The Newsletter 5.7.2020

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COVID-19 In these unprecedented times, DHRA leadership wants you to know that your safety and your security are of utmost importance. We want to provide you with all the information you need to remain healthy, safe, and productive. Please log on to your NMCI computer and check out the DHRA COVID-19 Resources site at Information.aspx.


April Briggs Junior COY 2019

Teresa Daniels Senior COY, 2019

Parker Addy Senior 4th COQ, 2019

Hurrican Season

By: James Vandiver

May is the time of year when we on the Emerald Coast start gearing up for the hurricane season. Today was the first Emergency Managers working group as we begin Hurricane Preparedness Event 2020 (HPE 20). I have placed the Hurricane Preparedness brief on the shared drive at QZ Common - PMDATA\ Reference Docs\Hurricane Prep 2020. Due COVID-19 restrictions we will not have our typical May brief from Fleet and Family Services so please review the brief. I know hurricane season is old hat for many but the brief will jog your memory on areas you may

need to attend to. I have included a couple highlights from the brief. The 2020 season is predicted to be above average. Starting tomorrow the Emergency Management team will work through the COR conditions. A COR checklist will be provided. It is recommended that you “like/follow” the NAS Pensacola Public Affairs Facebook and Twitter pages to keep current on hurricane events. There are look-a-like pages out there so make sure you follow the correct pages which are shown in the brief. Go to Page 5 for more info!

The U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels, and U.S. Air Force’s Thunderbirds, honored frontline COVID-19 first responders with formation flights over New York City, New Jersey and Philadelphia on April 28, 2020. Click the video below to see it! ONE TEAM, ONE FIGHT!!!!!


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