Vietnam 2011

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What to pray for Updates on Bao An’s ministry in Vietnam - Rev. Khai together with Brother Bao An are actively at work in their homeland. Many have come to know the Lord through their works. Some of their activities include:

Vietnam 2011

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

We sought to raise funds for the furtherance of God’s kingdom in Vietnam. We need your help to spread the love of Christ.

- Church planting - Education for children - Charity Houses - Music School - Theological School

And the list goes on…. A team of 14 youths and young adults will be heading up to Ho Chih Minh City to reach out to 150 children in November this year. We will need all the support from our fellow brothers and sisters here in Singapore to allow us to share in the good works that Bao An and his father is doing. To be part of our cause for Christ, please approach Brother Daryl (+6590114032) for more information.

- Repression of religious, economic and political freedoms continues, but thank God that the Church has grown and continues to grow steadily, although it is still small. - Pray that the government may give a free reign to pastors and believers in the registered churches to expand their Christian activities and lift the harsh restrictions on religious activities. - Unregistered churches are harried by police, with meetings frequently broken up and leaders arrested. Pray for pastors and believers. - Pray for unity between leaders of registered and unregistered churches. - Leadership training is urgently needed. Many pastors are old, and younger churches are often led by those with little opportunity for theological study. They are therefore susceptible to error or bias in their teaching. - Pray for more study materials, theological books and commentaries to be imported. Christian literature production is strictly monitored. - Bibles are printed and available for purchase in Vietnam. Pray for increased production and distribution. - Pray that suitable people will take up the opportunities to work in Vietnam in development and professional work.

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