The Royal Banner of Khorasan is Revealed!

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The Royal Banner of Khorasan is Revealed The legendary wisdom of Solomon has transcended times and cultures. The final rightly guided one shall also present wisdom of the prophets that has been misunderstood for more than a millennia. The things of translations that have been covered up to people world wide in this generation shall be clear 1 when a righteous teacher explains what the original intent of the meaning was intended to convey. Putting this subject into clear explanation, the prophets declare tha t there are only two camps of faith: The first group is the community of true believers that love Almighty GOD with all of their hearts and love their neighbors and seek to worship according to the Sacred Scriptures. The second group is those of evil Edom -Rome that are dishonest and hatefully violent to animals and to humankind. That is where the division now clarified, will assist the reader to understand the magnitude of the deception that is spread over the world. Over the millennia’s, Rome has never changed its war against the Covenant abiding people. The documentation below will introduce a righteous teacher sent by Almighty GOD to bring the sons of Abraham back to the Covenant of Heaven sent peace. For many people many centuries the religious battles fought in the name of GOD destroyed the lives of many innocent people. The ecclesia powers that exerted ruthless powers to torture and slay many people removed religious freedom and suppressed the study of Sacred Scriptures. Within a short period, the scholars were slain and the students were no longer learning anything but what the Roman Catholic Church allowed whether that be within Protestantism, Christianity, Judaism or Islam. Every group of faith has been directly infiltrated confirmed by the incriminating evidence widely seen throughout the world. For example, the name Islam or Muslim means to most of the world, a religion of terrorists and a religion of violence. The root letters SLM of these words ISLaM and MuSLiM are peace. What happened to alter peace into religious fervor that endorses violence violating the words of ALL of the prophets? The Heaven sent peaceful plan to bring education, training and knowledge to all communities of faith is with a sign. This sign has many names yet is the same Covenant the royal kingship stone-vessel of the House of David, the Holy Grail of Khorasan. The royal banner of the Passover that was at the Messiah’s Last Supper, also known as the Holy Grail, has been the object of altered versions, where those in ecclesiastical powers giving Canon laws have purposefully perverted its role. The white stone vessel of hidden manna as the SIGN that the Judaic communities are seeking to explain why Messiah ben Joseph was slain and why Messiah ben-David is coming are evidences of Heaven sent wisdom within the Holy Grail. The ancient stone -vessel of the Exodus has many names, of which most people have never known as the memory of the very important Covenant vessel. The memory was forgotten of the important Heaven sent S IGN, directly due to the lying pens of the translators creating versions that were altered by Canon law.


Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1295 ‫“ צפה‬The things which are covered up to you in this world, shall be as clear to you.” Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyright©2009 Faithful Covenant


The interest of the unholy Roman Empire regarding the various communities of faith has been with many slain by the sword, by fire, by tortures unmentionable. The documents of the Jesuit order have in bold print how they would infiltrate all religious orders to be brought under the control of the Roman Catholic Church. When a Muslim carries out the orders of the Roman Catholic Church Imam-in-disguise, this misguided individual will by the sword, by fire, by tortures be widely mentioned within words of praise that are strongly Catholic in doctrine and dogma throughout the Islamic communities. The powers of the ecclesia are through those that control the translations. The control of translations over the past 1500 years has been through massive burnings of libraries, centers of scholarship and destruction of communities that had a different version of the Canon of Rome. The enormous amount of displac ed zeal that the unholy Roman Empire exerted to destroy Sacred Scriptures and enforce their versions has been overlooked in significance. The typical Christian believes that the word of GOD is their current version that a translator provided to them. Mos t do not study to make sure that the version matches the original intent. Large segments of very sloppy scholarship have been widely overlooked as church tradition has convinced people that everything is perfectly all right. The lies being exposed may indeed make people uncomfortable yet the Sacred Scriptures does warn of a falling away. Most believe that the lies of Satan will be an event that will happen in the future thus fearfully and zealously refusing to look at the evidence. The fact is that in 325AD the Roman ruler Constantine did force a massive alteration of truth. For centuries, the same corrupt system has ruthlessly sought to control the learning of the masses and keeping the populations sick, diseased and handicapped. Cultural flags of black warnings are currently widely believed to be a sign of the Divine messenger to come. Yet once again, altered versions have perverted the important sign given by the hand of Almighty GOD to an ecclesiastical lie. The Arabic word now commonly used for the color black has multiple meanings according to the etymology of the roots of this word. What was the original intent of the key words regarding a specific sign of the coming Imam, the Hazrat Mahdi? Was it to wave his black flags or was it to wave the scepter of Exodus Passover? According to historians, black flags during the Shakespearian Era were used to wave over houses or communities where tragedies had occurred or to warn of the plague of death within the community. In modern times, black fla gs remain widely perceived and documented to be symbols of death, anarchy, Satanism, and rebellion against civil society. The testing of black that has been undertaken by the senior researchers of the Holy Grail revealed significant losses of light energy within the living environment of the fabric dyed or object painted with a man-made color black. 2 Others have said with strong warnings: “Satan and his host are determined to enlist the youth under the black bann er that leads to ruin and death ” and “Satan plants his banner in the households of those who profess to be God's chosen ones; but those who are walking in the light should be able to discern the difference between the black banner of the adversary and the scarlet standard


The Black Lie, September Hebrews Today Journal, ©2009 Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyright©2009 Faithful Covenant


of Messiah.”3 Certainly these strong cultural views of the color black and of black flags are not new. What was really meant by the Hadith regarding the coming banner transmitting information from Khorasan? The definition of the Arabic phrase ‫ ﺑﺮﺍﻳﺎﺕ‬or ‘barayat’ meaning ‘in flags’4 can also be through the root of this Arabic word convey another meaning such as: well informed knowledge, opinions and ideas. 5 This word can also have meaning of having knowledge from a vision or dream. 6 The opinion of a banner is within the conveying of the message, yet the showing or transmitting of information to another is the root of this word. The definition of the Arabic word ‘ souda’ with this understanding of a specific banner or message of knowledge is important. The root letters of ‫‘ ﺳﻮﺩ‬sowad’ are within the word used in the passage in question ‫‘ ﺳﻮﺩﺍء‬sowada’ give differences that will be discussed that ‘black flag’ is more than just a color black ‫‘ ﺍﺳﻮﺩ‬aswad.’ Another source of the root letters is defined as A reigning government Ma ster Ruler7 first rough draft copy.8 Similar root yes, however, the meanings according to scholars that have documented their evidence within dictionaries give ancient meanings too. Because 1430 plus years have passed since the sayings of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH), the ancient understandings are important. All of the prophets must agree in the message of the final Righteous Rightly Guided Messenger. The focus of the text message is ‘ Khorasan’ which according to the dictionary and tradition is a borrowed language word. 9 Some suggest a Pahlavi source 10 for this word, however, within the textual intent conveyed, the word is a Semitic word highly significant for the reader. The Arabic word is correctly documented as meaning ‘cemented’ 11 which strongly confirms that this ‘cemented’ object is deriving its Aramaic source as a meaning that would correlate what that cemented item actually is . The ancient Aramaic word ‫‘ חרוסנא‬Khorasan’ means a cemented pottery vessel, a highly significant and a specific Passover herbs cemented vessel.12 The Arabic definition for ‫ﺍﻟﺜﻠﺞ‬ ‘the ice’ is largely used today to convey snow, frozen, ice and yet it also means to be delighted, to gladden, to please, to gratify and to cool down and moisten. 13 The latter meaning is preferred in context of a S emitic phrase of high significance that confirms all of the prophets.


Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 200. and Arabic-Engli sh Dictionary, Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Arabic, edited by J.R. Cowan, ‫ ﺭﺍﻳﺔ‬p. 319 5 Arabic-English Dictionary, Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Arabic, edited by J.R. Cowan, ‫ ﺭﺍﻱ‬p. 319 6 Ibid. ‫ ﺑﺮﺍﻱ‬p. 319-320 7 Ibid. ‫ ﺳﻮﺩ‬p. 440 8 English -Arabic and Arabic – English dictionary, Wortabet & Porter, ‫ ﺳﻮﺩ‬p. ۱٤۷ 9 ‘Khorasan’ 10 Ibid 11 A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, Arabic -English, Hans Wehr 1980 3 rd edition, ‫ ﺧﺮﺳﺎﻥ‬p. 234 12 Sefer Molim Dictionary , Marcus Jastrow, ‫ חרס‬/ ‫ חרוסנא‬p. 504 and 500 13 Arabic-English Dictionary, Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Arabic, edited by J.R. Cowan, ‫ ﺛﻠﺞ‬p.105-6 4

Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyright©2009 Faithful Covenant


So what is the message given from Hadith as one translator version states ? “When you hear the news of a black flag coming from the east then, you must join them even if you have to crawl over the ice.”14 In Semitic languages, the Hebrew thought since the time of the prophet Moses (PBUH) there is a concept of The East. This exp ression of The East in the Hebrew language means the door of healing, the door of restoration and the door of justice. Because it is not seen the word for East ‘EsS harq’ as usually seen within these text s, this word is not added as it was not identified within the Arabic text as follows below. The words of the prophet (SAS) are as follows: 15

‫ﺍﻟﺜﻠﺞ‬ ‫ﻋﻠﻰ‬ ‫ﻭﻟﻮﺣﺒﻮﺍ‬ ‫ﻫﺎ‬ ‫ﻓﺎﺗﻮ‬ ‫ﺧﺮﺍﺳﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﻣﻦ‬ ‫ﺍﻗﺒﻠﺖ‬ ‫ﺳﻮﺩﺍء‬ ‫ﺑﺮﺍﻳﺎﺕ‬ ‫ﺳﻤﻌﺘﻢ‬ ‫ﺍﺫﺍ‬ DIRECT RETRANSLATED TEXT: “When /you hear /in concepts, ideas, opinions/ in / governing Master ruler’s first rough sketch proof banner /accepted original (sacred item of highest focus of attention), past hospitality granted /blessing made of / a cemented pottery vessel / elapsed it’s/ and / for / commanded grain! /or verily / upon / the / cooled down moistened .” “When you hear the conceptual idea of in a Master governing ruler’s rough proof banner accepted original (hint: a sacred item of the highest focus of attention of Jerusalem) blessing made of a cemented pottery vessel (and) it’s elapsed (ceremony) and for a commanded grain! or verily upon the cooled down and moistened.” When re-examining the Arabic, one will arrive at the concepts that are different if one is fully aware of the ancient Abrahamic “commanded covenant of (baked) grains that are moistened” and the highly important Abrahamic cemented pottery vessel with the darkened proo f of writing upon a rough surface, a banner of the original Covenant contract for the sons of Abraham. The expression of grains cooled down and moistened are the newly baked hyssop herbed Passover breads of the sign of the Abrahamic Covenant that are dipped into the grape juice for the highest form of hospitality observed within the Passover Seder . The letters that form this sentence are with a question, such as for verily: “You wouldn’t doubt it would you?” The millennia of mistrust that has developed between the descendants of Abraham, the cousins of faith are now invited to the Holy Grail, the vessel of Moses. This original Passover cemented vessel of healing herbs confirming the Covenant of our fathers and its all important Covenant meal where the Aramaic word is ‘Seuda’ or special meal of the Messiah that is moistened into the pure grape juice of pure unleavened grains representing the Covenant of Abraham’s peace. 16 Is part of the long awaited sign the Seuda banner, the meal of the Messiah properly dipped and moistened 17


http://armyofmahdi. Quoted and translated from Saheeh Trimdi J2, page 56 Saheeh Trimdi J2, page 56 16 Genesis Bereshit 14:18 17 Revelation Galina 3:20 ‘sup’ means dipping of a finger sized piece of unleavened bread into grape juice. 15

Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyright©2009 Faithful Covenant


in pure grape juice, the key of Salaam? The prophets have repeatedly emphasized the moistening by dipping the pure spelt grain bread into the pure grape juice a s a covenant meal of healing. The Passover meal was a forever covenant meal.18 The Exodus vessel of the Passover has a special sign of the sacred name of Almighty GOD not only in Arabic but also in Paleo-Hebrew. The ingenious brilliant design as written by the prophet Moses (PBUH) has the Arabic script in one direction and the Paleo-Hebrew script in the other direction using the same artistic design. The Torah tells the readers that the original design of this Passover cemented stone -vessel came directly from Heaven. The time has elapsed far too long to argue about who historically has been or was at fault. The agreement is that both families have had wrong interpretations taught to them and the Imam Mahdi has come to bring the families together for the healing that will “repair this world.” Indeed, the Holy Grail is a rock hard stone-vessel of Abraham that, according to the ancient sages, will repair the world with a spectacular sign of opening the long closed Golden gate.19 The prophetic role for the long awaited prince with the Holy Grail in hand along with the sons of Ishm ael coming with him to the East Gate of Jerusalem (AlQuds) with this significant vessel to have the Seuda of the Messiah, the banner of His vegetarian meal of moistened grains. The prophetic event is for announcing the official return of the Messiah ben-David (Issa AlMasih PBUH) and instructing the world of healing according to the prophet Moses (PBUH) . It is time for the healing to begin when all of the prophets really do all agree in the same message when the correct definition is applied . The theologic al term of this meal dipped and moistened is called ‘ Intinction’ or ‘Intincture’ which is a practice that was historically harshly outlawed by the Papal canon. The stone-vessel of the patriarchs has a written message upon its rough surface that confirms the reigning Master ruler’s government and authority. The Holy Grail is a rock hard cemented stone -vessel that has its origin from Heaven above and according to the prophet Daniel, its appearance will topple the images of idolatry and commence the final end of the reign of despot rulers and governments world -wide 20 and set up the Messiah’s kingdom. 21 The last phrase written in Paleo-Hebrew upon this earthen stone -vessel is a strong warning of judgment to those that have rejected the Covenants and embraced idolatrous practices. The warning states in definition: “Harlot woman Edom -Rome with your idolatrous images, your complete destruction is by this brittle stone -vessel!” The signs are all there. It is now up to the children of the patriarchs to believe. Now that most of the northern regions of the world are covered in winter snow and ice, it is important that none are found waving the black banner of the evil one Satan. The phrase “Remember Moses!” is the cry of the prophets! Remembering the proper respo nse to respect the royal messenger that comes forth showing what the prophet Moses (PBUH) wrote having the Divine name ‫“ ﻳﺎﺍﷲ‬Yah Allah” written upon a documented scientifically validated 3, 340 year old Exodus vessel must be emphasized. The same segment upon the stone-vessel of manna declares the name of Almighty GOD in Paleo-Hebrew, widely


Exodus Shemot 12:13, 17 Ezekiel 44:1 -3 and Ezekiel 46: 1 -7 20 Daniel 2:44 -45. 21 Ibid. 19

Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyright©2009 Faithful Covenant


expressed throughout Judaism, “HaShem Yah.” The Holy Grail, the vessel of Manna, the banner of Khorasan is the Covenant stone -vessel for ALL OF THE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM! For the Muslim community, the right path of faith must be restored back to orthodoxy or Hanif practice confirming all of the prophets. For as the prophet (PBUH) said: “For, verily, he is the Khaleefah of Allah, the rightly guided one Mahdi.”22 The shining truth dispels all darkness bringing healing for all. For surely, ‫ﻳﺎﺍﷲ‬ Yah Allah knows the truth. For the Christian community, the right path of faith must be restored back to orthodoxy to include the health instructions of the prophet Moses instead of ignoring the words of the Messiah. The Roman Catholic doctrines and dogma that have infiltrated Christian practice must be purged. The role of the Messiah and of his proper name must be restored. The restoration of three different titles of the Messiah as documented in “ID Theft”23 will clarify many things. Listen carefully! The original Torah statutes, judgments and commands are health instructions not the Edom -Rome bloody rituals! Study the message of the Holy Grail and how the truth was craftily altered into a lie by being altered and covered up in past centuries. Pray for the rightly guided messenger with the mantle of the prophet Elijah to instruct and train leadership to implement the healing miracles within all communities of faith. For the Judaic community, the right path of faith is to embrace the true Me ssiah and prepare for the return of the Messiah as King. The enormous privilege of sharing the knowledge of Torah principles will enhance the communities as they learn to read and investigate the original Hebrew writings. The Tikkun Olam healing of humankind is through Remember Moses and the statutes and judgments and commandments. The knowledge of who the true Messiah is will enhance the orthodoxy of Judaic faith keeping all of the principles as taught by the prophets. The Shalom so earnestly desired wil l be experienced in useful service to humanity. The Cohen Gadol as Eliyahu HaKohen calls for a restoration of Temple service for every house of worship and NOT the Edom -Rome barbeques. The restoration of the Levite priesthood is a priesthood of healing no t of animal cruelty. “Our prophets must study in a mental frame of spirituality. They are our Divine guides chosen by G-D to help us unravel the enigma of life. They imbue us with the determination and inner strength to solve G -D-willed tasks in life. As the foremost interpreters of G-D’s Torah, the Prophets transmit to us this most precious of our treasures . The prophets are our teachers who help us to understand the Torah and to live up to the demands of its eternal precepts. Their [original] writings do not contain a single word, a single thought, which does not flow from the unadulterated totality of Torah. They expose the lie and hypocrisy employed by ignorance and indifference as a means to falsifying and distorting the 22 23

Ref. Ibn Maajah, Ahmad’s Musnad, al Haakim’s Mustadrak and other ref: Saheeh Trimdi J2, p. 56 Journal segment Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyright©2009 Faithful Covenant


Divine Word. As teachers and mentors provided to us by the of Divine Providence, the Prophets guide us through the thicker of contemporary problems and, with the Torah in their hands, help us meet and surmount the challenges of our daily existence. Their message resounds throug h the millennia as it addresses us with timeless immediacy.” - Rav. Dr. Joseph Breuer. With this statement in mind, it is imperative to understand that the time of the END has arrived of the final Hour of history. Indeed, lives are changed forever with the truth revealed. It is important that all people of faith will realize that all of us have been harmed one way or another from the pattern of Edom -Rome distorted theology. It is the mercy and compassion of Heaven to meet us where we are, and yet the ti me has elapsed in which the truth of Heaven must come forth to set us free. The Elijah Messenger, Hazrat Mahdi has arrived to remind us “Remember Moses my servant.” It must be said again: “I love you enough to tell you the truth.” That sincere love must resound loudly to solve this serious matter of Edom -Rome tampering problem. In summary, over 7 billion people in this world deprived of accurate spiritual knowledge due to a corrupt power of hate and cruelty have been brought down to economic, political, social, and religious ruin. Stop the madness and restore the soul of humanity by implementing the truth through education and implementing the healing principles within centers of health reform without any further delay. The sign of the covenant is to p artake of the ancient meal of the Messiah, the moistening by dipping the grain unleavened bread into the pure grape juice. This healing meal is the requirement of the restoration of the houses of worship! After all, prophet Malachi wrote, “Have we not al l one father? Hath not one GOD created us? Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the Covenant of our fathers?” 24 The Covenant of the stone -vessel of the Exodus wilderness establishes the proper Covenant meal of Abraham, t he proper covenant of circumcision, the proper covenant of salt, the proper tithes covenant of the Levite, the covenants of marriage, and more will restore all of the blessings promised of Almighty GOD to us. The Edom-Rome versions besmirched the merciful and compassionate character of Almighty GOD. Now the restoration of the truth about Almighty GOD is the duty of all believers. The Edom-Rome tampering of the translations followed a pattern, a consistent pattern to distort the majority of the covenant inst ructions whether this was in the Holy Qu ran, the Tanach, the Holy Bible. The fact that all of us have been directly and/or indirectly negatively influenced in some way or another of the Edom-Rome historical corruption; however , this knowledge does not give permission to anyone to be bitter and revengeful against the innocent individuals . Those that have broken laws must receive justice through the courts not a lynch mob. Solving the problem requires the question: Who will be the one to listen and restore th e peaceful and healthy Covenant instructions? If not us, who, if not now, when?


Malachi 2:10 Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyright©2009 Faithful Covenant


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