turn the symbol upside down or rotate it 60°+60°+60° (a hint of 666). The one-eyed Dajjal, the left eye of evil is leading the government!
Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025
Do you now see the three sixes? There are some distracters thrown in to fool the world. Remove these distractions from the symbol and the number of the beast will slowly emerge. Consider the chrome version (inverted) below without color distraction.
Because the colored distracters are hollowed out, the symbol appears solid with the sixes more pronounced.
Besides the color distraction, the compression done to the second and third digits make them appear less like '6'. By flipping the strokes on top of the semicircles and with a slight rotation, lo and behold, the number of the beast materializes before your eyes! The One-eyed evil is exposed! ﻳﺎ ﺍﷲYah Allah knows the truth! The Vatican has historically used the one-eyed art displays to mark their agenda in every segment of history. Following the ancient history of Rome, the governement has permanently damaged the world economy and reduced the value of the American dollar. All done on time, all part of the Papal orders that a government leader has disgracefully bowed to Yosef Ratzinger, the Pope Benedict, on July 11, 2009 confirming his infidel status. Whose ideas were to make a translation state ‘black flag’ confusing the population of the highly significant sign of the legendary vessel of Moses? The Vatican has always used black flags and threw a loop to confuse the path of the righteous. The good news is that the expose of the lie is with an abundance of evidences. With urgency, the evil plan to locate and force Hazrat Mahdi into the Roman Catholic Vatican control and remove the relics of the prophet Musa (PBUH) the following is shared: With little notice, President Obama has signed Executive Order (EO) 12425, which grants complete immunity to foreign police
Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025
agencies, thereby allowing them to potentially arrest American citizens on US soil with no constitutional protections or considerations afforded those arrested. According to the Washington Examiner, "[The president] has given an international law enforcement organization that is accountable to no other national authority the ability to operate as it pleases within our own borders, and he has freed it from the most basic measure of official transparency and accountability, the FOIA [Freedom of Information Act]." Within 12 months of office, the Democratic party has placed significant numbers of Roman Catholic individuals into power whether judicial or congressional. The person of having lied of his past, having lied to the world of his birth being a British citizen born in Kenya, now illegally acting as a US president, has implemented the Roman Catholic Church agenda. The man is an imposter and manipulating the Islamic nations according to the one-eye evil Vatican directions. The Vatican agenda has been to wage wars to seek the Holy Grail “Ephod Urim & Thummim,” the royal banner of Khorasan as historically to the ancient Kings of the House of David, the Khorasan vessel was a direct line to Heaven. [For example, I Samuel 30:7-8]. Ancient kings relied upon the “Ephod, Urim and Thummim,” as custodians of the Sacred vessel of Moses and Aaron to protect their nations and to guide the royal families collectively from the evil agenda of the one-eyed Dajjal. Hazrat Mahdi is the Khalifa of Yah Allah, the successor of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the successor of the prophet Iliyas (PBUH) and the successor of the prophet Musa (PBUH). Although the ice-cold distrust has occurred, it is time to bring the families together. It is imperative to understand that the Vatican terrorists of Al Qaida and its evil designs are to destroy. By the direction of ﻳﺎ ﺍﷲ Yah Allah, all Al Qaida -Vatican terrorist cells will be exposed by Hazrat Mahdi. The Vatican fully funds the leader Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaida militants. Throughout the internet, the Al Qaida films are calling for the overthrowing of any government that the Vatican deems to destroy the children of the patriarch Abraham (PBUH). The Covenant of our patriarch Ibrahim for his 12 sons of HagarKeturah is that all of his Arab sons were protected dynasties of royal sons. Therefore, as honor to the prophet Mohammad (PBUH), an official alliance of the nations of Arabia is to be made with Hazrat Mahdi with the Holy Grail, the royal banner of Khorasan. As the prophet (sas) said: ﺍﺳﻨﺎﺩﻩ ﺻﺤﻴﺢ: “His attribution with
Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025
correct supportive evidence of lawful healthful genuine truth.� The appeal for implementing the health instructions of the prophet Musa (PBUH) will protect the Arab nations from the coming plagues. For the prophet Isaiah (PBUH) wrote: "Fear thou not; For I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy GOD: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10
Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025