Getting Education Credit for Military Experience In this issue: Military Training Evaluation Program
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Military Training Evaluation Program Doug Johnson, Military Evaluations Program Manager DANTES
or service members that have successfully completed their first tour of duty and decided to pursue their education degree, imagine the excitement as they research the different academic opportunities and options available to them. Regardless of whether service members plan to continue with their current service or transition to the civilian workforce, completing their educational goals is an important step in their future development both personally and professionally. At this point in their career, they have undoubtedly completed
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numerous military training courses and their “On the Job” training experience is at an all-time high. So, now we have to get the academic colleges and universities to recognize the service members accomplishments? After all, any academic institution should be able to look at the military experience and apply it to meet the degree requirements for an academic area of study. However, it’s often difficult to align and apply military training and occupational experience to post-secondary institution requirements. http://www.dantes.doded.mil
Military Training Evaluation Program
The Defense Activity for Non-Tradition Educational Support (DANTES) can help. The mission of DANTES is to provide no-cost education and career-planning programs for the U.S. Armed Forces military member. More importantly, DANTES programs can assist military members at every stage of their career, from entry into the service to the final stage of civilian transition to their next career. Under DANTES, the Military Training Evaluation Program (MTEP) was established to help service members earn college credit recommendations for knowledge gained through military training and occupational experiences. DANTES collaborates with the American Council on Education (ACE) to evaluate military training and occupational experiences and make academic credit recommendations at the lower, upper and graduate level that are then documented in the ACE military guide and on the Joint Services Transcript (JST).
DANTES Information Bulletin
For those who may be unfamiliar, the JST is an academically accepted document approved by the American Council on Education (ACE) to validate a service member’s military occupational experience and training along with the corresponding ACE college credit recommendations. The JST provides colleges and universities with a description of military schooling and work history in civilian language. It serves as a counseling tool for academic and career counselors in advising service members and veterans. It can also serve as an aid in preparing resumes and explaining military work experience to civilian employers. Today, more than 2,600 colleges and universities accept ACE recommended credit through the JST. These college credit recommendations by way of Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), help to reduce the number of classes a service member needs to take satisfy degree requirements, thus saving both time and money.
Military Training Evaluation Program According to a recent ACE Survey, “ students who sought credit for PLA (including service members), college administrators in institutions that award credit for prior learning, and industry representatives found that credit for prior learning programs are used to effectively increase the likelihood of students earning a degree or certificate, especially among adult learners. Students who receive credit for prior learning are also likely to graduate with less student debt than peers who did not receive credit.” Mr. Tom French, DANTES Education Programs Department Head, stated, “the goal is to continue to modernize and improve our capacity to evaluate, document and communicate military training and occupational experience to ensure maximum credit is accepted by colleges and universities across the country.” He continued, “if you look at this from a holistic viewpoint, the awarding of prior learning assessment credits is a win/win for both service members and academic institutions looking to achieve success.” Service members must remember to view their JST often to ensure individual content accuracy. Additionally, strongly encourage them to contact the admissions office at their chosen academic institution to discuss specifics about transfer credits. Each school has different resources, benefits and acceptance polices for military credit. To help the member start their education journey off on the right foot, have them visit the DANTES website at https://www.dantes.doded.mil/. There they will find detailed information concerning college and career planning, Academic Skills Testing, CLEP/DSST, Military Evaluations/ Joint Service transcript, and a whole host of other voluntary education support assistance.
DANTES Information Bulletin
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Get Education Benefits on Mobile App
e sure to download the new MilEd Benefits mobile app powered by DANTES. It offers information on DoD, DANTES, VA and Military Services’ education programs and benefits. Get more information at myvoled.com/app.
Academic Skills Virtual Tour
eterson’s July webinar will be a virtual tour for ESOs and Counselors regarding the new Online Academic Skills Course (OASC)/College Placement Skills Training (CPST) platform. Participants will be shown how to register, pull reports, and monitor learner progress.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020 9:00 am Mountain Daylight Time (Denver, GMT-06:00) Registration link: https://petersons.webex.com/petersons/ onstage/g.php?MTID=ed4f4632f875337b95b2aea7c6671bef8
The Parchment Online Transcript Ordering Service
ince June 2019, the DSST Credit-by-Exam Program introduced the Parchment online transcript ordering service. The service provides electronic order and fulfillment for all DSST test taker transcripts, and CLEP Military test taker DANTES Information Bulletin
transcripts. This online service is easy, secure, fast, and trackable so a service member will never have to worry about where your transcript is or if a school will get it on time. This service enhances the transcript experience by: • Providing test takers the option to order and pay online. Eliminating the need for test takers to use paper order forms, or mail in checked as part of their request for transcripts. • Providing test takers easy access to send digital or printed transcripts to 1,000’s of colleges and universities within Parchments network. Test takers may also manually enter designated delivery information. Go to www.getcollegecredit.com/scores_transcripts to learn more and to order your transcripts now. Service members and veterans may also request a copy of their Joint Service Transcript (JST). The JST is an official academic record that contains college credit recommendations based on your military experience, academic exam scores (e.g. CLEP, DSST, etc.), and academic courses completed while in the military. U.S. Air Force service members should contact CCAF to obtain a copy of their transcripts. Visit https://www.dantes.doded.mil/EducationPrograms/get-credit/creditmilitary.html to learn more about the JST program. http://www.dantes.doded.mil
Troops to Teachers States Helping Service Members Find their Second Careers in Education
Taheesha Quarells, Director, Troops to Teachers Bradley Golub, Program Recruiter and Evaluator, Georgia Troops to Teachers Jane Heipe Ph.D., State Program Coordinator, Pennsylvania Troops to Teachers Gail Hardinge Ed.D., Executive Director, Virginia Troops to Teachers The Troops to Teachers (TTT) program is supported by 31 state offices staffed by subject matter experts on individual state teacher certification and military/veteran benefits. These state offices work with organizations within their state to ensure service members and veterans receive the help and support they need as they transition from the military into K-12 career pathways. As service members face multiple barriers to completing their teacher certification credentials and gaining employment within K-12 schools, state office personnel: • Deliver more than 1,500 outreach events
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and engagements to increase awareness and participation each year Provide one-on-one education and certification counseling to help participants complete requirements for licensure as teachers Facilitate early workforce engagements by connecting participants to other school-related jobs while they pursue teacher certification Help participants prepare for the job search process and facilitate connections to job opportunities Build strategic partnerships to advocate on behalf of veterans within their state to remove barriers related to financial stressors, administrative burdens, and acknowledgement of military experience
This month, we are excited to showcase the many benefits and services the Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Virginia offices provide to Troops to Teachers participants.
Troops to Teachers Georgia Troops to Teachers
Georgia colleges/universities, school districts, and educational organizations to create a network of support dedicated to assisting service members looking to transition to a career in education. The team is committed to improving student achievement in Georgia by recruiting impactful and dedicated veteran educators.
Services Provided •
he Georgia TTT grant office is within the Georgia Professional Standards Commission Educator Certification Division. This gives the office direct knowledge of all the intricacies of the Georgia certification process. Staff members have years of experience working with school systems, teacher certification, and as certified educators in Georgia schools. With this expertise, they are able to accurately personalize certification options and offer unparalleled counseling services to service members and veterans seeking employment as potential educators. This TTT office partners with
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The Georgia team is dedicated to helping service members transition from their military career into classrooms across the state. They believe service members and veterans have the skills and fortitude to become quality educators and mentors to future generations. The Georgia staff provides the following services: Career counseling for suitability and opportunities in education Personalized certification pathways Specialized military certification pathway Connections/referrals to Georgia educator preparation programs In-depth resume, cover letter, and interview skills coaching Assistance searching for and finding employment Access to the Georgia TTT mentor network Ongoing support and counseling throughout the certification process
GA Team Pictured (from left to right): Windy Fortenberry, Jalen Havior, and Bradley Golub DANTES Information Bulletin
Troops to Teachers The Georgia TTT office offers monthly and/or bi-monthly briefings in the education centers at the locations listed below. Briefings include information on education as a career, an overview of the Troops to Teachers Program, and details on the certification process. • Fort Benning • Fort Gordon • Fort Stewart • Moody AFB • Kings Bay Naval Base • Robins AFB Visit the website, https://www.gapsc.com/Military/TransitioningMilitaryServicetoEducation. aspx or contact GA TTT at troopstoteachers@
gapsc.com for upcoming dates.
State Incentives for Military Members and Veterans
Georgia TTT, in conjunction with the Professional Standards Commission, offers service members and veterans the following incentives: • Expedited application processing • Flexibility in certification reciprocity from other states • Accelerated alternative certification pathways • Advanced placement on state salary scales for military experience
• Georgia offers competitive pay and benefits packages to educators. • Georgia has robust high school career & technical education (CTE) programs. • Educators can choose to teach in major metropolitan areas, rural counties, suburban schools, mountain towns, historic cities, and beach communities.
Introducing the GA TTT Staff
Windy Fortenberry, Assistant Certification Division Director and GA TTT Program Administrator, has more than 23 years of experience working with educator certification in the state of Georgia. In 2018, she co-authored the successful Troops to Teachers grant proposal that brought this program back to Georgia and the Professional Standards Commission. Bradley Golub, Program Recruiter, is a certified educator with experience teaching at all grade levels. He has been working in state certification for three years and with TTT for two years. Jalen Havior, Administrative Specialist, has education experience working with children as a paraprofessional in the public school system. He has been working in state certification for three years and with TTT for two years.
Certification Information
Georgia offers multiple options for certification through both traditional and alternative models. Because the best option depends on a participant’s unique situation, service members and veterans should be encouraged to contact the Georgia Team directly for more information about certification and personalized certification pathways. Basic Georgia certification information can be found at: https://www.gapsc.com/ProspectiveEducator/StepsToTeach/Home.aspx
Interesting Facts about Teaching in Georgia • Georgia’s Superintendent of the Year last year is an Army veteran! DANTES Information Bulletin
Troops to Teachers Contact Information Find more information about GA TTT by visiting the following websites: https://www.gapsc.com/Military/TransitioningMilitaryServicetoEducation.aspx https://proudtoserveagain.com/States/Georgia
Service members, veterans, and education center personnel can reach office personnel directly via email at troopstoteachers@gapsc.com or by calling 404-232-2601 or 404-548-2752. Find up-to-date information on events and other certification details by visiting the GA TTT Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/TTT.Georgia/ Office location is: 200 Piedmont Avenue SE, Suite 1702, West Tower, Atlanta, GA 30334-9032
DANTES Information Bulletin
GA TTT Mentors Dr. Charles W. Smith Jr. Air Force Veteran 912-876-5488 charleswatsonsmith@gmail.com Chris Shumway Air Force Veteran 478-218-7769 christopher.shumway@hcbe.net Dr. Mike Siekkinen Navy Veteran 912-674-1400 MSiekkinen@camden.k12.ga.us Dr. David Green Navy Veteran 912-729-6070 mrgreencms@yahoo.com Michael Canada Army Veteran 678-689-8851 canadamichael@bellsouth.net Dr. Frank Jones Army Veteran 678-492-0438 Frank_Jones@Gwinnett.k12.ga.us
Troops to Teachers Pennsylvania Troops to Teachers ship with the PA National Guard Association. All of these activities culminate to increase the number veterans counseled on teacher certification pathways, supported through the certification process, and hired to teach within PA schools across the state.
State Incentives for Military Members and Veterans
“Pennsylvania has a proud military heritage and is home to many tremendous veterans who want to continue serving their community. The Troops to Teachers program is a great way for veterans to bring their knowledge and skills to our classrooms, which benefits veterans and our students.” - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf The Pennsylvania Department of Education partnered with the Lyceum Group LLC to manage the Troops to Teachers PA Regional Partnerships and to carry out activities related to counseling and referral of eligible veterans expressing an interest in becoming certified to teach in elementary and secondary schools in PA.
All military members and veterans are given preferential application handling and a reduced application fee when applying for any of the education certifications offered within the state.
Certification Information
Pennsylvania offers 3 routes to certification: • Traditional • Alternative Certification through an intern certificate or American Board Passport to Teaching program • Career and technical education certification programs (CTE) Additional certification information is available at https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/ Certification/Pages/default.aspx
Services Provided
TTT Pennsylvania staff is heavily engaged with outreach activities to increase awareness of and participation in the TTT program. They attend multiple veteran organization meetings, on-campus recruiting events and actively pursue all opportunities that connect them to the military and veteran population. In addition, TTT PA engages in social media outreach and partnered with other agencies to provide targeted marketing. They also have a relationDANTES Information Bulletin
Troops to Teachers Pennsylvania con’t
In addition, Pennsylvania has instituted a Regional Partnership Program with Slippery Rock University and Temple University to implement a new pathway to teaching certification in mathematics, science and foreign languages, designed to be completed within one year. Testimonials and more information on this partnership is available at: • SRU Post-Baccalaureate Student Answers ‘Second Call’ Through Troops to Teachers Program https://www.sru.edu/
Meet a PA TTT Staff Member
Jane Heipe Ph.D., State Program Coordinator, Pennsylvania Troops to Teachers Jane has a background in public education in various positions from teacher through administrator in both rural and suburban settings. She has assisted post-secondary institutions in redesigning teacher preparation programs and holds a graduate degree from Pennsylvania State University in Workforce Education and Development.
• Veteran Joins the Temple Teacher Residency Program After 22-Year Military Career
https://education.temple.edu/news/2019/11/ veteran-joins-temple-teacher-residency-program-after-22-year-military-career
Interesting Pennsylvania Teaching Facts
• Pennsylvania approves 112 teacher certification program providers (colleges, universities, and alternative providers) and serves 500 public school districts. • Critical teacher shortages exist in English as a Second Language, Fine and Performing Arts, Foreign Languages, Hearing Impaired, Sciences (all fields of science in middle and secondary grades), Mathematics, Special Education, Speech and Language Impaired, Visually Impaired and Career and Technical Education • Pennsylvania participates in the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC). The state signed the NASDTEC Agreement, which “facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC” helping those teachers certified in other states to be recognized in Pennsylvania.
Jane Heiple, PhD. State Program Coordinator
Contact Information PA TTT Office Website
https://www.education.pa.gov/Teachers%20 -%20Administrators/Teacher%20Quality/Pages/Pennsylvania-Troops-to-Teachers-Grant. aspx
Websites for Partnership Programs
https://www.sru.edu/academics/colleges-and-departments/coe/troops-to-teachers https://sites.temple.edu/templeteacherresidency/
The TTT state grant office coordinates with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and its’ office location is: 123 West Main St., Ligonier, PA, 15658
DANTES Information Bulletin
Troops to Teacher Virginia Troops to Teachers
The Troops to Teachers Virginia Center program works with all teaching universities and career and technical programs across the state to help service members and veterans complete their education and teacher certification requirements.
Services Provided
The VA TTT office has provided 57 base presentations over the last year and offers both synchronous and asynchronous presentations through their Virtual Coffee House. They are currently working with many bases to increase virtual briefing opportunities. Most recently they met in their Coffee House with three TTT participants who began teaching in the midst of COVID-19 school closings.
It is never too early for service members to start planning for their future career as a teacher. Ideally, TTT Virginia counselors recommend that planning begin one to two years prior to military separation. Service members and veterans in Virginia are encouraged to take advantage of the support that the Virginia TTT office can provide such as: virtual practice interview sessions, resume reviews that highlight strengths, and access to the Virginia employment news distribution list to keep participants informed of job fairs and employment opportunities. TTT participants can also visit the Virtual Coffee House to hear what hiring officials suggest, learn tips for test taking, and find out what other TTT participants, who are working in schools, say about teaching.
Interesting Facts about Teaching in Virginia
• Virginia offers an incredible range of lifestyles – from the beach to the mountains, there are wonderful communities where veterans can easily transition to their next career. • Virginia’s reciprocity agreement with other states provides flexibility for those who have completed teacher programs from other states.
The staff offer an in-depth credential review of academic and career credentials to help service members identify teaching programs and colleges that fit well with their prior military experience. Each service member or veteran is assisted with developing an individualized plan for meeting licensure requirements. Once teacher certification requirements are met, participants are prepared for the job search process with resume and interview skills help, along with direct connections to hiring officials.
Incentives for Military Members and Veterans
Virginia offers a 3-year provisional-experiential license through the TTT Virginia Center. This license allows applicants to teach for 3 years while continuing to complete any additional requirements to be eligible for a full, 10-year renewable teaching license.
DANTES Information Bulletin
Troops to Teacher
TTT Participant Success Stories
Contact Information
Meet the Virginia Office Staff
For those wanting to visit in person, the office location is: College of William & Mary, School of Education, 301 Monticello Ave., Williamsburg, VA 23185
Sean Smith, a High School Teacher at Lafayette High School and former VA TTT participant, was awarded Rookie Teacher of the Year in 2019. https:// wjccschools.org/recognitions/2019-teachers-of-the-year/
The state grant office in Virginia has two primary Program Counselors with other support staff members: Dr. Gail Hardinge gbhard@wm.edu; 757-221-2361 Gail has worked in K-12 and higher education for 30 years. She has been a principal investigator on over 50 DoD grants and considers the TTT program one of the most rewarding jobs any one could have. She believes assisting service members in translating their military experience into civilian language, understood by educators, is an essential step in transitioning to a new teaching career.
For more information on this TTT office, the website and social media accounts are: Website- troopstoteachersvirginia.org Twitter- @ProudtoEducate Facebook- @TTTVirginia
Karen Hogue kphogue@wm.edu; 757-221-6023 Karen has worked in higher education grant management for 9 years. She manages all licensing processes for the Virginia TTT office and is the program’s webmaster. Her side passion is riding and training hunter/jumper horses.
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DANTES Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support
DANTES OCONUS European Advisor (Contingency Operation Support)
6490 Saufley Field Road, Pensacola, FL 32509 (850) 452-1901
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DANTES Information Bulletin The DANTES Information Bulletin is published monthly to inform education personnel about DANTES programs and to help promote more efficient customer service to service members. Email all inquiries to DANTES_Outreach@navy.mil. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government, except that copyrighted materials cannot be reproduced without written permission from the copyright owner. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by DANTES of the linked websites, or the information, products, or services contained therein.
Jeff Allen, Director Michelle Alexander, Editor DANTES Information Bulletin