Cliff Run Series

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Cliff Run

One day me and a few friends were really bored so, Jelani said. “Hey let's go swimming!” “But none of us have a pool,” Helena interjected. “We could sneak into the rec. center and swim in that pool,” I responded. “That sounds like a bad idea and I don't want to get in trouble,” Helena said. That's when Max put his arm around Helena and said, “Come on babe would you rather have some fun or sit here in Andrew's garage and being bored?” “Hmmmmmmm. I guess it would be more fun,” Helena said while staring into Max's eyes. “Okay we are going to break into the rec center and go swimming, which is completely illegal?” Alexandra asked. “Yeah that's the plan,” I answered. “Sweet lets go,” Alexandra said with a big smile on her face. We walked out of my garage and four of us: Max, Helena, Isaiah, and Felisha, went to Max's 2008 Dodge Challenger SRT8 , and the other four of us: Jelani, Janielle, Alexandra, and I, went to my 2009 Nissan Skyline GT R34. When we got into the cars Max and I put on our headsets for our chatter boxes, so we could communicate with out cell phones. “Do you want to lead or do you want me to?” Max asked me. “You should lead, otherwise, I would lose you and you won't be able to catch me,” I replied. “You know I can catch you, I always do.” “That was true but I put a new intake manifold and clutch in last night.” “Damn, your right I won't be able to catch you now. Okay I'll lead,” He finally gave in. So we started the cars and took off weaving in and out of traffic. Then Max turned on this old abandoned road that was used as a drift course at night, “Max you really want to do this with all of these passengers?” I asked him confused, because we

normally do it when it is just me and him. “Yeah, might as well. I think it will be fun to give them a bit of a scare before we go and chill in a pool,” He said while picking up speed. “Try and keep up.” “You know I will,” I said in a very cocky way. The area we drift in is a curvy road leading up to the top of a mountain then back down the other side. It is very dangerous and takes the most perfect control to make it through. “Where are we going?” asked Janielle. “We are going to the pool, remember babe,” Jelani answered. “Yeah but we are taking a bit of a detour,” I added on. Mean while in Max's car. “Maxie, what are we doing?” Helena asked with a concerned look on her face. “We are going to have some fun,” He said smiling. “What do you mean by fun?” Isaiah said worriedly. “You'll see in about thirty seconds,” Max said still smiling. Right when he finished saying that both of us hit the clutches and started to drift our way up the mountain side, dangerously close to the edge which freaked everyone but us out. The entire way up and back down the mountain everyone was quite. The only things you could hear were the cars and the music which was as loud as possible from my car and not so loud from Max's car. So about an hour later we pulled up to the rec center and there was a dark black Porsche Cayman S parked out side about three spots from my car and four spots from Max's car. We all got out of the cars and walked over to the door which was unlocked which was strange. So we walked in and walked down the hallway to the indoor pool. When we got to the pool room Alexandra tapped me on the shoulder and said, “I think I just saw someone run out the other door when we walked in.” “I'll go check it out then, I will be right back,” I said to her. She hugged me then I walked to through

the door and down the hallway. When I was about half way down the hallway I heard a scream, okay like four screams, and Alexandra came running through the door and in to my arms sobbing said, “ Jonathan is dead.” “ No he can't be he wasn't even with us. He said he needed to help his mom with some stuff,” I said. “His body just floated to the surface of the pool. “I still don't believe you.” “Come on Andrew, why would I lie to you?” “You are serious, otherwise you wouldn't be crying. Come on lets go.” “Ok,” She said on the verge of breaking down into full blown tears. So we walked back down the hallway and I was ready for everyone else to jump out and scare me, but when we walked through the door and saw Max, Helena, and Jelani pulling Jonathan's body out of the water I almost collapsed. He really was dead. He was really turning pale and had a rope around his neck, it was pulled as tight as possible. I looked to the benches at my left and saw Isaiah with his arm wrapped around Felisha and Janielle sitting on the bench, all of them looked like they were going to break out crying and/or faint. Since no one was stepping up and taking charge I figured I had to. “Isaiah call 911 now and tell them what happened,” I said. “I wouldn't do that if I was you,” a voice said from behind me. It made Alexandra and me jump. Alexandra and I turned around to see the source of the voice. What we saw was a man, about 5'9'', dressed in all back and wearing a black ski mask. In his hand was a AK47. “Slowly back away,” I whispered to Alexandra. “Everyone on their feet. NOW!” said the Masked Man. Jelani who was walking back to Isaiah, Felisha, and Janielle had made it next to them by the time the masked man finished his sentence. But Felisha had the dumb idea to try to run so everyone in that group did too. At that point I saw the man raise his gun so I grabbed Alexandra and pulled her to the ground right before he fired and emptied his clip into Isaiah, Felisha, Janielle, and Jelani. While he was

doing that I looked at Max and he nodded. “When he starts to reload get up and run to Max and Helena, okay,” I told Alexandra. “Okay,” She said. After about 28 seconds he stopped and started to reload the gun and all at once Alexandra got up and ran over to Max and Helena, when she got to them they all bolted for the door, and I got up and kicked the masked man in the groin and grabbed the gun out of his hands and threw it in to the pool. Then while he was struggling to get up I ran through the door leading to the entrance. When I got through the door I ran over to my car and Max and Helena where getting into his car and I unlocked the door to my car and Alexandra and I got in. Max and I started the cars at the same time and put on our headsets and pulled out of the parking spots just as the masked man came running through the door. When he saw that we were driving away he ran to the Porsche and got in and started following us. “Damn it.” I said. “What?” both Max and Alexandra said at the same time. “The black Porsche is his.” I said to both. “This might be a problem,” Max said “he has a fast car and can keep up with us pretty well and he might have more guns in the car.” In Max's passenger seat Helena was crying so hard. “ I can't... the are... all of them... Jelani, Isaiah, Felisha, Janielle, and Jonathan, their all dead.” “I know but I won't let him kill us either,” Max told her. In my passenger seat Alexandra was praying, “ Dear God please don't let him hurt us or anymore of our friends or family. Let us make it through this night and live to see tomorrow. I know you always help us and I thank you for that but right now we need it more then ever. Let there be no other cars on the road and please let our two cars be fast and swift. Thank you and Amen.” “Andrew please tell me you have a plan,” Max said as we ran our like sixth red light. “Let me lead and keep close to me,” I told him “I'll figure something out.”

“Okay. Soon, I hope.” “Me too,” I said trying to think of what we could do to lose him. So he moved over a little and I jumped into the other side of the street to pass him. When I passed Max I saw a turn coming up and I turned on my blinker which was a signal to Max of what was about to go down. He then flashed his head lights twice, which meant “aright lets do it”. So I hit we hit the clutch and drifted the turn and the Masked Man followed but he took the turn slower and we were able to pull ahead. Max looked in his rear view mirror and saw him coming up fast then said, “Well that didn't last that long.” “It may not have but it gave me an idea,” I responded. “And that would be?” he asked. “How do you feel about a cliff run?” I asked him. “Do you think that will work?” “I hope so.” So I stepped on the gas and changed gears till I got to sixth and Max did the same, unfortunately so did the Masked Man. On the way up to the mountain road the Masked Man rear ended Max then shot past him and slammed into the side of my car. “Son of a bitch, you scratched my paint job,” I said so pissed off. Then Max came up behind him and smashed into the back of the Porsche and said, “Payback mother fucker.” The the Porsche spun out and we thought it was over but the masked man had thrown it into reverse and was still coming then he did a 180 and Max and I both said, “Fuck!” So we stepped it up a notch and started to weave back and forth over the entire street, then I found one of the entrances to the mountain road. “Entrance in forty seconds,” I told Max.

“I see it.” He replied. In Max's car Helena asked, “Where are all of the cops? There are normally a lot of them right around here at night.” “Your right. Where are they?” He said. I heard what Max said and asked, “Where are who?” “The cops. This area is normally covered with them.” “Hey thats right where are all of the cops?” “They annual Police Ball is tonight so most of the cops are at the Hilton Hotel,” Alexandra answered. “Oh. Tonight of all nights. Max, Alex says tonight is the annual Police Ball so thats why there are no cops out.” “Well thats just perfect, the one time we need the cops the are no where to be found and when we don't need them they are everywhere,” He said. “I know right.” Then we drifted the turn on to the mountain road and the Masked Man followed, again a lot slower then us. This is where it got interesting. While we where trying to lose him in the mountains he started taking the turns faster so he could keep up with us. He wasn't doing a very good job at taking the turns as fast as me and Max were. “He has a very sloppy form.” Max told me. “I can see that. Lets hope my plan works.” “What exactly is your plan?” Max and Alexandra asked at the same time. “Well in about five turns is the hardest turn in the course, and if he keeps driving the way he is right now he will lose control, considering you have to know the course to be able to take the turn, let alone know it is there.” “My god Andrew,” Max said sounding scared.

“What?” “It could kill him.” Four turns left. “I know, but he killed five of our friends and messed up our cars and I don't want him to live anymore. He needs to die!” I countered. Three turns left. “I know but it doesn't seem right.” “Andrew you know it isn't right. He deserves a second chance to redeem himself,” Alexandra said. Two turns left. “Not everyone deserves a second chance. He killed five of our friends no he killed five of or family members. Who knows if he has killed more people.” I told her. One turn left. “Andrew please don't,” She pleaded. The turn. At the turn I pushed on the clutch and yanked the e-brake so I could make the turn with out going over the 400ft drop. Max did the same. The Masked Man didn't see it coming and couldn't react fast enough to drift the turn like Max and I. But he did manage to open the car door and bail out before the car went over the mountain side. I stopped the car and Max did the same. Then Max and I got out of the cars and walked over to the turn and looked over the side just in time to see the Porsche hit the bottom and explode. “Damn what a waste of a car,” Max said. “ I know, but...” I was interrupted when a rock hit me in the back. Max and I turned around to see the Masked Man standing about 40ft away from us, holding his bleeding leg with one hand and throwing rocks at us with he other hand. We started to walk over to him and he threw yet another rock at me, which I caught then immediately threw back at him as hard as I

could. It hit him on the forehead and he fell to the ground. Max then ran to his trunk and grabbed some rope which we used to tie up the Masked Man and when we were done. We pulled of his mask and it turned out to be... The End

Cliff Run Part 2

Prologue You thought it was the end. In a way it was, Jonathan, Jelani, Janielle, Isaiah, and Felisha had all met their end. The kill had met the end; he is spending life in prison. Andrew and Alexandra's relationship had met its end. But when something meets its end that means something can start. One Year Later 3 am. Buzzzzzz Buzzzzz. “Hello,” I said as I answered the phone. “I'm coming for you.” Click the call ended, and I went back to bed. 8 am. I woke up, turned off the alarm on my IPod and looked at the date, June 23, 2015. “I should stay in bed today,” I said thinking back to one year ago today. “Isaiah call 911 now and tell them what happened,” I said. “I wouldn't do that if I was you,” said the Masked Man holding an AK-47. “Slowly back away,” I told Alexandra. “Everyone on their feet. NOW!” said the Masked Man. Jelani, Janielle, Isaiah, and Felisha are by the benches, then Felisha starts to run and Isaiah, Jelani, and Janielle follow. The Masked Man raises his gun and I pull Alexandra to the ground as he fires and kills Isaiah, Felisha, Jelani, and Janielle and I look at Max and he nods. “When he starts to reload get up and go to Max and Helena, okay,” I told Alexandra. “Okay,” She said. He starts to reload and she runs to Max and Helena and then they run out of the RecCenter and I got up and kicked the Masked Man in the groin and grabbed the gun and threw it into the pool and ran out to met Max, Helena, and Alexandra and we get in the cars.

I laid my head back down on the pillow and took in a deep breath and breathed out. I looked at the empty space on the bed next to me and the door to the room was open. Where is Ericka, she is always next to me when I wake up. “Hey Babe where are you?” I yelled. No response. Great today is already starting off badly. Not only is it the anniversary off when I lost not one but five friends but when I wake up my girlfriend is nowhere to be seen. “I really should stay in bed today,” I repeated to myself. “Would that really be a good way to remember your friends?” Ericka said walking into the bedroom carrying a tray of food, a three egg omelette with tomatoes, bacon, cheese, salsa, and a hint of hot sauce, and a large glass of orange juice. “No, but that night still haunts me.” I told her taking the tray off food. I then began to eat the omelette and drink the orange juice. “I know it does. You were shaking and screaming all night, that's why I wasn't in here when you woke up, I had to move to the guest room because you were rolling back in forth so much.” “I'm sorry. I didn't know it would affect me so much after a year,” I said very softly. “It's okay, it wasn't your fault,” She said comforting me as she took my hand. “Yes it is, I could have said no, I could have said lets go see a movie, or lets go ice skating, but no I agreed and we went to the pool,” I said at the verge of tears. “Please don't cry, be the strong Air Force pilot I fell in love with,” she said wiping the single tear off of my cheek and then she kissed me on the lips and picked up the tray and carried it back to the kitchen. After a few minutes I finally got up and walked to the living room where Ericka was sitting on the couch watching a movie on channel 5. Just as I sat down on the couch the movie was interrupted by breaking news.

“This just in we have received news that a high speed chase at 2:00 am has ended in a fatal crash that has killed a driver and two prison guards. The driver crashed into a prison and the good news is only one prisoner escaped. The police are on the lookout if you see this man,” a picture of the man appears on the screen, “His name is Jesse Gloyd. We ask you not to engage him in any way; he might be armed and is considered highly dangerous, and call the police. Thank you and now back to our regular programming.” At that point I was breathing so hard and had my fist clenched and was shaking. “Andrew, what's wrong?” Ericka asked me with a worried look on her face. “Jesse Gloyd is the asshole who killed Jonathan, Jelani, Janielle, Isaiah, and Felisha, and I will not rest until he is back in jail or dead.” “Andrew please don't do this let the police deal with it. This isn't your responsibility.” “How is it not, I made the choice to keep him alive, I need to be the one to end this.” Ericka sighed heavily and put her hands on both sides of my face and looked me directly in the eyes and said, “I love you and if you love me as much as you say you do you won't try to stop him, you will stay here with me all day and enjoy just being with me and not trying to get revenge.” “Okay, I will stay here with you my love.” I told her with a smile “Promise me.” “I promise.” She smiled back at me and we kissed. Just as we were pulling away from each other my cell phone starts to ring, so I get up to answer it. It's Helena. “Hello,” I said. “Hey brother, how are you feeling?” Helena asked. “When I woke up I felt like shit but my beautiful girlfriend helped me get through it,” I answered.

“Well that's good at least you are not beating the crap out of everything like me and Max thought you would be.” “If I didn't have Ericka I might have been, hey did you happen to catch the news?” “No, why what happened?” “It's Gloyd.” “What about him?” “He escaped this morning.” “Max and I will be right over.” “Okay, see you soon.” “Andrew,” “I know I love you too sis.” I hung up the phone and slid it into my pocket and walked back to the living room and sat down next to Ericka and put my arm around her. “Who was on the phone?” she asked. “Helena,” I answered. “What did she want?” “To see how I was feeling.” “That makes sense; I mean you have been like best friends since 10th grade.” “Do I hear a tone of jealousy?” “No because I can do this and she can't,” she said as she pushed me over and laid down on top of me and kissed me very passionately. After a few minutes she stops and gets up. “If Max and Helena are coming over I need to take a shower.” So I went to the bedroom and changed into a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt and I put on my

black and red All Stars. Once I was dressed I went to the living room and hit play on my giant all home speaker system and music started to play. The song was Lose Yourself by Eminem, one of my favourite songs. So I began to clean up the very little mess there was in the house. When I was done I turned on the TV and started to play Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time. After I started time flew by, Ericka was out of the shower sitting next to me and soon after that the door bell rang and I got up to get it and Ericka turned off the PS3 and the TV. I opened the door and Helena and Max were standing there. “Hey guys come on in,” I told them. They came in and sat down on the couch and Max wrapped his arm around Helena at the exact same time I wrapped my arm around Ericka. Helena broke the silence, “Gloyd robbed a gun store about an hour ago, and the police think he will come after the people who put him in jail.” “Which means if they are right he will be coming for us,” I said stating the obvious. “Life just sucks sometimes doesn't it?” Max said. “Yeah its just like I walked outside and a giraffe kicks me in the balls, but this is worse,” I said. “Did that really happen?” Ericka asked. “No it is a thing me and Max say when something really sucks,” I told her. “Don't try to understand it, I know I don't,” Helena told Ericka. “I thought hearing that would lighten the mood and make me feel better but it didn't work,” Max said looking down at the floor. “I know how you feel,” I said looking out the window. Just as a cop car pulled up. “Oh look the police are here.” I told them. I then got up and walked to the door and opened it before the cop could knock, “Come on in,” I told the cop. As he was walking in two more cop cars pulled up. The cop told us with a straight face, “You all need to come with us.”

“Why?” I asked the cop. “We have reason to believe Gloyd will come looking for you, so you need to come to us so we can protect you.” “We will go with you on one condition,” Max said. “Which is?” “We will not ride with you we will either follow you or you will follow us,” I finished for Max knowing what he was thinking. We pulled up to the RecCenter and there was a dark black Porsche Cayman S parked out side about three spots from my car and four spots from Max's car. We all got out of the cars and walked over to the door which was unlocked which was strange. So we walked in and walked down the hallway to the indoor pool. “And why would you say that?” the cop asked completely lost. “Because if he does come for us he will be packing major heat and he will have a fast ride, and last I checked Andrew's car and my car are way faster than your cruisers,” Max explained. “Why do you think that?” asked the cop still lost. “Because we were the ones who put him away the first time and we know the way he thinks, you police couldn't get him to say a word about why he did the things he did or if he had killed more than just our friends. You found out nothing about him. So we need to be the ones calling the shots not you,” Helena told the cop with tears falling down her cheeks. When she was done she put her head into Max's chest and he held her very closely. “So it is up to you either you let us use our cars and follow you or lead you to the location or we stay here. You pick,” Max told the cop staring him down till he broke. “Okay you can follow us,” the cop said reluctantly as he walked out the door to talk to the other cops. “Walk with me Max,” I said walking to my attic.

Max got up and followed me up the stairs, when we got to the attic I opened a chest on the floor and handed Max a USP .45 handgun. “Do you really think we will need it?” he asked taking it. “Better safe than sorry,” I told him while I pulled a M9 handgun out of the chest along with a few clips of ammo for both of us. “So very true.” “Okay lets go,” I said loading the M9 and pulling back the slider. We walked back down stairs and then we started to walk out to the cars and Ericka noticed the gun I had on the back of my pants. “Andrew you promised.” “I am not going after him; it is just in case he does come to us. I won't let him hurt any more of my friends or family. I won't let him hurt you my love.” “You are really worried about him coming after us,” she said not asking but telling me. “Yeah he is,” Helena said walking out the door. Followed by Max, then Ericka, and finally myself. Ericka and I walked over to my 2000 Honda S200, dark black with all read interior and gold rims, and Max and Helena walked over to Max's 2002 Acura RSX, silver with red decals on both sides, silver rims with red bolts and a little silver spoiler. The cop that came in to the house walked over to my car and handed me a paper with the directions to the safe house they wanted us to go to. As the cop was getting in to his cruiser I put on my head set so Max and I could talk without cell phones and that we could focus on the road. “Test test,” I said in to the head set, “can you read me?” “I read you loud and clear and car is running at top capacity,” Max responded. “Sounds good let’s stay about a block behind the police cars the entire way,” I suggested as I pulled out of the drive way.

“Let me guess you have a bad feeling about this,” he said following behind me. “Let's just say I rather be at home and back asleep.” “Okay man we will do it your way.” I changed my channel on the chatter box to the police channel and told them that we would be a block behind them the entire time and the acknowledged the plan and agreed. So we started driving and we got about 5 blocks away from the house and we hit a red light and as soon as it turned green, a car exploded.

To be continued in Cliff Run part 3

Cliff Run Part 3 Prologue

“I read you loud and clear and car is running at top capacity,” Max responded.

“Sounds good lets stay about a block behind the police cars the entire way,” I suggested as I pulled out of the drive way.

“Let me guess you have a bad feeling about this,” he said following behind me. “Let's just say I rather be at home and back asleep.”

“Okay man we will do it your way.”

I changed my channel on the chatter box to the police channel and told them that we would be a block behind them the entire time and the acknowledged the plan and agreed.

So we started driving and we got about 5 blocks away from the house and we hit a red light and as soon as it turned green, a car exploded.

Cliff Run Part 3

A cop car exploded a block ahead.

“Good call on staying a block behind the cops,” Max said over the radio.

“ There was no way I was taking any chances, the cop cars would be the first targets,” I told him. As I finished my sentence a second cop car exploded, and a black 2009 Mustang GT came out of nowhere from the smoke of the two burning cop cars.

“Max, lets get the hell out of here now!!” I said throwing the car in reverse and hitting the gas as hard as I could.

“Right behind you man,” Max said doing the same.

We made it about a block when a voice came on from our radios, “ Andrew and Max this is Officer O' Mally, head to the safe house as fast as you can, I will try to..............” He was cut off by another voice. “ Andrew, Max, and Helena, I am coming for you and I will get my revenge.”

It was Gloyd and he was speeding towards us. So I rolled down my window pulled out my M9 and started firing at his car. I hit one of the tires but he kept coming and I hit the wind-shield but still no effect.

“Crap,” I said pissed.

“What?” Ericka and Max asked at the same time.

“I just unloaded a full clip in to that car, but he has bullet proof glass and run-flat tires,” I told them both.

“Damn, it really is like we got kicked in the balls by a giraffe,” Max said. This really did lighten the mood and made me and him laugh.

“Yeah, but I swear I will kill him, I promise I will,” I said.

“I know you will,” both Max and Ericka said at the same time.

Max and I took a corner and Gloyd followed. We passed by an alley way and I saw a car with blue and red on the roof, but I wasn't to sure cause I was going 80 mph, so I put it out of my mind. But when Gloyd passed the alley the car I saw slammed in to Gloyd's car.

“Max stop the car,” I told him as I slowed down.

“And why the hell would I do that?” He asked.

“Gloyd is down, some cop slammed him.”

“All right,” He said as we both stopped our cars and turned around and drove back to the crash site. By the time we got back to the crash site four more cop cars had shown up and they were putting Gloyd in a straight jacket and I walked up to him and punched him in the stomach as hard as I could, and walked away.

For awhile Max, Helena, Ericka, and I had to talk to the police. Officer O' Mally was the one to slam Gloyd's car, and we thanked him and said he saved our lives. When we were walking back to the cars two FBI cars and two tow trucks rolled up and started to tow Max and my cars.

“Hold up what the hell do you think you are doing with our cars?” I yelled at the “suits” as Max and I called them.

“We have to take your cars as evidence,” said one of the “suits” handing me a warrant.

“Is he serious?” Max asked me.

“Unfortunately,” I said sadly. I love my car.

So because we were only 15 minutes away from my house we walked back to it. When we got there we all talked to each other for a while then we all passed out in my living room.

Two days later Ericka brakes up with me cause she doesn't want to be caught in anything like two days before, every again. She moved out and started staying at her friend’s house. I couldn't blame her, and I was sad for awhile, but Helena and Max helped me see that she was safer away from me. So I accepted it and moved on.

16 Months Later

Max, Helena, and I are sitting in La Luna Negra eating, and the waiter comes by with the check and when I open it to see the cost there was a note at the bottom of it that read, “I hope you liked the meal. Because it will be your last. Too bad I can't personally shot you or your friends, but this will have to do. I will even get to watch as you burst in to flames. Goodbye. -Jesse Gloyd”

“Guys we have to go now,” I said to them.

“Why?” asked Helena.

“Trust me. Now lets go!” I said.

We got up and when we did I smelled gas, and lots of it, and I looked around and saw him, Gloyd was sitting at the bar with a cell phone in his hand and he hit a button and closed it, then turned to look at us.

He smiled.

“Helena and Max, I love you two so much.” I said to them.

“We love ...........”


They they were cut off by an explosion that sent flames throughout the restaurant and the last thing I saw was Gloyd sitting at the bar.


The End

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