Kuder Journey - Helps Build Job Search Skills! In this issue: College and Career Planning
College and Career Planning Fact Sheet
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DANTES Information Bulletin
College and Career Planning (Kuder Journey) Mareba Mack, Program Manager, DANTES
ollege and career planning requires the military member to learn about themselves first to ensure they choose the right career path for their future. Kuder Journey’s education and career counseling program is designed to help military students learn, assess and plan, based on personal interests, skills and work values. With Kuder Journey, service members can develop a college and career plan tailored to their needs and interests to help make life’s journey easier and more rewarding, whether it’s taking a military career to the next level, planning for separation
Vol 633
and/or retirement, or switching career fields. VolEd counseling professionals have a unique opportunity to communicate and show service members how the Kuder Journey Program can affect those potential life experiences through formal education, professional development, and career enhancement. Kuder Journey is a free, easilyaccessible tool that can be used to aid in the decision making process. A service member can walk away from your office with a detailed career assessment and education plan.
College and Career Planning Through the College & Career Planning program, service members can: • Take interests, skills, and work values assessments • Explore recommended occupations, job outlooks, salaries, and education requirements • Find education programs and apprenticeships • Learn about financial aid options • Prepare for transition with job search tools, develop job networks, and find professional associations • Search for jobs, research employers, and find job fairs • Obtain lifetime access to an e-portfolio to organize documents for employment, school admission, or scholarships DANTES and Kuder® Journey have established training accounts for counselors (education, family support, career, transition, etc.) to communicate and assist active duty, Guard, and Reserve members with their education, career, and transition goals. Counselors can also create administrator accounts that provide
DANTES Information Bulletin
access to Kuder University ™. This is a free online resource library for administrators to access information about a variety of system tools and features relating to the Kuder® Journey program. Counselors also gain access to the same customized Kuder ® Journey program as service members. Access to this training account will help counselors become familiar with the program in preparation for counseling sessions, education briefs, and transition classes. As a site administrator, counselors will be able to obtain: • In-depth and custom reports • Access to a placement tool to encourage best-fit courses or career programs • Links to students’ electronic portfolios • Career trend forecasting aids To register for a counselor account, contact Ms. Mareba Mack, DANTES College and Career Planning Program Manager, via email at counseling@navy.mil.
College and Career Planning
Kuder Journey has integrated the new Occupational Information Network (O*NE T) v25.1 database developed by the U.S. Department of Labor that functions as the primary source of occupational information in the United States. The new database offers the latest information on wages, employment trends, and labor market information. Highlights of the new database include: • 62 occupation areas added • 4 new and emerging occupations in the area of cyber security • 75 occupations with updated titles • 280 occupations with new and refreshed descriptions Click on the picture below to check out the new database!
DANTES Information Bulletin
College and Career Planning
PROGRAM OVERVIEW: The Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education (VolEd)
Free, self-paced, college and career counseling assistance
Program, through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional
Career and education pathways customized for individual users
Education Support (DANTES) provides customized college and career counseling services specifically designed for military students. Kuder Journey is a comprehensive online resource that helps
Career options aligned to educational requirements Helps build job search skills Lifetime access to e-Portfolio, individual assessments and documents
service members plan for the future. College and career planning
Design cover letters
requires learning about oneself first to ensure a member chooses
Build custom resumes
the right career path for their future. Kuder Journey’s education and career counseling program is designed to help military students learn, access, and plan, based on personal interests, skills and work values.
PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY: Kuder Journey is available to all actively serving members in all branches of service, including the National Guard, Reserve components and Coast Guard. Kuder Journey account activation during active duty service provides lifetime access to the program as a transitioning veteran.
Counseling@navy.mil clientengagement@kuder.com www.MyVolEd.com/Kuder
Kuder Journey AdministratorTraining & Tutorials: https://app.kuder.com/masterweb/Templates/DANTES/KUDERJ-T.htm Kuder Support Links: https://www.kuder.com/landing-page/holland-theory-overview-and-application-/ Getting Started Video: https://youtu.be/nuMkidDcNYk Kuder Journey Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi7Ybozdj1k
Service Members Achieve Their Education Goals DANTES Information Bulletin Helping http://www.dantes.doded.mil
Feb 2021
Unauthorized Clep/DSST Prep Material Matthew W. Schwantz, MBA Credit-by-Exam Program Manager/COR
Military Education Centers are being solicited by a companies to purchase CLEP and DSST study guides for service members to use in preparation for their exams. These study guides are not authorized or approved preparation materials by College Board (CLEP) or Prometric (DSST) and are not guaranteed to help with passing either exams. Education Centers and service members should be advised to take advantage of free preparation study guides, videos, and practice tests by going to https://www.dantes.doded.mil/ EducationPrograms/get-credit/creditexam. html.
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Navy College Program sunsets mobile app, transitions to DANTES MilEd Benefits App. Click on the link to see more! https://www.militarynews.com/news/navy-college-programsunsets-mobile-app-transitions-to-dantes-miled-benefitsapp/article_ee10b416-7781-11eb-a9e9-2fe07f4cc11a.html
Join our webinars as part of DANTES' commitment to the Voluntary Education (VolEd) community, Military Services, and service members. Quality customer service and keeping you informed is an important part of our mission. Click on the pictures below to see more webinars!
DANTES Information Bulletin
HOT NEWS The ACE Military Guide Is Getting a New Look: APR 2021
Doug Johnson, Military Training Evaluation Program Manager, DANTES
he newly redesigned American Council on Education (ACE) Military Guide will be released on 1 April 2021, providing military learners and post-secondary academic institutions with enhanced end-user enablement, information, insight, and decision support capabilities. The initiative is part of ACE’s defense contract administered by the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES). Military learners will have the capability to upload a Joint Services Transcript (JST) and conduct a side by side comparison of their professional knowledge gained through military training and occupational experience with current ACE credit recommendations.
more competitive options and give learners the opportunity to find the right institution that fits their educational needs and goals. Additionally, the new military guide will provide post-secondary academic institutions with an optimized, user friendly system experience that enables greater ease in reviewing, evaluating, and awarding credit for military learner. The more information, insight and decision support we can provide to our academic institutions in evaluating military prior learning the more our service members and veterans benefit. Not Familiar with the ACE Military Guide? It is the sole source of information for all military courses and occupations evaluated by the ACE. Since 1954, the American Council on Education has been evaluating military learning and recommending academic credit on behalf of service members and veterans pursuing their educational goals across the nation.
For more information, on the ACE Military Guide, visit https://www.acenet.edu/ In future system releases, military learners will be able to reference information on institutions Programs-Services/Pages/CreditTranscripts/Military-Guide-Online.aspx past credit awards which will help to create
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DANTES Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support
DANTES OCONUS European Advisor (Contingency Operation Support)
usarmy.badenwur.usareur.mbx.dantes-euro@ mail.mil
Jeff Allen, Director Michelle Alexander, Editor DANTES Information Bulletin
@DANTES-DoD DANTES Information Bulletin The DANTES Information Bulletin is published monthly to inform education personnel about DANTES programs and to help promote more efficient customer service to service members. Email all inquiries to DANTES_Outreach@navy.mil. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government, except that copyrighted materials cannot be reproduced without written permission from the copyright owner. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by DANTES of the linked websites, or the information, products, or services contained therein. http://www.dantes.doded.mil