Dantes newsletter February 2017 Newsletter

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Helping Members Proudly Serve in Their Community In this issue: TTT Careers in Education


TTT Application


TTT Website


PRAXIS Test for Certification


Education Spotlight: AFJROTC Instructor


Hot News: New DSST Exams


Contact Information


Careers In Education - Troops To Teachers By Erin Roberts, Communications Division, DANTES The total number of members serving in the Armed Forces was 1,334,911, as of November 2016 (Source: dmdc.osd.mil). All of these members will one day separate or retire from service and transition to the civilian workforce. As education counselors, part of your job is to help these members determine a career path for future success as they transition. Many members will know exactly what they want to do, but many will not. Many will seek careers using the skills they have honed while serving and others will try to find new career paths, but no matter what they

choose – teaching is a very viable option that will enable them to mentor the next generation, find great personal satisfaction and so much more. Troops To Teachers (TTT) can help members transition into teaching traditional subjects, vocational/technical courses, or within Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) programs. As certified teachers, many former TTT participants may also move on to pursue advanced careers in education, serving in school counseling, curriculum development, and administrative positions.

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TTT -CAREERS IN EDUCATION Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, Reserve components and National Guard may apply for the program. A member of the Armed Forces is eligible to participate in the program if the member’s last period of service was characterized as “Honorable.” A member selected to participate in the program before retirement or separation from service may continue to participate after separation if their last period of service is characterized as “Honorable.” For more information on eligibility, go to www.proudtoserveagain. com/About/Eligibility

TROOPS TO TEACHERS – Careers in Education


eaching is one career path that many transitioning service members should consider. Service members and veterans are well prepared to meet the overall needs of diverse learning environments because they have experience, skills and traits that “fit” in this career field and will help them succeed in the classroom. Skills like: • • • • • • •

Leadership and Management Flexibility and Adaptability Written and Verbal Communication Drive and Initiative Discipline Integrity Global Perspective

Troops to Teachers (TTT) is the Department of Defense (DoD)/DANTES program that focuses on careers in teaching by supporting military members and veterans who choose to pursue a second career as K-12 public, charter or Bureau of Indian Affairs teachers. The program provides the following assistance to eligible participants: • • • • •

PROGRAM BENEFITS Teaching is an admirable career and one that allows transitioning military members to continue to serve in their communities after serving their nation. The services TTT provides to eligible military members make this program an extremely valuable option when determining a next career. Counseling, navigating state requirements and financial assistance, in the form of a stipend or a bonus, may be available to participants who meet education, military service and application requirements. A stipend is a payment of up to $5,000 to cover expenses incurred by the participant to obtain the required educational level, certification or licensing. Keep in mind that this may not be available to participants who are eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill. A bonus is a payment of up to $10,000 for eligible participants as an incentive to teach in an eligible or high need school. The maximum amount of financial assistance provided to eligible TTT participants is $10,000. For more information, visit http://proudtoserveagain.com/Participants/ FinancialAssistance

Counseling Info about state certification requirements Routes to state teacher certification Employment facilitation Financial support

In Fiscal year 2016, 8,120 service members and veterans were approved to be program participants. ELIGIBILITY Active, separated and retired members of the

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he first step to begin this life-changing mission is for the member to complete and submit the TTT online application. Before beginning the application process, the member should have the following information available: • • • •

Military Service Information Education (there is no minimal education requirement to become a member of TTT) Teacher Certification (if applicable) or Career Technical Teaching Interest (optional) K-12 Teaching Related Employment (if applicable)

A member can apply by going to the TTT website, www.proudtoserveagain.com and selecting “APPLY” on the top left of the screen. The next screen looks like this…

Select the “REGISTER NOW” button and continue through the online application process. The member will be asked various questions regarding military service and any teaching experience, as well as, three (3) preferred State choices for certification information and employment facilitation. The member will also be asked to identify certification/licensure and employment information, if applicable. At the end of the application, the member will be prompted to upload supporting documents such as: College Transcripts, Certifications, Licenses, or Teacher contracts.

and provide information on the services they are eligible to receive, based on military service time, education and application date. The TTT National Office is available to assist with individualized counseling to include program and state certification information. Participants may contact a TTT Program Specialist by emailing TTT@navy.mil.

The member will also be required to upload applicable military service documents such as: DD214- Member 4 Copy, NGB-22, Selected Service Contract or Yearly Point Summary. Submit all documents that apply to the member’s status. Before clicking on the Submit Application tab, review each section for correct data input. Once the application is submitted, the TTT National Office will notify the member by email

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he TTT website also has a variety of information to assist transitioning members with any questions they may have before registering for the program. Frequently asked questions and an interactive state map on the main page allow members to learn more about the program, to include state specific certification and employment information by choosing a state they may be interested in teaching in, www.proudtoserveagain.com.

Other sources of information on the TTT program include: Facebook: TTT.DANTES Twitter: TTT_DANTES LinkedIn: Troops to Teachers - DANTES/DoD (company page)

The Troops to Teachers Program was established to help transitioning military members and veterans begin new careers as K-12 school teachers in public, charter, and Bureau of Indian Affairs schools. Since 1993 when the program began, 20,000+ participants have been hired. In FY16 alone, 1,047 participants were hired, with 333 of them receiving a bonus. The program works! Share this information and encourage military members to consider teaching as a second career. They will make a difference in young people's lives and positively impact their local community.

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PRAXIS Tests for Teaching PRAXIS Tests Reimbursed by DANTES


he Praxis® tests are taken by individuals entering the teaching profession as part of the certification process required by many states and professional licensing organizations. The tests measure teacher candidates’ knowledge and skills. DANTES reimburses the test fee for eligible military personnel once during their lifetime of service, for each of the following exams: • • •

Praxis® Core Praxis® Subject Assessments (including PLT Principles of Learning and Teaching) Praxis® Elementary Education

Eligibility: Active duty, National Guard and Reserve components of all military services, including U.S. Coast Guard members, are eligible for exam reimbursement.

Praxis® Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core): These tests measure academic skills

in reading, writing and mathematics. They were designed to provide comprehensive assessments that measure the skills and content knowledge of candidates entering teacher preparation programs.

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For more information visit https://www.ets.org/ praxis/about/core/ Praxis® Subject Assessments: These tests measure subject-specific content knowledge, as well as general and subject-specific teaching skills, that you need for beginning teaching. Learn more at https://www.ets.org/praxis/about/subject?WT.ac=31040_praxis_about_praxisii

Coming Soon: Praxis® Elementary Education: Content

Knowledge for Teaching Assessments (CKT) These tests measure subject-specific content knowledge, with a focus on specialized content knowledge used in K–12 teaching. For information, visit https://www.ets.org/praxis/about/ckt Each state and licensing organization determines its own certification and Praxis passing score requirements. For more information about state-specific certification requirements, visit the Troops to Teachers website www.proudtoserveagain.com For additional information on Praxis testing policies, fees, and registration procedures, visit the DANTES website http://www.dantes.doded.mil/ examinations/teachercertification/praxis.html



EDUCATION SPOTLIGHT Make a Difference: Help the Next Genera- skills; promote community service; instill a sense of responsibility; develop character and self-discition Become Better American Citizens By Jason M. Kitchen, Capt, USAF, Instructor Recruitment Division, HQ Air Force JROTC

pline through education and instruction in air and space fundamentals and the Air Force’s core values of “integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do.” (Source: http://www.af.mil/AboutUs/ FactSheets/Display/tabid/224/Article/104476/ air-force-junior-reserve-officer-training-corps. aspx) The program has 878 AFJROTC units with an additional 14 National Defense Cadet Corps units for a total of 892 units operating in high schools world-wide. There are more than 121,000 high school cadets in the program. Over 1,950 retired USAF members serve as instructors and lead, mentor, guide, and teach the cadets.


AFJROTC enjoys overwhelming school administration and community support because of the huge, positive impact instructors have on cadets, schools, communities, and our nation. In communities that have no military bases within miles, the cadets and instructors are truly “the face of the U.S. Air Force” throughout the nation and the world.

any military members have outstanding leadership and communication skills, adapt well to any situation, and have incredible discipline and initiative. These are all traits and qualities many employers would be happy to have in an employee. They are also skills and traits that fit well with teachers or instructors. Members who are transitioning or simply preparing for their next career possibilities may want to consider using their leadership and professional military skills to help mold the next generation of young adults into dedicated citizens ready to serve their nation and lead in their communities. All of the military services, except the U.S. Coast Guard, have a Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) program that teaches high school students self-reliance, self-discipline and other characteristics found in good leaders. Military members with a desire to make a difference, help students realize their potential, and positively impact their communities may want to learn more about this valuable, youth-inspiring program. For the purposes of time, we’ll look more in depth at the Air Force program, but encourage members to look for similar programs in the other military services as well.

Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC):

The Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) mission is to “develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.” Program objectives are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship and life

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Success of the AFJROTC program would not be possible without the expertise and dedication of its Aerospace Science Instructors, retired officers and enlisted personnel who have chosen to continue serving our nation and its’ youth. Instructor Qualifications: The job of an instructor is not taken lightly and requires much dedication and commitment, but these are not uncommon for those who have already served our nation selflessly. Officer Instructors must meet the following requirements: • retired officers who have at least a bachelor’s degree • a minimum of 20 years on active duty More than 90 percent of them have master’s degrees with backgrounds in teaching and extensive experience working with young adults and youth groups. Enlisted Instructors must meet the following requirements: • retired non-commissioned officers who have at least a bachelor’s degree • a minimum of 20 years on active duty




All enlisted instructors have extensive experience in leadership, supply, administration, drill and ceremony, teaching, and many have extensive experience working with youth groups.

Instructor Duties: Falling back on the skills learned during their active-duty service, AFJROTC instructors are deeply involved in their communities. They teach AFJROTC aerospace science and leadership education curricula. They also serve as liaisons between the Air Force and civilian agencies in the aerospace field and perform career and performance counseling for AFJROTC cadets. Again, similar to active-duty responsibilities, instructors help plan and support activities like drill competitions, marksmanship events, military balls, academic competitions, formal ceremonies and community service activities. They also provide in-depth instruction to their cadets on the principles of leadership and management. Instructors devote themselves to cadets in the classroom and during extensive extra-curricular activities. Their hard work and devotion have resulted in an AFJROTC program that’s highly acclaimed at the local and national level. DANTES Information Bulletin

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Instructor Application: For military members preparing for the future and thinking about transition opportunities, becoming an instructor is an admirable second career. Members are strongly encouraged to view the qualifications to become an AFJROTC instructor found here: https://wings.holmcenter.com/psp/hcp/ LANDING/PORT_HCP/c/W_JROTC.W_JRINS_ PRESCREEN.GBL?FolderPath=PORTAL_ ROOT_OBJECT.JROTC.W_JRINS_PRESCREEN_ GBL&IsFolder=false&IgnoreParamTempl=FolderPath%2cIsFolder For more information on the AFJROTC program, visit: http://www.afjrotc.com Other military services have similar programs. Members of all branches of the military who think they would like to become instructors should look to their service for more information on the JROTC programs available and the qualifications necessary to become an instructor. Army - http://www.usarmyjrotc.com/employment Navy - http://www.njrotc.navy.mil/instructor/ instructor_index.html USMC - http://www.mcjrotc.marines.mil/General-Info/Job-Descriptions/ http://www.dantes.doded.mil


Program Updates

Hot News

Announcing 2 New DSST Exams


wo new DSST exam titles: Math for Liberal Arts and Principles of Advanced English Composition have been added to the DSST portfolio. These titles will directly correlate to the military test taker. Math for Liberal Arts covers a wide range of mathematical topics including: real number systems, sets and logic, metric system, conversions and geometry, algebra, graphs and functions (as applied to real life applications), etc. The exam contains 80 questions with a time limit of 2 hours. Principles of Advanced English Composition was specifically developed by request of the Air Force and may be taken as an alternate to Principles of Public Speaking. This exam covers English and literary topics such as types of writing, elements of effective writing, reading and writing arguments, and using secondary sources. The exam contains 64 questions to be answered in 2 hours. Students may earn 3 semester hours of lower level college credit for each exam. DSST fact sheets on both exams can be found at www.getcollegecredit.com under the “Test Taker� section. Contact Exams with further questions: exams@navy.mil

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Annual Reference Publications Ordering is Open


ANTES publications ordering process is open until March 13, 2017. The DANTES pubs catalogs are available at http://dantespulse.dodlive.mil/ publications/. There is a two-step process this year: 1. Registration: The link will be provided in an INVITE email. Upon review of your account request, you will be notified and provided further instructions 2. Second Email: Your registration approval will be emailed and will contain how to access the online ordering form. ** Registrations not approved will be researched on a case by case basis. Ordering will be CAC-controlled this year: If you do not have a Common Access Card (CAC), please contact refpubs@navy.mil for alternative methods to order materials. Authorized locations will have 5 weeks to place an order. After that time, all out of cycle publication requests may or may not be supported. All requests will be analyzed against budget restrictions and items purchased via DANTES. Therefore, your original request quantity may be ADJUSTED! Once items are received, they will immediately be shipped to the requesting locations.



DANTES Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support

DANTES OCONUS European Advisor (Contingency Operation Support)

6490 Saufley Field Road, Pensacola, FL 32509 (850) 452-1901


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DANTES Information Bulletin The DANTES Information Bulletin is published monthly to inform education personnel about DANTES programs and to help promote more efficient customer service to Service members. Email all inquiries to DANTES_Outreach@navy.mil. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government, except that copyrighted materials cannot be reproduced without written permission from the copyright owner. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by DANTES of the linked websites, or the information, products, or services contained therein.

Jeff Allen, Director Michelle Alexander, Editor DANTES Information Bulletin

The Secretary of the Navy has determined this publication necessary in the transaction of business required by law of the Dept of the Navy.

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