Military Training Can Equal College Credit In this issue: Military Evaluations & ACE
Military Evaluations & Training Fact Sheet
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DANTES Information Bulletin
Joint Services Transcript Communicates the Value of the Military Training and Evaluation Program Doug Johnson, Military Training Evaluation Program Manager, DANTES
n behalf of the Services, DANTES operates the Military Training Evaluations Program (MTEP) to evaluate military training and occupational experiences and translate them into American Council on Education (ACE) college credit recommendations. MTEP reviews several military training courses and occupations each year to ensure that service members and veterans get college credit recommendations for what they have experienced on their Joint Services Transcript (JST). Last year, despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, MTEP enabled ACE to evaluate 346 military courses and occupations for college credit equivalency. Those evaluations
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generated 2,794 college credit recommendations documented on the JST. MTEP is important because historically, service members take longer to complete college degree requirements when compared to adult civilian students. Service members’ persistence rates are also significantly lower when compared with adult civilians. The college credit recommendations on the JST, when applied by academic institutions, reduce the number of classes a service member needs to satisfy degree requirements, thus saving time and money, and avoiding tuition assistance costs. http://www.dantes.doded.mil
Military Training and Evaluation Program Many service members are aware of the credits they have earned on their JST. In FY20, there were over 1.8 million views of individual JSTs. The JST Operations Team sent over 367,000 JSTs to educational institutions on behalf of service members and veterans. Despite the awareness of JST, both service members and Service voluntary education personnel have questions about the program. Last year, the ACE customer service team received questions from academic institutions, service members and veterans, and Service voluntary education professionals about MTEP and JST. Over 70% of those questions came from service members and veterans. The following section highlights answers to one of the most commonly asked question to help voluntary education professionals assist their clients.
How do I make updates or corrections to my JST?
If a service member has a course missing from their JST, it is important to remember that not all military training courses are evaluated by ACE. Only courses that meet specific criteria, such as lasting at least 40 hours in length, go through the MTEP evaluation process. There are Service-specific instructions on making updates or corrections to the JST. All items submitted to make changes to the JST should include service members’ name, last four of their SSN, and an email address. The following
DANTES Information Bulletin
outlines Service-specific answers on how to make corrections or update the JST:
If a Soldier’s personal data (name, rank, date of birth, etc.) is missing or incorrect, there may have been a data entry error within the personnel system when a personnel action was taken (for example re-enlistment, permanent change of station, discharge, etc.). JST personnel records are updated from the Integrated Total Army Personnel Database (ITAPDB). To make corrections in ITAPDB, Soldiers need to work with their Personnel Officer/ S1 to make the necessary corrections. Once those corrections are made within ITAPDB, they will be automatically updated in the JST system. For Soldiers that are missing courses on their JST, it is important to remember that the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) sends course data for the courses that Soldiers complete once a month. Each individual training school is responsible for updating the ATRRS system when a Soldier graduates from a course. Prior to contacting Army JST support staff, Soldiers should ensure that their training records are correct in ATRRS and that they are designated as “qualified”. If Soldiers are missing an ACE reviewed course that they completed more than two months (60 days) ago, they should submit a copy of any training certificates (DA-1059) and justification through the JST website, https://jst.doded.mil/jst/.
Military Training and Evaluation Program
For Soldiers that are missing military occupational specialty (MOS) information, it is important to ensure that their MOS records are correct in ATRRS and with their chain of command. Once it is verified that the information is correct, Soldiers can be directed to submit any documentation for missing MOS data or series level information on the JST website. If Soldiers are missing credit recommendations for MOS Skill Levels 10 and 20, they should be made aware that ACE recommended credits are only assigned for levels 30, 40, and 50. However, colleges and universities may grant credit for Skill Levels 10 and 20 based on an individualized assessment of the student’s experience.
Sailors who need corrections to personal information need to contact their servicing Personnel Services Division (PSD) or Admin Office to submit corrections to Naval Personnel Command as appropriate. Official Navy training courses originate in the CeTARS system. To get missing courses added, DANTES Information Bulletin
Sailors, their PSD/Admin Office, or Navy College Office staff can fax, email, or mail a certified true or notarized copy of course completion documents. The documentation should have the course identification number and be completed more than 30 days prior. Sailors should note that awards, warfare designations, correspondence courses, Navy Knowledge Online (NKO), unit level training, courses without official course identification numbers, and training offered by other agencies will not appear on the JST.
Air Force
Air Force members, who have attended joint service training opportunities, should first check to see if the training is ACE evaluated by going to http://www.acenet.edu/news-room/ Pages/Mil- itary-Guide-Online. If the training is ACE evaluated, an education counselor or the member may email jst@ doded.mil to process the JST transcript request. If a member’s career and training consists solely of Air Force information, they should contact CCAF at www.au.af.mil/au/ccaf/transcripts.asp. http://www.dantes.doded.mil
Military Training and Evaluation Program
Marine Corps Marines with incorrect personal information on their JST should contact their servicing Unit Diary Clerk or Admin Office so that updates can be made within Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS). Once the corrections are made in MCTFS, the changes will be displayed on the JST. Marines should remember that awards, local/ unit level training, military training/courses without course identification numbers, and non-Department of Education courses (such as FEMA, DHS, etc.) will not appear on the JST. Only courses in MCTFS, Training Information Management System (TIMS), and from the Marine Corps Institute (MCI) are shown on the JST. Courses that meet the criteria to be evaluated by ACE, but are missing the required dates and locations to receive recommended college credit can be added to the JST by mailing, emailing, or uploading a copy of the course completion certificate, service record page(s), or DD Form 295 to JST Operations. The
DANTES Information Bulletin
Unit Diary/Admin NCO or a notary must certify all documents as a true copy. This process also applies in situations that require changes or corrections to MOS codes. Coast Guard Coast Guard members may request corrections or official JSTs by using Coast Guard Form 1562 available at https://jst.doded.mil/CG_ Form_1562.pdf. Requests can also be made online via the JST portal at https://jst.doded. mil/jst/. JST Operations Contact Information The contact information for the JST Operations Center is: NETPDC JST Operations Center, N644 6490 Saufley Field Road Pensacola, FL 325095204 FAX: 850.473.6013 DSN: 753-6013 EMAIL: jst@doded.mil WEBSITE: https://jst.doded.mil
Military Training and Evaluation Program
The Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education (VolEd) Program, through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES), partners with the American Council on Education (ACE) to translate military learning experiences into comparable civilian postsecondary college credit. ACE evaluates military training, education and job experience to provide recommended credits on the Joint Services Transcript (JST).
Provides a head start: Members begin college with credit from their military experience Saves time: Fewer courses are needed to complete degree requirements Avoids costs: Fewer required courses equals lower expenses for tuition, books and fees Helps prepare: Members may be eligible for waived prerequisites for advanced courses Provides school options: Several colleges and universities accept ACE credit recommendations on the JST
PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY: All enlisted, officers, warrant officers and veterans from active, National Guard and Reserve components in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy and U.S. Coast Guard are eligible. Air Force personnel should contact CCAF to receive service transcripts, airuniversity. af.edu/barnes/ccaf Air Force personnel who attended joint training offered by another service should email JST Operations (jst@doded.mil) to have a JST created.
2/17/2020 Information Bulletin Updated:DANTES
Search ACE Military Guide by Military Occupation: https://www3.acenet.edu/militaryguide/ OccupationSearch.cfm
850-452-1932 dantes_ace@navy.mil www.MyVolEd.com/JST
Search ACE Military Guide by Military Training Course: https://www3.acenet.edu/ militaryguide/CourseSearch.cfm
Helping Service Members Achieve Their Education Goals (Source: NETC, N643)5 http://www.dantes.doded.mil
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DANTES Exams Reimbursements – Temporarly down
ue to required system maintenance, DANTES is temporarily unable to issue Exam Reimbursement payments at this time. Service members are encouraged to continue submitting reimbursement requests, and DANTES will continue to assist applicants with submissions, approve requests, and respond to customer inquiries. Service members are advised to expect delays beyond 6 weeks for the deposit of Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT), or the issuance of a U.S. Department of Treasury Check. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and are working to resolve the delays as quickly as possible.
Click pics to register for Feb Webinars!
Check out the March Webinars
DoD MOU • 10 March at 1400 ET / 1300 CT / 1200 MT / 1100 PT – DoD MOU webinar OASC • 11 March at 1130 ET / 1030 CT / 0930 MT / 0830 PT – OASC Academic Skills App webinar
Kuder Journey • 24 March at 1100 ET / 1000 CT / 0900 MT / 0800 PT – Kuder Journey: Assessment webinar
MTEP / JST • 30 March at 1000 CT (Navy, Marine, Coast Guard) and 1300 CT (Army) - MTEP: “Understanding the value of your JST military transcript” webinar Visit https://www.dantes.doded.mil/Webinars/ index.html frequently to see what is being offered. DANTES Information Bulletin
DANTES Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support
DANTES OCONUS European Advisor (Contingency Operation Support)
usarmy.badenwur.usareur.mbx.dantes-euro@ mail.mil
www.DANTES.DoDed.mil www.proudtoserveagain.com
Jeff Allen, Director Michelle Alexander, Editor DANTES Information Bulletin
@DANTES-DoD DANTES Information Bulletin The DANTES Information Bulletin is published monthly to inform education personnel about DANTES programs and to help promote more efficient customer service to service members. Email all inquiries to DANTES_Outreach@navy.mil. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government, except that copyrighted materials cannot be reproduced without written permission from the copyright owner. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by DANTES of the linked websites, or the information, products, or services contained therein. http://www.dantes.doded.mil