MEDIA KIT 2013 The strongpoints of the DativoWeb network • 4 websites in Italian and English with a specifically selected target of users • Consolidated leadership over 125,000 single users/month over 1,150,000 pages visited/month 5’15’’ the average length of the visit to the website over 10,000 readers for each issue of the magazine in PDF format • Strong appeal due to the rational organization of the contents of the publication, since 2000, paperbased magazines in html and browsable format. • Massive presence of contents in the main search engines • High ranking of the websites by Google (PR from 4 to 5 out of 9) for the authoritativeness of the contents
Marketing opportunity
DativoWeb The web-based information network dedicated to converting and packaging
• Page banner and video contextualisation in every website • Advertorial advertorial on companies, services or products, for targeted communication • Newsletter of ItaliaImballaggio and Converting for a direct contact with thousands of sector operators
Edizioni Dativo S.r.l. via Benigno Crespi 30/2, 20159 Milano Tel. +39/0269007733 Fax +39/0269007664 -