design:CASE / bObles

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design:CASE The two sisters Bolette and Louise BlĂŚdel have jumped in at the deep end to pursue a dream of producing furniture for children. A clear vision and a quality product have enabled bObles to achieve impressive results in the international marketplace in just a few years. danish design centre

This entrepreneur case tells the story of bObles, a young company that has been successful in integrating design as a key element in its basic business strategy from day one. Fakta about Bobles • bObles was founded in 2005 by the two sisters

Bolette and Louise Blædel.

• Both the two sisters are directors in the company

and make all key decisions jointly.

• Bolette Blædel is an architect with ten years

of professional experience; Louise Blædel is a

fashion designer.

• On 1 November 2006, Bolette and Louise Blædel

hired their first employee.

• bObles’ products are available from 80 retailers in

Denmark and some 160 abroad.

• bObles has been approached by representatives

from more than 30 export markets.

• bObles produces design furniture for children and

their parents.

• In 2006, bObles won the international design prize

Formidable at the design fair Formex in Stockholm

for its Tumbling animals.

• During its brief existence, bObles has already been

invited to numerous important fairs, including

Absolut Design Danois in Toulouse, ICFF in

New York, Maison & Objet in Paris and Salone

del Mobile in Milan.

• Since August 2007, bObles has been represented in

the shop at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Bobles Aps 11, Ved Amagerbanen 2300 København S Denmark Tel +45 3315 1040

The two sisters Louise and Bolette Blædel

“Our success is based on an innovative design product, a simple vision and good business sense.” Bolette Blædel


The idea of making design furniture for children had been under-

understanding of their own body when they use the Tumbling

way for years. It was sparked in 1999, when Bolette Blædel


was on maternity leave with her first child. Bolette Blædel soon discovered that there was lack of furniture for children that

Since the first items in this series of design furniture were

encouraged play and creativity while satisfying her preference

launched in 2006, bObles has had many success experiences

for Danish design. She spent some time brainstorming with her

that have had a motivating effect on the work and the level

sister Louise Blædel, and together they came up with the idea

of ambition. Even at the first fair the company participated in,

of creating a range of design furniture for children that would

bObles was contacted by many foreign retailers interested in

meet the requirements for both aesthetics and function. “Essen-

carrying its products. Since then, bObles has been approached

tially, we want to create children’s furniture that stimulates the

by agents and distributors from more than 30 export markets

child without compromising on design quality,” says Bolette

around the world, but so far, the small company has taken on

Blædel, director of bObles.

only six foreign markets, because it lacks the resources to keep up with the rapid growth in demand.

In 2005, the two sisters decided to give up their respective jobs and start their own company, bObles. Today, they offer a range

In 2006, bObles won the design prize Formidable, and the

of furniture shaped as animals with a variety of shapes and

company has taken part in many fairs for acknowledged and

functions. Each piece of design furniture is an abstraction over

established design-based companies. In 2007, Bolette and Louise

an animal designed in geometric and recognisable shapes. The

fulfilled any designer’s dream as they received the stamp of

animals are multifunctional; for example, the child can ride

approval from the Museum of Modern Art in New York, which

the elephant or use it as a rocker. This multifunctional quality

included bObles in the museum store as one of the most out-

helps children develop their motor function and refine their

standing examples of modern Danish design right now.

THE BUSINESS STRATEGY “In addition to extensive knowledge about good design, one needs business skills to make it in the Danish and international markets. Thus, if you don’t possess these skills yourself, the company must ally itself with relevant advisors, which is what we did.”

Bolette Blædel

“From day one, design has been a key parameter in our company,

invaluable for us and our business. When we first set out, of

because design is what gives the product the added value and

course, we had no experience. We just dove right in without

exclusivity that makes it competitive both in Denmark and in the

having any idea of the complexities of running a successful

rest of the world,” says Bolette Blædel. From the outset, the two

business. We have also had really good support from our bank

sisters developed a strategy that has guided important business

and our lawyer throughout the process. Of course, we have

decisions ever since. “The essence of our business strategy is

always known a lot about good design, but we knew nothing

very simple: We want to be an international brand. And in every-

about running a business. We would definitely not have been

thing we have done and thought, that sentence has formed the

this successful without their assistance and professional

basis for our guidelines and actions. In order to achieve our ambi-

competencies,” says Bolette Blædel.

tion of becoming an international brand, we not only considered it a necessity but also wanted to let design play a key role in the

bObles has needed the advice of the partners on several occasions.

business concept,” says Bolette Blædel. The two sisters consider

One of the first of these situations occurred as bObles encountered

design the element that makes the difference between a stand-

considerable demand for their products very soon after the launch.

ard product and a competitive product in the export markets.

The fledgling company realised that they had a good design product with tremendous export potential, so after consulting

In order to accomplish their ambitious business plan, Bolette and

with their advisor, they decided to register the bObles trademark

Louise Blædel allied themselves with external partners. One is a

and designs in Denmark, Europe and China. They are currently

financial advisor who has many years of experience as a consultant

in the process of registering the designs and the trademark in

to Danish design-based companies. bObles has benefited a great

Japan, the USA and Australia. “From the beginning, we placed

deal from the assistance of this financial advisor, who has guided

a high priority on registering our products in order to minimise

the sisters through a number of difficult strategic decision-making

the risk of plagiarism. This helps protect bObles’ position as the

processes. He contacted the two sisters after seeing their products

original version,” says Bolette Blædel.

featured in the Danish financial newspaper Børsen to offer his business services pro bono. Another partner is Agenda Kommuni-

As part of the business strategy, bObles also developed a growth

kation, which also contacted bObles and offered the company a

strategy. The two sisters see a considerable growth potential

place in the Cocoons project – a growth environment for young

in the company. “We want to continue being a gazelle company

up-and-coming suppliers of products for children that stand out

with a 100 % annual growth rate,” Bolette Blædel says with a

thanks to a particularly visionary design profile. “To be fortunate

smile. And so far, bObles has made true on these ambitions.

enough to be approached by such competent partners has been

As Bolette Blædel points out, a company with an ambitious

book ‘In the forest’, which is available from all our retailers

growth strategy benefits from having an international perspec-

and from a number of exclusive and creative children’s stores.

tive. “It is the export markets that hold the big opportunities.

Of course, our main ambition with the book is to build an

That’s one of the reasons why it is our business strategy to

imaginative universe around our products and give children a

become an international brand,” says Bolette Blædel. Currently,

good experience, but it is also a matter of product placement

bObles has exports to six countries, but the company has

to help brand our Tumbling animals,” says Bolette Blædel.

been approached by agents and distributors from more than

“Publishing a book where the characters are illustrations of

30 different countries; requests which they have so far turned

bObles’ Tumbling animals is a creative way of branding our

down because they have been unable to keep up with demand.

products. With ‘In the forest’ we hope to create an image and

This gives the two sisters reason to believe that it is possible

an identity for bObles, in particular for the Tumbling animals,”

to maintain the impressive growth rates. “Since the launch,

says Bolette Blædel.

we have seen a great demand for our products from all corners of the world. It seems that we have found a gap in

In selecting retailers in Denmark and abroad, Bolette and

the design market that needed to be filled. Besides, we have

Louise Blædel have deliberately sought to strengthen their

been fortunate in matching a current trend: Today’s parents

brand. “From the outset, we have been selective about the

are very keen to offer their children the best possible condi-

shops where we place our products. We don’t want to be

tions for their development and happiness, and at the same

represented in a cheap warehouse, because it is important

time they are very aesthetically aware. Our products tap into

to maintain that bObles isn’t just a product on a shelf. That

this with their combined focus on design, clean and safe

is why we turned down a chain of 180 department stores in

materials and the promotion of children’s sensory and motor

Japan that approached us, because their stores weren’t right

functions,” says Bolette Blædel.

for our products,” says Bolette Blædel. The sisters are very protective of the bObles brand because they want to build a

To accomplish the corporate growth strategy, bObles has

brand that is synonymous with good design furniture for children.

chosen to expand the product line on an ongoing basis in order to maintain continually renewed interest in bObles’ products and offer an innovative, creative brand for children. “We have so many ideas about what to do and how to expand our product portfolio. The latest expansion is the Illustrations from the children’s book ‘In the forest’. Text: Mariella Harpelunde Jensen. Illustrations: Cato Thau-Jensen


The main point of departure for the development and production

a uniquely human aspect, because they look like animals, but

of children’s furniture was a focus on design, specifically design

only in our imagination – in fact, the Tumbling animals can be

that promotes children’s learning. The Tumbling animals encourage

anything you want them to be. The colours are bright and warm.

many different uses, depending on the child’s age. Physiotherapist

The material is firm but not hard, and it’s user-friendly,” says

Louise Hærvig, who specialises in children’s sensorimotor develop-

Louise Hærvig.

ment, applauds bObles’ furniture: “I am always really thrilled when I see children’s furniture with a design that is simple and creative

To Louise Hærvig, the reason that bObles’ design furniture stands

and has a shape that makes you want to use it. Even when it’s

out in comparison with all other makes of children’s furniture is

not in use – when it’s just sitting in the child’s room or the living

that the design promotes the development of children’s motor

room – it spreads joy. Through my work as a physiotherapist

and sensory skills. “The elephant is so well-designed that if you

for children, I see lots of furniture and other devices meant to

were only going to buy one piece of furniture for your child, you

encourage children to use their bodies. It’s rare to see a design

should get this one. The elephant has a rocking function, so the

that achieves it as well as the Tumbling animals – they’ve got it all.”

child is challenged and stimulated while sitting. At a later stage, the child may stand on the elephant’s feet, challenging his or her

Louise Hærvig explains that physical and motor experiences

standing balance. The elephant is also pleasant to sit on or lie

are crucial for a child’s development, something the Tumbling

across. This furniture really supports the child’s motor develop-

animals encourage. “The name ‘Tumbling animals’ tells you

ment, which, ideally, should progress through play. With the

exactly what the point is with this furniture. The children should

Tumbling animals, this seems inevitable,” says Louise Hærvig.

be able to tumble and romp to form physical experiences as

The Tumbling animals are an example of a product that combines

a basis for their ongoing development. The animals appeal to

design and motor learning.



It is important for entrepreneurs to listen to their

heart when choosing a vision. That makes it much

easier to make the right choices and pick a straight

path toward the goal. Our vision: being an inter-

nationally recognised brand.

2. Think big, and be ambitious bObles has only been around for two years. Despite its tender

Believing that, essentially, anything is possible and

age, the company has achieved outstanding results. In addition,

not being afraid to say it out loud will be motivating

bObles has helped put Denmark on the world map of design, as

for yourself as well as for your network.

the company’s products are in demand around the world and present in some of the most esteemed design stores world-

3. Tell a story, and build relationships and PR

wide. bObles has become an example of new and innovative

The story you tell builds an image and an identity

Danish design in Denmark and abroad.

for your vision and for yourself. From the beginning,

we have created little success stories that we have

This impressive arrival on the Danish and international design

shared with anyone from the postman to the inter-

scene has led to convincing growth rates for this small company

national press. That has helped us build strong

on the island of Amager by Copenhagen. Every year since its

relationships and secure great press coverage, and

inception, bObles has been rated a gazelle company thanks to

it has strengthened our own conviction that we are

its increasing growth rates. Louise and Bolette Blædel aim to

headed in the right direction.

continue the same growth rate as in previous years, and they consider this a feasible goal thanks to high-quality design

4. Maintain focus

products and a sensible business and branding strategy.

It is important to focus 100% and only engage with

people who share your goals and pursue them in a

The two sisters have high aspirations. “We want to be an inter-

positive, dedicated and enthusiastic way. Always

nationally recognised brand, and we are off to a strong start.

look for simple and uncomplicated solutions with a

The positive response to our design products gives us every

focus on the goal. And remember that, basically,

reason to believe in the dreams we have for the company.

there are no right or wrong strategies – it is only in

Our strength is that we have products that we really believe in,

relation to you and your goal that they become

and because of that we are willing to take the plunge without

right or wrong.

too much deliberation,” Bolette Blædel concludes with a smile. 5. Have fun

At bObles, this is the main thing, and we consider

it as important as our vision.

“Thanks to their successful design, our Tumbling animals look great in addition to supporting children’s motor development.” Louise Blædel


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Below are some useful links for your company’s work with

Danish Design Centre

design, exports, etc.

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FINDING A DESIGNER The Danish Design Centre’s web site can help you find a designer to match the competencies your company is

Tel +45 3369 3369 Fax +45 3369 3300

looking for. DDC Network has profiles of more than

2,000 designers and design firms. Text: Sanne Lund Hansen

BECOMING AN EXPORTER The Danish Trade Council offers small and medium-sized enterprises free advice on export planning. Follow-up assistance for new exporters is offered at half price. ADVICE ABOUT GROWTH Denmark’s five regional Growth Houses offer free information and advice for entrepreneurs and small companies. Every year, the Danish Design Centre publishes a number of design cases. In 2008, we will publish four master cases and two entrepreneur cases. A MASTER CASE highlights the value-generating and business potential of design by telling the story of a achieved results that are reflected in value generation. Key economic figures confirm and document progress following design investments. An ENTREPRENEOUR CASE is the story of a newly founded company that has been successful in integrating design as a key element in its business concept from day one. Since key economic figures are usually not available, the company’s economic viability and future success cannot be assessed.

Design and layout: Scandinavian Branding A/S and Peter Ørntoft, DDC

company that has worked strategically with design and

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