الحجر 1430 AH
The Return of the Sacred Stone of the Ancient Prophets
NOTICE: Heavenly Messengers know the will of ياهللاAlmighty השם יהGOD and will be attentive to the descendants, the family of the patriarch Abraham (PBUH). Concerning the grave matter of alteration identified within modern translations and a departure from the original intent of the prophets (PBUH), all authors of translations that are still living the following notice is made: 1. Prove that you were and are ignorant of creating an erroneous translation, 2. Your translation acts were NOT purposeful of evil Edom-Rome intent, 3. Your role as a leader now is to dedicate to service of ياهللاjoining with the Mahdi‟s scholarship army to compile manuscripts in study format conveying true understanding and establishing harmony. All authors of translations will be using ALL Semitic language sources and confirming the messages of all of the prophets (PBUH). *************************** The Bay’ah Appeal The Hadith of the prophet (PUBH) gave instructions “If you see him (the Mahdi Khaleefah of Allah), give bay‟ah to him even if you must crawl over ice/winter snow.”1 The most amazing snow fall has occurred in California-Nevada in a prolonged Winter-like season. It clearly is not the season of winter yet snowfall has occurred in significant amounts in clearly documented regional news. The supportive evidences of Hazrat Mahdi are for lawfully healthful and genuine truths fully documented from several sources. Not one individual has previously exposed EdomRome‟s evil hunter-fisher religion trap with the breadth of scholarship and authority as has Hazrat Mahdi Kohen Gadol HM Eliyahu has accomplished within this document. The reader will view within this document evidence of the validity of the army of the Mahdi being trained to be scholars of all of the prophets armed with ink pins, typewriters, computer web pages and printing presses, taking action to present truth to the world to restore the simple diet, simple methods of healing and importantly, the restoration of worship with the „battle bread‟ and pure grape juice covenant meals. Sacred Duty The saying “Truth is stranger than Fiction” is the unfolding of this story of the Mahdi and his family. There has been a struggle for many years between the Inquisition assassins and the House of David. There are family members that have been poisoned with deadly intent by priests, martyred within the inquisitions, robbed by Catholic priests, leaving remaining family 1
Ibn Maajah, Ahmad’s Musnad, Al Haakim’s Mustadrak and others.
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members living in secrecy and destitution lest the Vatican army finds them? What would be of high interest to the Vatican about the Covenant Stone-Vessel of the Royal family of the House of David? The fact is that the royal guardian of the House of David is foretold to have the stonevessel giving automatic title as King of Jerusalem of Arabia. 2 There is a struggle going on, a desperate struggle over who has the Covenant stone-vessel of all of the prophets, the long lost original writing of the Master‟s first draft ancient medicine covenant 3 stone, the relic of Musa (PBUH) and of Harun (PBUH), a very special stone-vessel also called “AlAsSoud AlHajr” that was removed from Mecca in 980CE to the gulf region. Why is this important story to be told? The final Hour is upon this world, the stone-vessel announces the grand return of Issa AlMasih (PBUH) to this world. Wake up! The Sign of the Sacred Stone-Vessel The Gospel letters talk about war and being armed. The direct translation of the text reveals that scholarship is the key! The chapter of “Ephesians” in the Peshitta Text Aramaic book, the title is written „ דלות אפסיאDalout Epsia” which directly translated is the following: “Market 4 of the diseased5 (giving them) provision cut-off stone-vessel of letting go.”6 The sages document that the „Ephesian‟ is the “provision and pay for an army.” 7 Of interest, the same spelling is for „obsidian‟ which largely today is thought to be the term meaning a “black stone.” 8 The stonevessel of the Hebrew Ephesians is a heaven-sent stone-vessel of Judgment to Edom-Rome whose author and scholar is the prophet Moses (PBUH). The instructions were to directly with humanitarian efforts assist the world “in the depths of suffering to drink of the Master‟s teachings from the potsherd pearl of great price.” 9 The word „ דלותdalout‟ was to teach “drawing water, the lifting up, the suspending and training of a vineyard” 10 implying the art of being a Master Viticulturist AND the High Priest Kohen Gadol that raises the Sacred stone-vessel vineyard-trellis of instructions of the prophet Moses(PBUH). The physical description of this ancient stone-vessel is within its construction having an ancient Hebrew vineyard trellis design of Arabic and Paleo-Hebrew letters in a most ingenious brilliant design. The Hebrew-Aramaic root letters of „dalout‟ are „ דליdli‟ which means the bucket of water constellation of the Aquarius11 where the „Eye of GOD‟ nebula that is an exact description in the Heavens of this most important sign of the Sacred stone vessel. The counterfeit is the Edom-Roman Ephesus 2
Holy Grail history by Lawrence Gardener Arabic English Dictionary, HansWehr, p. 440 4 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 106 5 Ibid. 6 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 309 7 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 106 8 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 106 9 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 309. 10 Ibid. 11 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 310 3
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black stone meteorite with the offensive idolatrous shape of private parts that NEVER should be displayed, shamelessly preserved mockingly copying how the infidels worship. The infidels have infiltrated the city of Mecca and the evidence of the tragic switch from truth to falsehood is shared in this document. The Hebrew Ephesian אפסיאstone vessel is confirmed in the Constellation of Aquarius within the Eye of GOD nebula with these elements: a white stone-vessel surrounded with a red mantle that gives out Sapphire lights. The red mantle of Elijah, the sapphire meaning purification and cleansing releasing the sapphire aura of humans, the stone-vessel with its design that appears to illustrate the iris of the eye within its unique and brilliant design. The authentic AsSouda AlHajr is NOT the artifact currently in the east gate of the stone house Kaaba of Mecca. Why was the AlAsoud AlHajr removed? Are there hints regarding why there was such an event to occur to have it removed? Yes. According to historians, in the year 980 CE or 317 AH, 358 years after the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) died, the „AsSouad AlHajr‟ was stolen by the fun loving people of „القرامطهAlGraamta‟12 which highly significantly means in Arabic, “ القرمNibble Master13 طهBakers.”14 The historical role of Master Bakers is to prepare the finger sized „nibble‟ „battle bread‟ of the Covenant meal of the patriarch Abraham (PBUH). The historical record states that he was of the cheerful AlAhsa of 15„Bahrin‟ which directly translates as the scholars, those that deeply and thoroughly study the Sacred Scriptures. He called upon the community to remember their parents and “the article doctrine of 7.” This phrase is highly significant to the „AlHajr‟ stone, as the prophet Zechariah (PBUH) called the “One Stone-Vessel having the “7”oath fountain eye of the landscape16-17 The Hebrew word for seven „ שבעShaba‟ means “an oath, a sign of feeding to the full.”18 When the sacred AlHajr stone vessel is brought out, when used according to Torah directions, “removes the iniquity of the land in one day.” 19 The collective descriptions of the ancient stone vessel „ الحجرAlHajr‟ has exactly what the prophets have described having the distinctive and accurate in N-S compass imagery, the landscape view of the entire 369 degree view from Mount Sinai in modern Saudi Arabia. The scholar Abu Taher performed the Hajj to travel to Mecca with peace however upon seeing certain evidence, he cried out specific words that are largely overlooked by those that denigrate his character today. Abu Taher declared initially a clue regarding the dispute: “The right Quran 12
www.google.com search engine for Abu Taher AlGraamta Arabic-English Dictionary, The HansWehr Dictionary, p. 759 14 Ibid, p. 570-571 15 Arabic-English Dictionary, The HansWehr Dictionary, p. 42 16 Strongs Hebrew #5869 17 Zechariah 3:9 18 Strong’s Hebrew #7651, 19 Zechariah 3:9 13
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is irreversible!” and when he arrived, with passion upon seeing obviously some problems, as there is record of „some creatures present‟ meaning in code, he viewed evidences of EdomRome‟s idolatry where it did not belong. The historical record documents that Abu Taher cried out: “What‟s this, the birds Al Babel? Where‟s the stone baked clay? Honor Allah the generous and great!” The honorable Abu Taher departed with the stone20 to where scholars indicate is the gulf region, the Eastern province away from Saudi Arabia. This specific and highly significant location of where the stone went to, the region of the AlGaramita AlHsa community now is the community living in the Buraimi Oasis of Al Ain in the region now in the modern jurisdiction territory of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates and Oman. The bird and Al Babel is a phrase out of the book of Revelation, where Issa Al Masih(PBUH) declared was a confused doctrine of idolatry in Revelation 18:1-2. The cage of every unclean bird (whether chicken, turkey or other non-vegetarian birds) in the „some creatures present‟ were obviously there in Mecca and he recognized a departure from the teachings of the prophet (PBUH). The historical standard of Edom-Rome has been with their black bird or chicken devotion. Could it be that he saw this? The evidence demonstrates in this document that the authentic stone-vessel was RETAINED by the Arab royal family in the gulf of Arabia region and NOT returned to Mecca due to the documented Abu Taher witness of his viewing Edom-Rome idolatry where it should never have been. The Roman Catholic Church has long boasted of its successful infiltration of Islam. 21 The significance of the outburst of Abu Taher finding “the birds of Babel” at Mecca is where he would in zeal seek to bring out the Sacred 7 oath stone-baked clay-vessel in the emergency that was presented before him. The events that occurred over a thousand years ago have recorded that they knew that there was a “Scriptural test of the stone to float on water” which is what the Sacred stone-vessel does wonderfully. The floating on water theme is preserved by the story of the prophet Elisha (PBUH)22 with the „ ברזלBarzil‟ meaning earthen iron ore stone, another description of the prophets (PBUH) stone with iron battle axe vessel. Where the stick is thrown in to the stone-vessel where it floats upon the ceremonial water as the prophet Moses (PBUH) instructed for the healing of the infected person and the infected house.23 From the accounts that these authors have read in translation, Abu Taher understood the requirements of Torah, Quran and Hadiths to take emergency action. Sadly, today people have demonized a man that rightfully seems to be a righteous man that should be given proper honor in his memory. What is the evidence that faithful scholars of the Sacred Scriptures lived in the gulf? The oldest known Mosque is still standing and in beautiful preserved condition is in that region of the gulf states of UAE. Is the reader ready for the story? How does Hazrat Mahdi come to have the real 20
www.google.com ‘Abu Taher and the AlHajr stone.’ Jesuit Alberto Riviera series regarding the Vatican’s infiltration into Islam 22 II Kings 6:5-7 23 Leviticus 14 21
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„Souda Barayaat AlKhorasaan‟ with the Arabic letters clearly declaring the sacred name ياهللاYah Allah? The story unfolds in 1987 when peacemaker هديdeparts to Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE to work at the Oasis Hospital. How did هديknow there was work during the gulf war in this region? In 1986 هديtraveled with friends of the US military Air force officers to Istanbul Turkey to then travel the Holy Lands. Upon the return trip to USA, while in Istanbul (old Constantinople) the message was delivered: “GOD has a special work for you in the gulf; you are urgently to go to Oasis Hospital and work there.” This message was strongly emphasized. هديarrived in the first part of the month of December in the winter of 1987. Just prior to the season of the ceremony of Temple dedication and cleansing, “Hanukkah” 1987, while meeting the local hospitable Bedouin Arab families, هديhears the Divine Voice call out from Heaven in a amplified voice “هدي, these are the people that I have called you to serve, do not forget.” The message was so loud, هديwas startled. Again, the message was repeated: “هدي, these are the people that I have called you to serve, do NOT forget.” The emphasis was overwhelming; هدي bowed in prayer to affirm sincere devotion to the Arab people in the service to the Creator. The first project that هديaccomplished upon learning enough Arabic language and customs was to get a local driving license and set out to go, shopping of course. Heading to the Buraimi Oasis, the unmarked district between Al Ain of Abu Dhabi, UAE and of Oman, هديstopped in the oldest mud-brick group of stores to see what „treasures‟could be found. Upon seeing a special shop, هديentered with surprise that the store was very much in neglect having an inch of dust everywhere. هديwas starting to wonder if the shop had very little if anything to sell. Then هديlooks behind the clean white traditional „Kondura‟ dressed shop keeper and sees the lone item in the entire store, a most unique earthen stone vessel upon a shelf. That vessel caught هديfull attention. هديwas prayerful in her thoughts thinking of how much to offer for this obvious antiquity treasure. The voice of Yah Allah again spoke: “هدي, give me your sacred tithe.” The amount of tithe for that month was 30 American silver dollars that would be paid in tithe. Making this matter clear, the voice of ياهللاYah Allah instructed that sacred tithe would be directly given to this white garmented man in Omani headdress. The entire transaction of redeeming this vessel was done in Arabic, the kind and gentle older man was patient and understanding. The kind man DID NOT offer coffee, tea, chocolate (sign of an authentic priest) but with kindness took the stone vessel and elaborately wrapped it in his red mantle. The Sacred Scriptures declare that only the priests could receive sacred tithe. The Sacred Scriptures declare that the price of the Master Potter‟s stone-vessel is 30 silver coins.24 The man in white was what is now understood to be a well known priest and prince; his red mantle indicated that he was the prophet Elijah making an official visit for the family of Mahdi هديto receive the stone-vessel, the relic of Moses (PBUH) and of Aaron (PBUH). The sages of Judaism write very clearly how the prophet Elijah (PBUH) will often return to earth dressed as 24
Zechariah 11:12-13
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an Arab. 25 The prophet Elijah (PBUH)‟s return with this antique stone vessel of manna 26 is highly significant for the last generation to “Remember the law of Moses and the instructions (of health).”27 The year was 1987 and photographs of the old antique stone-vessel were made and sent to the family of هديalong with the unique story. These are retained by friends and family confirming that witness. The stone-vessel has a geographical terrain drawn upon its entire foundation that is now confirmed to be the Mount Sinai of Arabia in modern Saudi Arabia. In 1987, at that time the majority of the religious world believed that Mount Sinai was in Egypt. The first explorer, the late Ron Wyatt explored Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia in secrecy 1984 and during 1985 with the royal family assistance. The photographic details of his explorations and artifact finds were retained by the Saudi Royal Family. The winter of 1988 was when Det. Bob Cornuke and Larry Williams made the two time trip into Saudi Arabia to confirm that Jebel Moses was the original Mount Sinai of Arabia however, all photographs were retained by the Saudi royal officials. In the spring of 2003 photos were released by the Caldwells confirming Mount Sinai is in Arabia. Subsequent studies by renowned researcher Dr. Lennart Moller in “The Exodus Case” with full Saudi Arabia government approval obtained by attorney James Adams, confirmed that the distinctive landmarks upon the stone-vessel was authentic terrain of the Mount Sinai of the Torah record. Subsequent studies regarding the Bronze Age purification vessel has revealed that the long lost الحجرAl Hijar stone of Mecca is the stone-vessel relic of Moses and of Aaron that confirms the kingship of the Mahdi. How did this revelation occur? In 2003 the Divine Voice spoke again to هديand friend: “Purification Vessel, Formed by the LORD, Painted by Moses, Used by Aaron, Over 3,300 years.” Within months confirmation of the scientific analysis of the earthen-stone vessel demonstrated the exact recipe that Torah and Gospels had recorded for the priest Aaron (PBUH) using an earthen stone vessel and as well, highly significantly, the location of the vessel pinpointed to the manna grinding stones. The earthen stone-vessel‟s origin being the location of modern Saudi Arabia was confirmed by corroboration of Det. Bob Cornuke with the scientific studies previously performed on the „manna grinding stones,‟ his own trip to Mount Sinai of Saudi Arabia and his referral to the Caldwells. The significant meeting with Penny Caldwell and her husband that had made 14 expeditions carefully surveying the entire mountain region was for immediate recognition of specific landmarks upon the vessel. The experienced geologist Jim and Penny Caldwell formerly of Saudi Aramco met with هديregarding the ancient bronze-age stone-vessel being a terrain map of the very site of “Jebel Musa” correctly named by the Bedouin of Saudi. The stone-vessel‟s distinctive landmarks with accurate N-S location was confirmed with newly released 1992 25
www.encyclopediajudaica.com/elijah The Seven Miracles of Elijah, Elijah & Messiah Texts 27 Malachi 4:4-5 26
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photographic details generously provided by the Caldwell‟s to the Faithful Covenant research team at that time. In 2005 the voice of Yah Allah again spoke to هدي: “Go to My Rabbi.” The indication was to drive to a specific town several hours away. Upon arriving at the town, a well known Jewish man was speaking and yet this man denied being a Rabbi. Suddenly inspiration prompted هديto go to a Spanish Church, a Seventh-day Adventist Church where هديsees a small sign “Sephardic Rabbi to speak at 3PM.” Thrilled that she had been directed by Providence, she arrives with a friend fluent in Spanish to translate. The next 3 hours of presentation was the most exciting time, everything that هديhad been learning for the previous 2 years was being confirmed by this Rabbi. The invitations were made for the Rabbi to meet the family of هديspecifically, the Stepfather and discuss the “vessel of Moses and of Aaron.” Within rapid sequence of highly significant events of the Divine voice speaking to the Rabbi „ תיליןTilin‟ (meaning Praise):28 “You are now the custodian of the Sacred vessel of Manna of Moses and Aaron.” After completing the doctorate in theology regarding the history of this vessel within Christian and Judaic sources, Rabbi „ תיליןPraise‟ and هديwere directed by ياهللاYah Allah to marry. The ancestral lineage of both can be traced to the Kings of Aragon, King William the Conqueror, and the prophets (PBUH). Soon after the title of Mahdi was given to the Rabbi along with vivid visions instructing a return to Arabia for specific duties within the leading prayer service to ياهللا Yah Allah among millions of white garment clad Muslims. The Divine Voice instructed that the entire stone vessel message was of The Wedding at the New Moon sounding of the horn where the Messiah returns for His bride. The Wedding or marriage, new moon, and a horn are what the Arabic word القرانAl Quran means!29 The current meaning of the word “ القرانThe Quran” is not just “recitation”, when the Semitic etymologies are compared with the Hebrew-Aramaic language for „ קרןQuran‟ which means “Scriptures for betrothing a woman, 30 to join, a position of honor,31and a round horn symbol of power.”32 The sages of Judaism document that the Arabic word and the Aramaic word are the same Semitic expression.33 The horn of King David is furthermore documented by the prophets as “the burdensome stone-vessel of the Master Potter,”34 it is the scepter of the kingdom giving an official Wedding announcement. The stone-vessel is the original ancient Aramaic קתובהand in Arabic „ كتابهKetubah‟ Wedding Document.35 The new moon „ القرانAl Quran‟ description is also 28
Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1670 Praise of David’s Psalms Arabic-English Dictionary, The Hans-Wehr, p. 760. 30 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1420 31 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1422 32 Ibid, p. 1422-1423 33 Ibid, p. 1422 34 Zechariah 11:12-13; 12:3,10 35 Arabic-English Dictionary, HansWehr,p. 812 and Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 680 29
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the Hebrew-Aramaic word מננאManna meaning the counting of the month by the sighting of the sliver crescent sign of the New Moon.36 The prophecy of the “Daily food manna” 37 stone-vessel is a festival that according to the sages was to be shared among the children of the patriarch Abraham. Sadly, the modern “neighbors” the descendants of the patriarch Abraham (PBUH) aren‟t exactly friendly nor on speaking terms. The stone-vessel purpose is to bring the children together to conduct scholarship and be in the army of righteousness (Mahdi‟s army) refusing the idolatry of Edom-Rome in its sorcery whether the idolatry of pharmaceutical drug cartelmedical, its idolatrous banking, its idolatrous food and alcohol, and its idolatrous Sanctuary. The stone-vessel is also called the Revelation stone-vessel of the Jubilee. 38 The timing of „Hanukkah‟ for the delivery of the stone-vessel is where the Hebrew word means the cleansing of the land for the restoration of the House of Prayer is another significant fact of the return of this stone-vessel. The year 1987CE was a Jubilee year according to the cycle of 49 instructions of the prophet Moses (PBUH). The „stoning of Satan‟ is through the ceremony of the prophet Moses (PBUH) using the stone-vessel with its 49 strikes of Paleo-Hebrew-Arabic script. The memory of the ceremony is preserved today by a substitute set of acts by the devout in the Hajj however, yet are still NOT the instructions of the prophet Moses (PBUH). The urgent restoration of the proper ceremony as written by the prophet Moses (PBUH) is where people can take action now. The Wedding Stone The Sacred Stone-vessel sent from Heaven for The Wedding requires the purging of idolatry and the stone-vessel ceremony of the crushing of the evil enemy Satan. The Heaven sent exhortation to this world to abide in a life of being rightly guided on the path of sanctification is through the written message by the prophet Moses (PBUH) that instructs within code what all of Torah elaborates upon. Most would not realize that the „Bride Stone‟ was to be hidden from the infidels so the prophets were instructed to give this sacred stone-vessel other descriptive names. The trip into the past requires some highlights to assist the reader to stay connected with the clues. The most talked about item within all of the writings of all of the prophets was of the „Foundation Stone,‟ the עדאבנתAD AVNT or „Advent‟ stone, the vessel of Revelation, the San Graal or the Hajar الحجرstone. This sacred stone vessel has many names given to it to describe its purpose within the three Semitic languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic) and also within the French and English language history of the Holy Grail: „the Sheshia stone, the flagstone, the lunar stone, the Souda darkened „black‟ stone, the silverstone, the philosopher‟s stone, the stumbling stone, the precious stone and the Holy Grail to name a few are the historical names of 36
Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 799 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 798 38 Peshitta Text, Galina ‘Revelation stone-vessel.’ 37
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the same stone vessel. The historical silver stone pertains to the pure words of the stone vessel not its metal. Within the pass of time, the writings of the prophets were misunderstood and people created their own version, a counterfeit of the original Foundation Stone-Vessel. The Kaaba of Mecca is the place where people make a round trip „ طوافTowaaf‟ around the stone house seven times in honor of the memory of the instructions of the prophets (PBUH). Have the Edom-Rome infiltrators successfully penetrated into Islam? A perusal of the modern Translations of the Sacred Quran has significant verbiage of a strong Roman Catholic. Modern popes have kissed these versions of the Quran indicating the successful conquest of such versions. Is it possible that infiltrators have succeeded to wrest the translations into the EdomRoman pattern? The sages of Judaism warn: “The wicked Romans sent commissioners to study the Law (of Moses) to twist it.”39 The extensive research conducted by these authors in “There‟s Fishy Business Going On” documents the VERSIONS of translation that follow a pattern of the religion of the „hunter-fisher.‟ The first historical mention of the wicked tyrant Nimrod, the rebel hunter, is found within Torah, where his fisher-hunter religion is in Babel. 40 Matching the Semitic equivalent حرمin Arabic, the scholars confirm „Haram‟ means “a lawless rebel, the net of the hunter-fisher official oppressor in Aramaic חרםis spelled indicating the unlawful or Haram. Today, the modern Arabic speaking Catholic will use this term „حرمHaram‟ for indicating church rule called „excommunication‟ meaning that the individual is sent to living destined to „hell.‟ The Judaic sages confirm the sacrilege of this word indicating Edom-Rome‟s hunter-fisher Temple that is doomed to destruction. 41 The purpose of clarifying the confusion of language usage will allow the reader to understand what the prophets (PBUH) message from our Creator, Almighty ياهللاGOD השם יהintending to warn the reader about. The analysis of the Edom-Rome hunter fisher religion trap is warned about repeatedly within the writings of the prophets, the gospels and with this presentation, confirmed within the Holy Quran. The word translated into a word „hell‟ in modern versions of the Roman Catholic Bible and also The Holy Quran pronounced Gehenom الجهنمis from the Aramaic original word גיהינםmeaning the location of the deity „Moloch of the South,‟ a place where idolatry is practiced. The ancient sages describe this word referring to actions very explicitly: Those who superficially study the Law of Moses without living up to its requirements will be judged by the Creator and condemned. These lawless individuals will be condemned to a funeral due to their violation of the health laws and their own choice of self destruction. The root of the Aramaic word גיהינם means according to the sages the following: גיא/ “ גאהa haughty proud ruler 42 of הנםworldly
Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. ___ Bereshit/ Genesis 10:9 41 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 504 42 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 201 40
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lusts”43 or “ גיא/ גאהa proud ruler44 בןtraining and educating45 of הנםworldly lusts.”46 Today‟s modern educational system has largely become so debased that children are educated in the „free sex‟ mentality thus fulfilling the „ الجهنمAlJehnom‟ hell of living in disobedience to the laws of the Creator thus preparing their own funeral „digging their own grave‟ by their own choice. The opposite is the Roman Catholic Church teaching a tradition of man, a dogma of purgatory – where hell terror of living souls within eternal hellfire are crying out to the relatives to pay for their rescue out of such horrifying conditions. The financial rewards of such hellfire terror teachings, the majority of the Cathedrals of Europe were built by these indulgences paid out by relatives to ease the guilt of the deceased family member. The Roman Catholic Church term „Indulgence‟ in the pun of what today‟s modern expression of the word indulgence indicates, a coveting of anything not good for you. Ironically, the indulgence expression describes the hold of the “evil lord of lust” that the devil has held upon people in every generation. Edom-Rome’s Hunter-Fisher Religion Exposed The act of slaughtering animals within the precinct of the House of Worship was directly where the prophet Issa AlMasih (PBUH) came into direct confrontation with the ancient Hasmoneans, or Edom-Rome priests that led to their having him arrested and brought to trial. These priests were not Hebrews; these were ruling elite of the Edom-Rome families that had taken over the Herod “The Rebel” Temple. The ritual of animal slaughter and human slaughter was so horrifying to the Judaic community within that era of the mad man Herod that the stench and massive animal slaughter brought the previous historical role of the Temple to be restorative healing grounds into disrepute. The Nimrod hunter-fisher trap was preserved by the Edomites or Hasmoneans that controlled the Temple of Herod before the destruction of the Temple to move it to Rome. This is important, the animal sacrifice fisher hunter religion cult relocated to Rome taking the Herodian snake pillars, the chair of Nimrod, the pharmaceutical cartel and the entire banking system. The Judaic sages have indicated a hint in writing “regret for slaughtering profane beasts in the Temple court.”47 The animal sacrifice of the Edomeans/ Hasmoneans continues worldwide today. The wrath of the Edom-Roman cult grew to full revenge aimed at the prophet Issa AlMasih (PBUH) in the evidence quoted from Scriptural teaching of compassion towards animals (Matt. 12:10-12, Luke 12;6-7, 13:15-16). The major two prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah document strong warning of animal slaughter, that it is murder, that the flesh diet and slaughter was not commanded at the Exodus, and when one does this, it is an equivalent of murder of humans and the offering of 43
Ibid, p. 358 Ibid., p. 201 45 Ibid, p. 46 Ibid. p. 358 47 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1648 44
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swine‟s (pig) blood.48 The rebellion of the children of Israel became such a level by the time of Ahab and Jezebel that the prophet Elijah appeared to confront the matter. Likewise today is as the days of Noah, the days of Elijah where the Heaven appointed messenger must deal strongly and with confrontation regarding the alteration of the messages of the prophets. How does one know the authority of the messenger? The sign is the Kingship, having the Hajar stone, the San Graal, the vessel of manna. All of the distinct signs of time, of genealogy, of physical and personal characteristics, of scholarship, of small and major events are written down within the Judaic, Islamic and Christian sources and the 100% confirmation is with Hazrat Mahdi, the Kohen Gadol, Imam and Rabbi of Torah Gospels and Quran. The Manna Hidden White Stone-Vessel The meaning of „Manna‟ is in many levels of understanding. The important part of how this earthen-stone vessel is made of the toughest cemented earthenware is the addition of flax to the process of making this rock hard cement. In review, the Arabic word خرسانKhurasaan is about a cemented armor,49 the Aramaic „ חרסןKhurasaan‟ confirms that it is the cemented stone-vessel of the Passover of the „Khurasaan‟ the breast plate „armor‟ of the High Priest Cohen Gadol scholar,50 the rich heir 51 to the throne of King David. The sages of Judaism document that flax seed is the ancient „manna.‟52 The people did not know what it was according to Torah53 can be explained that for 40 years, the Pharaoh did not allow them to use flax in the making of cement. It appears that the society had stopped using flax due to the Pharaoh‟s ruling against the wisdom of the tale of the brick 54 stone vessel, the agricultural production and manufacture of Flax for food, industrial engineering and for the textile industry. Modern experimental testing has demonstrated that flax seed oil (linseed) infused cement is the hardest and most resilient to any types of environmental challenges. 55 The manna stone-vessel is also called the „ink stone-vessel‟56where portions are darkened by lead iron.57 This is another confirmation of the word „Souda‟ or AsSoud‟ describing the AlHajr stone-vessel. The sages of Judaism connect the „ink stone-vessel‟ to the Heaven sent stonevessel with the flax seeds58 and this ink stone-vessel to the term „Lillith‟59 Following the Semitic 48
Isaiah 66:3, Isaiah 1:11, Jeremiah 7:21-22 Arabic English Dictionary, Hans Wehr, p. 234. 50 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 504 ‘Khurasaan’ 51 Ibid. 52 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 209 53 Exodus 5:7 54 Exodus 5:8 55 www.google.com ‘University study of flax-linseed in cement’ 56 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 241 57 Ibid. 58 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 242 49
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language, the three words identified in the Sacred Quran that are widely mocked by infidels to be „Satanic Verses,‟ the Hebrew-Aramaic defense from all of the prophets which explains what the pure message really means. The words of Issa AlMasih (PBUH) in the last book „Revelation‟ are precise with his royal position of granting the stone-vessel of Manna. The message of the hidden manna is “To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna (and will give him a white stone 60 with a new name which no man knows except he that has received it.” 61 The Peshitta Text gives it more pointedly: “Hidden from Rome, the juice of fruit (especially grape juice) and the prayerfully heated portion of food Manna 62 with carefully washed hands before and after the meal.” 63 The new understanding is that the diet would be explained more fully with the sign of the Vessel of Manna. The confirmed „new name‟ is the freshness 64 The term „hidden‟ reflects how the stonevessel of Manna would be preserved out of Public viewing until the appointed Hour. The Yevanic 65 identified in the Received Text of the New Testament preserved the following: του κεκρυμμενου καί which the scholars attempt to persuade the reader means „secret‟ when the word does not match the text.66 Why would the authorized Canon of Edom-Rome only tell the reader „hidden?‟ The prophets have NOT been secretive about this most important sign of the Covenant of the Creator to the children of the patriarch Abraham (PBUH). What does the message say? The Yevanic language is Aramaic spelled in Greek letter transliteration meaning spelling a word how it sounds in another letter style. The direct translation of the above letters revealed profound evidence: “To be lost,67 castor berry68 pomegranate69 of healthy life giving.”70 The scientific studies conducted by the Creation Evidences Museum of Glen Rose Texas upon the stone vessel of purification (vessel of manna) confirmed the evidence of pomegranate, castor berry-bean oil and similar construction of soil and rock up to 93.1% to the Manna Grinding Stones of Det. Bob Cornuke of Base Institute, Colorado Springs, Colorado. The long lost vessel of Manna is now confirmed. Was the vessel of Manna to be identified with the „salu‟ of Quail? Or was „salu‟ another meaning? The Manna vessel has been closely identified with the royal family as its scepter 59
Ibid. This term is identified as the manna bread white stone vessel of the covenant M. Jastrow, p. 1191 61 Revelation 2:17 62 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 558, 312, 865, 796 63 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 899 64 Strong’s Greek #2537 65 language of Judeo-Greek 66 Strong’s Greek #2928 κρύπτώ to conceal, to hide, keep secret DOES NOT MATCH THE TEXT! 67 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1683 68 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1367 69 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1461 70 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 450 60
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„rod.‟ The Hebrew word „ סלואsalu‟ means a “rod, the stone-vessel of the crown of thorns.”71 The Hebrew word „salut‟ means bread basket.72 The sages connect the true meaning of „shilo‟ as „salu‟ identifying the Messiah and that instead of what the Constantine‟s canon identified as the unclean bird quail, the meaning is of the breadbasket of the stone-vessel rod of thorns.73 Understanding the context of the message certainly helps in identifying the message of all of the prophets. There is a warning of flesh diet however, when the flesh should enter the teeth, there are observant medical doctors that have documented that flesh diet of animals will establish a diseased mouth leading to an inevitable loss „perishing‟ of all of one‟s teeth. 74 The record of the Torah of those that did put flesh into their teeth is that they (the teeth) perished. 75 The prophecy of „Shilo‟ to come76 is identified as the Messiah and his role of having the scepter of Judah, and one that affirms the giving the law for the gathering of the people. The „salu‟ meaning comforting77 words of diet instructions confirmed by the Messiah having the scepter of the kingdom are the focus of the writings of the prophet within the Sacred Quran and not quail. Remember the zealous individuals that saw idolatry and removed the AlHujr stone from Mecca? The bread basket of comfort is the Covenant stone vessel! The bread baking ministry of the Messiah was preserved by the Abu Taher tribe of القرامطهAl Garaamta by the tribal identification. There are still groups of faith that have preserved the covenant bread and grape juice meal of the stone-vessel of Abraham. There is another name for this covenant stone-vessel of Abraham of the unleavened bread and grape juice: pronounced Peyter or Peter. 78 The counterfeit of EdomRome is its Ju-Peter idol, their alcohol, and their rice sun-disk. The good news for the children of the Patriarch Abraham, the Peter of the Hebrews is the “finding of the rock stone-vessel of which to build and establish the world.” 79 The interpretation of the battle bread and its grape juice is revealed in the writings of the Sacred Quran with the understanding that corrupt and evil parochial laws have changed, altered and exchanged the truth for their trap of the hunter-fisher religion to cause people to violate the nature laws of the Creator. The contract is to be fulfilled. The wedding stipulation is to be faithful and NOT participate any further within the idolatrous tables of Edom-Rome and their animal-fish murder practices. The abominations of stinky corpses of animals are not just a pig, the Arabic roots of الخنزيرAlKhanzeer is literally where one
Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 993 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 980 73 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1583 to 980 74 Dr. Cole ‘Relation of diet of animal flesh to the loss of teeth.’ 75 Numbers 11:33 76 Genesis /Bereshit 49:10 with the connection to the Scepter of Judah, the lawgiver. 77 Arabic-English Dictionary, HansWehr, p. 427 78 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1256, 1255,1154, 1162 79 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1162 72
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“closes80 a nose.”81 The corpses of diseased scrofulous flesh82 of any animal murdered in the Edom-Rome idolatry are الخنزيرAlKhanzeer! For thousands of years there has been a life and death struggle between disobedient Edom-Rome to the Creator‟s covenant and the obedient to the covenant children of Abraham. The restoration of a long lost object to its proper identity also demonstrates that the Almighty GOD has raised up for the final generation the rightly guided royal messenger as Rabbi and Kohen Gadol Hebrew Priest as the Imam the Hazrat Mahdi. The evil oppressor religion is the Edom-Rome with its trap of the Hunter-Fisher-Egg-Honey bee religion of self indulgence and lust of the flesh. The breakthrough of translation has been with mastery of several Semitic languages and having the KEY to break the code of the Edom-Rome monopoly of several millennia. The key has been the vessel of Manna, the Alhujar as the sages of Judaism state that the coming Elijah will come to “properly translate where authors entertain conflicting texts.” The Hadith of the coming Mahdi also confirm that there would be a major change to return to the faith and practice of the patriarch Abraham with the sign of the Mahdi revealed. This is a full invitation to investigate the documentation of the faulty Byzantine era theology identified in modern translations with full understanding of what this battle has been all about for many millennia. The hadith documents of the „darkened banner of the Khurasaan‟ state that the Mahdi would be within a struggle to study a topic at risk to one‟s life 83to gather and rally84 others to teach to show good will and respect, to love one another85 upon the first lawful authority of supportive evidence 86 of healthful truth.87 Understanding that the marriage contract to the Creator is what the coming of the Hazrat Mahdi is all about: Brides prepare! Get Ready!
Arabic-English Dictionary, HansWehr, p. 389 Arabic-English Dictionary, HansWehr, p. 263 82 Arabic-English Dictionary, HansWehr, p. 263 83 Arabic-English Dictionary, HansWehr, p 742-3 84 Arabic-English Dictionary, HansWehr, p 877 85 Arabic-English Dictionary, HansWehr, p 155 86 Arabic-English Dictionary, HansWehr, p 434 87 Arabic-English Dictionary, HansWehr, p 503 81
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