One of the initial decisions a service member will need to make regarding their education plan is selecting the school that best meets their needs. Lucky for them, the Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education (VolEd) Program, through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES), has developed a college comparison tool, “TA DECIDE”. This tool is specifically designed for participants in the DoD Military Tuition Assistance program.
TA DECIDE is the official source for research and comparison of DoD MOU partnership schools for Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve component service members. It can be accessed 24/7 and is available to the general public at https://www.dodmou.com/TADECIDE/
“TA DECIDE provides a first-of-its-kind experience, fueled by more than 10 recognized and trusted data sources from across the departments of Defense, Education, and Veterans Affairs, specifically tailored to the needs of the TA participant”.
Dr. Irina Rader, DOD MOU Branch Chief, DHRA, DANTES
TA DECIDE uses sources from the Departments of Defense, Education and Veterans Affairs to provide service members with information on the following:
• Degree Levels and Programs
• Learning Methods
• Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP code)
Cost of Attendance:
• Full Time Tuition and applicable fees (in-state)
• Estimated Books/Supplies
• Estimated Room/Board
• DoD Tuition Assistance (TA) Data
Program Eligibility for Schools:
• Only schools that have completed a rigorous screening process and have been accepted into the DoD MOU program are allowed to accept TA funds
• Must be accredited by a National or Regional ac crediting body recognized by the Department of Education (ED)
• Be state‐approved for the use of veterans’ educa tion benefits (post‐9/11 GI Bill)
• Be certified to participate in federal student aid programs through the ED under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965
Student Benefits:
• Easily accessible for student convenience
• Self-paced or education counselor-guided
• 2,500 approved MOU schools to choose from and compare to make the right decision
• All schools are vetted by DoD to ensure eligibility for military TA
Here are some counselor resources to use when accessing the program with serivcer members:
• Participating DoDMOU Institutions: https://www. dodmou.com//Home/InstitutionList
• FAQs: https://www.dodmou.com//Home/Faq
• TA DECIDE Source Document: https://www. dodmou.com/TADECIDE/Documents/DOD-TADECIDE-Tool_SourceDoc.pdf?t=26
More than 2,500 education institutions are eligible to receive military tuition assistance. Encourage service members to make informed decisions with TA DECI DE matching a school and program that meets their educational needs.
The Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education (VolEd) Program, through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) manages, TA DECIDE, a college comparison tool to assist military members with selecting the right college for their needs.
TA DECIDE includes all educational institutions that have signed a DoD VolEd Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (DoD MOU) and are eligible to receive DoD tuition assistance (TA) funds. TA DECIDE is fueled by more than 10 recognized and trusted data sources from across the Departments of Defense, Education and Veterans Affairs.
Online and easily accessible for student convenience
Self-paced or education counselor-guided program
Trusted data to support decision-making process
2,500+ approved MOU schools to “choose from and compare” to make the right decision
All schools are eligible for military TA funds
TA DECIDE can be accessed 24/7 and is available to the general public.
TA DECIDE is the official source for research and comparison of DoD MOU partnership schools for active duty, National Guard and Reserve component service members.
voledconcerns@navy.mil www.MyVolEd.com/TA-DECIDE
Participating Institutions: https://www.dodmou.com//Home/InstitutionList
FAQs: https://www.dodmou.com/Home/Faq
Get Help Choosing a School video: https://youtu.be/FfKsBkdryVg
The Troops to Teachers (TTT) program helps ser vice members and veterans become certified and employed as teachers in K-12 schools. TTT was reauthorized on December 27, 2021, via the Natio nal Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, after being canceled on October 1, 2020. While the Department of Defense is currently reviewing re quirements for the program and determining fun ding levels, the program recently received partial funding to restart some services in certain states with a TTT program. State TTT programs serve as advocates and guides for participants throughout the teacher certification process. Services provided by state offices currently include:
Counseling - Guidance on state specific alternative and traditional routes to teacher certification.
Referral - Connections to accredited teacher prepa ration programs and state credentialing agencies. To view states currently providing counseling and referral services, visit the States Currently Offering Services section on www.ProudToServeAgain. com.
Base education personnel are encouraged to allow TTT state program office personnel to resume base visits and briefings to recruit service members and veterans into the program and to provide counse ling and referral services. All service members and veterans interested in participating in the program should complete the Program Interest Form on www.ProudToServeAgain.com.
Mark your calendar to join the next DANTES Coun selor Support Network (DCSN), Wednesday, Octo ber 12 at 1:00 PM EDT / 12:00 PM CDT.
Zoom: https://www.zoomgov.com/meeting/reg ister/vJIscu6hrTIoGFvoKsamVJ1jhhjLly5vDG8
DCSN October agenda:
• Welcome Remarks
• Program Spotlight (Brief): DoD MOU and TA Decide
• DANTES Sponsored Programs Update
• Best Practices / Open Discussion
• Closing Remarks
The DCSN allows counselors a forum to:
• Share Information
• Discuss Best Practices
• Peer-to-Peer Support (We can all learn so much through the spirit of collaboration)
For questions related to the DCSN, please contact Ms. Mareba Mack, DANTES Program Manager, at counseling@us.navy.mil.