bench. I’ve begun to follow recipes and experiment with herbs and spices (I’m not a good cook by any means), but no one has food poisoning yet.
LIFE UNDER THE STAIRS BY LOCAL RESIDENT, JANE STEVENSON STRANGE DAYS! It is the day after the somewhat mixed messages from Mr Johnson regarding the lessening of lockdown measures. Personally, I am rather bewildered by what’s being said. Since then it appears even the government itself are at odds with each other. Rather than be uneasy even now, my decision is to carry on as I have – social isolating, social distancing until I feel safe. The tragedy that is Covid 19 has taken us all be surprise. Tragic deaths, friends diagnosed with the virus, loss of precious family togetherness. My community have coped brilliantly, as have many others. We are more observant of each other, more supportive kinder, happier even. The culmination of this newfound companionship was demonstrated on VE Day when young and old alike made cakes, decorated houses and cars, put tables and chairs in their gardens and enjoyed each other’s company. Social distancing observed, cakes on offer, left on garden walls, football in the street with all of us acting as lookout for the very occasional vehicle that drove by. Only the neighbourhood dogs let us down. Apparently, dogs do not understand the concept of personal space or social distancing. However, they did provide us with laughs as they hopefully scavenged for any spare food and disrupted the football games. Stevenson Towers is a hive of industry now. A few weeks ago, we would not have tried cooking or woodworking projects; Other Half has constructed a much needed hedgehog house, and mended the wooden
Our garden should provide most of our vegetables for the coming months, slugs and snails permitting. I’m trying to grow carrots, for the first time, and can claim modest success with melon growing. Writing and research offer a welcome release from the interminable dreary news, along with jigsaws and strange attempts at needlework. One skill I have mastered to gold medal level is online shopping! Probably less said about that, the better. Our walks have become more adventurous, and often include a trip to somewhere with water. Brooklands and the River Darent are now firm favourites. We have been delighted to see new born chicks, numerous butterflies and varieties of bees. However, we still wait to see the elusive terrapins that apparently live there. Other Half has rediscovered his camera and I can now tell a chiffchaff from a skylark by their call. Social media has been a double-edged sword. No more ’10 most influential films/albums/images please. I’ve run out of friends to tag, and images to share! I’ve deliberately not read the numerous posts about the handling of this situation. There aren’t any guidelines for it; scientists, politicians and industry leaders are feeling their way in the dark. Mistakes have been made, but let’s not forget the successes too. More worrying is the ‘cures’ posted online. For many of us they are nonsensical and ignored, but there could be someone out there desperate enough to try them. The upside is the Zoom platform. My slimming group are active and vocal at these online meetings. The support and motivation I received in person in ‘the old days’ is still available from the others and our consultant. I’ve found online exercises to keep me supple and joined in discussion groups on a range of topics. None of this will ever replace face to face meetings with family and friends. It is a different world now, and we must realise things have changed. We cannot go back to what was – it didn’t work. In time, Covid-19 will disappear, restrictions will ease and we can return to another normality – one where people matter, rather than fame and fortune. Where we look more inwards for our needs than outwards. I hope that the new spirit of camaraderie is a permanent change. A cheery hello, a smile or a wave can boost the spirits immensely. As ever, a huge thank you to the NHS for all their sacrifices and hard work – but let’s have a big cheer for the others – the supermarket staff, delivery drivers, postmen and women and all the others who have gone to work to ensure we can buy food and other items, receive our mail and parcels and prescriptions. Words really aren’t enough. To quote Captain Tom “We will get through this and come out of it stronger, more united and ready to face any challenge together.” Take care all Dartford Living readers sending best wishes to all.