The Legendary “seven signs” of the Divine Credentials of the final generation’s prophet Elijah as the Arab’s King by R’ B. and R’ Dr. H. Yellen
Opening up healing for the entire world is through proofs given to us from the ancient prophets. A sign that is coming to pass is the vessel of manna with its distinct Hebrew vineyard trellis in a brilliant design of encoded Paleo-Hebrew letters written with golden yellow pomegranate ink. The research of the significance of this vessel of Manna has been consistently validated through its scientific, scholarly and historical history. Breaking the seal of this ancient vessel of the original Yom Kippur includes the correlating work of direct translation of the
“Elijah Texts” that are often quoted of page 115 of Pereq.R.Yoshiyahu, BhM 6: "A disgraced sanctuary negligence and King Messiah being justified before pilgrims and behold they are out of the very thing investigating unto Jerusalem. And a King's witness because of the purifying waters being justified before to face healthy believers in G-D [Israel] and saying to join the bread [sanctuary meal] battle what to you out of the very thing is Jerusalem? And healthy believers in G-D [Israel] have sayings the place f study to us and the wanton vanity to us is difficult. To you (those) bright, well lit purifying and yearning...Is it indeed so setting at rest the House of the Sanctuary?" "And an Arab's King [Hazrat Mahdi] says to those healthy believers of G-D [Israel] "How to you is the estate title out of the very thing been perverted? Lamenting the legitimate existence/authority they want a religious act of investigation to you within the WORD of ONENESS of G-D. Within first of it, you have been made a widow entertaining in the (perverted alcohol) gift offering. Out of the very thing presently now the world to come! And its near related raw grape juice gifts that shall her [Israel] obey for my gift with emphasis has a vague regret as all of us have united (ignorantly) with the EdomRoman pagan government!" "And healthy believers in G-D [Israel] place the gift offering and its investigation in the obedience a place of turning around and release for the oil rich leaders within their prayer shawl garments to raise up their value offering to face the round pottery proclamation of the New Moon day appointment vessel." "And a primary teacher regarding a pottery vessel educates discernment /understanding through convocation and places its dual contract agreement. Is it indeed so a firm realized stand as it is written "All ears of grain on a stone's fringes of the basket Ephod pottery vessel he fathers them to you" and a beautiful ornament is revealed out of Isaiah 60:7. Out of the very thing [vessel of manna] it is a SIGN OF MESSIAH caring to regard. Say! Arab Ishmaelite to healthy believers in G-D [Israel] a command of the world to come and Esau-Edom-Rome in causing to us to die and their admitted commotions of Roman gentile government. Fellow believer and Israel a sayings to them (regarding this evidence of their) lead within oppression, insight of (each generation's) offspring proves this oppression." "Pagan guard priests denying the root principles of faith within its [vessel of manna] SIGN OF MESSIAH regard the remarkable dignity and honor of the royal end of the Faithful Covenant ● 970 West Valley Parkway, 170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyrighted © 2009 Faithful Covenant
The Legendary “seven signs” of the Divine Credentials of the final generation’s prophet Elijah as the Arab’s King by R’ B. and R’ Dr. H. Yellen
wheat harvest and its shooting forth (of words)vowing to prohibit and forbid opinions of agreement with their arrows (armed tongues) at the crown of a Nazarite and its established commanded miracle of assured announcement of good tidings to wash/redeem a crown to turn around is evidence, a witness to keep the gate is the first fruits harvest of the pure grapes [Ephraim]." "And from the fact that it [vessel of manna] is to heal(!) it defrauds, withholds, forces a disinheritance to a land of children of Ammon and to the desert speaker Moab and therefore so this here it is written: "Dwelling converts in you my exiles Moab (Isaiah 4:16) and a miraculous act to lift up the pure waters sign it is to be considered to prepare, a value to them and to go find by power of support in Heaven to them shall have joyful vibrancy and examination of the law of Jubilee, he joins to them this white linen alabaster (white stone) water vessel binding firmly 40th and 50th festival days for wholly righteous charity. SHEMA! A healthy believer in G-D [Israel] and my Yah's force and power commanded the firmly binding incapacitating with its instrument within grape syrup. A healthy raw fresh grape juice and pouring forth and becoming pleasing (a quote of the prophet Isaiah) is to be ready and put in subjugation the country land pressing together. (a quote of the prophet Habakkuk)." "A seven oath sign, is its the circular foundation sickle scroll to them. Of writings this here is THE COVENANT placed outside portion of this circle is a cut (lip circumcision) a House sign (for) healthy believers in G-D [Israel] and pagan nations (a quote of Jeremiah)." "And to wickedness which out of the very thing of healthy believers in G-D [Israel], WOE masters of the pure waters for out of this very thing is bitterness (alcohol and strong drink). And in a day from Yah, Elijah remembers to seal, he causes seed to grow, they rise and The King Messiah commands Gather and from the name His good news and saying to them A sign of heaven to them something and healthy believers in G-D [Israel] sayings despair for dropping from memory our respect and thus our ruin is a climate that is parched to us." "Say to them Establish laws of identity! My oiled Elijah and King the Messiah and if this be a miracle sign, suppose perhaps these are idol worshipper infidels. Say to them from people a third desire then to make to them documentation of this sign in Moses and of Israel, sayings of favor." 1 Elijah of blessed memory came to help and to take care (with) Divine Glory displayed prominent proofs in evidences, signs of letter writing, circumstances for that special hour a sign of a scholarly earthen vessel scraped by the pleasing and good artist Moses and generations from the wilderness praise gather them to Me My precious gift. 2 Another Sign is a priestly superior rank’s round shaped and all stone ornament witness of writing for return/repentance (in its) boundaries. Faithful Covenant ● 970 West Valley Parkway, 170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyrighted © 2009 Faithful Covenant
The Legendary “seven signs” of the Divine Credentials of the final generation’s prophet Elijah as the Arab’s King by R’ B. and R’ Dr. H. Yellen
3 A third sign (within its) support framework, comforter of the LORD, builder of a feeling of G-D which enlightening our eyes with evidence in which that witness points out, teaching, directing peace. 4 A fourth sign uncovering this sickle scroll to them hidden storage of the ark and a potsherd Dove basket stone vessel of the Manna, and menorah of the levitical purification oaths (with its) scarlet dye of pomegranate, an altar and dove basket potsherd stone vessel rich of the anointing installing the royal position (of the Davidic Kingdom). 5 A fifth sign of his authority unto him the round pot rough scepter in his hand is a scepter that guards/watches your iniquity and pagan nations. 6 A sixth sign is his wilderness encampment with My teaching of healthy believers of G-D in the bread meal of written writings of fellow believers uniting (as Hebrews of the Hebrew faith) healthy in natural condition, raw fresh grape juice and poured forth and to become pleasing, to be ready and pressing together in subjugation 7 A seventh sign a sickle (of the temple)at its the circular foundation of writings this here is The Covenant to be covenanted a cut placed out side its circular lip (circumcised lips) an essential sign for a house of healthy believers in G-D and pagan nations. (Pereq. R. Yoshiyahu, BhM. 6:115;also quoted in Jellinek, l.c. iii. 72) The summary of all seven signs compared to the authentic vessel of Manna: The bronze age stone-vessel of the Exodus has the geographical art written by the scholar and artist „Moses.‟ Within its round shaped witness of paleo-Hebrew writings, there is urging for all to repentance and return (from idolatry). The sickle moon upon its foundation is declaring the proper time of the New Moon and its hidden manna scientifically validated to the manna grinding stones to a 93.1% match. Its pomegranate dye is scientifically validated. The „dove basket‟ is scraped within its cavity illustrating a „basket like effect‟ for the dove ceremony. This vessel has its scientific forensic laboratory confirmation of blood (of the dove). The „menorah‟ branches of its „crown‟ are the earliest true Hebrew sanctuary form according to scholars. The Davidic Kingdom scepter is a round and rough scepter for all peoples. The wilderness encampment of the Exodus of Moses and his generations with its photographic confirmations match the terrain drawn upon this bronze aged vessel. The sign of the unleavened bread and unfermented grape juice bringing the families together (of Ishmael and of Yitzach) represents all of the sons following in their father Abraham‟s foot steps. The foundation circular sickle and its cut lip representing „circumcised lips‟ present the final summary of a true „Brit‟ circumcised Hebrew vessel. This ancient vessel has the brilliant letter writing within the vineyard trellis design and sheaves of grain. The stone-vessel is the KEY, the authentic Hebrew „Peter‟ of the east gate to opening up healing for the entire world. The Creator gave the Covenant vessel to Noah and to each succeeding generation of the patriarchs this very relic, the Cup-bowl of the vineyard. It is time for the Kingdom of David to implement the healing that every single patriarch and prophet and king confirmed. Will the modern generation respect the piles of historical documented truths regarding the original ceremony of healing? Faithful Covenant ● 970 West Valley Parkway, 170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyrighted © 2009 Faithful Covenant