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everyone’s Always Totally Satisfied


Eats American Grill was established in the spring of 2010 and has quickly become the “Cheers” of South Tampa, the place where locals go to hang out. With its unique menu items from around the country such as the Midwest BLT, Fried Pork Chop Sandwich and award winning burgers, Eats has become a favorite destination for people from all over Tampa. Sports fans love Eats thanks to the array of large screen HDTV’s that adorn the walls. Not only does Eats have HDTV’s but each table is equipped with audio tuners to listen to a specific TV feed. What sets Eats apart from other sports bars is not only does it feature sporting events but families love Eats because on select TV’s there are kid friendly movies and shows. In the pages to come the new look and feel for Eats will be presented and will help Eats step forward as the family sporty place to get a bite to eat with a touch of edgy fun.

Table of Contents

1.0 Research 1.1 Overview 1.2 Target Market 1.3 SWOT 1.4 Mind Mapping 1.5 Client Brief


2.0 Research 2.1 Design Research 2.2 Logo Development 2.3 Mood Board 2.4 Tool Box

3.0 Standards

4.0 Collateral

3.1 Logo

4.1 Print

3.2 Palette

4.2 Digital

3.3 Textures

4.3 Merchandise

3.4 Typography

4.4 Web & Social


1.1 Overview 1.0 Research 1.1 Overview 1.2 Target Market

1.3 SWOT 1.4 Mind Mapping 1.5 Client Brief


Eats American Grill Overview The project and purpose of this book is going to examine and explain the thesis project pertaining to Eats American Grill located in South Tampa, Florida and the need to be competitive in the ever changing restaurant environment. With a constant flow of new “mom and pop” restaurants starting up every year across the country plus the nationwide chains, it is even more important for a newer restaurant to get out quickly, create its niche and be creative with its branding assets. Eats likes to say it has a “Cheers” feel but that is a limiting statement since not everyone knows who or what Cheers is or was. The notion of the “Cheers” feel is important in appealing to the late thirty to fifties crowd, who remember the show, the feeling of community, the fellowship that was exhibited by the staff and the patrons. It is important for Eats to produce that sort of feel but equally important is to include the early twenty crowd of young sports enthusiasts that will come in late and spend hours on a weeknight watching sports and drinking beer. Eats also would like to appeal to the families with children, with a wholesome family atmosphere as well as the sports bar quality. By combining all three

key components of the Eats idea, a new branding direction can be achieved. By putting together the feeling of a family friendly, community oriented, sports buddy bar, Eats can set itself up with long term success. Eats American Grill was opened in the spring of 2010, in South Tampa, Florida. Being that Eats is a relatively new company just going on four years old and still building up a client base, it is important that a complete rebrand be undertaken now as to set Eats up for continued success in the future. Also offering a recognizable brand identity will help to give Eats a top of mind awareness to area customers. Creating a new branding direction is crucial to the expansion and growth of the company. Currently Eats has a very basic logo and color scheme, with no real pop, no hint of what is their goal of being that community oriented, family friendly sports bar. To attract a broader range of clientele and take the next step in the evolution of marketing, it is important that Eats develop a more eye catching logo and design elements doing this is a key factor in the rebranding of Eats.

1.2 Target Market The target market for Eats is two fold, families with children looking for a fun place with great food at reasonable prices. And, sports nuts looking for a place to hang out with friends and have a few drinks and some great food.


n a y ly s is 1 .3 S W O T A

• • • •


Sports Bar Family Oriented American Cuisine Fun Atmosphere


• New and can still step up as an alternative to other locations • Rebrand to give a better more consistent feel • Establish and build a strong local following

p in g 1. 4 M in d M a p



• Poor marketing collateral • Inconsistent design feel • Relatively new


• Poor marketing collateral • Inconsistent design feel • Relatively new

1 .5 C r e a t iv e B r ie f

Campaign Objective

To rebrand Eats American Grill by developing a new brand identity and strategy, for the purpose of increasing the perceived image of Eats and ultimately increase the company’s loyal customer base.

Unique selling proposition

A family friendly sports bar/restaurant with fun for everyone and food from around the country with a bit of edgy feel.

Campaign Goal

To increase the brand awareness and identity of Eats as the family friendy sports establishment with fun for everyone.

Call to action

Get people excited about what Eats has to offer, from the TV’s with customizable speakers at each table to the amazing food from around the country.

Primary Deliverables Refreshed brand identity Marketing material Merchandise Social and Web Presence Updated brand strategy


Everyone’s Always Totally Satisfied


2.0 Development 2.1 Design Research 2.2 Logo Development 2.3Mood Board 2.4 Tool Box

2.1 Design Research

2.2 Logo Development Refinded Logos Rough Sketches

Final Logo


ill r G n erica 11





Sample Typography

Gil Sans - Title Sample Textures

Ro c k S a l t - T a g l i n e American Typewriter - text Na t i a u t v o l e n i s t , s u m a u t e a sitamusam fuga. At eum iusciumet vid unt facese dolum reped ea sanduntit dolorpo adis dolorep rovidunto il ipsa in ratur atiunt.

Sample Images

Sample Colors

c m y k

1 91 100 0

c m y k

0 36 100 3

c m y k

20 77 100 10

c m y k

40 56 72 23

c m y k

80 16 100 3

r g b

236 61 34

r g b

255 173 4

r g b

185 85 39

r g b

134 99 73

r g b

51 153 51








718 C





3.1 Logo Standards

3.1 Logo For use as a social media badge the logo can be used as a single color badge. Used as black or Eats Gold only.

3.2 Palette 3.3 Textures 3.4 Tyography


rill G n a c meri

Black and white version of the logo, to be used on areas where a black and white logo is necessary. Such as newspaper ads.


rill G n a c meri

Final logo can be used with wood texture or on a simple black background only. Eats American Grill Eats American Grill


Horizontal logo should only be used in limited applications where the vertical badge is to big. The badge can be either Eats Gold or black

Clear Space

The clear space around the logo badge should be the width of the burger in the logo. And placed from the furthest points of the logo.

Burger Overlay

The burger can be removed from the logo and used as an accent piece on marketing pieces. Four versions are acceptable White, Eats Gold, Eats Brown and Eats Red. The burger can be used as full color or as an overlay as a soft light effect as an accent piece.


Logo Don’ts

Grill n a c i Amer


The logo should not be changed to any other color than the approved colors. Nor should the logo be sized in any other manor than what is approved dimensions.

rill G n a eric

Grill n a c i Amer

Gr n a c i Amer


3.2 Color Palette

Primary Colors Gold




348C c 0 m 36 y 100 k 3 r g b

718 C c 20 m 77 y 100 k 10

255 173 4

r g b

185 85 39

RED EC3D22 485C c 1 m 91 y 100 k 0 r g b

Secondary Colors







c m y k

40 56 72 23

c m y k

80 16 100 3

r g b

134 99 73

r g b

51 153 51

236 61 34

3.3 Primary Textures

Textures for the Eats Rebranding project is a mix of sporty fun backg rounds and edgy g r ungy types, these textures are meant to compliment each other and other backgounds of the same sort can be used if they tie into the established criteria and based on the specif ic need of the project.

3.4 Typography

Headings Gil Sans - Bold Sub-Headings Gil Sans - Semibold Text - American T ypewriter (bold or regular) Text Bold - American T ypewriter (bold or regular) Tagline - Rock Salt

Everyone’s Always Totally Satisfied

Collateral Print Digital Merchandise Web & Social

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