Providing Customer Support For Future Success In this issue: TTT - Customer Service Support
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DANTES Information Bulletin
Customer Service Support for Service Members Considering Transition Options Taheesha Quarells, Director, Troops to Teachers David H. Schklar, LTC (R), Ohio Troops to Teachers Program Coordinator Terence Holmes, Project Coordinator, Hawaii Troops to Teachers Program
ver the past few months, our country has experienced an unprecedented time due to COVID-19. While grappling with health and safety concerns of this pandemic, the nation is also facing high rates of unemployment. With approximately 200,000 service members preparing to leave the military and facing potential difficulties in finding employment opportunities,
Vol 633
Defense voluntary education and transition personnel need to be reminded of available resources to help support their customers. One of those resources is the Troops to Teachers (TTT) program and its nationwide network of state offices. Since 1994, TTT has helped more than 47,000 service members and veterans find jobs in the American school system.
TTT - Customer Service Support
Many service members report being unsure of their next career after they leave the military. While some are keenly aware of and interested in becoming a TTT participant, many program alumni routinely express their gratitude for the education or transition counselors that introduced them to the possibility of a career in K-12 education. There are a variety of K-12 education career pathway options and state-specific requirements, timelines, hiring cycles, and incentives to consider. To help service members, veterans, and counselors looking for assistance, a nationwide network of state offices are available to provide information, referral resources, connections to certification programs, introductions to hiring officials, and more. Despite, the required social distancing and stay at home orders due to COVID-19, TTT state offices are still available and helping veterans in remote/virtual environments. Whether it is helping veterans complete their student teaching requirements in online environments, advocating at the state level for extensions to certification policies, or helping participants
DANTES Information Bulletin
prepare for and connect to virtual job fairs, the program’s state partners have been hard at work removing barriers to teacher certification and job placement. Each month this year, a portion of the DIB is focused on introducing the voluntary education and transition community to the various sources of customer support across the TTT program. The aim in focusing on our state partners is to highlight the level of available support for service members interested in teaching or related K-12 education career pathways. These partners work continuously with a variety of stakeholders to help service members overcome barriers to degree completion, teacher certification, and employment within local school districts. They also work closely with hiring officials to help fill teacher shortages in critical subject areas in rural, suburban, and urban areas with qualified veterans.
For May, we are excited to introduce state partners in Ohio and Hawaii.
Ohio Troops to Teachers Program
Photo Caption: Eric Petro on the left and David Schklar on the right attending a Veteran’s Appreciation night at Hamilton Township High School
The Ohio Troops to Teachers Program office works with the Ohio Department of Education’s offices of Educator Effectiveness and Educator Licensure. Ohio has much to offer veterans who want to enter second careers that engage and inspire young minds. Through its Alternative Educator Licensure Program, the Buckeye State offers anyone who holds a bachelor’s degree the chance to earn a teaching credential. In addition, qualifed individuals who have a high school diploma, five years of documented work experience, and complete an approved preservice career-technical education program in these areas can teach in career technical programs. Ohio also recognizes the knowledge and expertise our nation’s veterans can bring to educating our children. In recent years, Ohio lawmakers have increased starting pay for veterans entering the teaching force; provided immediate, in-state tuition rates to relocating veterans and family members; and eliminated veteran applicant fees for initial and renewing teaching licenses.
and administrators and is eager to hire veterans. The Ohio TTT program team consists of dedicated and seasoned professionals who are eager to expand teacher certification and employment opportunities for service members and veterans: David H. Schklar, LTC (R), U.S. Army, is the Ohio Troops to Teachers Program Coordinator. David retired from the U.S. Army in 2005 after 28-years of service. He has spent 18-years as a science educator and administrator. John W. Soloninka, is the Associate Director for the Office of Educator Effectiveness in Ohio. Among other duties, John oversees the Ohio Troops to Teachers Program. John teaches research methods and undergraduate statistics part-time at Capital University, Columbus, OH. Eric A. Petro, is an Education Program Specialist within the Office of Educator Effectiveness. Among other duties, Eric assists with the Ohio Troops to Teachers program.
Ohio has a growing need for dedicated teachers
DANTES Information Bulletin
Ohio Troops to Teachers Program Program Outreach & Advocacy
On a regular basis, the Ohio staff conduct outreach activities to increase awareness of and service member/ veteran participation in the TTT program. They also participate in councils and advisory groups to build strategic partnerships that help veterans overcome specific barriers within the state. Examples of these activities include: • Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Briefings: Twice a month, the program conducts TAP briefings on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, OH. • Community Events: The program routinely attends Veteran Appreciation Nights at local schools, job fairs for educators, and Ohio Department of Education (DoE) events for veterans and military-connected students to provide information on TTT. • Traditional and Social Media: The program advertises on Facebook and Instagram and soon will be in the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base publication, Wright-Times. It sends updates to Ohio school districts /public through the Ohio DoE newsletter, EdConnection. The program also has produced two videos working with the Ohio Department of Education’s communications department – one on Ohio’s hiring authorities in school districts and another on why education is a great subsequent career for veterans. Both videos are on the TTT homepage on the Ohio Department of Education website. • Program staff are members of the: • Ohio Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) board that works within the state to remove barriers to educational success imposed on children of military families because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents. • Ohio’s Purple Star Program selection committee which recognizes schools with a special designation for the formal support to military-connected families and students and host veteran-oriented programs. • Ohio Troops to Teachers Advisory Council provides advice and counsel on military veteran-specific issues that affect individuals’ transitions from the military to the classroom. The council is comprised of military veterans in educational leadership positions, as well as human resources experts.
Ohio Troops to Teachers adisory Council, April 10, 2019 - Left to Right: (Row 1 - David H. Schklar LTC, (USA, retired), Ohio Troops to Teachers Program Coordinator; Raquel P. Dowdy-Cornute, Human Resources, Training and EEO expert; Jay E. Johnson, Col, (USMC, retired), Dir, Professional & Executive Education, Dublin Integrated Education Center; Thomas N. Moe Col (USAF, retired), former Dir, Ohio Troops to Teachers and former Dir, Ohio Department of Veterans Services; Row 2 - Mike Forrest, MAJ (USA, retired), Dir, Veterans Transition and Services; James Brady, MGySgt (USMC, retired), Superintendent, Buckeye United School District, Ohio Department of Youth Services; Christopher Picha, Military & Veteran Community Liaison, Ohio Department of Veterans Services; Dennis Laich, MG, ( USA, retired), Dir, Ohio Superintendent, Centerburg Local Schools.
DANTES Information Bulletin
Ohio Troops to Teachers Program Ohio Troops to Teachers Honorees
Carrying over their excellence in military service to their second career as K-12 teachers and administrators, the following are just a few of the past TTT participants that were recognized within Ohio for their achievements: Eric Combs, SMSgt (retired), USAF, was awarded the Fairborn Teacher of the Year for 2006 and Ohio Teacher of the Year for 2006.
Gregory Powell, Maj (retired), USAF, was awarded the Dayton Public School District Teacher of the Year in 2005 and nominated for the Ohio State Teacher of the Year in 2005.
James Brady, MGySgt (retired), USMC, began his education career in Ohio as a mathematics teacher, advancing to athletic director, assistant principal, and district assistant superintendent, business manager and superintendent. He is the superintendent of the Buckeye United School District, operated by the Ohio Department of Youth Services.
Contact the Ohio Team
There are a variety of ways to connect with the Ohio TTT program staff: • Website http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Other-Resources/Ohio-Network-for-Military-Fami lies-and-Veterans/Troops-to-Teachers • Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OHEducation/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/OHEducation Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oheducation/
• In-person Office Location:
Ohio Department of Education 25 S Front Street Columbus, Ohio 43215
DANTES Information Bulletin
Hawaii Troops to Teacher Program
Photo Caption: Terence Holmes, TTT Program Coordinator. Terence served nine years on active duty in the Army in support of Operation Joint Forge and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
he Hawaii Troops to Teachers Program is supported by the Hawaii Department of Education (DOE). Amid a persistent teacher shortage nationwide, the state DOE continues to aggressively recruit the best candidates through long-term strategies aimed at growing the state’s pipeline of teachers. Among these strategies, the DOE increased its support for the recruitment of military veterans for a second career in teaching. As an incentive to transitioning military members and veterans, the Hawaii DOE recognizes up to four (4) years of military service credit towards step placement on the salary schedule, once individuals have completed their state-approved teacher education program. Program Outreach & Advocacy Monthly Briefings: The Hawaii office conducts outreach activities to increase awareness of and service member/veteran participation in the TTT. Examples of these activities include monthly briefings for the Soldier for Life Transition program, and briefings on military bases such as Fort Shafter and Schofield Barracks. Strategic Partnerships: Program staff also participate in councils and advisory groups to build strategic partnerships that help veterans overcome specific barriers within the state. On a regular basis, program staff participate in Joint Venture Education Forums and Military Affairs Committee meetings with Transition Office Managers across the Island of Oahu. Traditional and Social Media: The program advertises on Facebook and Twitter. It also offers Ho‘oha‘aheo, a monthly newsletter delivered online, printed and distributed to schools and Board of Education meetings. It has Inspiring stories from their schools, districts and offices, profiling the students, staff and leaders who are building success and strong school communities, and the community members and organizations that help them do it. Get the newsletter delivered automatically delivered via email each month, select “Subscribe” in the footer at the bottom of http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/Newsletters/Hoohaaheo/Pages/default. aspx# Interesting Facts about Hawaii Did you know that Hawaii is the only state in the country where the Local Educational Agency (LEA) and the State Educational Agency (SEA) are one and the same? There are 293 schools (256 public, 37 charter) in the Hawaii public school system and they all belong to one statewide public school district. Hawaii has the highest number of military-dependent children per capita in the nation, representing approximately 15,000 students or eight-percent of the total student enrollment. The majority of these students attend 45 schools located on or near military installations in Oahu’s Central, Leeward and Windward School Districts. DANTES Information Bulletin
Hawaii Troops to Teacher Program
Pictured from left to right (Hawaii DOE, Personnel Management Branch Director, Kerry Tom; Hawaii Senator, Senator Mazie Hirono; Hawaii TTT Program Coordinator, Terence Holmes) TTT Participant Testimonials Below, Gabe Hechler and Raymond LaFleur share their journey to become teachers through the Hawaii TTT program. Both are candidates for a Masters in Education at the University of Hawaii-Manoa's College of Education:
Contact the Hawaii Team There are a variety of ways to connect with the Hawaii TTT program staff: • •
Website: www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/Employment/JobOpportunities/ Pages/TTT.aspx
• Social Media > Facebook: @HIDOE808 >Twitter: @HIDOE808, #HI4PublicEd >Pinterest: Hawaii DOE (HIDOE808) >Vimeo: HIDOE – Video Production Branch
DANTES Information Bulletin
In-person Office Location Hawaii State Department of Education Office of Talent Management Teacher Recruitment Unit 1390 Miller Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Phone: 808-441-8361 Email: ttthawaii@j2tinfo.com
Hawaii Troops to Teacher Program
Calling members of the
ARMED FORCES Hawai‘i needs you! Be a hero. Be a teacher.
Hawai‘i Troops to Teachers is a military career transition program that helps eligible members of the armed forces begin new careers as K-12 public school teachers.
Contact Terence Holmes, Troops to Teachers Project Coordinator, at 808-441-8361 or terence_holmes@hawaiidoe.org.
DANTES Information Bulletin
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
A Note from the College Board Team
e want to keep you updated on impacts to DANTES-sponsored programs and services during the evolving situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19). DANTES COVID-19 updates are available at https://www.dantes.doded.mil/Resources/ Covid-19.html.
ollege Board won’t be suspending CLEP testing and are leaving closure decisions to individual test centers. However, we encourage all centers to follow the guidance of the CDC and their state and local governments when deciding about closures and closure durations.
Test Prep with EBSCO Learning Express
CLEP Remote Testing College Board doesn’t have the ability to change its delivery model in the immediate future or offer remote proctoring this spring. We’ll communicate with all test centers if anything changes, but expect to continue to make CLEP available under its current model for the foreseeable future.
BSCO Learning Express is a valuable education tool that provides eLearning tutorials, practice tests, e-books, flashcards and articles to help military members build their skills in a wide array of core subjects, including test preparation for DSST Credit-by-Exam, ACT, GMAT, GRE, ASVAB and more. Members can use this FREE resource for success in the classroom, on the job, and in life. Check it out and share information on the program with your staff and military members. https://www.militaryonesource.mil/recreationtravel-shopping/recreation/libraries/ morale-welfare-and-recreation-digital-library Download the Learning Express infographic: www. myvoled/infographics
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CLEP Honors Awards Due to the number of CLEP test center closures as a result of the coronavirus, the CLEP Program has decided to suspend the CLEP Honors Awards for the 2019-20 academic year and cancel the CLEP reception at the 2020 NCTA Annual Conference. They hope to resume CLEP Honors for the 2020-21 academic year and will provide more information once plans are finalized.
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DANTES Information Bulletin The DANTES Information Bulletin is published monthly to inform education personnel about DANTES programs and to help promote more efficient customer service to service members. Email all inquiries to DANTES_Outreach@navy.mil. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government, except that copyrighted materials cannot be reproduced without written permission from the copyright owner. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by DANTES of the linked websites, or the information, products, or services contained therein.
Jeff Allen, Director Michelle Alexander, Editor DANTES Information Bulletin