rubric poerty project

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English Language Arts Rubric (GPS) • Advisor: Gloyd • Student Name(s): English 10- Tiffany Serembe, English 12- Andrew Latreille and Michael Gorse • Assignment: Poetry Presentation • Standards/Skills Addressed: 12th grade standards: Reading Comprehension 2.2 Analyze the way in which clarity of meaning is affected by the patterns of organization, hierarchical structures, repetition of the main ideas, syntax, and word choice in the text. Literary Response and Analysis 3.2 Analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on life, using textual evidence to support the claim. 3.3 Analyze the ways in which irony, tone, mood, the author’s style, and the “sound” of language achieve specific rhetorical or aesthetic purposes or both. Listening and Speaking 1.10: Evaluate when to use different kinds of effects (e.g., visual, music, sound, graphics) to create effective productions. Speaking Applications 2.4: Deliver multimedia presentations. • 10th Grade Standards : Reading Comprehension:1.) Analyze both the structure and format of functional workplace documents, including format, graphics, and headers and how authors use the features to achieve their purposes Literary Response and Analysis: 1.) Articulate the relationship between the expressed purposes and the characteristics of different forms of dramatic literature (comedy, tragedy, drama, dramatic monologue) (2) Compare and contrast the presentation of a similar theme or topic across genres to explain how the selection of genre shapes the theme or topic Listening and Speaking/Speaking Applications: 1.) Analyze interests of the audience and implications of the occasion to choose effective verbal and nonverbal strategies for presentations (e.g., voice, gestures, eye contact) 2.0 Use props, visual aids, graphs, and electronic media to enhance the appeal and accuracy of presentation CATEGORY Multiple Perspectives

Emerging: 1

Position on global/cultural issue or theme may be How effectively unclear or waver. does the student Does not mention understand that other perspectives on an issue may be an issue. Does not acknowledge viewed from a different cultural variety of perspectives and values presented. reflect different values and contexts? 4/4

Developing: 2

Proficient: 3

Advanced: 4

Maintains a clear position on a global/cultural issue or theme that reflects some analysis and thinking. Recognizes multiple perspectives on a global or cultural issue. Demonstrates a general understanding of different cultural values presented in texts.

Maintains a consistent Establishes and position on a maintains a global/cultural issue or convincing position theme that reflects on a global/cultural coherent analysis and issue or theme that critical thinking. reflects nuanced Acknowledges and analysis and critical discusses multiple thinking. Analyzes perspectives on a and makes global or cultural issue. connections among Demonstrates a clear multiple perspectives understanding of on a global or cultural different cultural values issue. Demonstrates a and varied world views critical understanding presented in texts. of different cultural values and the complexities of world views presented in


Reflection and Advocacy

Position, if evident, does not call for action or result in a How deeply does new perspective. the student reflect Uses language and media ineffectively, on his/her resulting in an learning, unfocused position. changed views and attitudes and Does not mention insights or changed how effectively does the student views. Identifies choices and develop and decisions, but does advocate a not relate them to position or values or contexts. action?

Presents a clear position that leads to a new perspective. Uses language and multi-media to present a position. Mentions insights or changed views. Shows a general understanding that choices and decisions are related to cultural and personal values.

Develops a clear position about a multifaceted issue that calls for action. Uses language and multimedia to present a clear position for advocacy. Discusses new insights and changed views or attitudes. Demonstrates a clear understanding that choices and decisions are related to one or more of the following: cultural, societal, and personal values and contexts.

Develops a consistent and informed position about a multi-faceted issue that leads to a new perspective and calls for action. Uses language and multimedia to present a clear position of advocacy. Discusses new insights and changed views or attitudes. Reflects on new insights, changes in personal views or attitudes. Demonstrates a critical understanding that choices and decisions are reflective of cultural, societal, and personal values and contexts.

Summarizes and attempts to analyze or evaluate the ideas or arguments in texts. Cites several sources and summarizes, but does not synthesize information. Mentions author's style or use of language. Relates works to personal experience and

Analyzes and evaluates the ideas and arguments in texts. Examines credibility of some sources and accurately synthesizes information. Discusses author's style and refers to distinctive use of language. Situates the works within one or more of the following: genres, cultural, historical contexts,

Analyzes and evaluates the ideas and arguments in texts by examining implication and consequences. Examines credibility of a variety of sources and accurately and skillfully synthesizes information. Analyzes author's style and distinctive use of language reflective of


Analysis and Inquiry

Summarizes, but does not analyze or evaluate ideas or How effectively arguments. Single does the student source dominates the inquiry with other examine a sources only complex, significant issue? mentioned. Makes little or no reference to author's style or 3/4 use of language. Relates works to personal experience, but may not situate

works within any other contexts.

Structure and Organization

Controlling idea/thesis is unclear or absent. Uses weak How effectively or insubstantial does the student arguments and strategies. The organize and structure his/her writing may be disorganized with ideas when communicating ideas underdeveloped or loosely sequenced. them to the reader? 3/4

Command of Language How skillfully does the student assure the reader with command of language, engage the reader with his/her voice and style, and use digital technology and communication

Has an accumulation of errors in grammar, usage and mechanics that distracts or interferes with meaning. Has limited control of syntax and vocabulary and little or no voice. Uses little or no digital technology or may not use it appropriately. Cites textual evidence

refers to other contexts.

and/or personal experience.

a cultural view. Situates texts within one or more of the following: cultural, historical contexts, genres and/or personal experience... and discusses their significance and relevance.

Controlling idea/thesis may be general or indirectly stated. Uses some arguments and persuasive strategies to support a position. The writing is organized, but ideas may not be sufficiently developed or logically sequenced.

Establishes and maintains a clear controlling idea/thesis. Uses clear and consistent arguments and persuasive strategies for a specific purpose and audience. The writing is organized and structured with ideas coherently developed and logically sequenced.

Develops a clear and compelling controlling idea/thesis that guides the writing or presentation. Uses effective and insightful arguments and persuasive strategies directed to a specific purpose and audience. The writing is clearly organized and structured, with ideas fully developed and logically sequenced, presenting a coherent whole.

Has some distracting errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Has control of syntax and vocabulary and a tentative voice. Uses some digital technology and communication tools. Cites textual evidence, but may cite inaccurately.

Is generally free of distracting errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Demonstrates a clear style with syntactic variety and a confident voice. Uses digital technology, communication tools and/or networks. Cites textual evidence accurately and follows research format.

Is free or errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Has an effective, fluent style marked by syntactic variety, and an engaging, convincing voice. Effectively and appropriately uses digital technology communication tools and/or networks. Cites textual evidence accurately and

Comments: I really like your content and your choices. I would have maybe elaborated a bit more and discussed in a bit more detail the things that you were discussing. I would have also like to have had a bit more depth related to the work of Shakespeare. I would have also like to have heard a bit more reflection from each member of the group.

Grade: 17/20

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